AV Successfully Flight Tests New Solar-Powered Aircraft, Redefines Stratospheric Payload Capabilities

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AeroVironment (AVAV) has successfully flight-tested an upgraded version of its Sunglider™ High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS), now called Horus™ A. This solar-powered unmanned aircraft system (UAS) is designed for government applications and offers industry-leading stratospheric performance. Key features include:

- Payload capacity of up to 150 lb
- 1.5 kW of available power
- Enhanced autonomy and redundant systems
- U.S. Army airworthiness approval and FAA Special Airworthiness Certificate

During the recent flight test, Horus A demonstrated the ability to carry multiple payloads for the U.S. DoD, including a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Tactical Grade Mesh Network radio. The aircraft also proved its capability to maneuver in adverse weather conditions. AeroVironment aims to address critical defense capabilities with Horus A, such as resilient communications, network extension, and long-endurance ISR.

AeroVironment (AVAV) ha testato con successo una versione aggiornata del suo sistema aereo senza pilota Sunglider™ High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS), ora chiamato Horus™ A. Questo sistema aereo senza pilota alimentato a energia solare è progettato per applicazioni governative e offre prestazioni stratosferiche leader nel settore. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

- Capacità di carico utile fino a 150 lb
- 1.5 kW di potenza disponibile
- Autonomia migliorata e sistemi ridondanti
- Approvazione di aeronavigabilità dell'esercito USA e Certificato di Aeronavigabilità Speciale FAA

Durante il recente test di volo, Horus A ha dimostrato la capacità di trasportare più carichi utili per il Dipartimento della Difesa degli Stati Uniti, inclusi un Radar ad Apertura Sintetica (SAR) e radio di Rete a Maglia di Grado Tattico. L'aereo ha anche dimostrato la sua capacità di manovrare in condizioni meteorologiche avverse. AeroVironment punta a soddisfare le capacità critiche di difesa con Horus A, come comunicazioni resilienti, estensione della rete e ISR ad alta durata.

AeroVironment (AVAV) ha realizado con éxito pruebas de vuelo de una versión mejorada de su plataforma aérea no tripulada Sunglider™ High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS), ahora denominada Horus™ A. Este sistema aéreo no tripulado alimentado por energía solar está diseñado para aplicaciones gubernamentales y ofrece un rendimiento estratosférico líder en la industria. Las características clave incluyen:

- Capacidad de carga útil de hasta 150 lb
- 1.5 kW de potencia disponible
- Autonomía mejorada y sistemas redundantes
- Aprobación de aeronavegabilidad del Ejército de EE. UU. y Certificado de Aeronavegabilidad Especial de la FAA

Durante la reciente prueba de vuelo, Horus A demostró la capacidad de transportar múltiples cargas útiles para el Departamento de Defensa de EE. UU., incluidos un Radar de Apertura Sintética (SAR) y una radio de Red Malla de Grado Táctico. La aeronave también probó su capacidad para maniobrar en condiciones meteorológicas adversas. AeroVironment busca abordar las capacidades críticas de defensa con Horus A, como comunicaciones resilientes, extensión de red e ISR de larga duración.

AeroVironment (AVAV)는 현재 Horus™ A라고 불리는 Sunglider™ 고고도 플랫폼 스테이션(HAPS)의 업그레이드 버전을 성공적으로 비행 테스트했습니다. 이 태양광으로 구동되는 무인 항공기 시스템(UAS)은 정부 응용 프로그램을 위해 설계되었으며, 업계 최고의 성층권 성능을 제공합니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

- 최대 150 lb의 페이로드 용량
- 1.5 kW의 사용 가능 전력
- 향상된 자율성과 이중화 시스템
- 미 육군의 비행 적합성 승인 및 FAA 특별 비행 적합성 인증

최근 비행 테스트에서 Horus A는 미국 국방부를 위해 합성 개구 레이더(SAR)와 전술 등급 메시 네트워크 라디오를 포함한 여러 페이로드를 운반할 수 있는 능력을 입증했습니다. 이 항공기는 또한 악천후 속에서도 기동할 수 있는 능력을 증명했습니다. AeroVironment는 Horus A를 통해 회복력 있는 통신, 네트워크 확장 및 장기 지속적인 ISR과 같은 중요한 방어 능력을 해결하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

AeroVironment (AVAV) a testé avec succès une version améliorée de son système d'aéronef sans pilote Sunglider™ High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS), désormais appelé Horus™ A. Ce système d'aéronef sans pilote alimenté par énergie solaire est conçu pour des applications gouvernementales et offre des performances stratosphériques de pointe. Les caractéristiques clés incluent :

- Capacité de charge utile allant jusqu'à 150 lb
- 1,5 kW de puissance disponible
- Autonomie améliorée et systèmes redondants
- Approbation de l'aéronautique de l'armée américaine et certificat spécial de navigabilité de la FAA

Au cours du récent test de vol, Horus A a démontré sa capacité à transporter plusieurs charges utiles pour le département de la Défense des États-Unis, y compris un radar à ouverture synthétique (SAR) et un réseau radio maillé de grade tactique. L'avion a également prouvé sa capacité à manœuvrer dans des conditions météorologiques difficiles. AeroVironment vise à répondre aux capacités cruciales de défense avec Horus A, telles que les communications résilientes, l'extension du réseau et l'ISR de longue durée.

AeroVironment (AVAV) hat erfolgreich eine aktualisierte Version seines unbemannten Luftfahrzeugsystems (UAS) Sunglider™ High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS), jetzt Horus™ A genannt, getestet. Dieses solarbetriebene UAS ist für Regierungsanwendungen konzipiert und bietet führende stratosphärische Leistungen. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

- Nutzlastkapazität von bis zu 150 lb
- 1,5 kW verfügbare Leistung
- Verbesserte Autonomie und redundante Systeme
- Genehmigung der Luftwaffe der USA und spezielles Lufttüchtigkeitszertifikat der FAA

Während des jüngsten Flugtests zeigte Horus A die Fähigkeit, mehrere Nutzlasten für das US-Verteidigungsministerium zu tragen, darunter einen synthetischen Apertur-Radar (SAR) und ein funkbasiertes tactisches Mesh-Netzwerk. Das Flugzeug bewies auch seine Fähigkeit, unter schwierigen Wetterbedingungen zu manövrieren. AeroVironment zielt darauf ab, mit Horus A kritische Verteidigungsfähigkeiten wie widerstandsfähige Kommunikation, Netzwerkverlängerung und langfristige ISR zu adressieren.

  • Successful flight test of upgraded Horus A, demonstrating enhanced HAPS capabilities
  • Industry-leading payload capacity of up to 150 lb and 1.5 kW of available power
  • Obtained U.S. Army airworthiness approval and FAA Special Airworthiness Certificate
  • Demonstrated ability to carry and operate multiple payloads for U.S. DoD
  • Potential to address critical defense capabilities and support smaller uncrewed systems
  • None.


The successful flight test of Horus A, an upgraded version of AeroVironment's Sunglider, represents a significant advancement in High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS) technology. With a payload capacity of 150 lb and 1.5 kW of available power, Horus A sets a new benchmark for stratospheric performance.

Key technical achievements include:

  • Simultaneous operation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Tactical Grade Mesh Network radio
  • Enhanced avionics and datalink capabilities
  • Improved maneuverability in adverse weather conditions
  • Integration of satellite-based BLOS radio for extended communication range

These enhancements position Horus A to address critical defense capabilities, including resilient communications, network extension and long-endurance ISR. The successful demonstration of multiple payload operations and real-time data transmission validates the platform's potential for both government and commercial applications in the stratospheric domain.

AeroVironment's Horus A flight test marks a strategic advancement in stratospheric UAS capabilities, with significant implications for defense and intelligence operations. The platform's ability to carry multiple payloads and transmit real-time data addresses critical gaps in current military capabilities.

Key strategic implications include:

  • Enhanced ISR persistence and coverage
  • Improved communication resilience in contested environments
  • Potential for space domain awareness applications
  • Support for swarm operations of smaller UAS like Switchblade 600

The involvement of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering and Rapid Prototyping Programs underscores the DoD's interest in this technology. As Horus A progresses towards operational employment, it could provide a significant tactical advantage in future conflicts, offering a persistent, high-altitude platform for various mission-critical applications.

AeroVironment's successful test of Horus A positions the company as a leader in the rapidly growing stratospheric UAS market. This development has several positive implications for AVAV's market position and potential revenue streams:

  • Expansion into high-value government contracts for advanced UAS platforms
  • Potential for dual-use applications, serving both defense and commercial markets
  • Synergies with existing product lines, particularly in tactical UAS like Switchblade
  • First-mover advantage in the emerging HAPS market

The partnership with SoftBank for Sunglider development also opens doors to the commercial connectivity market, potentially tapping into the lucrative 5G and beyond infrastructure sector. With a market cap of $6.05 billion, AVAV is well-positioned to capitalize on this breakthrough, potentially driving significant long-term growth and diversifying its revenue streams beyond traditional defense contracts.

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AeroVironment (AV) flight-tested an upgraded Sunglider™, enhancing its High-Altitude Platform-Station (HAPS) capabilities for commercial and government markets. The result is Horus™ A, the new version of Sunglider for government applications. Horus A is a solar-powered UAS capable of carrying up to 150 lb of payload with 1.5 kW of available power, offering industry-leading stratospheric performance.

Horus A is a solar fixed-wing designed to offer industry-leading payload capability in the stratosphere. (Photo: AeroVironment)

Horus A is a solar fixed-wing designed to offer industry-leading payload capability in the stratosphere. (Photo: AeroVironment)

Horus A features enhancements in all areas of the aircraft design, avionics, and offers unique features such as additional autonomy to increase mission flexibility and multiple redundant systems for mission assurance. Horus A received airworthiness approval from the U.S. Army and an FAA Special Airworthiness Certificate to allow flight testing in the national airspace. These enhancements flow back into the continued development of Sunglider with SoftBank as both companies strive to deliver unrivaled payload capacity and persistence to unlock the full potential of both stratospheric flight and the latest, most capable payloads.

"During this recent Horus A flight, we demonstrated the ability to carry multiple payloads for the U.S. DoD and transmit real-time data, advancing the viability of HAPS for government applications," said Jeff Rodrian, AV’s senior vice president and general manager of MacCready Works. "This flight marks another milestone in our stratospheric platform’s progress. It underscores AV’s leadership in developing solar-powered, high-altitude systems with significant potential for commercial and government applications."

Continuing AV’s tradition of industry-defining firsts, Horus A simultaneously operated a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), and Tactical Grade Mesh Network radio during the mission portion of the flight. Covering the majority of the flight test points, AV was able to validate multiple new and redundant systems, payload interoperability and performance enhancements. AV also demonstrated the ability to effectively maneuver in adverse and turbulent weather, landing safely, ready to return to the Stratosphere for future longer-duration missions. Horus A’s satellite-based BLOS radio and robust avionics and datalink suite will enable this platform to fill critical defense capability gaps such as resilient communications and network extension, Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT), Space Domain Awareness, long-endurance ISR, and deep sensing. Many of these capabilities can enable swarms of smaller uncrewed systems like Switchblade® 600 to be most effective on the battlefield.

After this recent stratospheric flight, which was supported by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense Research and Engineering, and the Rapid Prototyping Programs, AV will continue aggressively progressing Horus A towards operational employment. Through continued partnership with SoftBank, the company aims to offer a robust connectivity solution in the world of 5G and beyond with Sunglider.


AeroVironment (NASDAQ: AVAV) is a global leader in intelligent multi-domain robotic systems, uncrewed aircraft and ground systems, sensors, software analytics and connectivity. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, AeroVironment delivers actionable intelligence so our customers can proceed with certainty. For more information, visit


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René Bardorf


+1 703.418.2828

Source: AeroVironment


What is the payload capacity of AeroVironment's new Horus A aircraft?

AeroVironment's Horus A, the new version of Sunglider for government applications, has a payload capacity of up to 150 lb with 1.5 kW of available power.

What certifications has AeroVironment (AVAV) received for Horus A?

AeroVironment (AVAV) has received airworthiness approval from the U.S. Army and an FAA Special Airworthiness Certificate for Horus A, allowing flight testing in the national airspace.

What payloads did AeroVironment (AVAV) demonstrate during the Horus A flight test?

During the flight test, AeroVironment (AVAV) demonstrated the simultaneous operation of a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and a Tactical Grade Mesh Network radio on the Horus A aircraft.

What are some potential applications for AeroVironment's (AVAV) Horus A aircraft?

Potential applications for AeroVironment's (AVAV) Horus A include resilient communications, network extension, Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (APNT), Space Domain Awareness, long-endurance ISR, and deep sensing for defense capabilities.

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