authID Publishes New Whitepaper on Next-Generation Deepfake Detection Technology
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) has released a comprehensive whitepaper on combating deepfake fraud in digital authentication systems. The report, titled 'Deepfake Countermeasures,' highlights the company's proprietary multi-layered detection system, which achieves a billion-to-one false-match accuracy rate and a 35-millisecond matching speed.
The whitepaper reveals that manual document review identifies sophisticated deepfakes less than 1% of the time, while over 40% of financial sector fraud attempts are AI-driven. authID's platform features advanced liveness detection technology and builds upon their recent launch of PrivacyKey™, a biometric solution that ensures secure authentication without storing facial data.
The solution integrates with authID's Proof™ and Verified™ platforms, offering enterprises key-rotation capabilities for controlled access to sensitive data while maintaining regulatory compliance and user privacy.
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) ha pubblicato un documento completo sulle misure per combattere le frodi da deepfake nei sistemi di autenticazione digitale. Il rapporto, intitolato 'Contromisure ai Deepfake', mette in evidenza il sistema di rilevamento multilivello proprietario dell'azienda, che raggiunge un tasso di accuratezza per falsi positivi di un miliardo a uno e una velocità di corrispondenza di 35 millisecondi.
Il documento rivela che la revisione manuale dei documenti identifica deepfake sofisticati meno dell'1% delle volte, mentre oltre il 40% dei tentativi di frode nel settore finanziario è guidato dall'IA. La piattaforma di authID presenta una tecnologia avanzata di rilevamento della vitalità e si basa sul recente lancio di PrivacyKey™, una soluzione biometrica che garantisce un'autenticazione sicura senza memorizzare dati facciali.
La soluzione si integra con le piattaforme Proof™ e Verified™ di authID, offrendo alle imprese capacità di rotazione delle chiavi per un accesso controllato ai dati sensibili, mantenendo la conformità normativa e la privacy degli utenti.
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) ha lanzado un documento completo sobre cómo combatir el fraude por deepfake en los sistemas de autenticación digital. El informe, titulado 'Contramedidas contra Deepfake', destaca el sistema de detección multicapa propietario de la empresa, que alcanza una tasa de precisión de coincidencia falsa de mil millones a uno y una velocidad de coincidencia de 35 milisegundos.
El documento revela que la revisión manual de documentos identifica deepfakes sofisticados menos del 1% de las veces, mientras que más del 40% de los intentos de fraude en el sector financiero son impulsados por IA. La plataforma de authID cuenta con tecnología avanzada de detección de vitalidad y se basa en su reciente lanzamiento de PrivacyKey™, una solución biométrica que garantiza una autenticación segura sin almacenar datos faciales.
La solución se integra con las plataformas Proof™ y Verified™ de authID, ofreciendo a las empresas capacidades de rotación de claves para un acceso controlado a datos sensibles, manteniendo el cumplimiento normativo y la privacidad del usuario.
authID (Nasdaq: AUID)는 디지털 인증 시스템에서 딥페이크 사기를 방지하기 위한 포괄적인 백서를 발표했습니다. '딥페이크 대응책'이라는 제목의 이 보고서는 회사의 독자적인 다층 탐지 시스템을 강조하며, 10억 대 1의 허위 일치 정확도와 35밀리초의 일치 속도를 달성합니다.
백서에 따르면 수동 문서 검토는 정교한 딥페이크를 1% 미만으로 식별하며, 금융 부문 사기 시도 중 40% 이상이 AI에 의해 발생합니다. authID의 플랫폼은 고급 생체 인식 탐지 기술을 갖추고 있으며, 최근 출시한 PrivacyKey™를 기반으로 하여 얼굴 데이터를 저장하지 않고 안전한 인증을 보장합니다.
이 솔루션은 authID의 Proof™ 및 Verified™ 플랫폼과 통합되어 기업에 민감한 데이터에 대한 제어된 접근을 위한 키 회전 기능을 제공하며, 규제 준수 및 사용자 프라이버시를 유지합니다.
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) a publié un livre blanc complet sur la lutte contre la fraude par deepfake dans les systèmes d'authentification numérique. Le rapport, intitulé 'Contre-mesures aux Deepfakes', met en avant le système de détection multicouche propriétaire de l'entreprise, qui atteint un taux de précision des faux positifs d'un milliard à un et une vitesse de correspondance de 35 millisecondes.
Le livre blanc révèle que la révision manuelle des documents identifie les deepfakes sophistiqués moins de 1 % du temps, tandis que plus de 40 % des tentatives de fraude dans le secteur financier sont alimentées par l'IA. La plateforme d'authID dispose d'une technologie avancée de détection de vie et s'appuie sur son lancement récent de PrivacyKey™, une solution biométrique qui garantit une authentification sécurisée sans stocker de données faciales.
La solution s'intègre aux plateformes Proof™ et Verified™ d'authID, offrant aux entreprises des capacités de rotation des clés pour un accès contrôlé aux données sensibles tout en maintenant la conformité réglementaire et la confidentialité des utilisateurs.
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) hat ein umfassendes Weißbuch zur Bekämpfung von Deepfake-Betrug in digitalen Authentifizierungssystemen veröffentlicht. Der Bericht mit dem Titel 'Deepfake-Gegenmaßnahmen' hebt das proprietäre mehrschichtige Erkennungssystem des Unternehmens hervor, das eine Falsch-Positiv-Genauigkeitsrate von einer Milliarde zu eins und eine Übereinstimmungsgeschwindigkeit von 35 Millisekunden erreicht.
Das Weißbuch zeigt, dass manuelle Dokumentenprüfungen weniger als 1 % der raffinierten Deepfakes identifizieren, während über 40 % der Betrugsversuche im Finanzsektor KI-gesteuert sind. Die Plattform von authID verfügt über fortschrittliche Technologien zur Lebenszeichenerkennung und baut auf der kürzlichen Einführung von PrivacyKey™ auf, einer biometrischen Lösung, die eine sichere Authentifizierung ohne Speicherung von Gesichtsdaten gewährleistet.
Die Lösung integriert sich mit den Plattformen Proof™ und Verified™ von authID und bietet Unternehmen Schlüsselrotationsmöglichkeiten für kontrollierten Zugriff auf sensible Daten, während die Einhaltung von Vorschriften und die Privatsphäre der Benutzer gewahrt bleibt.
- Billion-to-one false-match accuracy rate achieved
- Market-leading matching speed of 35 milliseconds
- Launch of new PrivacyKey™ technology enhancing security without storing facial data
- Integration with existing Proof™ and Verified™ platforms
- None.
Explore what deepfake creators are doing to evade detection, the impact of generative AI on deepfakes, the escalating threats in cybersecurity, and mitigation tactics to combat AI-driven fraud
DENVER, March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- authID (Nasdaq: AUID), a leading provider of biometric identity verification and authentication solutions, today released a comprehensive whitepaper detailing innovative approaches to combat the rising threat of deepfake fraud in digital authentication systems. The whitepaper, titled "Deepfake Countermeasures," provides crucial insights into deepfakes as the next generation in fraud attacks, as well as cutting-edge defensive strategies against presentation and injection attacks.
The increasing sophistication of AI platforms means attackers can use a single photo to synthesize deepfake videos. authID's report presents a critical framework for organizations to protect against a spike in identity fraud attempts and leverages authID's proprietary multi-layered detection system, which achieves a billion-to-one false-match accuracy rate. authID’s platform detects the liveness of each authentication attempt, preventing the use of pictures, videos and deepfakes for spoofing identities, known as presentation attacks.
"As deepfake technology continues to advance exponentially, traditional authentication methods are increasingly vulnerable," said Rhon Daguro, CEO of authID. "Our report demonstrates that combining advanced AI with privacy-first, facial biometric authentication creates an unprecedented level of security while maintaining seamless user experience, including a market-leading matching speed of 35 milliseconds and unparalleled accuracy."
Integrating proven solutions to combat deepfake fraud is critical to the financial sector and other industries where inaccurate user authentication can lead to multi-million-dollar losses. Manual review of documents is believed to be successful at identifying sophisticated deepfakes less than
With more than 2 in 5 fraud attempts in the financial sector currently fueled by AI, the industry has reached a tipping point in the fight against deepfakes. To stay well-positioned against the rising prevalence of AI-driven presentation and injection attacks, it is important that organizations implement proven authentication and verification platforms into existing or new workflows.
Key highlights from the whitepaper include:
- Analysis of emerging deepfake attack vectors, as well as the perceived accuracy and speed with which bad actors are creating these fraudulent assets
- Overview of authID's market-leading liveness detection technology, which uses a multilayered methodology to examine the visible and invisible artifacts present in an image, as well as the integrity of the camera itself
- Implementation framework for enterprise-grade deepfake countermeasures, including efforts to safeguard the device of origin, to prevent insertion of fakes behind the camera in the form of an injection attack
The whitepaper builds on authID's recent launch of PrivacyKey™, the company's revolutionary biometric solution that ensures secure authentication without storing sensitive facial data. This innovation, available in concert with the authID platforms Proof™ and Verified™, helps reduce fraud attempts while maintaining regulatory compliance and user privacy, as well as providing enterprises with critical key-rotation capabilities that ensure complete control of who can access sensitive data.
“Deepfake fraud is no longer a theoretical risk—it’s a rapidly growing threat to businesses, financial institutions, and digital trust itself,” said Erick Soto, Chief Product Officer at authID. “Our latest whitepaper unpacks the evolving landscape of AI-driven fraud and the countermeasures needed to combat it. At authID, we are committed to staying ahead of these threats with our advanced biometric identity solutions, ensuring that enterprises can trust who’s behind the device in every interaction.”
The complete whitepaper is available for download at
About authID
authID (Nasdaq: AUID) ensures enterprises “Know Who’s Behind the Device™” for every customer or employee login and transaction through its easy-to-integrate, patented, biometric identity platform. authID quickly and accurately verifies a user’s identity and eliminates any assumption of ‘who’ is behind a device to prevent cybercriminals from compromising account openings or taking over accounts. Combining secure digital onboarding, biometric authentication, and account recovery with a fast, accurate, user-friendly experience, authID delivers biometric identity processing in 700ms. With our ground-breaking PrivacyKey Solution authID delivers all the benefits of biometric identity verification, with a 1-to-1-billion false match rate, while storing no biometric data. Binding a biometric root of trust for each user to their account, authID stops fraud at onboarding, detects and stops deepfakes, prevents account takeover, eliminates password risks and costs, and provides the fastest, most frictionless, and most accurate user identity experience demanded by today’s digital ecosystem. Contact us to discover how authID can help your organization secure your workforce or consumer applications against identity fraud, cyberattacks and account takeover.
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