Broadcom Innovations Accelerate Enterprise Edge AI Readiness

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Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) announced developments in its Software-Defined Edge product portfolio to support Edge AI workloads. Key enhancements include:

1. Combined Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite connections support in VMware VeloCloud Edge appliances.
2. VMware VeloCloud SASE improvements with integrated VeloCloud and Symantec points of presence (PoPs).
3. VMware Edge Compute Stack product enhancements for simplified deployment and management of edge applications.

These innovations aim to address the growing edge computing market, expected to reach $232 billion in 2024. Broadcom's software-defined edge portfolio helps enterprises manage AI and non-AI workloads across distributed locations, focusing on connectivity, security, and efficient workload management.

Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) ha annunciato sviluppi nel suo portafoglio di prodotti Edge definito dal software per supportare i carichi di lavoro Edge AI. Le principali migliorie includono:

1. Supporto per connessioni combinate di Accesso Fisso Senza Fili (FWA) e satellite nelle appliance VMware VeloCloud Edge.
2. Miglioramenti in VMware VeloCloud SASE con punti di presenza (PoPs) integrati di VeloCloud e Symantec.
3. Miglioramenti nei prodotti VMware Edge Compute Stack per una gestione e una distribuzione semplificate delle applicazioni edge.

Queste innovazioni mirano a rispondere al crescente mercato del computing edge, che si prevede raggiunga 232 miliardi di dollari nel 2024. Il portafoglio di edge definito dal software di Broadcom aiuta le imprese a gestire carichi di lavoro AI e non AI in diverse sedi, concentrandosi su connettività, sicurezza e gestione efficiente dei carichi di lavoro.

Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) anunció desarrollos en su portafolio de productos de Edge definido por software para soportar cargas de trabajo de Edge AI. Las principales mejoras incluyen:

1. Soporte combinado para conexiones de Acceso Fijo Inalámbrico (FWA) y satelital en los dispositivos VMware VeloCloud Edge.
2. Mejoras en VMware VeloCloud SASE con puntos de presencia (PoPs) integrados de VeloCloud y Symantec.
3. Mejoras en el producto VMware Edge Compute Stack para una implementación y gestión simplificadas de aplicaciones edge.

Estas innovaciones tienen como objetivo abordar el creciente mercado de la computación en el borde, que se espera alcance $232 mil millones en 2024. El portafolio de edge definido por software de Broadcom ayuda a las empresas a gestionar cargas de trabajo de AI y no AI en ubicaciones distribuidas, centrando la atención en la conectividad, la seguridad y la gestión eficiente de las cargas de trabajo.

브로드컴 주식회사 (NASDAQ: AVGO)는 엣지 AI 작업 부하를 지원하기 위해 소프트웨어 정의 엣지 제품 포트폴리오의 개발을 발표했습니다. 주요 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. VMware VeloCloud Edge 장치에서 고정 무선 액세스(FWA)와 위성 연결을 결합하여 지원합니다.
2. VeloCloud와 Symantec의 Presence Points(포프; PoPs)가 통합된 VMware VeloCloud SASE 개선.
3. 엣지 애플리케이션의 배포 및 관리를 간소화하기 위한 VMware Edge Compute Stack 제품 개선.

이러한 혁신은 2024년까지 2,320억 달러에 이를 것으로 예상되는 성장하는 엣지 컴퓨팅 시장을 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 브로드컴의 소프트웨어 정의 엣지 포트폴리오는 기업들이 분산된 위치에서 AI 및 비 AI 작업 부하를 관리할 수 있도록 도와주며, 연결성, 보안 및 효율적인 작업 부하 관리를 중점적으로 다룹니다.

Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) a annoncé des développements dans son portefeuille de produits Edge définis par logiciel pour soutenir les charges de travail Edge AI. Les principales améliorations comprennent :

1. Support des connexions combinées d'Accès Fixe Sans Fil (FWA) et satellitaires dans les appareils VMware VeloCloud Edge.
2. Améliorations de VMware VeloCloud SASE avec des points de présence (PoPs) intégrés de VeloCloud et Symantec.
3. Améliorations du produit VMware Edge Compute Stack pour un déploiement et une gestion simplifiés des applications edge.

Ces innovations visent à répondre à la croissance du marché de l'informatique en périphérie, qui devrait atteindre 232 milliards de dollars en 2024. Le portefeuille edge défini par logiciel de Broadcom aide les entreprises à gérer les charges de travail AI et non AI à travers des sites distribués, en mettant l'accent sur la connectivité, la sécurité et la gestion efficace des charges de travail.

Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) hat Entwicklungen in seinem softwaredefinierten Edge-Produktportfolio angekündigt, um Edge AI-Arbeitslasten zu unterstützen. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:

1. Unterstützung kombinierter fix drahtloser Zugangs (FWA) und Satellitenverbindungen in den VMware VeloCloud Edge-Geräten.
2. Verbesserungen bei VMware VeloCloud SASE mit integrierten Präsenzpunkten (PoPs) von VeloCloud und Symantec.
3. Verbesserungen im VMware Edge Compute Stack-Produkt zur Vereinfachung der Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Edge-Anwendungen.

Diese Innovationen zielen darauf ab, den wachsenden Edge-Computing-Markt zu adressieren, der voraussichtlich 232 Milliarden US-Dollar im Jahr 2024 erreichen wird. Das softwaredefinierte Edge-Portfolio von Broadcom hilft Unternehmen, AI- und Nicht-AI-Arbeitslasten an verschiedenen Standorten zu verwalten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Konnektivität, Sicherheit und effizientem Arbeitslastmanagement liegt.

  • Broadcom is addressing the growing edge computing market, expected to reach $232 billion in 2024
  • Enhanced connectivity options with combined FWA and satellite support in VeloCloud Edge appliances
  • Integration of VeloCloud and Symantec PoPs for improved cloud connectivity and security
  • VMware Edge Compute Stack improvements for simplified edge application deployment and management
  • None.

Broadcom's innovations in edge computing and AI are strategically positioned to capitalize on the rapidly growing market. The company's enhancements to its Software-Defined Edge portfolio address critical needs for Edge AI workload deployment, which is important as IDC projects worldwide edge computing spending to reach $232 billion in 2024.

The integration of Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite connections in VMware VeloCloud Edge appliances is a game-changer, offering enterprises more robust and redundant connectivity options. This blended connectivity approach is particularly valuable for supporting Edge AI applications in remote or challenging environments.

Broadcom's focus on simplifying edge deployment through zero-touch provisioning and application lifecycle management addresses a significant pain point for enterprises. The pull-based architecture and enhanced monitoring capabilities in VMware Edge Compute Stack should improve scalability and efficiency, potentially accelerating Edge AI adoption.

Broadcom's strategic moves in the Edge AI space are well-timed. With edge computing spending expected to grow by 15.4% in 2024, the company is positioning itself as a key player in this burgeoning market. The integration of VeloCloud and Symantec points of presence (PoPs) is particularly noteworthy, as it enhances cloud connectivity without compromising security—a critical concern for enterprises adopting Edge AI.

The company's "good, better, best" approach to edge connectivity offers flexibility to enterprises, potentially expanding Broadcom's customer base. Moreover, the ability for Communication Service Providers to monetize these new offerings could drive additional revenue streams for Broadcom through its partner ecosystem.

While the innovations are promising, Broadcom will face stiff competition in this space. The success of these initiatives will largely depend on the company's ability to execute and differentiate its offerings in a rapidly evolving market.

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- VMware Explore 2024 -- Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO), which recently acquired VMware, today announced developments across its Software-Defined Edge product portfolio to enable enterprises to support Edge AI workloads via new and enhanced connectivity, deployment, and lifecycle management capabilities, including:

  • Combined Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite connections support in the VMware VeloCloud Edge 710 appliance as well as the new VMware VeloCloud Edge 720 and 740 appliances.
  • VMware VeloCloud SASE, secured by Symantec enhancements featuring the integration of VeloCloud and Symantec points of presence (PoPs).
  • VMware Edge Compute Stack product enhancements.

According to IDC, worldwide spending on edge computing is expected to be $232 billion in 2024, an increase of 15.4% over 2023. Edge computing is expected to play a pivotal role in the deployment of AI applications. (1) Broadcom is evolving its software-defined edge portfolio to help enterprises address the growth of AI and non-AI workloads at the edge. Edge AI workloads are deployed at geographically dispersed locations to enhance business operations in order to reduce costs, increase sales or improve compliance. Unlike traditional IT workloads which are centralized at the data center, Edge AI workloads such as video inference cameras, industrial control systems, and other OT (Operational Technology) devices and applications are deployed locally and are largely autonomous, they are orchestrated rather than administered, they consume data where it’s being created, and are driven by the lines of business.

Broadcom defines the software-defined edge as distributed digital infrastructure for connecting, securing and running workloads across a number of locations, close to endpoints that are producing or consuming data. It extends to where the users and devices are – in the office, on the road, in a cell site, at a retail store or on the factory floor. Broadcom addresses the three layers of the software-defined edge: the edge compute stack which hosts the applications and workloads; the intelligent overlay where connectivity and security services run across the WAN; and the underlay network layer, which runs the software for network connectivity across fixed and 5G networks to provide orchestration and network programmability.

“We’re focused on enabling enterprises to adopt Edge AI workloads,” said Sanjay Uppal, vice president and general manager, Software-Defined Edge Division, Broadcom. “We’ve announced support for Fixed Wireless Access and satellite connections in VMware VeloCloud Edge to deliver critical, blended connectivity for OT devices as well as AI and non-AI edge workloads. We uniquely offer enterprises a good, better, best approach to connectivity at the edge by allowing them to tweak real-time WAN performance, gain insights from the network, and program the network. This convergence of the underlay network enables enterprises to build networks in minutes to support today’s and tomorrow’s workloads.”

Integrated FWA and Satellite Support to Enhance Connectivity for Edge AI Workloads
To address the need for more robust connectivity to support edge computing and Edge AI workloads, Broadcom today announced enhancements to the VMware VeloCloud Edge 710 appliance as well as introduced new VMware VeloCloud Edge 720 and 740 appliances. VeloCloud Edge 710 now provides enterprises with a combination of broadband, FWA, and satellite connections to significantly improve real-time voice, video, and application traffic – delivering enhanced connectivity at the edge. This blended connectivity provides enterprises with redundant, always-on connectivity for edge devices and workloads. Additionally, Communication Service Providers (CSPs) can use the VeloCloud Edge 710, 720, and 740 appliances to further modernize their infrastructure and monetize their services by delivering a premium, combined SD-WAN, FWA, and satellite offering to enterprise customers in support of their edge deployments. CSPs running both VeloCloud SD-WAN and VMware Telco Cloud Platform benefit from the ability to program the real-time performance of their WAN using insights from their networks. Read more in the blog post, “Unveiling the Future of Networking: VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN Edges 710-5G, 720, and 740.”

PoP Integration Boosts Enterprise Connectivity to the Cloud
To better assist enterprises with cloud connectivity, Broadcom today announced initial integration of VeloCloud SD-WAN points of presence (PoPs) with Symantec PoPs. This integration will further automate cloud access without compromising performance and security. VeloCloud SASE, secured by Symantec customers will also benefit from higher bandwidth and availability, lower latency, and global reach to major cloud and SaaS providers. Earlier this year, Broadcom announced the availability of VeloCloud SASE, secured by Symantec—a single-vendor SASE solution. The solution is a culmination of a joint effort to integrate best-in-class VeloCloud SD-WAN and Symantec Security Service Edge (SSE) capabilities—extending significant benefits to Broadcom’s VeloCloud and Symantec customers.

Simplifying Edge AI Workload Deployment and Lifecycle Management
The distributed nature of the edge produces numerous challenges for enterprises and their respective IT teams—from managing edge devices, applications, and infrastructure across multiple if not hundreds or thousands of locations. Enterprises are investing in solutions that enable zero-touch provisioning and application lifecycle management to accelerate the turnkey deployment of secure edge environments. An edge-optimized runtime and orchestration platform, VMware Edge Compute Stack delivers frictionless management of edge apps and infrastructure across many sites with limited resources. With its latest two releases, VMware Edge Compute Stack delivered critical capabilities to efficiently manage infrastructure and applications including Edge AI apps and workloads such as Small Language Models (SLMs) at dispersed sites, including: 

  • Zero-Touch Orchestration: VMware Edge Cloud Orchestrator simplifies deployment and application lifecycle management across multiple sites by leveraging GitOps and desired state management. By automating these processes, enterprises enable consistent and efficient operations, even with limited IT resources.
  • Pull-Based Architecture: Hosts always initiate the communication to the management plane as a keepalive, and also to fetch any changes to its configuration. This architecture puts less burden on the management plane, allowing it to achieve a much higher scale.
  • Edge Infrastructure and Application Monitoring: It configures metrics gathering and transmission for infrastructure, virtual machines, and Kubernetes-based workloads. Customers can achieve comprehensive local edge monitoring in minutes with the included sample implementation of industry-standard monitoring tools and pre-built dashboards. 

These capabilities simplify deploying and managing Edge AI workloads enabling enterprises to more quickly realize the business benefits of their Edge AI investments. The recent release of VMware Edge Compute Stack 3.6 delivered additional new features to make it even easier to deploy and manage the edge at scale.

For the latest news and more from VMware Explore, the industry’s essential cloud event, visit the VMware Explore 2024 Las Vegas media kit.

Supporting Quote
“We’re aligned with Broadcom’s Edge AI approach,” said Keith Bradley, vice president, IT and Security, Nature Fresh Farms. “We rely on IoT devices at the edge -- in our greenhouses and other facilities -- to monitor and capture data used to keep millions of growing plants healthy. The 5G and broadband connectivity capabilities of VMware VeloCloud SD-WAN enable us to connect and tie together all our facilities across Canada and the U.S., while VMware VeloCloud SD-Access provides consistent connectivity, performance, and security capabilities to IoT devices deployed in remote locations. With these solutions, we’ve improved our farm-to-fork time to deliver better tasting, higher quality produce to our customers.”

About Broadcom
Broadcom Inc. (NASDAQ: AVGO) is a global technology leader that designs, develops, and supplies a broad range of semiconductor, enterprise software and security solutions. Broadcom's category-leading product portfolio serves critical markets including cloud, data center, networking, broadband, wireless, storage, industrial, and enterprise software. Our solutions include service provider and enterprise networking and storage, mobile device and broadband connectivity, mainframe, cybersecurity, and private and hybrid cloud infrastructure. Broadcom is a Delaware corporation headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. For more information, go to

1)   IDC, Worldwide Edge Spending Guide, March 2024

Media Contact
Eloy Ontiveros
Broadcom Global Communications


What new features did Broadcom (AVGO) announce for its Software-Defined Edge portfolio?

Broadcom announced combined Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) and satellite connections support in VMware VeloCloud Edge appliances, integration of VeloCloud and Symantec points of presence (PoPs), and enhancements to VMware Edge Compute Stack for simplified edge application deployment and management.

How much is the edge computing market expected to grow in 2024 according to Broadcom's (AVGO) announcement?

According to IDC data cited in Broadcom's announcement, worldwide spending on edge computing is expected to reach $232 billion in 2024, representing a 15.4% increase over 2023.

What benefits does Broadcom's (AVGO) VeloCloud SASE, secured by Symantec, offer to customers?

VeloCloud SASE, secured by Symantec, offers customers higher bandwidth and availability, lower latency, and global reach to major cloud and SaaS providers. It integrates best-in-class VeloCloud SD-WAN and Symantec Security Service Edge (SSE) capabilities.

How does Broadcom's (AVGO) VMware Edge Compute Stack simplify Edge AI workload deployment?

VMware Edge Compute Stack simplifies Edge AI workload deployment through zero-touch orchestration, a pull-based architecture, and comprehensive edge infrastructure and application monitoring capabilities, enabling efficient management across multiple sites with resources.

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