AngloGold Ashanti plc Announces Board Committee and Board Role Changes
AngloGold Ashanti plc has announced significant changes to its Board Committees effective January 1. The company has restructured four key committees: Audit and Risk, Compensation and Human Resources, Nominations and Governance, and Social, Ethics and Sustainability. Additionally, Rhidwaan Gasant, current Lead Independent Director, will retire at the 2025 Annual General Meeting. Alan Ferguson has been appointed as the new Lead Independent Director, and will step down as Audit and Risk Committee Chair after the 2025 AGM, to be succeeded by Diana Sands.
AngloGold Ashanti plc ha annunciato cambiamenti significativi ai suoi Comitati di Consiglio, con effetto dal 1° gennaio. L'azienda ha ristrutturato quattro comitati chiave: Audit e Rischio, Compensazione e Risorse Umane, Nominazioni e Governance e Sociale, Etica e Sostenibilità. Inoltre, Rhidwaan Gasant, attuale Direttore Indipendente Principale, si ritirerà durante l'Assemblea Generale Annuale del 2025. Alan Ferguson è stato nominato nuovo Direttore Indipendente Principale e si dimetterà dalla posizione di Presidente del Comitato Audit e Rischio dopo l'AGM del 2025, per essere sostituito da Diana Sands.
AngloGold Ashanti plc ha anunciado cambios significativos en sus Comités de Consejo, que entrarán en vigor el 1 de enero. La compañía ha reestructurado cuatro comités clave: Auditoría y Riesgo, Compensación y Recursos Humanos, Nominaciones y Gobernanza y Social, Ética y Sostenibilidad. Además, Rhidwaan Gasant, actual Director Independiente Principal, se retirará en la Junta General Anual de 2025. Alan Ferguson ha sido designado como nuevo Director Independiente Principal y renunciará a su cargo como Presidente del Comité de Auditoría y Riesgo después de la AGM de 2025, siendo sucedido por Diana Sands.
앵글로골드 아샨티 plc는 1월 1일부터 이사회 위원회에 중대한 변화를 발표했습니다. 회사는 네 개의 주요 위원회인 감audit 및 리스크, 보상 및 인적 자원, 지명 및 거버넌스, 사회, 윤리 및 지속 가능성을 재구성했습니다. 또한, Rhidwaan Gasant 현재 수석 독립 이사는 2025년 정기 총회에서 은퇴할 예정입니다. Alan Ferguson이 새로운 수석 독립 이사로 임명되었으며 2025년 AGM 이후 감사 및 리스크 위원회 의장에서 사임하고 Diana Sands가 그 후임이 될 것입니다.
AngloGold Ashanti plc a annoncé d'importants changements au sein de ses Comités du Conseil d'administration, prenant effet le 1er janvier. L'entreprise a restructuré quatre comités clés : Audit et Risques, Rémunération et Ressources Humaines, Nominations et Gouvernance, et Social, Éthique et Durabilité. De plus, Rhidwaan Gasant, l'actuel Directeur Indépendant Principal, prendra sa retraite lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle de 2025. Alan Ferguson a été nommé nouveau Directeur Indépendant Principal et démissionnera de son poste de Président du Comité d'Audit et de Risques après l'AGM de 2025, pour être remplacé par Diana Sands.
AngloGold Ashanti plc hat bedeutende Änderungen seiner Vorstandskomitees mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat vier wichtige Komitees umstrukturiert: Prüfung und Risiko, Vergütung und Humanressourcen, Nominierungen und Governance sowie Soziales, Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit. Darüber hinaus wird Rhidwaan Gasant, der derzeitige leitende unabhängige Direktor, bei der Hauptversammlung 2025 in den Ruhestand treten. Alan Ferguson wurde als neuer leitender unabhängiger Direktor ernannt und wird nach der Hauptversammlung 2025 als Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses zurücktreten, gefolgt von Diana Sands.
- None.
- None.
Audit and Risk Committee
Alan Ferguson (Chair)
Kojo Busia
Bruce Cleaver
Rhidwaan Gasant
Al Garner
Jinhee Magie
Diana Sands
Compensation and Human Resources Committee
Al Garner (Chair)
Alan Ferguson
Rhidwaan Gasant
Nicky Newton-King
Diana Sands
Nominations and Governance Committee
Jochen Tilk (Chair)
Rhidwaan Gasant
Alan Ferguson
Al Garner
Diana Sands
Social, Ethics and Sustainability Committee
Bruce Cleaver (Chair)
Kojo Busia
Rhidwaan Gasant
Jinhee Magie
Nicky Newton-King
In addition, Rhidwaan Gasant, Lead Independent Director, has informed the Company that he will not stand for re-appointment at the Company’s Annual General Meeting in May 2025 and will therefore retire as a non-executive director from the conclusion of the meeting.
“On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Rhidwaan for the significant contribution he has made to AngloGold Ashanti over his tenure as director, and in particular as Lead Independent Director,” said Chairman Jochen Tilk. “We wish him all the very best in his future endeavours."
The Board of Directors is pleased to appoint Alan Ferguson as Lead Independent Director from this date. Alan Ferguson will step down as the Audit and Risk Committee Chair from the conclusion of the 2025 AGM but will continue to serve as a member of the Committee. Diana Sands will succeed Mr Ferguson as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. All appointments are subject to the directors’ re-appointment by shareholders at the next AGM.
JSE Sponsor: The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
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Andrea Maxey
+61 08 9435 4603 / +61 400 072 199
General inquiries
Andrea Maxey
+61 08 9435 4603 / +61 400 072 199
Yatish Chowthee
+27 11 637 6273 / +27 78 364 2080
Source: AngloGold Ashanti plc