Illinois American Water Participates in American Water Works Association’s Fourth Annual Source Water Protection Week

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Illinois American Water, the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in Illinois, is participating in the American Water Works Association's (AWWA) Annual Source Water Protection Week from September 29 to October 5. Brian Eisenloeffel, Vice President of Operations, emphasizes the importance of protecting water sources to ensure safe, clean, and reliable drinking water.

The company's commitment to source water protection includes:

  • Conducting thousands of tests at their state-of-the-art research laboratory in Belleville, Illinois
  • Applying advanced technology and filtration processes
  • Collaborating with the EPA and other agencies to meet or surpass water quality standards
  • Implementing green technology to protect resources

Illinois American Water also encourages individuals to take actions such as planting native landscaping, limiting chemical use, creating rain gardens, and properly disposing of waste and hazardous materials to protect water sources.

Illinois American Water, la più grande azienda di gestione delle acque e delle acque reflue regolate dell'Illinois, partecipa alla Settimana Annuale di Protezione delle Fonti d'Acqua dell'American Water Works Association (AWWA) dal 29 settembre al 5 ottobre. Brian Eisenloeffel, Vicepresidente delle Operazioni, sottolinea l'importanza di proteggere le fonti d'acqua per garantire acqua potabile sicura, pulita e affidabile.

L'impegno dell'azienda per la protezione delle fonti d'acqua include:

  • Condurre migliaia di test nel loro laboratorio di ricerca all'avanguardia a Belleville, Illinois
  • Applicare tecnologie avanzate e processi di filtrazione
  • Collaborare con l'EPA e altre agenzie per rispettare o superare gli standard di qualità dell'acqua
  • Implementare tecnologie ecologiche per proteggere le risorse

Illinois American Water incoraggia inoltre le persone a intraprendere azioni come piantare paesaggi autoctoni, ridurre l'uso di sostanze chimiche, creare giardini delle piogge e smaltire correttamente rifiuti e materiali pericolosi per proteggere le fonti d'acqua.

Illinois American Water, la compañía de servicios de agua y aguas residuales regulada más grande de Illinois, está participando en la Semana Anual de Protección de Fuentes de Agua de la American Water Works Association (AWWA) del 29 de septiembre al 5 de octubre. Brian Eisenloeffel, Vicepresidente de Operaciones, enfatiza la importancia de proteger las fuentes de agua para garantizar agua potable segura, limpia y confiable.

El compromiso de la empresa con la protección de fuentes de agua incluye:

  • Realizar miles de pruebas en su laboratorio de investigación de última generación en Belleville, Illinois
  • Aplicar tecnología avanzada y procesos de filtración
  • Colaborar con la EPA y otras agencias para cumplir o superar los estándares de calidad del agua
  • Implementar tecnología ecológica para proteger los recursos

Illinois American Water también alienta a las personas a tomar acciones como plantar paisajes nativos, limitar el uso de productos químicos, crear jardines de lluvia y desechar adecuadamente desechos y materiales peligrosos para proteger las fuentes de agua.

일리노이 아메리칸 워터(Illinois American Water)는 일리노이주에서 가장 큰 규제된 수돗물 및 폐수 유틸리티 회사로, 9월 29일부터 10월 5일까지 미국 수도 협회(AWWA)의 연례 수원 보호 주간에 참여하고 있습니다. 브라이언 아이젠로펠(Brian Eisenloeffel) 운영 부사장은 안전하고 깨끗하며 신뢰할 수 있는 음용수를 보장하기 위해 수원 보호의 중요성을 강조합니다.

회사의 수원 보호에 대한 헌신은 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 일리노이주 벨빌에 있는 최첨단 연구소에서 수천 건의 테스트 수행
  • 고급 기술 및 필터링 프로세스 적용
  • EPA 및 기타 기관과 협력하여 수질 기준을 충족하거나 초과
  • 자원을 보호하기 위한 친환경 기술 구현

일리노이 아메리칸 워터는 또한 개인들이 자생 식물을 심고, 화학 물질 사용을 제한하고, 빗물 정원을 만들고, 폐기물 및 유해 물질을 적절하게 처리하는 등의 행동을 취하도록 장려합니다.

Illinois American Water, la plus grande entreprise de services d'eau et d'eaux usées régulée de l'Illinois, participe à la Semaine Annuelle de Protection des Sources d'Eau de l'American Water Works Association (AWWA) du 29 septembre au 5 octobre. Brian Eisenloeffel, Vice-Président des Opérations, souligne l'importance de protéger les sources d'eau afin d'assurer une eau potable sûre, propre et fiable.

L'engagement de l'entreprise pour la protection des sources d'eau comprend :

  • Réaliser des milliers de tests dans leur laboratoire de recherche de pointe à Belleville, Illinois
  • Appliquer des technologies avancées et des processus de filtration
  • Collaborer avec l'EPA et d'autres agences pour respecter ou dépasser les normes de qualité de l'eau
  • Mettre en œuvre des technologies écologiques pour protéger les ressources

Illinois American Water encourage également les individus à prendre des mesures telles que la plantation de paysages indigènes, la limitation de l'utilisation de produits chimiques, la création de jardins de pluie et l'élimination appropriée des déchets et des matériaux dangereux pour protéger les sources d'eau.

Illinois American Water, das größte regulierte Wasser- und Abwasserunternehmen in Illinois, beteiligt sich in der Zeit vom 29. September bis 5. Oktober an der jährlichen Quelle-Wasser-Schutzwoche der American Water Works Association (AWWA). Brian Eisenloeffel, Vizepräsident für Betrieb, betont die Bedeutung des Schutzes der Wasserquellen, um sicheres, sauberes und zuverlässiges Trinkwasser zu gewährleisten.

Das Engagement des Unternehmens für den Schutz der Wasserquellen umfasst:

  • Durchführung von Tausenden von Tests in ihrem hochmodernen Forschungslabor in Belleville, Illinois
  • Anwendung fortschrittlicher Technologie und Filtrationsprozesse
  • Zusammenarbeit mit der EPA und anderen Behörden, um die Qualitätsstandards für Wasser zu erfüllen oder zu übertreffen
  • Implementierung umweltfreundlicher Technologien zum Schutz der Ressourcen

Illinois American Water ermutigt auch Einzelpersonen, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, wie z. B. einheimische Landschaften zu pflanzen, den Einsatz von Chemikalien zu begrenzen, Regenwassergärten anzulegen und Abfälle sowie gefährliche Materialien ordnungsgemäß zu entsorgen, um die Wasserquellen zu schützen.

  • Participation in AWWA's Annual Source Water Protection Week demonstrates commitment to water quality
  • Utilization of state-of-the-art research laboratory for extensive water testing
  • Implementation of advanced technology and filtration processes
  • Collaboration with EPA and other agencies to meet or exceed water quality standards
  • Focus on green technology implementation for resource protection
  • None.

BELLEVILLE, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Illinois American Water, the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in Illinois, today announced its participation in American Water Works Association’s (“AWWA”) Annual Source Water Protection Week – September 29 - October 5.

“Providing safe, clean, reliable drinking water service at the tap starts with protecting our water sources. By keeping our rivers, lakes and groundwater free from pollution, it’s easier and less expensive to keep this vital resource safe and healthy," said Brian Eisenloeffel, Vice President of Operations for Illinois American Water. "During Source Water Protection Week and all year long, Illinois American Water educates employees and customers across our footprint about the steps we take to provide safe, clean, affordable and reliable water services to our customers."

Illinois American Water is committed to providing high-quality drinking water while also prioritizing source water protection, which includes:

  • Conducting thousands of tests and measurements each year at the American Water state-of-the-art research laboratory located in Belleville, Illinois.
  • Application of the most advanced technology, equipment, and filtration processes.
  • Constant collaborative work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other state and local agencies to meet or surpass water quality standards and address emerging contaminants so that potential impacts to water quality are minimized.
  • Implementation of green technology whenever possible that protect our precious resources.

During Source Water Protection Week, Illinois American Water encourages individuals to take the following actions and incorporate them into their year-round practices:

  • Plant landscaping around homes or businesses with more permeable surfaces, such as mulch, that allow water to soak into the ground. Try to limit concrete and asphalt, which contribute to runoff.
  • Use native plants that require minimal fertilizer, herbicides and watering.
  • Do not over-apply chemicals to plants and avoid application immediately before it rains.
  • Plant a rain garden that uses native plants and grasses to capture and absorb rainwater from rooftops and roads. These planned gardens help simplify lawn maintenance, control erosion and reduce runoff into streams and storm water systems.
  • Keep litter, pet waste and yard waste out of streets and storm drains. Pet waste contains bacteria that can find its way into waterways through runoff.
  • Select non-toxic or less toxic alternatives to typical household products, such as cleaning agents.
  • Dispose of pharmaceuticals by taking them to collection sites, where available. Don’t flush them down the toilet!
  • Use hazardous waste collection sites and services to dispose of items such as chemicals, paints, motor oil and batteries.
  • Report any hazardous material spills, illegal dumping or suspicious activity to local or state authorities.

Learn more about Illinois American Water and Source Water Protection here.

About American Water

American Water (NYSE: AWK) is the largest regulated water and wastewater utility company in the United States. With a history dating back to 1886, We Keep Life Flowing® by providing safe, clean, reliable and affordable drinking water and wastewater services to more than 14 million people with regulated operations in 14 states and on 18 military installations. American Water’s 6,500 talented professionals leverage their significant expertise and the company’s national size and scale to achieve excellent outcomes for the benefit of customers, employees, investors and other stakeholders.

For more information, visit and join American Water on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

About Illinois American Water

Illinois American Water, a subsidiary of American Water, is the largest regulated water utility in the state, providing high-quality and reliable water and wastewater services to approximately 1.4 million people. American Water also operates a quality control and research laboratory in Belleville.


Anna Kubas

Senior Manager, External Communications

Source: Illinois American Water


When is the American Water Works Association's Source Water Protection Week in 2023?

The American Water Works Association's Source Water Protection Week is from September 29 to October 5, 2023.

What steps does Illinois American Water (AWK) take to protect source water?

Illinois American Water (AWK) conducts thousands of tests at their research laboratory, applies advanced technology and filtration processes, collaborates with the EPA and other agencies, and implements green technology to protect water sources.

How can individuals contribute to source water protection according to Illinois American Water (AWK)?

Illinois American Water (AWK) encourages individuals to plant native landscaping, limit chemical use, create rain gardens, properly dispose of waste and hazardous materials, and report any suspicious activity or illegal dumping to local authorities.

Where is Illinois American Water's (AWK) state-of-the-art research laboratory located?

Illinois American Water's (AWK) state-of-the-art research laboratory is located in Belleville, Illinois.

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Utilities - Regulated Water
Water Supply
United States of America