Avista selected for $85 million grant for transmission line update

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded $85,664,781 in grant funding to Avista and Idaho Power through its Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) program. The funds will be used to reconstruct the Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV transmission line, running from the Oxbow Dam on the Oregon-Idaho border to Lewiston, Idaho.

The project aims to:

  • Enhance grid flexibility
  • Improve resilience against wildfires
  • Increase interregional capacity by approximately 635 MW
  • Enable workforce development and job creation

Avista and Idaho Power will contribute an additional $86 million to complete the project over the next five years. The upgrade is expected to benefit hundreds of thousands of people, including the Nez Perce Tribe, by improving power system resilience and increasing renewable energy integration capacity.

Il Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti (DOE) ha assegnato $85.664.781 in finanziamenti a Avista e Idaho Power attraverso il programma di Partnership per la Resilienza e Innovazione della Rete (GRIP). I fondi saranno utilizzati per ricostruire la linea di trasmissione Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV, che va dalla Diga di Oxbow al confine tra Oregon e Idaho fino a Lewiston, Idaho.

Il progetto mira a:

  • Aumentare la flessibilità della rete
  • Migliorare la resilienza contro gli incendi boschivi
  • Aumentare la capacità interregionale di circa 635 MW
  • Favorire lo sviluppo della forza lavoro e la creazione di posti di lavoro

Avista e Idaho Power contribuiranno con ulteriori $86 milioni per completare il progetto nei prossimi cinque anni. L'aggiornamento dovrebbe beneficiare centinaia di migliaia di persone, compresa la Tribù Nez Perce, migliorando la resilienza del sistema elettrico e aumentando la capacità di integrazione delle energie rinnovabili.

El Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. (DOE) ha otorgado $85,664,781 en financiamiento de subvenciones a Avista y Idaho Power a través de su programa de Alianzas para la Resiliencia e Innovación de Redes (GRIP). Los fondos se utilizarán para reconstruir la línea de transmisión Lolo-Oxbow de 230 kV, que va desde la represa Oxbow en la frontera entre Oregón e Idaho hasta Lewiston, Idaho.

El proyecto tiene como objetivo:

  • Aumentar la flexibilidad de la red
  • Mejorar la resiliencia contra incendios forestales
  • Aumentar la capacidad interregional en aproximadamente 635 MW
  • Facilitar el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral y la creación de empleos

Avista e Idaho Power contribuirán con otros $86 millones para completar el proyecto en los próximos cinco años. Se espera que la actualización beneficie a cientos de miles de personas, incluida la tribu Nez Perce, al mejorar la resiliencia del sistema energético y aumentar la capacidad de integración de energía renovable.

미국 에너지부(DOE)는 $85,664,781의 보조금을 AvistaIdaho Power그리드 회복력 및 혁신 파트너십(GRIP) 프로그램을 통해 수여했습니다. 이 자금은 오리건-아이다호 국경에 위치한 Oxbow 댐에서 아이다호의 Lewiston까지 이어지는 Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV 전송선의 재건에 사용될 것입니다.

이 프로젝트의 목표는:

  • 전력망 유연성 향상
  • 산불에 대한 회복력 향상
  • 635 MW의 지역 간 용량 증가
  • 인력 개발 및 일자리 창출 촉진

Avista와 Idaho Power는 향후 5년 동안 프로젝트를 완료하기 위해 추가로 $86 백만을 기여할 것입니다. 이 업그레이드는 전력 시스템의 회복력을 개선하고 재생 에너지 통합 용량을 증가시켜 Nez Perce 부족을 포함한 수십만 명의 사람들에게 혜택을 줄 것으로 예상됩니다.

Le Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis (DOE) a accordé 85 664 781 $ en financement de subventions à Avista et Idaho Power via son programme de Partenariats pour la Résilience et l'Innovation du Réseau (GRIP). Les fonds seront utilisés pour reconstruire la ligne de transmission Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV, qui s'étend de la Barrage d'Oxbow à la frontière entre l'Oregon et l'Idaho jusqu'à Lewiston, Idaho.

Le projet vise à :

  • Améliorer la flexibilité du réseau
  • Renforcer la résilience face aux incendies de forêt
  • Accroître la capacité interrégionale d'environ 635 MW
  • Favoriser le développement de la main-d'œuvre et la création d'emplois

Avista et Idaho Power contribueront également à hauteur de 86 millions $ pour finaliser le projet dans les cinq prochaines années. Cette mise à niveau devrait bénéficier à des centaines de milliers de personnes, y compris la tribu Nez Perce, en améliorant la résilience du système électrique et en augmentant la capacité d'intégration des énergies renouvelables.

Das US-Energieministerium (DOE) hat 85.664.781 $ an Fördermitteln an Avista und Idaho Power durch sein Programm für Resilienz und Innovation im Stromnetz (GRIP) vergeben. Die Mittel werden verwendet, um die Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV-Übertragungsleitung zu rekonstruieren, die von der Oxbow-Talsperre an der Grenze zwischen Oregon und Idaho nach Lewiston, Idaho, verläuft.

Das Projekt hat folgende Ziele:

  • Die Flexibilität des Stromnetzes zu erhöhen
  • Die Resilienz gegenüber Waldbränden zu verbessern
  • Die interregionale Kapazität um etwa 635 MW zu erhöhen
  • Die Entwicklung der Arbeitskräfte und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen zu fördern

Avista und Idaho Power werden zusätzlich 86 Millionen $ beisteuern, um das Projekt in den nächsten fünf Jahren abzuschließen. Es wird erwartet, dass das Upgrade Hunderttausenden von Menschen, einschließlich der Nez Perce-Indianer, zugutekommen wird, indem es die Resilienz des Stromsystems verbessert und die Kapazität zur Integration erneuerbarer Energien erhöht.

  • Received $85.6 million government grant for transmission line upgrade
  • Project will increase interregional capacity by 635 MW
  • Improved grid resilience against wildfires
  • Enhanced renewable energy integration capacity
  • Potential for job creation and workforce development
  • Significant $86 million investment required from Avista and Idaho Power


The $85.6 million DOE grant for Avista and Idaho Power's Lolo-Oxbow transmission line upgrade is a significant development. This project addresses critical infrastructure needs:

  • Enhances grid resilience against wildfires, potentially reducing outages to less than one per year
  • Increases interregional capacity by 635 MW, benefiting customers across the Northwest and Mountain regions
  • Supports renewable energy integration, particularly for the Nez Perce Tribe
  • Employs innovative technologies like drones to minimize construction-related outages

The $171.3 million total investment (including company contributions) over five years demonstrates a substantial commitment to modernizing critical energy infrastructure. This project aligns with national priorities for grid resilience and clean energy transition, potentially positioning Avista and Idaho Power favorably in the evolving energy landscape.

This grant represents a significant financial boost for Avista, effectively doubling the project's budget without additional strain on the company's resources. Key financial implications include:

  • Reduced capital expenditure burden, as the grant covers 50% of the $171.3 million project cost
  • Potential for improved future earnings through increased transmission capacity and reliability
  • Enhanced ability to meet regulatory requirements and customer demands without solely relying on rate increases
  • Possible positive impact on Avista's credit profile due to government backing and reduced financial risk

For a company with a market cap of $3 billion, this $85.6 million grant is material, potentially freeing up capital for other investments or shareholder returns. Investors should monitor how this project affects Avista's long-term financial performance and regulatory relationships.

The project, in partnership with Idaho Power, will enhance grid flexibility, improve resilience against wildfire, and increase capacity for the region

SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is awarding $85,664,781 in grant funding through its Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) program to Avista, in partnership with Idaho Power, to reconstruct the Lolo-Oxbow 230-kV transmission line. The line runs from the Oxbow Dam on the Oregon-Idaho border to Lewiston, Idaho.

Idaho Power’s new Pallette Junction Station will increase interregional transfer capability between the Pacific Northwest and Mountain regions. The project uses innovative construction approaches and advanced power flow control devices to optimally distribute power across the Lolo-Oxbow line and three other lines that comprise an Idaho-to-Northwest transmission path whose capacity is currently strained.

This modernization will benefits hundreds of thousands of people by:

  • Improving the power system’s resilience against wildfires, aiming to reduce line outages to less than one per year.
  • Increasing interregional capacity by approximately 635 MW, benefiting customers across the region, including the Nez Perce Tribe as they seek generation interconnection capacity for renewable resources on their reservation.
  • Enabling workforce development and job creation, including collaboration with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) labor union.

“Modern transmission infrastructure is one of the nation’s most urgent needs. That’s why Avista is committed to working alongside our partners to innovate and invest in the systems and technologies powering the Northwest,” said Avista Vice President of Energy Delivery Josh DiLuciano. “Upgrading the Lolo-Oxbow line is crucial for meeting our customers’ growing needs, integrating renewable energy, and supporting a more resilient energy grid.”

“Safety, reliability, and affordability have been hallmarks of Idaho Power’s service for more than 100 years,” said Mitch Colburn, Idaho Power Vice President of Planning, Engineering, and Construction. “Working with Avista on the Lolo-Oxbow upgrade will strengthen our ability to continue providing all three. The DOE’s contribution expedites this project and sends a signal that infrastructure is a priority for our country.”

Together, Avista Utilities and Idaho Power Company will contribute approximately $86 million to complete the project over the next five years. Innovative technology, including drones, is expected to limit outages during construction.

Established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the GRIP Program is a $10.5 billion investment to enhance grid flexibility, improve the resilience of the power system against extreme weather, and ensure American communities have access to affordable, reliable electricity when and where they need it. GRIP funding is administered by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office (GDO). This project was selected through the second round of GRIP funding.

Learn more about the Lolo-Oxbow transmission project or read the DOE’s press release online.

About Avista Utilities
Avista Utilities is involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy. We provide energy services and electricity to 418,000 customers and natural gas to 382,000 customers in a service territory that covers 30,000 square miles in eastern Washington, northern Idaho and parts of southern and eastern Oregon, with a population of 1.7 million. Avista Utilities is an operating division of Avista Corp. (NYSE: AVA). For more information, please visit

The Avista logo is a trademark of Avista Corporation.

About Idaho Power
Idaho Power, headquartered in vibrant and fast-growing Boise, Idaho, has been a locally operated energy company since 1916. Today, it serves a 24,000-square-mile area in Idaho and Oregon. The company has a long history of safely providing reliable, affordable, clean energy. With 17 low-cost hydroelectric projects at the core of its diverse energy mix, Idaho Power’s residential, business, and agricultural customers pay among the nation’s lowest prices for electricity. Its 2,100 employees proudly serve more than 640,000 customers with a culture of safety first, integrity always, and respect for all.

IDACORP Inc. (NYSE: IDA), Idaho Power’s independent publicly traded parent company, is also headquartered in Boise, Idaho. To learn more, visit or

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What is the value of the grant Avista (AVA) received for the Lolo-Oxbow transmission line project?

Avista (AVA) received a grant of $85,664,781 from the U.S. Department of Energy for the Lolo-Oxbow transmission line project.

How much additional capacity will the Lolo-Oxbow project add to Avista's (AVA) transmission network?

The Lolo-Oxbow project will increase interregional capacity by approximately 635 MW for Avista (AVA) and the region.

What is the timeline for Avista's (AVA) Lolo-Oxbow transmission line upgrade project?

Avista (AVA) and Idaho Power plan to complete the Lolo-Oxbow transmission line upgrade project over the next five years.

How much are Avista (AVA) and Idaho Power contributing to the Lolo-Oxbow project?

Avista (AVA) and Idaho Power are contributing approximately $86 million together to complete the Lolo-Oxbow project.

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