Astronics Corporation Reports 14% Growth in Sales in 2024 Second Quarter
Astronics (ATRO) reported 14% sales growth to $198.1 million in Q2 2024. Key highlights include:
- Operating income increased to $7.6 million (3.8% of sales)
- Net income of $1.5 million ($0.04 per diluted share)
- Adjusted EBITDA grew 28% to $20.2 million (10.2% of sales)
- Record backlog of $633.4 million with 1.11x book-to-bill ratio
- Aerospace segment achieved 10th consecutive record backlog of $554.6 million
The company raised its 2024 revenue guidance to $780-$800 million. Q2 results were driven by increased demand, new program wins, and improved operational efficiency. Aerospace segment sales grew 11.7% to $176.9 million, while Test Systems sales increased to $21.2 million.
Astronics (ATRO) ha riportato una crescita delle vendite del 14%, raggiungendo 198,1 milioni di dollari nel secondo trimestre del 2024. I punti salienti includono:
- Il reddito operativo è aumentato a 7,6 milioni di dollari (3,8% delle vendite)
- Reddito netto di 1,5 milioni di dollari (0,04 dollari per azione diluita)
- EBITDA rettificato cresciuto del 28% a 20,2 milioni di dollari (10,2% delle vendite)
- Un portafoglio ordini record di 633,4 milioni di dollari con un rapporto book-to-bill di 1,11
- Il segmento aerospaziale ha raggiunto il decimo portafoglio ordini record consecutivo di 554,6 milioni di dollari
L'azienda ha alzato la propria guida sui ricavi del 2024 a 780-800 milioni di dollari. I risultati del Q2 sono stati guidati da una domanda crescente, nuovi programmi vinti e un miglioramento dell'efficienza operativa. Le vendite del segmento aerospaziale sono aumentate dell'11,7% a 176,9 milioni di dollari, mentre le vendite dei sistemi di test sono salite a 21,2 milioni di dollari.
Astronics (ATRO) reportó un crecimiento en las ventas del 14%, alcanzando 198,1 millones de dólares en el segundo trimestre de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- El ingreso operativo aumentó a 7,6 millones de dólares (3,8% de las ventas)
- Ingreso neto de 1,5 millones de dólares (0,04 dólares por acción diluida)
- EBITDA ajustado creció un 28% a 20,2 millones de dólares (10,2% de las ventas)
- Un portafolio de pedidos récord de 633,4 millones de dólares con una relación book-to-bill de 1,11
- El segmento aeroespacial logró su décimo portafolio de pedidos récord consecutivo de 554,6 millones de dólares
La compañía elevó su pronóstico de ingresos para 2024 a 780-800 millones de dólares. Los resultados del Q2 fueron impulsados por una mayor demanda, nuevas ganancias de programas y una mejor eficiencia operacional. Las ventas del segmento aeroespacial crecieron un 11,7% a 176,9 millones de dólares, mientras que las ventas de sistemas de prueba aumentaron a 21,2 millones de dólares.
Astronics (ATRO)는 2024년 2분기 매출이 14% 성장하여 1억 9810만 달러에 도달했다고 발표했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 운영 소득이 760만 달러(매출의 3.8%)로 증가
- 순이익 150만 달러(희석 주당 0.04 달러)
- 조정된 EBITDA가 28% 증가하여 2020만 달러(매출의 10.2%)에 도달
- 6억 3340만 달러의 기록적인 백로그와 1.11 배의 수주-발주 비율
- 항공우주 부문은 10개월 연속으로 5억 5460만 달러의 기록적인 백로그를 달성했습니다.
회사는 2024년 매출 전망을 7억 8000만-8억 달러로 상향 조정했습니다. 2분기 결과는 증가한 수요, 새로운 프로그램 수주, 그리고 개선된 운영 효율성에 의해 이끌어졌습니다. 항공우주 부문의 매출은 11.7% 증가하여 1억 7690만 달러에 도달했으며, 시험 시스템의 매출도 2120만 달러로 증가했습니다.
Astronics (ATRO) a rapporté une croissance des ventes de 14%, atteignant 198,1 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre 2024. Les principaux points à retenir comprennent :
- Le résultat d'exploitation a augmenté à 7,6 millions de dollars (3,8% des ventes)
- Bénéfice net de 1,5 million de dollars (0,04 dollar par action diluée)
- EBITDA ajusté en hausse de 28% à 20,2 millions de dollars (10,2% des ventes)
- Un carnet de commandes record de 633,4 millions de dollars avec un ratio book-to-bill de 1,11
- Le segment aérospatial a atteint un carnet de commandes record consécutif au dixième de 554,6 millions de dollars
La société a relevé sa prévision de revenus pour 2024 à 780-800 millions de dollars. Les résultats du deuxième trimestre ont été soutenus par une demande accrue, des gains sur de nouveaux programmes et une amélioration de l'efficacité opérationnelle. Les ventes du segment aérospatial ont augmenté de 11,7% pour atteindre 176,9 millions de dollars, tandis que les ventes des systèmes de test ont atteint 21,2 millions de dollars.
Astronics (ATRO) berichtete von einem Umsatzwachstum von 14%, das 198,1 Millionen Dollar im 2. Quartal 2024 erreichte. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:
- Das Betriebsergebnis stieg auf 7,6 Millionen Dollar (3,8% des Umsatzes)
- Nettogewinn von 1,5 Millionen Dollar (0,04 Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie)
- Bereinigtes EBITDA wuchs um 28% auf 20,2 Millionen Dollar (10,2% des Umsatzes)
- Rekordauftragsbestand von 633,4 Millionen Dollar mit einem Book-to-Bill-Verhältnis von 1,11
- Der Luftfahrtbereich erzielte den zehnten aufeinanderfolgenden Rekordauftragsbestand von 554,6 Millionen Dollar
Das Unternehmen hob die Umsatzprognose für 2024 auf 780-800 Millionen Dollar an. Die Ergebnisse des Q2 wurden durch steigende Nachfrage, neue Programmgewinne und verbesserte Effizienz in der Betriebsführung angetrieben. Die Umsätze im Luftfahrtsegment stiegen um 11,7% auf 176,9 Millionen Dollar, während die Umsätze im Testsystembereich auf 21,2 Millionen Dollar zunahmen.
- 14% year-over-year sales growth to $198.1 million in Q2 2024
- Operating income increased to $7.6 million (3.8% of sales) from $2.4 million in Q2 2023
- Adjusted EBITDA grew 28% to $20.2 million (10.2% of sales)
- Record backlog of $633.4 million with 1.11x book-to-bill ratio
- Aerospace segment achieved 10th consecutive record backlog of $554.6 million
- Raised 2024 revenue guidance to $780-$800 million
- Aerospace segment sales increased 11.7% to $176.9 million
- Commercial Transport sales increased 14.6% to $128.4 million
- Military Aircraft sales increased 82.4% to $24.8 million
- Refinanced debt structure, providing improved liquidity and lower cash costs
- Test Systems segment reported an operating loss of $5.3 million
- $3.5 million negative impact on Test Systems sales due to revision of estimated costs for long-term mass transit contracts
- General Aviation sales decreased 24% to $19.0 million
- Net debt increased to $174.0 million from $161.2 million at end of 2023
- Q3 2024 expenses to include approximately $7.5 million in refinancing-related fees and costs
Astronics 's Q2 2024 results demonstrate significant improvement across key financial metrics, signaling a robust recovery in the aerospace sector. The 14% year-over-year sales growth to
The company's profitability has seen a marked improvement, with operating income increasing to
Notably, Astronics achieved a net income of
The company's decision to raise its 2024 revenue guidance to
Overall, Astronics' Q2 results and raised guidance paint a picture of a company successfully navigating the aerospace industry's recovery, with strong potential for continued growth and improved profitability in the coming quarters.
Astronics' Q2 2024 results reflect the broader recovery trend in the aerospace industry, with particularly strong performance in the Commercial Transport sector. The
However, the
The record Aerospace segment backlog of
Looking ahead, investors should monitor how Astronics navigates potential challenges such as supply chain constraints and labor shortages that continue to affect the broader aerospace industry. The company's ability to maintain its operational improvements and capitalize on its strong backlog will be important for sustaining its growth trajectory in the competitive aerospace market.
Sales grew
14% to in the quarter$198.1 million -
Operating income increased to
in the quarter, or$7.6 million 3.8% of sales -
Achieved net income for the quarter of
, or$1.5 million per diluted share$0.04 -
Adjusted EBITDA1 grew
28% to , or$20.2 million 10.2% of sales, an increase of over the second quarter of the prior year$4.4 million -
Bookings in the quarter were
, driving a record backlog of$219.0 million with book to bill ratio of 1.11x$633.4 million -
Aerospace achieved its tenth consecutive record backlog of
$554.6 million -
Raising 2024 revenue guidance to
to$780 million $800 million

Astronics Segment Sales and Bookings (Graphic: Business Wire)
Peter J. Gundermann, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “Our second quarter confirmed success with increased demand, new program wins, and our ability to deliver product to our customers more efficiently and predictably. We exceeded our guidance with
____________________________ |
1 Adjusted EBITDA is a Non-GAAP Performance Measure. Please see the attached table for a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to GAAP net income (loss). |
Second Quarter Results
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
($ in thousands) |
June 29, 2024 |
July 1, 2023 |
% Change |
June 29, 2024 |
July 1, 2023 |
% Change |
Sales |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
174,454 |
13.6 |
% |
$ |
383,188 |
$ |
330,992 |
15.8 |
% |
Income from Operations |
$ |
7,550 |
$ |
2,396 |
215.1 |
% |
$ |
9,216 |
$ |
26 |
35,346.2 |
% |
Operating Margin % |
3.8 |
% |
1.4 |
% |
2.4 |
% |
— |
% |
Net Gain on Sale of Business |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
— |
$ |
(3,427 |
) |
Net Income (Loss) |
$ |
1,533 |
$ |
(11,999 |
) |
112.8 |
% |
$ |
(1,645 |
) |
$ |
(16,414 |
) |
90.0 |
% |
Net Income (Loss) % |
0.8 |
% |
(6.9 |
)% |
(0.4 |
)% |
(5.0 |
)% |
*Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
20,243 |
$ |
15,844 |
27.8 |
% |
$ |
39,316 |
$ |
21,922 |
79.3 |
% |
*Adjusted EBITDA Margin % |
10.2 |
% |
9.1 |
% |
10.3 |
% |
6.6 |
% |
*Adjusted EBITDA is a Non-GAAP Performance Measure. Please see the attached table for a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA to GAAP net income (loss). |
Second Quarter 2024 Results (compared with the prior-year period, unless noted otherwise)
Consolidated sales were up
Consolidated operating income increased to
Consolidated sales and operating profit were negatively impacted by
Consolidated net income was
Consolidated adjusted EBITDA increased to
Bookings were
Aerospace Segment Review (refer to sales by market and segment data in accompanying tables)
Aerospace Second Quarter 2024 Results (compared with the prior-year period, unless noted otherwise)
Aerospace segment sales increased
Military Aircraft sales increased
Aerospace segment operating profit of
Aerospace bookings were
Mr. Gundermann commented, “The strong demand for our Aerospace products and technologies continues to gain momentum as the aerospace industry recovers. Encouragingly, we are seeing strength across all of our Aerospace product lines. While our significant position in inflight entertainment and connectivity continues to grow, we are also seeing strong growth in our flight critical power and aircraft lighting thrusts. At the same time, we are continuing to become more efficient at delivering product reliably and predictably and the higher throughput is beginning to show the operating leverage that is inherent in our business.”
Test Systems Segment Review (refer to sales by market and segment data in accompanying tables)
Test Systems Second Quarter 2024 Results (compared with the prior-year period, unless noted otherwise)
Test Systems segment sales were
Test Systems segment operating loss was
In April 2024, the Test Systems segment implemented restructuring initiatives to align the workforce and management structure with near-term revenue expectations and operational needs resulting in
Bookings for the Test Systems segment in the quarter were
Mr. Gundermann commented, “The second quarter was an important reset for our Test business. We finally were awarded the
Liquidity and Financing
Capital expenditures in the quarter were
Cash used for operations in the second quarter of 2024 was primarily the result of a
On July 11, 2024, the Company announced it had amended and expanded its revolving line of credit and refinanced its term loan. The refinancing provides improved liquidity, lower cash costs, and greater financial flexibility for the Company. The refinancing is comprised of an expanded asset-based line of credit and a reduced, lower-cost term loan.
The revolving line of credit was expanded from
The new
The lower combined interest rate is expected to reduce interest expense by
Third quarter 2024 expenses will include refinancing-related fees, the call premium on the previous term loan and the write-off of deferred financing costs related to the previous financing. These expenses in total are estimated to be
2024 Outlook
The Company is increasing its 2024 revenue guidance to
The Company expects third quarter revenue to be in the range of
Backlog at the end of the second quarter was a record
Peter Gundermann commented, “We are making excellent progress as an organization, with first half 2024 sales up
Second Quarter 2024 Webcast and Conference Call
The Company will host a teleconference today at 4:45 p.m. ET. During the teleconference, management will review the financial and operating results for the period and discuss Astronics’ corporate strategy and outlook. A question-and-answer session will follow.
The Astronics conference call can be accessed by calling (412) 317-0518. The listen-only audio webcast can be monitored at To listen to the archived call, dial (412) 317-6671 and enter replay pin number 10189526. The telephonic replay will be available from 8:00 p.m. on the day of the call through Thursday, August 15, 2024. The webcast replay can be accessed via the investor relations section of the Company’s website where a transcript will also be posted once available.
About Astronics Corporation
Astronics Corporation (Nasdaq: ATRO) serves the world’s aerospace, defense, and other mission-critical industries with proven innovative technology solutions. Astronics works side-by-side with customers, integrating its array of power, connectivity, lighting, structures, interiors, and test technologies to solve complex challenges. For over 50 years, Astronics has delivered creative, customer-focused solutions with exceptional responsiveness. Today, global airframe manufacturers, airlines, military branches, completion centers, and Fortune 500 companies rely on the collaborative spirit and innovation of Astronics. The Company’s strategy is to increase its value by developing technologies and capabilities that provide innovative solutions to its targeted markets.
Safe Harbor Statement
This news release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. One can identify these forward-looking statements by the use of the words “expect,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “may,” “will,” “estimate,” “feeling” or other similar expressions and include all statements with regard to achieving any revenue or profitability expectations, aircraft production rates, the predictability of the supply chain and productivity of manufacturing personnel and efficiency of staff, the effectiveness on profitability of cost reduction efforts, the effect of pricing on margins, the execution of program wins, the benefit of market position, success with program awards and contributions of innovation, the length of the runway for improved earnings, the level of liquidity and its sufficiency to meet current needs, the rate of acceleration of the business, the level of cash generation, the level of demand by customers and markets. Because such statements apply to future events, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from what may be stated here include the impact of global pandemics and related governmental and other actions taken in response, the trend in growth with passenger power and connectivity on airplanes, the state of the aerospace and defense industries, the market acceptance of newly developed products, internal production capabilities, the timing of orders received, the status of customer certification processes and delivery schedules, the demand for and market acceptance of new or existing aircraft which contain the Company’s products, the impact of regulatory activity and public scrutiny on production rates of a major
(Unaudited, $ in thousands except per share data) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
Sales1 |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
174,454 |
$ |
383,188 |
$ |
330,992 |
Cost of products sold |
156,760 |
141,759 |
307,643 |
270,787 |
Gross profit |
41,354 |
32,695 |
75,545 |
60,205 |
Gross margin |
20.9 |
% |
18.7 |
% |
19.7 |
% |
18.2 |
% |
Selling, general and administrative |
33,804 |
30,299 |
66,329 |
60,179 |
SG&A % of sales |
17.1 |
% |
17.4 |
% |
17.3 |
% |
18.2 |
% |
Income from operations |
7,550 |
2,396 |
9,216 |
26 |
Operating margin |
3.8 |
% |
1.4 |
% |
2.4 |
% |
— |
% |
Net gain on sale of business2 |
— |
— |
— |
(3,427 |
) |
Other expense (income)3 |
435 |
378 |
871 |
(910 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
5,856 |
5,920 |
11,615 |
11,390 |
Income (loss) before tax |
1,259 |
(3,902 |
) |
(3,270 |
) |
(7,027 |
) |
Income tax (benefit) expense |
(274 |
) |
8,097 |
(1,625 |
) |
9,387 |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
1,533 |
$ |
(11,999 |
) |
$ |
(1,645 |
) |
$ |
(16,414 |
) |
Net income (loss) % of sales |
0.8 |
% |
(6.9 |
)% |
(0.4 |
)% |
(5.0 |
)% |
Basic earnings (loss) per share: |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
(0.37 |
) |
$ |
(0.05 |
) |
$ |
(0.50 |
) |
Diluted earnings (loss) per share: |
$ |
0.04 |
$ |
(0.37 |
) |
$ |
(0.05 |
) |
$ |
(0.50 |
) |
Weighted average diluted shares outstanding (in thousands) |
35,547 |
32,614 |
34,936 |
32,560 |
Capital expenditures |
$ |
1,796 |
$ |
2,233 |
$ |
3,394 |
$ |
3,806 |
Depreciation and amortization |
$ |
6,203 |
$ |
6,711 |
$ |
12,531 |
$ |
13,373 |
____________________________ |
1 In the six months ended July 1, 2023, |
2 Net gain on sale of business for the six months ended July 1, 2023 is comprised of the additional gain on the sale of the Company’s former semiconductor test business resulting from the contingent earnout for the 2022 calendar year. |
3 Other expense (income) for the six months ended July 1, 2023 includes income of |
Reconciliation to Non-GAAP Performance Measures
In addition to reporting net income, a
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
Consolidated |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
Net income (loss) |
$ |
1,533 |
$ |
(11,999 |
) |
$ |
(1,645 |
) |
$ |
(16,414 |
) |
Add back (deduct): |
Interest expense |
5,856 |
5,920 |
11,615 |
11,390 |
Income tax (benefit) expense |
(274 |
) |
8,097 |
(1,625 |
) |
9,387 |
Depreciation and amortization expense |
6,203 |
6,711 |
12,531 |
13,373 |
Equity-based compensation expense |
1,840 |
1,593 |
4,642 |
3,992 |
Non-cash annual stock bonus accrual |
— |
— |
1,448 |
— |
Non-cash 401K contribution and quarterly bonus accrual |
— |
1,328 |
3,454 |
2,536 |
Restructuring-related charges including severance |
657 |
564 |
774 |
564 |
Legal reserve, settlements and recoveries |
— |
(1,305 |
) |
— |
(1,305 |
) |
Litigation-related legal expenses |
4,428 |
4,935 |
8,122 |
9,450 |
Equity investment accrued payable write-off |
— |
— |
— |
(1,800 |
) |
Net gain on sale of business |
— |
— |
— |
(3,427 |
) |
Deferred liability recovery |
— |
— |
— |
(5,824 |
) |
Adjusted EBITDA |
$ |
20,243 |
$ |
15,844 |
$ |
39,316 |
$ |
21,922 |
Sales |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
174,454 |
$ |
383,188 |
$ |
330,992 |
Adjusted EBITDA margin on sales |
10.2 |
% |
9.1 |
% |
10.3 |
% |
6.6 |
% |
($ in thousands) |
(unaudited) |
6/29/2024 |
12/31/2023 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
2,857 |
$ |
4,756 |
Restricted cash |
1,535 |
6,557 |
Accounts receivable and uncompleted contracts |
186,295 |
172,108 |
Inventories |
200,679 |
191,801 |
Other current assets |
21,039 |
14,560 |
Property, plant and equipment, net |
82,511 |
85,436 |
Other long-term assets |
32,957 |
34,944 |
Intangible assets, net |
58,843 |
65,420 |
Goodwill |
58,143 |
58,210 |
Total assets |
$ |
644,859 |
$ |
633,792 |
Current maturities of long-term debt |
$ |
1,300 |
$ |
8,996 |
Accounts payable and accrued expenses |
122,207 |
112,309 |
Customer advances and deferred revenue |
17,635 |
22,029 |
Long-term debt |
172,635 |
159,237 |
Other liabilities |
73,202 |
81,703 |
Shareholders' equity |
257,880 |
249,518 |
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity |
$ |
644,859 |
$ |
633,792 |
Six Months Ended |
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
Cash flows from operating activities: |
Net loss |
$ |
(1,645 |
) |
$ |
(16,414 |
) |
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash from operating activities: |
Non-cash items: |
Depreciation and amortization |
12,531 |
13,373 |
Amortization of deferred financing fees |
1,695 |
1,363 |
Provisions for non-cash losses on inventory and receivables |
2,415 |
1,705 |
Equity-based compensation expense |
4,642 |
3,992 |
Net gain on sale of business |
— |
(3,427 |
) |
Operating lease non-cash expense |
2,562 |
2,563 |
Non-cash 401K contribution and quarterly bonus accrual |
3,454 |
2,536 |
Non-cash annual stock bonus accrual |
1,448 |
— |
Non-cash deferred liability reversal |
— |
(5,824 |
) |
Other |
1,827 |
(1,275 |
) |
Cash flows from changes in operating assets and liabilities: |
Accounts receivable |
(15,281 |
) |
(22,619 |
) |
Inventories |
(11,398 |
) |
(22,638 |
) |
Accounts payable |
(4,661 |
) |
14,081 |
Accrued expenses |
9,255 |
5,611 |
Income taxes |
(4,487 |
) |
7,422 |
Operating lease liabilities |
(2,447 |
) |
(2,674 |
) |
Customer advance payments and deferred revenue |
(4,280 |
) |
959 |
Supplemental retirement plan liabilities |
(209 |
) |
(206 |
) |
Other assets and liabilities |
356 |
321 |
Net cash used by operating activities |
(4,223 |
) |
(21,151 |
) |
Cash flows from investing activities: |
Proceeds on sale of business and assets |
— |
3,427 |
Capital expenditures |
(3,394 |
) |
(3,806 |
) |
Net cash used by investing activities |
(3,394 |
) |
(379 |
) |
Cash flows from financing activities: |
Proceeds from long-term debt |
15,392 |
131,732 |
Principal payments on long-term debt |
(9,498 |
) |
(112,774 |
) |
Stock award and employee stock purchase plan activity |
(3,172 |
) |
(601 |
) |
Financing-related costs |
(1,837 |
) |
(6,388 |
) |
Finance lease principal payments |
(70 |
) |
(24 |
) |
Other |
(10 |
) |
— |
Net cash provided by financing activities |
805 |
11,945 |
Effect of exchange rates on cash |
(109 |
) |
101 |
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash |
(6,921 |
) |
(9,484 |
) |
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at beginning of period |
11,313 |
13,778 |
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash at end of period |
$ |
4,392 |
$ |
4,294 |
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
Sales |
Aerospace |
$ |
176,948 |
$ |
158,386 |
$ |
340,623 |
$ |
294,101 |
Less inter-segment |
(5 |
) |
(4 |
) |
(42 |
) |
(122 |
) |
Total Aerospace |
176,943 |
158,382 |
340,581 |
293,979 |
Test Systems1 |
21,171 |
16,072 |
42,607 |
37,013 |
Less inter-segment |
— |
— |
— |
— |
Total Test Systems |
21,171 |
16,072 |
42,607 |
37,013 |
Total consolidated sales |
198,114 |
174,454 |
383,188 |
330,992 |
Segment operating profit and margins |
Aerospace |
19,280 |
13,719 |
31,377 |
17,806 |
10.9 |
% |
8.7 |
% |
9.2 |
% |
6.1 |
% |
Test Systems1 |
(5,336 |
) |
(6,143 |
) |
(8,415 |
) |
(6,740 |
) |
(25.2 |
)% |
(38.2 |
)% |
(19.8 |
)% |
(18.2 |
)% |
Total segment operating profit |
13,944 |
7,576 |
22,962 |
11,066 |
Net gain on sale of business |
— |
— |
— |
(3,427 |
) |
Interest expense |
5,856 |
5,920 |
11,615 |
11,390 |
Corporate expenses and other2 |
6,829 |
5,558 |
14,617 |
10,130 |
Income (loss) before taxes |
$ |
1,259 |
$ |
(3,902 |
) |
$ |
(3,270 |
) |
$ |
(7,027 |
) |
____________________________ |
1 In the six months ended July 1, 2023, |
2 Corporate expenses and other for the six months ended July 1, 2023 includes income of |
ASTRONICS CORPORATION | |||||||||||||||||||||
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
2024 YTD |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
% Change |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
% Change |
% of Sales |
Aerospace Segment |
Commercial Transport |
$ |
128,399 |
$ |
112,079 |
14.6 |
% |
$ |
249,829 |
$ |
206,292 |
21.1 |
% |
65.2 |
% |
Military Aircraft |
24,781 |
13,584 |
82.4 |
% |
41,860 |
27,648 |
51.4 |
% |
10.9 |
% |
General Aviation |
19,015 |
25,015 |
(24.0 |
)% |
38,566 |
44,463 |
(13.3 |
)% |
10.1 |
% |
Other |
4,748 |
7,704 |
(38.4 |
)% |
10,326 |
15,576 |
(33.7 |
)% |
2.7 |
% |
Aerospace Total |
176,943 |
158,382 |
11.7 |
% |
340,581 |
293,979 |
15.9 |
% |
88.9 |
% |
Test Systems Segment1 |
Government & Defense |
21,171 |
16,072 |
31.7 |
% |
42,607 |
37,013 |
15.1 |
% |
11.1 |
% |
Total Sales |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
174,454 |
13.6 |
% |
$ |
383,188 |
$ |
330,992 |
15.8 |
% |
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
Three Months Ended |
Six Months Ended |
2024 YTD |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
% Change |
6/29/2024 |
7/1/2023 |
% Change |
% of Sales |
Aerospace Segment |
Electrical Power & Motion |
$ |
90,328 |
$ |
67,946 |
32.9 |
% |
$ |
173,452 |
$ |
121,400 |
42.9 |
% |
45.4 |
% |
Lighting & Safety |
46,454 |
41,918 |
10.8 |
% |
88,241 |
78,471 |
12.5 |
% |
23.0 |
% |
Avionics |
28,971 |
30,923 |
(6.3 |
)% |
54,565 |
60,664 |
(10.1 |
)% |
14.2 |
% |
Systems Certification |
3,364 |
7,620 |
(55.9 |
)% |
7,812 |
13,297 |
(41.2 |
)% |
2.0 |
% |
Structures |
3,078 |
2,271 |
35.5 |
% |
6,185 |
4,571 |
35.3 |
% |
1.6 |
% |
Other |
4,748 |
7,704 |
(38.4 |
)% |
10,326 |
15,576 |
(33.7 |
)% |
2.7 |
% |
Aerospace Total |
176,943 |
158,382 |
11.7 |
% |
340,581 |
293,979 |
15.9 |
% |
88.9 |
% |
Test Systems Segment1 |
21,171 |
16,072 |
31.7 |
% |
42,607 |
37,013 |
15.1 |
% |
11.1 |
% |
Total Sales |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
174,454 |
13.6 |
% |
$ |
383,188 |
$ |
330,992 |
15.8 |
% |
____________________________ |
1 Test Systems sales in the six months ended July 1, 2023 included a |
(Unaudited, $ in thousands) |
Q3 2023 |
Q4 2023 |
Q1 2024 |
Q2 2024 |
Trailing Twelve Months |
9/30/2023 |
12/31/2023 |
3/30/2024 |
6/29/2024 |
6/29/2024 |
Sales |
Aerospace |
$ |
142,104 |
$ |
168,747 |
$ |
163,638 |
$ |
176,943 |
$ |
651,432 |
Test Systems |
20,818 |
26,545 |
21,436 |
21,171 |
89,970 |
Total Sales |
$ |
162,922 |
$ |
195,292 |
$ |
185,074 |
$ |
198,114 |
$ |
741,402 |
Bookings |
Aerospace |
$ |
153,272 |
$ |
172,106 |
$ |
185,269 |
$ |
192,664 |
$ |
703,311 |
Test Systems |
22,724 |
11,176 |
19,986 |
26,359 |
80,245 |
Total Bookings |
$ |
175,996 |
$ |
183,282 |
$ |
205,255 |
$ |
219,023 |
$ |
783,556 |
Backlog |
Aerospace1 |
$ |
513,881 |
$ |
517,240 |
$ |
538,871 |
$ |
554,592 |
Test Systems |
90,405 |
75,036 |
73,586 |
78,774 |
Total Backlog |
$ |
604,286 |
$ |
592,276 |
$ |
612,457 |
$ |
633,366 |
N/A |
Book:Bill Ratio |
Aerospace |
1.08 |
1.02 |
1.13 |
1.09 |
1.08 |
Test Systems |
1.09 |
0.42 |
0.93 |
1.25 |
0.89 |
Total Book:Bill |
1.08 |
0.94 |
1.11 |
1.11 |
1.06 |
____________________________ |
1 In November of 2023, a non-core contract manufacturing customer reported within the Aerospace segment declared bankruptcy, and as a result, Aerospace and Total Backlog was reduced by |
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David C. Burney, Chief Financial Officer
(716) 805-1599, ext. 159
Investor Relations:
Deborah K. Pawlowski, Kei Advisors LLC
(716) 843-3908
Source: Astronics Corporation
What was Astronics 's (ATRO) revenue growth in Q2 2024?
How much did Astronics' (ATRO) Aerospace segment sales increase in Q2 2024?
What is Astronics 's (ATRO) updated revenue guidance for 2024?
What was Astronics' (ATRO) backlog at the end of Q2 2024?