Pennsylvania American Water Reminds Customers to Help Keep Storm Drains Clear of Leaves this Fall

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Pennsylvania American Water has issued a reminder to customers about the importance of keeping storm drains clear of fallen leaves this autumn. Blocked storm drains can lead to flooded roadways and sewer backups, causing significant issues during rainstorms. The company advises against raking or blowing leaves into streets, ditches, or storm drains.

To maintain clean waterways and water quality, Pennsylvania American Water recommends the following practices:

  • Bag leaves for pickup or recycling
  • Only place yard debris at the curbside on designated collection days
  • Mow over leaves to create mulch
  • Use a compost bin for fallen leaves and organic debris

Jim Runzer, vice president of operations, emphasizes that proper leaf disposal can prevent costly sewer backups and flooding. The company also notes that debris entering the combined sewer system can increase removal, disposal, and labor costs at wastewater treatment plants.

Pennsylvania American Water ha inviato un promemoria ai clienti riguardo all'importanza di mantenere chiari i pozzetti delle acque piovane dalle foglie cadute in autunno. I pozzetti bloccati possono portare a strade allagate e a problemi fognari, causando notevoli disagi durante le tempeste di pioggia. L'azienda sconsiglia di rastrellare o soffiare le foglie nelle strade, nelle fossate o nei pozzetti delle acque piovane.

Per mantenere puliti i corsi d'acqua e la qualità dell'acqua, Pennsylvania American Water raccomanda le seguenti pratiche:

  • Mettere le foglie in sacchi per il ritiro o il riciclaggio
  • Posizionare i detriti da giardino sul ciglio della strada solo nei giorni di raccolta designati
  • Mow sulle foglie per creare pacciame
  • Utilizzare un bidone per il compostaggio per foglie cadute e detriti organici

Jim Runzer, vicepresidente delle operazioni, sottolinea che una corretta disposizione delle foglie può prevenire costosi blocchi nelle fognature e allagamenti. L'azienda nota inoltre che i detriti che entrano nel sistema fognario combinato possono aumentare i costi di rimozione, smaltimento e manodopera presso gli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue.

Pennsylvania American Water ha emitido un recordatorio a los clientes sobre la importancia de mantener despejadas las alcantarillas de tormenta de las hojas caídas este otoño. Las alcantarillas bloqueadas pueden conducir a inundaciones en las calles y respaldos en las alcantarillas, lo que causa problemas significativos durante las tormentas de lluvia. La empresa desaconseja rastrillar o soplar hojas en las calles, zanjas o alcantarillas de tormenta.

Para mantener limpias las vías fluviales y la calidad del agua, Pennsylvania American Water recomienda las siguientes prácticas:

  • Recoger las hojas en bolsas para su recolección o reciclaje
  • Colocar los desechos de jardín en la acera solo en los días de recolección designados
  • Recortar sobre las hojas para crear mantillo
  • Usar un contenedor de compostaje para hojas caídas y desechos orgánicos

Jim Runzer, vicepresidente de operaciones, enfatiza que una correcta disposición de las hojas puede prevenir costosos respaldos en las alcantarillas y inundaciones. La empresa también señala que los desechos que entran en el sistema de alcantarillado combinado pueden aumentar los costos de eliminación, disposición y mano de obra en las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales.

Pennsylvania American Water는 고객들에게 가을철 낙엽으로부터 폭우 배수구를 깨끗이 유지하는 것의 중요성을 상기시키는 공지를 발송했습니다. 막힌 폭우 배수구는 도로 침수와 하수역류를 초래할 수 있습니다, 이로 인해 비가 오는 날에 심각한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 회사는 잎사귀를 도로, 배수구 또는 배수관에 쓸거나 불어넣는 것을 권장하지 않습니다.

펜실베이니아 아메리칸 워터는 깨끗한 수로 및 수질 유지를 위해 다음과 같은 방법을 권장합니다:

  • 잎사귀를 수거용 또는 재활용용으로 봉투에 담기
  • 지정된 수거일에만 잔디 쓰레기를 길가에 놓기
  • 잎사귀를 깎아 멀치를 만들기
  • 떨어진 잎사귀와 유기물 쓰레기를 위해 퇴비통 사용하기

작업 부사장인 Jim Runzer는 올바른 잎 disposal가 비싼 하수역류 및 침수를 예방할 수 있다고 강조합니다. 회사는 또한 결합 하수 시스템에 들어가는 쓰레기가 폐수 처리장에서의 제거, 처리 및 노동 비용을 증가시킬 수 있다고 언급했습니다.

Pennsylvania American Water a rappelé à ses clients l'importance de garder les caniveaux dégagés des feuilles tombées cet automne. Des caniveaux obstrués peuvent entraîner des routes inondées et des refoulements d'égouts, causant des problèmes significatifs lors des tempêtes de pluie. L'entreprise déconseille de ratisser ou de souffler des feuilles dans les rues, les fossés ou les caniveaux.

Pour maintenir des cours d'eau propres et une bonne qualité de l'eau, Pennsylvania American Water recommande les pratiques suivantes :

  • Mettre les feuilles dans des sacs pour la collecte ou le recyclage
  • Ne placer les déchets de jardin sur le bord de la route que lors des jours de collecte désignés
  • Tondre les feuilles pour créer du paillis
  • Utiliser un bac à compost pour les feuilles tombées et les déchets organiques

Jim Runzer, vice-président des opérations, souligne qu'une bonne disposition des feuilles peut prévenir des refoulements d'égouts coûteux et des inondations. L'entreprise note également que les déchets entrant dans le système d'égouts combinés peuvent augmenter les coûts d'enlèvement, d'élimination et de main-d'œuvre dans les usines de traitement des eaux usées.

Pennsylvania American Water hat seine Kunden an die Wichtigkeit erinnert, die Regenwasserabläufe im Herbst von fallenden Blättern freizuhalten. Verstopfte Regenwasserabläufe können zu überfluteten Straßen und Abwasser-Rückstaus führen, was während Regenfällen erhebliche Probleme verursacht. Das Unternehmen rät davon ab, Blätter auf Straßen, Gräben oder in Regenwasserabläufe zu harken oder zu blasen.

Um saubere Gewässer und eine gute Wasserqualität zu gewährleisten, empfiehlt Pennsylvania American Water die folgenden Praktiken:

  • Blätter in Säcke zur Abholung oder zum Recycling sammeln
  • Gartenabfälle nur an den festgelegten Abholterminen am Straßenrand abstellen
  • Über die Blätter mähen, um Mulch zu erzeugen
  • Ein Kompostbehälter für fallende Blätter und organische Abfälle verwenden

Jim Runzer, Vizepräsident für Betrieb, betont, dass eine ordnungsgemäße Entsorgung der Blätter kostspielige Abwasser-Rückstaus und Überschwemmungen verhindern kann. Das Unternehmen weist auch darauf hin, dass Abfälle, die in das kombinierte Abwassersystem gelangen, die Entsorgungs-, Beseitigungs- und Arbeitskosten in Kläranlagen erhöhen können.

  • None.
  • None.

Falling leaves can block storm drains, resulting in flooded roadways and sewer backups.

MECHANICSBURG, Pa.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pennsylvania American Water today reminded customers that falling leaves can block storm drains in their neighborhoods, resulting in excess stormwater and flooding conditions. Proper disposal of leaves and yard waste also keeps waterways clean and helps maintain water quality.

“Homeowners often rake fallen leaves to the curb for collection by their municipality,” said Jim Runzer, vice president of operations, Pennsylvania American Water. “Wind or rain can wash those leaves down the gutter, blocking or entering storm drains and causing additional issues during rainstorms, including flooding streets and costly sewer backups.”

Pennsylvania American Water recommends leaves and other yard waste be bagged for pickup or recycling. These tips can help keep storm drains clear this fall:

  • Never rake or blow leaves into streets, ditches or storm drains.
  • If leaves are being collected, only place leaves and yard debris at the curbside on your designated collection day.
  • Mow over leaves to create a finely chopped mulch.
  • Put fallen leaves and other organic debris into a compost bin.

Runzer added, “If residents see a storm drain in their neighborhood blocked by leaves or debris, it can be easily cleared with a rake or shovel, provided that it can be done safely.”

In addition, leaves, litter and other debris can enter the combined sewer system, eventually making their way to the wastewater treatment plant. This situation results in additional removal and disposal costs, along with increased labor expenses to maintain proper plant operation.

About American Water

American Water (NYSE: AWK) is the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in the United States. With a history dating back to 1886, We Keep Life Flowing® by providing safe, clean, reliable and affordable drinking water and wastewater services to more than 14 million people with regulated operations in 14 states and on 18 military installations. American Water’s 6,500 talented professionals leverage their significant expertise and the company’s national size and scale to achieve excellent outcomes for the benefit of customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

For more information, visit and join American Water on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

About Pennsylvania American Water

Pennsylvania American Water, a subsidiary of American Water, is the largest regulated water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 2.3 million people.

Gary Lobaugh

Director, Government, and External Affairs, Western PA


David Misner

Senior Manager, External Communications, Central PA


Susan Turcmanovich

Manager, External Affairs, Northeast PA


John Kelemen

Manager, External Affairs, Southeast PA


Source: Pennsylvania American Water


What problems can fallen leaves cause for storm drains according to Pennsylvania American Water?

According to Pennsylvania American Water, fallen leaves can block storm drains, resulting in excess stormwater, flooding conditions, flooded roadways, and costly sewer backups.

How does Pennsylvania American Water (AWK) recommend disposing of fallen leaves?

Pennsylvania American Water recommends bagging leaves for pickup or recycling, placing yard debris at the curbside only on designated collection days, mowing over leaves to create mulch, or putting fallen leaves into a compost bin.

What impact do leaves in the sewer system have on wastewater treatment plants, as stated by Pennsylvania American Water?

Pennsylvania American Water states that leaves entering the combined sewer system can reach wastewater treatment plants, resulting in additional removal and disposal costs, along with increased labor expenses to maintain proper plant operation.

What advice does Pennsylvania American Water give for clearing blocked storm drains?

Pennsylvania American Water advises that if residents see a storm drain blocked by leaves or debris in their neighborhood, it can be easily cleared with a rake or shovel, provided it can be done safely.

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