Water Treatment Projects Continue At Illinois American Water’s Treatment Plant In Streator

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Illinois American Water has invested over $7.5 million in water treatment projects at its Streator plant. The upgrades include a new ultraviolet (UV) treatment system and enhanced plant filters. The $4.27 million UV system, operational since 2023, provides an additional disinfection step without using chemicals, effectively treating bacteria and microorganisms from the Vermilion River source.

This technology helps meet EPA guidelines and enhances protection against chlorine-resistant pathogens. Additionally, a $3.5 million project to improve two older water filters and construct a protective structure over sedimentation and flocculation basins is underway, expected to complete by end of 2024. These investments mark Illinois American Water's 25th year of operating the Streator water system, demonstrating their commitment to delivering high-quality, safe drinking water.

Illinois American Water ha investito oltre 7,5 milioni di dollari in progetti di trattamento dell'acqua presso il suo impianto di Streator. Gli aggiornamenti includono un nuovo sistema di trattamento a raggi ultravioletti (UV) e filtri potenziati per l'impianto. Il sistema UV da 4,27 milioni di dollari, operativo dal 2023, fornisce un ulteriore passaggio di disinfezione senza l'uso di sostanze chimiche, trattando efficacemente batteri e microrganismi provenienti dalla sorgente del fiume Vermilion.

Questa tecnologia aiuta a rispettare le linee guida dell'EPA e migliora la protezione contro i patogeni resistenti al cloro. Inoltre, è in corso un progetto da 3,5 milioni di dollari per migliorare due filtri dell'acqua più vecchi e costruire una struttura protettiva sopra i bacini di sedimentazione e flocculazione, previsto per essere completato entro la fine del 2024. Questi investimenti segnano il 25° anno di attività di Illinois American Water nel sistema idrico di Streator, dimostrando il loro impegno a fornire acqua potabile di alta qualità e sicura.

Illinois American Water ha invertido más de 7,5 millones de dólares en proyectos de tratamiento de agua en su planta de Streator. Las mejoras incluyen un nuevo sistema de tratamiento UV (ultravioleta) y filtros mejorados para la planta. El sistema UV de 4,27 millones de dólares, que ha estado funcionando desde 2023, proporciona un paso adicional de desinfección sin el uso de productos químicos, tratando eficazmente bacterias y microorganismos de la fuente del río Vermilion.

Esta tecnología ayuda a cumplir con las pautas de la EPA y mejora la protección contra patógenos resistentes al cloro. Además, está en marcha un proyecto de 3,5 millones de dólares para mejorar dos filtros de agua más antiguos y construir una estructura protectora sobre los estanques de sedimentación y floculación, que se espera completar a finales de 2024. Estas inversiones marcan el 25° año de operación de Illinois American Water en el sistema de agua de Streator, demostrando su compromiso de proporcionar agua potable segura y de alta calidad.

일리노이 아메리칸 워터는 스트리터 공장에서 750만 달러 이상을 물 처리 프로젝트에 투자했습니다. 업그레이드에는 새로운 자외선(UV) 처리 시스템과 향상된 공장 필터가 포함됩니다. 427만 달러의 UV 시스템은 2023년부터 운영되고 있으며, 화학 물질을 사용하지 않고 추가적인 소독 단계를 제공하여 벨밀리온 강 소스의 박테리아와 미생물을 효과적으로 처리합니다.

이 기술은 EPA 지침을 충족하는 데 도움이 되며 염소 내성 병원균에 대한 보호를 강화합니다. 또한, 두 개의 오래된 수돗물 필터를 개선하고 침전 및 응집 분지를 위한 보호 구조물을 건설하는 350만 달러 프로젝트가 진행 중이며, 2024년 말에 완료될 예정입니다. 이러한 투자는 일리노이 아메리칸 워터가 스트리터 수자원 시스템을 운영한 25주년을 기념하며 안전한 고품질 음용수를 제공하겠다는 의지를 나타냅니다.

Illinois American Water a investi plus de 7,5 millions de dollars dans des projets de traitement de l'eau à son usine de Streator. Les améliorations comprennent un nouveau système de traitement par ultraviolets (UV) et des filtres améliorés à l'usine. Le système UV de 4,27 millions de dollars, opérationnel depuis 2023, fournit une étape de désinfection supplémentaire sans utiliser de produits chimiques, traitant efficacement les bactéries et les micro-organismes provenant de la source de la rivière Vermilion.

Cette technologie aide à respecter les directives de l'EPA et renforce la protection contre les agents pathogènes résistants au chlore. De plus, un projet de 3,5 millions de dollars pour améliorer deux filtres à eau plus anciens et construire une structure de protection au-dessus des bassins de sédimentation et de floculation est en cours, prévu pour être achevé d'ici fin 2024. Ces investissements marquent la 25e année d'activité d'Illinois American Water dans le système d'eau de Streator, démontrant leur engagement à fournir de l'eau potable de haute qualité et sûre.

Illinois American Water hat über 7,5 Millionen Dollar in Wasseraufbereitungsprojekte in seiner Anlage in Streator investiert. Zu den Aufrüstungen gehören ein neues UV-Behandlungsystem (Ultraviolett) und verbesserte Pflanzenfilter. Das 4,27 Millionen Dollar teure UV-System, das seit 2023 in Betrieb ist, bietet einen zusätzlichen Desinfektionsschritt, ohne Chemikalien zu verwenden, und behandelt effektiv Bakterien und Mikroben aus der Quelle des Vermilion River.

Diese Technologie hilft, die EPA-Richtlinien zu erfüllen und erhöht den Schutz vor chlorresistenten Krankheitserregern. Zusätzlich wird ein 3,5 Millionen Dollar teures Projekt zur Verbesserung von zwei älteren Wasserfiltern und zum Bau einer Schutzstruktur über den Sedimentations- und Flockungsbecken durchgeführt, dessen Fertigstellung bis Ende 2024 erwartet wird. Diese Investitionen markieren das 25. Jahr von Illinois American Water im Betrieb des Streator-Wassersystems und zeigen ihr Engagement für die Bereitstellung von hochwertigem, sicherem Trinkwasser.

  • Installation of a $4.27 million state-of-the-art ultraviolet treatment system
  • $3.5 million investment in water filter improvements and protective structures
  • Enhanced water quality and protection against chlorine-resistant pathogens
  • Compliance with EPA's Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
  • Use of local contractors and union workers for project execution
  • None.

The installation of a new ultraviolet (UV) treatment system at the Streator water plant is a significant upgrade in water treatment technology. UV disinfection is highly effective against chlorine-resistant pathogens, providing an additional layer of safety without introducing chemicals. This $4.27 million investment demonstrates a proactive approach to meeting and exceeding EPA guidelines, particularly the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.

The ongoing $3.5 million filter improvement project, coupled with the new protective structure over sedimentation and flocculation basins, indicates a comprehensive strategy to enhance water quality and plant resilience. These upgrades will likely result in more efficient operations, reduced maintenance costs and improved water quality for consumers in the long term.

The implementation of UV disinfection technology in Streator's water treatment process is a commendable public health measure. UV treatment is particularly effective against Cryptosporidium and Giardia, parasites that are resistant to traditional chlorine disinfection. This additional barrier significantly reduces the risk of waterborne disease outbreaks.

The combined $7.5 million investment in UV treatment and filter improvements shows a strong commitment to public health. These upgrades will likely lead to more consistent water quality, potentially reducing the incidence of gastrointestinal illnesses in the community. The proactive approach to meeting and exceeding EPA standards sets a positive example for other water utilities nationwide.

Illinois American Water's $7.5 million investment in the Streator water treatment plant demonstrates a strategic long-term approach to infrastructure improvement. While this capital expenditure may impact short-term financials, it's likely to yield significant benefits over time. Improved water quality and system reliability can lead to increased customer satisfaction, potentially reducing customer churn and complaints.

The use of union labor for these projects may result in higher upfront costs but could lead to better quality work and improved community relations. The company's proactive approach to meeting and exceeding regulatory standards may also help avoid costly fines or mandated upgrades in the future, ultimately benefiting shareholders through more stable and predictable financial performance.

New ultraviolet water treatment system and enhanced plant filters highlight more than $7.5 million investment in delivering clean, safe and reliable drinking water in the Streator District.

STREATOR, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- A new, state-of-the-art, ultraviolet treatment system at the Streator water plant allows for an important, additional disinfection step in the water treatment process and further protects the local community’s drinking water.

According to Holly Hunt, Illinois American Water’s Operations Superintendent, Streator District, “The ultraviolet treatment system equipment adds additional treatment capabilities to the water treatment process without the use of additional chemicals. It is an effective, environmentally friendly solution, reinforcing our commitment to clean, safe and reliable water service to our customers.”

The equipment uses ultraviolet light to treat for bacteria and microorganisms that could be present in the raw water from the Vermilion River. As the water passes through the equipment, the ultraviolet lights emit a frequency that impacts organisms in the raw water.

“The new system is an additional line of defense to enhance our water quality and further protect our local customers,” said Hunt.

According to Brent O’Neill, Director of Engineering for Illinois American Water, ultraviolet technology is effective in inhibiting infection-causing microorganisms and adds another layer of protection for customers. When used to treat drinking water, ultraviolet disinfection addresses chlorine-resistant pathogens and microorganisms that could be present in surface water sources.

O’Neill said, “There is nothing more important than the quality of the water we deliver to our customers’ taps. This is why we continuously work to upgrade technology and treatment processes to deliver safe drinking water.”

The investment will also help meet water quality regulations associated with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule.

According to O’Neill, Illinois American Water not only meets EPA drinking water guidelines, but the company “provides water quality which is better than required.” He added, “Our customers trust us with a critical service. We take our responsibility seriously and are proud to deliver quality drinking water.”

Construction started in 2022 and the ultraviolet treatment system went into service in 2023. Project cost was $4.27 million. Vissering Construction of Streator performed the work. All work was completed by union workers.

Water Plant Filter Improvements

In addition, a $3.5 million project is underway to make improvements to two older water filters at the water plant. This project includes the construction of a structure over the plant’s sedimentation and flocculation basins for additional protection.

Construction began in late 2023 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024. Vissering Construction of Streator is the contractor. All work is being done by union employees.

2024 marks the 25th year that Illinois American Water has owned, operated and maintained the water system in Streator. Said O’Neill. “We continue to invest strategically in the Streator water system, with a focus on quality water and service.”

About American Water

American Water (NYSE: AWK) is the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in the United States. With a history dating back to 1886, We Keep Life Flowing® by providing safe, clean, reliable and affordable drinking water and wastewater services to more than 14 million people with regulated operations in 14 states and on 18 military installations. American Water's 6,500 talented professionals leverage their significant expertise and the company’s national size and scale to achieve excellent outcomes for the benefit of customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

For more information, visit and join American Water on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

About Illinois American Water

Illinois American Water, a subsidiary of American Water, is the largest regulated water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 1.4 million people. American Water also operates a quality control and research laboratory in Belleville.


Anna Kubas, Senior Manager, External Communications

Illinois American Water

Source: Illinois American Water


What is the total investment made by Illinois American Water in Streator's water treatment plant?

Illinois American Water has invested more than $7.5 million in water treatment projects at its Streator plant, including a $4.27 million ultraviolet treatment system and a $3.5 million filter improvement project.

When did the new ultraviolet treatment system at Illinois American Water's Streator plant become operational?

The new ultraviolet treatment system at Illinois American Water's Streator plant went into service in 2023, after construction began in 2022.

What are the benefits of the ultraviolet treatment system installed by Illinois American Water (AWK) in Streator?

The ultraviolet treatment system provides an additional disinfection step without chemicals, effectively treats bacteria and microorganisms from the Vermilion River, and enhances protection against chlorine-resistant pathogens, improving overall water quality.

When is the $3.5 million filter improvement project at Illinois American Water's Streator plant expected to be completed?

The $3.5 million filter improvement project at Illinois American Water's Streator plant, which began in late 2023, is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.

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Utilities - Regulated Water
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United States of America