Pennsylvania American Water Shares Essential Tips to Help Prepare for Freezing Temperatures
Pennsylvania American Water has released essential guidelines to help customers prevent and manage frozen pipes during winter. The company emphasizes the importance of knowing how to locate and test the main water shut-off valve, which is typically near the water meter or where water enters the home.
Key preventive measures include: checking and draining sprinkler systems, insulating pipes in cold-prone areas like crawl spaces and basements, fixing drafty windows, and allowing a small water trickle during freezing temperatures. If pipes freeze, customers should immediately shut off the water, carefully thaw pipes using safe heating methods (avoiding unattended space heaters and open flames), and inspect for cracks before restoring water flow.
Pennsylvania American Water ha pubblicato linee guida essenziali per aiutare i clienti a prevenire e gestire le tubature ghiacciate durante l'inverno. L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza di sapere come localizzare e testare la valvola di chiusura principale dell'acqua, che di solito si trova vicino al contatore dell'acqua o nel punto in cui l'acqua entra nell'abitazione.
Le misure preventive chiave includono: controllare e svuotare i sistemi di irrigazione, isolare le tubature nelle aree soggette al freddo come spazi aereo e cantine, riparare finestre con spifferi e permettere a un piccolo flusso d'acqua di scorrere durante le temperature gelide. Se le tubature si ghiacciano, i clienti dovrebbero immediatamente chiudere l'acqua, scongelare con attenzione le tubature utilizzando metodi di riscaldamento sicuri (evitando stufe a spazio non sorvegliate e fiamme libere) e ispezionare eventuali crepe prima di ripristinare il flusso d'acqua.
Pennsylvania American Water ha publicado directrices esenciales para ayudar a los clientes a prevenir y gestionar tuberías congeladas durante el invierno. La empresa enfatiza la importancia de saber cómo localizar y probar la válvula principal de cierre de agua, que generalmente se encuentra cerca del medidor de agua o donde el agua entra en la casa.
Las medidas preventivas clave incluyen: revisar y drenar los sistemas de riego, aislar las tuberías en áreas propensas al frío como los espacios de acceso y los sótanos, reparar ventanas con corrientes de aire y permitir un pequeño goteo de agua durante las temperaturas heladas. Si las tuberías se congelan, los clientes deben cerrar inmediatamente el suministro de agua, descongelar con cuidado las tuberías utilizando métodos de calefacción seguros (evitando calentadores de espacio desatendidos y llamas abiertas) e inspeccionar en busca de grietas antes de restaurar el flujo de agua.
펜실베이니아 아메리칸 워터는 고객이 겨울철 동파된 배관을 예방하고 관리하는 데 도움이 되는 필수 지침을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 주로 수도 계량기 근처나 집으로 물이 들어오는 곳에 위치한 주수 차단 밸브를 찾고 테스트하는 방법을 아는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다.
주요 예방 조치에는: 스프링클러 시스템 점검 및 배수, 지하실 및 크롤 스페이스와 같은 추운 지역에서 관을 단열하는 것, 바람이 새는 창문 수리, 그리고 얼어붙는 기온 동안 작은 물의 흐름을 허용하는 것이 포함됩니다. 만약 배관이 얼면 고객은 즉시 수도를 차단하고, 안전한 난방법을 사용하여 조심스럽게 배관을 녹이고(무인 공간 난로나 열린 불꽃은 피해야 함), 물 흐름을 복원하기 전에 금이 간 곳이 없는지 검토해야 합니다.
Pennsylvania American Water a publié des directives essentielles pour aider les clients à prévenir et à gérer les tuyaux gelés pendant l'hiver. L'entreprise souligne l'importance de savoir comment localiser et tester la vanne d'arrêt principale de l'eau, qui se trouve généralement près du compteur d'eau ou à l'endroit où l'eau entre dans la maison.
Les principales mesures préventives comprennent : vérifier et vider les systèmes d'arrosage, isoler les tuyaux dans les zones sensibles au froid comme les vides sanitaires et les sous-sols, réparer les fenêtres par où le vent passe, et permettre un petit filet d'eau pendant les températures de gel. Si les tuyaux gèlent, les clients doivent couper immédiatement l'eau, décongeler délicatement les tuyaux en utilisant des méthodes de chauffage sûres (en évitant les chauffages d'appoint laissés sans surveillance et les flammes nues) et inspecter les fissures avant de rétablir le flux d'eau.
Pennsylvania American Water hat wesentliche Richtlinien veröffentlicht, um Kunden zu helfen, eingefrorene Rohre im Winter zu verhindern und zu verwalten. Das Unternehmen betont die Wichtigkeit, zu wissen, wie man das Hauptwasserabsperrventil findet und testet, das sich normalerweise in der Nähe des Wasserzählers oder dort befindet, wo das Wasser ins Haus eintreten.
Wichtige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen sind: Kontrolle und Entleerung von Sprinkleranlagen, Isolierung von Rohren in kälteanfälligen Bereichen wie Kriechräumen und Kellern, Abdichtungen von zugigen Fenstern und das Zulassen eines kleinen Wassertröpfchens bei gefrierenden Temperaturen. Wenn Rohre einfrieren, sollten die Kunden sofort das Wasser abdrehen, die Rohre vorsichtig mit sicheren Heizmethoden auftauen (unbeaufsichtigte Heizgeräte und offene Flammen vermeiden) und auf Risse überprüfen, bevor sie den Wasserfluss wiederherstellen.
- None.
- None.
Don't let frozen pipes lead to costly repairs and unwanted stress. Take action now by preparing your plumbing:
- Know how to shut off your water: Locate your main water shut-off valve. In many homes, it is located near the water meter or close to where the water pipe enters the home. Hang an I.D. tag on the valve so you can find it quickly in an emergency. You can find a printable tag in the Leak Detection Kit on our website.
- Test your main water shut-off valve: Once you’ve located it, test your shut-off valve by closing it. If you have a ball valve, it generally only requires a quarter turn to close. Gate valves are generally closed by turning the handle clockwise and should turn easily. You may need to have it serviced if it does not close easily. Once completely closed, check sinks and other water fixtures to ensure that the shut-off valve is working properly. If no water comes out, then the valve is working properly.
- Check sprinkler or irrigation systems: Make sure everything is turned off and fully drained.
- Eliminate sources of cold air near water lines: Check for pipes in areas that might be prone to freezing, such as crawl spaces, unheated rooms, basements, garages, and exterior walls. Fix drafty windows, insulate walls around pipes and plug drafts around doors.
- Protect your pipes: Where pipes are exposed to cold, wrap them with insulation or heat tape (even fabric or newspaper can help).
When temperatures stay below freezing:
- Give pipes a helping hand: If pipes run through cabinets or vanities, open the doors to let warmer room temperatures flow in.
- Keep water moving through the pipes: Allow a small trickle of water to run. Consider catching the water in a container and reusing it for other uses, like watering plants.
If your pipes freeze:
- Shut off the water immediately: Don’t attempt to thaw pipes without turning off the main water shut-off valve.
- Thaw a frozen pipe by warming the air around it: Do not leave space heaters unattended and avoid using kerosene heaters or open flames.
- Carefully turn the water back on: Once pipes are thawed, slowly turn the water back on and check pipes and joints for any cracks or leaks.
To report a water or wastewater emergency, visit and click on the Report Emergency button in the upper right-hand corner.
About American Water
American Water (NYSE: AWK) is the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in
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About Pennsylvania American Water
Pennsylvania American Water, a subsidiary of American Water (NYSE: AWK), is the largest regulated water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 2.3 million people.
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Media Contact:
David Misner
Senior Manager, External Communications
Source: Pennsylvania American Water
How can homeowners prevent frozen pipes according to Pennsylvania American Water?
What steps should be taken if pipes freeze in your home?
Where is the main water shut-off valve typically located in homes?