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Awaysis Capital (OTCMARKETS: AWCA) has secured short-term lease agreements for two commercial buildings at its Awaysis Casamora property in Miramar, Florida. This strategic move allows the company to generate value from completed assets while renovations continue on remaining units. Michael Singh, Chairman and Co-CEO, emphasized that the long-term strategy remains focused on opening a gym, remote offices, and a restaurant to support the resort once operational.

The decision aligns with Awaysis Capital's goal of maximizing utility during the construction phase. Upon completion, these facilities will enhance the resort's appeal by providing additional amenities for residents and guests, contributing to the company's vision of combining luxury, convenience, and modern facilities at the Awaysis Casamora property.

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Awaysis Capital (OTCMARKETS: AWCA) has filed an amended Form 10-K/A, incorporating a re-audit of its consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022. The re-audit was necessitated by the SEC's sanctions against the company's previous audit firm, BF Borgers. Moore Belize LLP, the company's independent auditor, completed the re-audit in accordance with Public Company Accounting Oversight Board standards.

Notably, the 10-K/A amendment has removed the going concern qualifications as of the Report Date. Dr. Andrew Trumbach, Co-CEO and CFO, emphasized the company's commitment to maintaining transparency, accuracy, and compliance in financial reporting. The re-audit process underscores Awaysis Capital's dedication to upholding high standards of financial governance.

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Awaysis Capital (OTCMARKETS: AWCA) has secured a $1.1 million bridge loan from Harthorne Capital, a holding entity for investments by key executives. The loan, provided by Chairman and Co-CEO Michael Singh, Co-CEO and CFO Dr. Andrew Trumbach, and director Lisa-Marie Iannitelli, demonstrates management's confidence in the company's growth trajectory.

The funds will be used to advance the development and renovations of the Awaysis Casamora property, a key asset in the company's real estate portfolio. Upgrades include infrastructure improvements, modernized facilities, and aesthetic enhancements to increase the rental pool and sales inventory. The loan will also provide working capital for operational needs and enable Awaysis Capital to pursue emerging business opportunities.

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Awaysis Capital, Inc. (AWCA) will participate in the EF Hutton Annual Global Conference on May 15, 2024, to present its story to a wide audience. Key participants include Michael Singh, Chairman and CEO, and Dr. Andrew Trumbach, CFO & President.
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What is the current stock price of AWAYSIS CAPITAL (AWCA)?

The current stock price of AWAYSIS CAPITAL (AWCA) is $0.4999 as of October 14, 2024.

What is the market cap of AWAYSIS CAPITAL (AWCA)?

The market cap of AWAYSIS CAPITAL (AWCA) is approximately 267.9M.



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AWCA Stock Data

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