AngloGold Ashanti Q3 2024 Earnings Release for the Three Months and Nine Months Ended 30 September 2024
AngloGold Ashanti reported strong Q3 2024 performance with a 339% year-on-year increase in Adjusted EBITDA to $746m and free cash flow rising to $347m from $20m. Gold production from managed operations reached 586,000oz, up 2% year-on-year, marking the strongest production quarter of 2024. Total cash costs for managed operations rose only 3% to $1,186/oz despite inflationary pressures.
The company saw improved production at several operations, including Obuasi (+15%), Siguiri (+9%), and Tropicana (+14%). The average gold price received increased 28% to $2,449/oz. The company reaffirmed its full-year guidance for production, costs, and capital expenditure. Additionally, Centamin shareholders approved AngloGold's acquisition of the company, which includes the Tier One Sukari mine in Egypt.
AngloGold Ashanti ha riportato un forte andamento nel terzo trimestre del 2024, con un aumento del 339% su base annua dell'EBITDA rettificato a 746 milioni di dollari e un incremento del flusso di cassa libero a 347 milioni di dollari, rispetto ai 20 milioni di dollari. La produzione d'oro dalle operazioni gestite ha raggiunto le 586.000 once, con un aumento del 2% rispetto all'anno precedente, segnando il trimestre di produzione più forte del 2024. I costi totali in contante per le operazioni gestite sono aumentati solo del 3%, raggiungendo 1.186 dollari per oncia, nonostante le pressioni inflazionistiche.
L'azienda ha registrato un miglioramento della produzione in diverse operazioni, tra cui Obuasi (+15%), Siguiri (+9%) e Tropicana (+14%). Il prezzo medio dell'oro ricevuto è aumentato del 28%, arrivando a 2.449 dollari per oncia. L'azienda ha confermato le previsioni per l'intero anno riguardanti produzione, costi e spese in conto capitale. Inoltre, gli azionisti di Centamin hanno approvato l'acquisizione da parte di AngloGold della società, che include la miniera di prima classe Sukari in Egitto.
AngloGold Ashanti informó un fuerte desempeño en el tercer trimestre de 2024, con un aumento del 339% interanual en el EBITDA ajustado a 746 millones de dólares y un flujo de caja libre que subió a 347 millones de dólares desde 20 millones de dólares. La producción de oro de las operaciones gestionadas alcanzó las 586,000 onzas, un aumento del 2% interanual, marcando el trimestre de producción más sólido de 2024. Los costos totales en efectivo para las operaciones gestionadas aumentaron solo un 3% a 1,186 dólares/onza a pesar de las presiones inflacionarias.
La compañía vio una mejora en la producción en varias operaciones, incluyendo Obuasi (+15%), Siguiri (+9%) y Tropicana (+14%). El precio promedio del oro recibido aumentó un 28% a 2,449 dólares/onza. La empresa reafirmó su guía para el año completo en producción, costos y gastos de capital. Además, los accionistas de Centamin aprobaron la adquisición de la compañía por parte de AngloGold, que incluye la mina de clase uno Sukari en Egipto.
앙골골드 아샨티는 2024년 3분기 강력한 성과를 보고했으며, 조정 EBITDA가 지난해 대비 339% 증가하여 7억 4600만 달러에 이르렀고, 자유 현금 흐름이 2000만 달러에서 3억 4700만 달러로 증가했습니다. 관리하는 사업장에서의 금 생산량은 586,000온스에 달해, 지난해 대비 2% 증가하였으며, 2024년 가장 강력한 생산 분기를 기록했습니다. 총 현금 비용은 인플레이션 압박에도 불구하고 관리하는 사업장에서 3%만 증가하여 온스당 1,186달러에 달했습니다.
회사는 Obuasi (+15%), Siguiri (+9%), Tropicana (+14%) 등 여러 사업장에서 생산 개선을 보았습니다. 평균 금 가격은 24%가 증가하여 온스당 2,449달러에 도달했습니다. 회사는 생산, 비용 및 자본 지출에 대한 연간 가이던스를 재확인했습니다. 또한, Centamin 주주들이 앙골골드의 회사 인수를 승인하였으며, 여기에는 이집트의 Tier One Sukari 광산이 포함됩니다.
AngloGold Ashanti a rapporté de solides performances au troisième trimestre de 2024, avec une augmentation de 339 % d'une année sur l'autre de l'EBITDA ajusté à 746 millions de dollars et un flux de trésorerie libre passant de 20 millions de dollars à 347 millions de dollars. La production d'or des opérations gérées a atteint 586 000 onces, en hausse de 2 % par rapport à l'année précédente, marquant le trimestre de production le plus fort de 2024. Les coûts totaux en espèces des opérations gérées n'ont augmenté que de 3 % pour atteindre 1 186 $/once, malgré les pressions inflationnistes.
L'entreprise a observé une amélioration de la production dans plusieurs opérations, notamment Obuasi (+15 %), Siguiri (+9 %) et Tropicana (+14 %). Le prix moyen de l'or reçu a augmenté de 28 % pour atteindre 2 449 $/once. L'entreprise a réaffirmé ses prévisions pour l'année entière concernant la production, les coûts et les investissements en capital. De plus, les actionnaires de Centamin ont approuvé l'acquisition de la société par AngloGold, qui comprend la mine Sukari de premier plan en Égypte.
AngloGold Ashanti berichtete über eine starke Leistung im 3. Quartal 2024 mit einem Anstieg des bereinigten EBITDA um 339% im Jahresvergleich auf 746 Millionen US-Dollar, während der freie Cashflow auf 347 Millionen US-Dollar von 20 Millionen US-Dollar stieg. Die Goldproduktion aus den verwalteten Betrieben erreichte 586.000 Unzen, was einem Anstieg von 2% im Jahresvergleich entspricht und das stärkste Produktionsquartal von 2024 darstellt. Die Gesamtkosten in bar für die verwalteten Betriebe stiegen trotz Inflationsdruck nur um 3% auf 1.186 US-Dollar pro Unze.
Das Unternehmen verzeichnete eine verbesserte Produktion in mehreren Betrieben, darunter Obuasi (+15%), Siguiri (+9%) und Tropicana (+14%). Der durchschnittliche Goldpreis stieg um 28% auf 2.449 US-Dollar pro Unze. Das Unternehmen bestätigte seine Jahresprognosen für Produktion, Kosten und Investitionsausgaben. Zudem genehmigten die Aktionäre von Centamin die Übernahme des Unternehmens durch AngloGold, zu dem auch die Tier-One-Mine Sukari in Ägypten gehört.
- Adjusted EBITDA increased 339% YoY to $746m
- Free cash flow rose significantly to $347m from $20m YoY
- Gold production from managed operations up 2% YoY to 586,000oz
- Average gold price received increased 28% to $2,449/oz
- Headline earnings of $236m vs loss of $194m in Q3 2023
- Centamin acquisition approved, adding Tier One Sukari mine to portfolio
- Group total cash costs increased 8% YoY to $1,172/oz
- All-in sustaining costs rose 10% to $1,616/oz
- Group gold production declined to 657,000oz from 676,000oz YoY
- Kibali joint venture production decreased to 71,000oz from 99,000oz
A remarkably strong quarter for AngloGold Ashanti with significant financial improvements. The 339% increase in Adjusted EBITDA to
Key positives include tight cost control with managed operations' total cash costs rising only
The pending Centamin acquisition adds strategic value through the Tier One Sukari mine, which should improve portfolio quality and generate synergies through corporate cost reductions and procurement optimization. The deal's expected completion in November 2024 appears well-timed given strong operational performance and cash generation.
Production metrics show encouraging operational momentum. Managed operations delivered their strongest quarter of 2024 at 586,000 oz, up
The new hybrid mining approach at Obuasi combining UHDF and SLOS methods is particularly promising, projected to reduce unit costs by
Cost performance remains disciplined with group AISC at
AngloGold Ashanti Posts
"Tight control of costs and active management of our working capital means that the higher gold price has flowed through to our bottom line,” CEO Alberto Calderon said. “We’re looking for additional improvements to production and margins, to ensure we deliver an even stronger fourth quarter and continue to capitalise on this healthy gold price environment.”
AngloGold Ashanti saw resilient performances from several key operations. The Australian portfolio recovered well from rains and flooding in the first quarter, while the operational turnaround of its Brazilian operations continued to gain momentum with the resumption of processing of gold concentrate at the Queiroz plant during September.
Solid cost control and active management of working capital helped ensure that higher revenues were reflected in stronger earnings and cash flows. Headline earnings(3) of
A solid overall performance from AngloGold Ashanti’s managed operations helped the Company deliver a strong cash cost performance despite persistent high inflation across several of its operating jurisdictions. Total cash costs per ounce* for the group(1)(2) rose
Gold production for the group(1)(2) was 657,000oz for the third quarter of 2024 versus 676,000oz in the same period of 2023, due to lower production from the Kibali joint venture, where lower grades resulted in production of 71,000oz compared with 99,000oz in the third quarter of 2023. Gold production for managed operations(1)(2) rose
At Obuasi, third-quarter gold production(1) increased
Centamin Acquisition to Improve the Portfolio Mix
On 28 October 2024, the shareholders of Centamin plc (“Centamin”) approved the proposed acquisition of Centamin by AngloGold Ashanti. The proposed acquisition, announced on 10 September 2024, will bring to AngloGold Ashanti’s portfolio an established Tier One asset with the Sukari mine in
The proposed acquisition is expected to be accretive on a per share basis to both free cash flow* and net asset value and is a compelling strategic fit, closely aligned with AngloGold Ashanti’s core mining and exploration competencies. Synergies are expected to be captured by streamlining Centamin’s corporate costs, which were
Nine-Month Performance
Adjusted EBITDA* for the first nine months of 2024 more than doubled to
For the first nine months of 2024 gold production for the group(1)(2) was little changed at 1.911Moz, versus 1.907Moz in the same period a year earlier, with total cash costs per ounce* for the group(1)(2) increasing
Total cash costs per ounce* for managed operations(1)(2) increased
- Q3 2024 is strongest gold production quarter in 2024 for managed operations(1)(2) at 586,000oz vs 577,000oz in Q3 2023
- Q3 2024 Gold production for the group(1)(2) of 657,000oz vs 676,000oz in Q3 2023
Improved Q3 2024 gold production(1)(2) y-o-y compared to Q3 2023 at Obuasi (
15% ), Siguiri (9% ), Tropicana (14% ), Cerro Vanguardia (11% ) and Sunrise Dam (14% ) -
AngloGold Ashanti Mineração Q3 2024 total cash costs per ounce*(1)(2) -
16% compared to Q3 2023; Queiroz plant resumes processing gold concentrate -
Free cash flow* rises 17-fold to
in Q3 2024 compared to$347m in Q3 2023$20m -
Adjusted EBITDA* +
339% to in Q3 2024 vs$746m in Q3 2023; Adjusted EBITDA* margin$170m 52% - Financial performance driven by solid operational results and the higher average gold price received*
Total cash costs* - Group(1)(2):
/oz in Q3 2024 vs$1,172 /oz in Q3 2023$1,089 -
Total cash costs* - Managed operations(1)(2):
/oz in Q3 2024 vs$1,186 /oz in Q3 2023$1,152 -
Total cash costs* - Non-managed joint ventures(1):
/oz in Q3 2024 from$1,053 /oz in Q3 2023$721 -
AISC* - Group(1)(2):
/oz in Q3 2024 from$1,616 /oz in Q3 2023, mainly on increased total cash costs$1,469 -
AISC* - Managed operations(1)(2):
/oz in Q3 2024 from$1,665 /oz in Q3 2023$1,579 -
AISC* - Non-managed joint ventures(1):
/oz in Q3 2024 from$1,241 /oz in Q3 2023$820 -
Basic earnings of
in Q3 2024 from basic loss of$223m in Q3 2023$224m -
Headline earnings(3) of
in Q3 2024 from a headline loss(3) of$236m in Q3 2023$194m -
Obuasi’s Q3 2024 gold production(1) +
15% y-o-y to 53,000oz; total cash costs per ounce*(1) -20% ; AISC per ounce*(1) -17% y-o-y -
Obuasi completed the trial of its new mining method Under Hand, Drift and Fill (UHDF) to extract the most value from high-grade ore source and will implement a hybrid mining approach incorporating traditional Sub-Level Open Stoping (SLOS) and UHDF from 2025. This hybrid approach is proven to be more cost-efficient, with a reduction in total cash cost per ounce* of approximately
(1) The term “managed operations” refers to subsidiaries managed by AngloGold Ashanti and included in its consolidated reporting, while the term “non-managed joint ventures” refers to equity-accounted joint ventures that are reported based on AngloGold Ashanti's share of attributable earnings and are not managed by AngloGold Ashanti. Managed operations are reported on a consolidated basis. Non-managed joint ventures are reported on an attributable basis.
(2) All financial periods within the financial year ended 31 December 2023 have been adjusted to exclude the Córrego do Sítio (“CdS”) operation that was placed on care and maintenance in August 2023.
(3) The financial measures “headline earnings (loss)” and “headline earnings (loss) per share” are not calculated in accordance with IFRS® Accounting Standards, but in accordance with the Headline Earnings Circular 1/2023, issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), at the request of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (JSE). These measures are required to be disclosed by the JSE Listings Requirements and therefore do not constitute Non-GAAP financial measures for purposes of the rules and regulations of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) applicable to the use and disclosure of Non-GAAP financial measures.
* Refer to “Non-GAAP disclosure” for definitions and reconciliations.
GROUP - Key statistics |
Quarter |
Quarter |
Nine months |
Nine months |
ended |
ended |
ended |
ended |
Sep |
Sep |
Sep |
Sep |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating review |
Gold |
Produced - Group (1) (2) (3) |
- oz (000) |
657 |
676 |
1,911 |
1,907 |
Produced - Managed operations (1) (2) (3) |
- oz (000) |
586 |
577 |
1,682 |
1,657 |
Produced - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- oz (000) |
71 |
99 |
229 |
250 |
Sold - Group (1) (2) (3) |
- oz (000) |
667 |
670 |
1,954 |
1,913 |
Sold - Managed operations(1) (2) (3) |
- oz (000) |
590 |
573 |
1,724 |
1,662 |
Sold - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- oz (000) |
77 |
97 |
230 |
251 |
Financial review |
Gold income |
- $m |
1,466 |
1,112 |
3,957 |
3,257 |
Cost of sales |
- $m |
921 |
863 |
2,683 |
2,612 |
Total operating costs |
- $m |
720 |
714 |
2,096 |
2,130 |
Gross profit |
- $m |
541 |
286 |
1,290 |
721 |
Average gold price received per ounce* - Managed operations (1) (2) |
- $/oz |
2,442 |
1,906 |
2,268 |
1,913 |
Average gold price received per ounce* - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- $/oz |
2,503 |
1,924 |
2,313 |
1,935 |
Cost of sales - Managed operations |
- $m |
921 |
863 |
2,683 |
2,612 |
Cost of sales - Non-managed joint ventures |
- $m |
104 |
97 |
278 |
279 |
All-in sustaining costs per ounce* - Managed operations (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,665 |
1,579 |
1,660 |
1,609 |
All-in sustaining costs per ounce* - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- $/oz |
1,241 |
820 |
1,133 |
967 |
All-in sustaining costs per ounce* - Group (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,616 |
1,469 |
1,598 |
1,525 |
All-in costs per ounce* - Managed operations (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,925 |
1,741 |
1,916 |
1,837 |
All-in costs per ounce* - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- $/oz |
1,458 |
954 |
1,339 |
1,092 |
All-in costs per ounce* - Group (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,871 |
1,627 |
1,848 |
1,740 |
Total cash costs per ounce* - Managed operations (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,186 |
1,152 |
1,195 |
1,189 |
Total cash costs per ounce* - Non-managed joint ventures (2) |
- $/oz |
1,053 |
721 |
924 |
817 |
Total cash costs per ounce* - Group (1) (2) (3) |
- $/oz |
1,172 |
1,089 |
1,163 |
1,140 |
Profit (loss) before taxation |
- $m |
394 |
(157) |
974 |
(81) |
Adjusted EBITDA* |
- $m |
746 |
170 |
1,863 |
846 |
Total borrowings |
- $m |
2,303 |
2,169 |
2,303 |
2,169 |
Adjusted net debt* |
- $m |
906 |
1,253 |
906 |
1,253 |
Profit (loss) attributable to equity shareholders |
- $m |
223 |
(224) |
534 |
(263) |
- US cents/share |
53 |
(53) |
127 |
(62) |
Headline earnings (loss) (4) |
- $m |
236 |
(194) |
549 |
(133) |
- US cents/share |
56 |
(46) |
130 |
(32) |
Net cash inflow from operating activities |
- $m |
606 |
274 |
1,278 |
567 |
Free cash flow* |
- $m |
347 |
20 |
553 |
(184) |
Capital expenditure - Managed operations |
- $m |
267 |
255 |
757 |
708 |
Capital expenditure - Non-managed joint ventures |
- $m |
28 |
18 |
89 |
61 |
(1) All financial periods within the financial year ended 31 December 2023 have been adjusted to exclude the Córrego do Sítio (“CdS”) operation that was placed on care and maintenance in August 2023. All gold production, gold sold, average gold price received per ounce*, all-in sustaining costs per ounce*, all-in costs per ounce* and total cash costs per ounce* metrics in this document have been adjusted to exclude the CdS operation, unless otherwise stated. |
(2) The term “managed operations” refers to subsidiaries managed by AngloGold Ashanti and included in its consolidated reporting, while the term “non-managed joint ventures” refers to equity-accounted joint ventures that are reported based on AngloGold Ashanti’s share of attributable earnings and are not managed by AngloGold Ashanti. Managed operations are reported on a consolidated basis. Non-managed joint ventures are reported on an attributable basis. |
(3) Includes gold concentrate from the Cuiabá mine sold to third parties. |
(4) The financial measures “headline earnings (loss)” and “headline earnings (loss) per share” are not calculated in accordance with IFRS® Accounting Standards, but in accordance with the Headline Earnings Circular 1/2023, issued by the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA), at the request of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Limited (JSE). These measures are required to be disclosed by the JSE Listings Requirements and therefore do not constitute Non-GAAP financial measures for purposes of the rules and regulations of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) applicable to the use and disclosure of Non-GAAP financial measures. |
* Refer to “Non-GAAP disclosure” for definitions and reconciliations. |
$ represents US Dollar, unless otherwise stated. |
Rounding of figures may result in computational discrepancies. |
(Incorporated in
Registration No. 14654651
LEI No. 2138005YDSA7A82RNU96
CUSIP: G0378L100
NYSE Share code: AU
JSE Share code: ANG
A2X Share code: ANG
GhSE (Shares): AGA
7 November 2024
JSE Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Certain statements contained in this document, other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, those concerning the economic outlook for the gold mining industry, expectations regarding gold prices, production, total cash costs, all-in sustaining costs, all-in costs, cost savings and other operating results, return on equity, productivity improvements, growth prospects and outlook of AngloGold Ashanti’s operations, individually or in the aggregate, including the achievement of project milestones, commencement and completion of commercial operations of certain of AngloGold Ashanti’s exploration and production projects and the completion of acquisitions, dispositions or joint venture transactions, AngloGold Ashanti’s liquidity and capital resources and capital expenditures, the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outcome and consequences of any potential or pending litigation or regulatory proceedings or environmental, health and safety issues, are forward-looking statements regarding AngloGold Ashanti’s financial reports, operations, economic performance and financial condition. These forward-looking statements or forecasts are not based on historical facts, but rather reflect our current beliefs and expectations concerning future events and generally may be identified by the use of forward-looking words, phrases and expressions such as “believe”, “expect”, “aim”, “anticipate”, “intend”, “foresee”, “forecast”, “predict”, “project”, “estimate”, “likely”, “may”, “might”, “could”, “should”, “would”, “seek”, “plan”, “scheduled”, “possible”, “continue”, “potential”, “outlook”, “target” or other similar words, phrases, and expressions; provided that the absence thereof does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Similarly, statements that describe our objectives, plans or goals are or may be forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements or forecasts involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause AngloGold Ashanti’s actual results, performance, actions or achievements to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance, actions or achievements expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. Although AngloGold Ashanti believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements and forecasts are reasonable, no assurance can be given that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Accordingly, results, performance, actions or achievements could differ materially from those set out in the forward-looking statements as a result of, among other factors, changes in economic, social, political and market conditions, including related to inflation or international conflicts, the success of business and operating initiatives, changes in the regulatory environment and other government actions, including environmental approvals, fluctuations in gold prices and exchange rates, the outcome of pending or future litigation proceedings, any supply chain disruptions, any public health crises, pandemics or epidemics (including the COVID-19 pandemic), the failure to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting or effective disclosure controls and procedures, the inability to remediate one or more material weaknesses, or the discovery of additional material weaknesses, in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, and other business and operational risks and challenges and other factors, including mining accidents. For a discussion of such risk factors, refer to AngloGold Ashanti’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended 31 December 2023 filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These factors are not necessarily all of the important factors that could cause AngloGold Ashanti’s actual results, performance, actions or achievements to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could also have material adverse effects on AngloGold Ashanti’s future results, performance, actions or achievements. Consequently, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. AngloGold Ashanti undertakes no obligation to update publicly or release any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except to the extent required by applicable law. All subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to AngloGold Ashanti or any person acting on its behalf are qualified by the cautionary statements herein.
Non-GAAP financial measures
This communication may contain certain “Non-GAAP” financial measures. AngloGold Ashanti utilises certain Non-GAAP performance measures and ratios in managing its business. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, the reported operating results or cash flow from operations or any other measures of performance prepared in accordance with IFRS. In addition, the presentation of these measures may not be comparable to similarly titled measures other companies may use.
September 2024 Published 7 November 2024
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Andrea Maxey: +61 08 9425 4603 / +61 400 072 199
General inquiries
Yatish Chowthee: +27 11 637 6273 / +27 78 364 2080
Andrea Maxey: +61 08 9425 4603 / +61 400 072 199
Source: AngloGold Ashanti plc