AV Showcases JUMP 20’s Advanced Maritime Capabilities at NATO REPMUS Demonstration

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AeroVironment (AVAV) successfully demonstrated the maritime capabilities of its JUMP 20 uncrewed aircraft system at the NATO REPMUS 2024 exercise off Portugal's coast. The JUMP 20 showcased advanced Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, autonomously launching and landing on a moving vessel in rough seas with winds over 20 kts.

The UAS demonstrated multi-sensor mission versatility, executing wide-area search and detection tasks. It utilized an advanced Electro Optical and Mid-Wave Infrared turret for target investigation without repositioning. Full-motion video was analyzed using AV's SPOTR-Edge™ computer vision technology, enhancing object recognition capabilities.

The successful demonstration at REPMUS 2024 reaffirms AV's commitment to advancing UAS technology for naval warfare, setting a new standard for maritime UAS operations.

AeroVironment (AVAV) ha dimostrato con successo le capacità marittime del suo sistema aereo senza equipaggio JUMP 20 durante l'esercitazione NATO REPMUS 2024 al largo della costa portoghese. Il JUMP 20 ha evidenziato avanzate capacità di Intelligenza, Sorveglianza e Ricognizione (ISR), decollando e atterrando autonomamente su una nave in movimento in mare agitato con venti superiori a 20 nodi.

Il UAS ha dimostrato una versatilità nella missione multi-sensore, eseguendo compiti di ricerca e rilevamento su larga area. Ha utilizzato una torretta avanzata Elettro Ottica e a Infrarossi a Onde Medie per l'indagine dei bersagli senza necessità di riposizionamento. I video in movimento sono stati analizzati utilizzando la tecnologia di visione computerizzata SPOTR-Edge™ di AV, migliorando le capacità di riconoscimento degli oggetti.

La dimostrazione di successo al REPMUS 2024 ribadisce l'impegno di AV nel migliorare la tecnologia UAS per la guerra navale, stabilendo un nuovo standard per le operazioni UAS marittime.

AeroVironment (AVAV) demostró con éxito las capacidades marítimas de su sistema de aeronaves no tripuladas JUMP 20 durante el ejercicio NATO REPMUS 2024 frente a la costa de Portugal. El JUMP 20 mostró avanzadas capacidades de Inteligencia, Vigilancia y Reconocimiento (ISR), despegando y aterrizando de forma autónoma en un barco en movimiento en aguas agitadas con vientos superiores a 20 nudos.

El UAS demostró una versatilidad en la misión multi-sensor, ejecutando tareas de búsqueda y detección a gran escala. Utilizó una torreta avanzada Electro Óptica y de Infrarrojos de Ondas Medias para investigar objetivos sin necesidad de reposicionar. El video en movimiento fue analizado utilizando la tecnología de visión por computadora SPOTR-Edge™ de AV, mejorando las capacidades de reconocimiento de objetos.

La exitosa demostración en REPMUS 2024 reafirma el compromiso de AV de avanzar en la tecnología UAS para la guerra naval, estableciendo un nuevo estándar para las operaciones de UAS marítimos.

AeroVironment (AVAV)는 포르투갈 해안에서 열린 NATO REPMUS 2024 훈련 중에 JUMP 20 무인 항공 시스템의 해양 능력을 성공적으로 시연했습니다. JUMP 20은 20노트 이상의 바람을 동반한 거친 바다에서 이동 중인 선박에서 자율적으로 이륙하고 착륙하며 고급 정보, 감시 및 정찰(ISR) 능력을 선보였습니다.

UAS는 다중 센서 미션의 다양성을 보여주었으며, 광범위한 검색 및 탐지 작업을 수행했습니다. 목표 탐사를 위해 위치를 변경할 필요 없이 고급 전자 광학 및 중파 적외선 포탑을 사용했습니다. AV의 SPOTR-Edge™ 컴퓨터 비전 기술을 사용하여 전후 비디오를 분석하여 객체 인식 능력을 향상시켰습니다.

REPMUS 2024에서의 성공적인 시연은 해양 전투를 위한 무인 항공기(UAS) 기술 발전에 대한 AV의 헌신을 재확인하며, 해양 UAS 작업의 새로운 기준을 설정하고 있습니다.

AeroVironment (AVAV) a réussi à démontrer les capacités maritimes de son système aérien sans pilote JUMP 20 lors de l'exercice NATO REPMUS 2024 au large des côtes du Portugal. Le JUMP 20 a mis en avant des capacités avancées en matière de renseignement, de surveillance et de reconnaissance (ISR), décollant et atterrissant de manière autonome sur un navire en mouvement en mer agitée avec des vents dépassant 20 nœuds.

Le UAS a démontré une versatilité de mission multi-capteurs, exécutant des tâches de recherche et de détection sur une large zone. Il a utilisé une tourelle électro-optique avancée et infrarouge à ondes moyennes pour l'examen des cibles sans repositionnement. Les vidéos en mouvement ont été analysées en utilisant la technologie de vision par ordinateur SPOTR-Edge™ d'AV, améliorant ainsi les capacités de reconnaissance des objets.

La démonstration réussie au REPMUS 2024 réaffirme l'engagement d'AV à faire progresser la technologie UAS pour la guerre navale, établissant un nouveau standard pour les opérations UAS maritimes.

AeroVironment (AVAV) hat die maritimen Fähigkeiten seines unbemannten Flugzeugsystems JUMP 20 erfolgreich während der NATO REPMUS 2024 Übung vor der Küste Portugals demonstriert. Der JUMP 20 zeigte fortschrittliche Intelligenz-, Aufklärungs- und Überwachungsfähigkeiten (ISR), indem er autonom auf einem sich bewegenden Schiff in rauer See mit Windgeschwindigkeiten über 20 Knoten startete und landete.

Das UAS demonstrierte Vielfalt bei Multi-Sensor-Missionen und führte Aufgaben zur großflächigen Suche und Erkennung aus. Es nutzte eine fortschrittliche elektro-optische und mittinfrarote Turbine zur Zieluntersuchung, ohne sich repositionieren zu müssen. Vollbewegungsbilder wurden mit AVs SPOTR-Edge™ Computer Vision-Technologie analysiert, um die Objekterkennungsfähigkeiten zu verbessern.

Die erfolgreiche Demonstration bei REPMUS 2024 bestätigt AVs Engagement für den Fortschritt der UAS-Technologie in der Marinekriegsführung und setzt einen neuen Standard für maritime UAS-Operationen.

  • Successful demonstration of JUMP 20's maritime capabilities in challenging conditions
  • Autonomous launch and landing on moving vessels in rough seas
  • Multi-sensor mission versatility for wide-area search and detection
  • Integration of advanced computer vision technology (SPOTR-Edge™) for enhanced object recognition
  • Potential for improved future deployments through refined object recognition capabilities
  • None.


The JUMP 20's performance at NATO REPMUS 2024 demonstrates significant advancements in maritime UAS capabilities. Key highlights include:

  • Autonomous launch and landing on a moving vessel in sea state 5 conditions with winds over 20 knots
  • Multi-sensor mission versatility for wide-area search and detection
  • Advanced EO/MWIR turret for target investigation without platform repositioning
  • Integration with SPOTR-Edge™ computer vision for enhanced object recognition

These capabilities position the JUMP 20 as a valuable asset for naval ISR operations, potentially increasing demand from NATO allies and other maritime forces. However, the immediate financial impact on AeroVironment may be , as military procurement cycles are typically long. Investors should monitor for future contract announcements or increased interest from naval customers as indicators of potential revenue growth.

While the JUMP 20's performance is impressive, its impact on AeroVironment's stock may be muted in the short term. Key considerations for investors include:

  • Demonstration success doesn't guarantee immediate sales
  • Long sales cycles in military procurement
  • Potential for increased R&D expenses to further enhance maritime capabilities
  • Competition from other UAS manufacturers in the naval space

However, this showcase strengthens AeroVironment's position in the growing maritime UAS market. Long-term investors should watch for:

  • Increased interest from naval forces globally
  • Expansion of AeroVironment's maritime-focused product line
  • Potential partnerships or collaborations with shipbuilders or naval systems integrators

Overall, while not immediately impactful to the stock, this demonstration reinforces AeroVironment's innovative capabilities and could lead to future growth opportunities in the naval defense sector.

ARLINGTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AeroVironment (AV) successfully showcased the maritime prowess of its combat-proven JUMP® 20 uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) during the NATO REPMUS 2024 (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping using Maritime Uncrewed Systems) exercise off the coast of Portugal. This dynamic demonstration reinforced JUMP 20’s advanced Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities, autonomously launching and landing on a moving vessel in rough seas, with conditions reaching sea state level 5 and winds over 20 kts.

JUMP 20 UAS finishing a maritime mission aboard a NATO vessel. (Photo: AeroVironment)

JUMP 20 UAS finishing a maritime mission aboard a NATO vessel. (Photo: AeroVironment)

The JUMP 20 also highlighted its multi-sensor mission versatility, seamlessly executing wide-area search and detection tasks. Its advanced Electro Optical and Mid-Wave Infrared (MWIR) turret automatically slewed to investigate identified targets without repositioning the platform, ensuring constant operational focus. Full-motion video was captured and later analyzed using AV’s cutting-edge computer vision technology, SPOTR-Edge™, enabling perception analysis using its robust library of object classifications, including persons, vehicles, and maritime vessels. Additionally, video from this event will further enhance the solution, making the JUMP 20 even more capable for future deployments by refining its object recognition and situational response capabilities.

REPMUS is an annual exercise uniting NATO allies, European Union entities, industry leaders, and academic partners to push the boundaries of uncrewed maritime systems in real-world scenarios.

“We were honored to participate in this year’s REPMUS exercise, where we demonstrated JUMP 20’s maritime capabilities in action,” said Shane Hastings, AV’s vice president and general manager of Medium UAS. “The JUMP 20’s autonomous precision landing in challenging sea states – without the need for launch or recovery equipment – showcases the system’s unmatched flexibility. By enabling fully hands-free operations, we maximize operational safety and efficiency from takeoff to landing.”

AV’s successful demonstration at REPMUS 2024 reaffirms its commitment to pushing the boundaries of UAS technology for naval warfare. The JUMP 20’s proven ability to execute complex shipboard operations with minimal human intervention sets a new standard for maritime UAS operations, driving operational superiority at sea.


AeroVironment (NASDAQ: AVAV) is a global leader in intelligent multi-domain robotic systems, uncrewed aircraft and ground systems, sensors, software analytics and connectivity. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, AeroVironment delivers actionable intelligence so our customers can proceed with certainty. For more information, visit


Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are made on the basis of current expectations, forecasts and assumptions that involve risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors outside of our control, that may cause our business, strategy or actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, our ability to perform under existing contracts and obtain additional contracts; changes in the regulatory environment; the activities of competitors; failure of the markets in which we operate to grow; failure to expand into new markets; failure to develop new products or integrate new technology with current products; and general economic and business conditions in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For a further list and description of such risks and uncertainties, see the reports we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. We do not intend, and undertake no obligation, to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Rene´ Bardorf


+1 703.418.2828

Source: AeroVironment


What capabilities did AeroVironment's JUMP 20 UAS demonstrate at NATO REPMUS 2024?

AeroVironment's JUMP 20 UAS demonstrated advanced maritime capabilities, including autonomous launch and landing on a moving vessel in rough seas, multi-sensor mission versatility for wide-area search and detection, and integration with SPOTR-Edge™ computer vision technology for enhanced object recognition.

How does the JUMP 20 UAS perform in challenging maritime conditions?

The JUMP 20 UAS demonstrated the ability to autonomously launch and land on a moving vessel in rough seas, with conditions reaching sea state level 5 and winds over 20 knots, showcasing its advanced maritime capabilities.

What is the significance of AeroVironment's (AVAV) participation in NATO REPMUS 2024?

AeroVironment's participation in NATO REPMUS 2024 reaffirms its commitment to advancing UAS technology for naval warfare. The successful demonstration of the JUMP 20's capabilities sets a new standard for maritime UAS operations and drives operational superiority at sea.

How does the JUMP 20 UAS enhance maritime surveillance and reconnaissance?

The JUMP 20 UAS enhances maritime surveillance and reconnaissance through its multi-sensor mission versatility, advanced Electro Optical and Mid-Wave Infrared turret for target investigation, and integration with SPOTR-Edge™ computer vision technology for improved object recognition and situational awareness.

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