Aptar Awarded Federal Government Contract to Advance Novel Sterilization Technology for Medical Devices

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AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR) has been awarded a $4.8 million, five-year contract from the U.S. Federal Government to advance development of its ActivShield™ technology. This innovative solution sterilizes medical devices and instruments without a power source, making it suitable for rural areas, military settings, and healthcare facilities with sterilization capabilities.

ActivShield™ uses Aptar CSP Technologies' 3-Phase Activ-Polymer™ platform and emits controlled chlorine dioxide gas for sterilization. It offers advantages over conventional methods, including portability, no infrastructure requirements, and absence of health risks associated with Ethylene Oxide (EtO). The technology can be custom-engineered, is stable, compact, and manufactured in the United States.

This advancement could significantly reduce infection risks in remote or emergency response settings and decrease reliance on expensive and unsafe sterilization techniques. For the military, it can provide access to sterilized instruments in far-forward environments during critical pre-hospitalization periods.

AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR) ha ricevuto un contratto di 4,8 milioni di dollari della durata di cinque anni dal governo federale degli Stati Uniti per promuovere lo sviluppo della sua tecnologia ActivShield™. Questa soluzione innovativa sterilizza dispositivi e strumenti medici senza una fonte di energia, rendendola adatta per aree rurali, contesti militari e strutture sanitarie prive di capacità di sterilizzazione.

ActivShield™ utilizza la piattaforma Activ-Polymer™ a 3 fasi di Aptar CSP Technologies ed emette gas diossido di cloro controllato per la sterilizzazione. Presenta vantaggi rispetto ai metodi convenzionali, tra cui portabilità, assenza di requisiti infrastrutturali e mancanza di rischi per la salute associati all'ossido di etilene (EtO). La tecnologia può essere personalizzata, è stabile, compatta e realizzata negli Stati Uniti.

Questo progresso potrebbe ridurre significativamente i rischi di infezione in contesti remoti o di risposta emergenziale e diminuisce la dipendenza da tecniche di sterilizzazione costose e pericolose. Per il settore militare, può garantire l'accesso a strumenti sterilizzati in ambienti avanzati durante periodi critici prima dell'ospedalizzazione.

AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR) ha sido adjudicado un contrato de 4.8 millones de dólares por cinco años por parte del gobierno federal de EE. UU. para avanzar en el desarrollo de su tecnología ActivShield™. Esta solución innovadora esteriliza dispositivos e instrumentos médicos sin una fuente de energía, lo que la hace adecuada para áreas rurales, entornos militares y centros de salud sin capacidades de esterilización.

ActivShield™ utiliza la plataforma Activ-Polymer™ de 3 fases de Aptar CSP Technologies y emite gas de dióxido de cloro controlado para la esterilización. Ofrece ventajas sobre los métodos convencionales, incluyendo portabilidad, sin requisitos de infraestructura y la ausencia de riesgos para la salud asociados con el óxido de etileno (EtO). La tecnología puede ser diseñada a medida, es estable, compacta y fabricada en los Estados Unidos.

Este avance podría reducir significativamente los riesgos de infección en entornos remotos o de respuesta a emergencias y disminuir la dependencia de técnicas de esterilización costosas y peligrosas. Para el ámbito militar, puede proporcionar acceso a instrumentos esterilizados en entornos avanzados durante períodos críticos antes de la hospitalización.

AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR)는 미국 연방 정부로부터 48만 달러 규모의 5년 계약을 체결하여 ActivShield™ 기술의 개발을 촉진하게 되었습니다. 이 혁신적인 솔루션은 전원 없이 의료 기기와 도구를 멸균합니다, 덕분에 농촌 지역과 군사 환경, 멸균 능력이 없는 의료 시설에 적합합니다.

ActivShield™는 Aptar CSP Technologies의 3단계 Activ-Polymer™ 플랫폼를 사용하고 멸균을 위해 제어된 이산화 염소 가스를 방출합니다. 기존 방법에 비해 휴대성, 인프라 요구 없음, 에틸렌 옥사이드 (EtO)와 관련된 건강 위험 없음 등의 이점을 제공합니다. 이 기술은 맞춤 제작할 수 있으며, 안정적이고 소형이며 미국에서 제조됩니다.

이 발전은 외딴 지역이나 비상 대응 환경에서 감염 위험을 크게 줄일 수 있습니다비용이 많이 드는 위험한 멸균 기술에 대한 의존도를 감소시킬 수 있습니다. 군대에 있어서는, 중증 입원 전 기간 동안 전방 지역에서 멸균된 도구를 이용할 수 있도록 합니다.

AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR) a reçu un contrat de 4,8 millions de dollars d'une durée de cinq ans du gouvernement fédéral américain pour faire progresser le développement de sa technologie ActivShield™. Cette solution innovante stérilise les dispositifs et instruments médicaux sans source d'énergie, ce qui la rend adaptée aux zones rurales, aux environnements militaires et aux établissements de santé dépourvus de capacités de stérilisation.

ActivShield™ utilise la plateforme Activ-Polymer™ à 3 phases d'Aptar CSP Technologies et émet un gaz de dioxyde de chlore contrôlé pour la stérilisation. Elle présente des avantages par rapport aux méthodes conventionnelles, y compris portabilité, absence d'exigences en matière d'infrastructure et absence de risques pour la santé associés à l'oxyde d'éthylène (EtO). La technologie peut être personnalisée, est stable, compacte et fabriquée aux États-Unis.

Cette avancée pourrait réduire considérablement les risques d'infection dans des environnements éloignés ou en réponse à des urgences et diminuer la dépendance à des techniques de stérilisation coûteuses et dangereuses. Pour l'armée, cela peut assurer l'accès à des instruments stérilisés dans des environnements éloignés pendant des périodes critiques avant l'hospitalisation.

AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR) hat einen 5-Jahres-Vertrag über 4,8 Millionen Dollar von der US-Bundesregierung erhalten, um die Entwicklung seiner ActivShield™-Technologie voranzutreiben. Diese innovative Lösung sterilisiert medizinische Geräte und Instrumente ohne Stromquelle, was sie für ländliche Gebiete, militärische Umgebungen und Gesundheitseinrichtungen mit fehlenden Sterilisationsmöglichkeiten geeignet macht.

ActivShield™ nutzt die 3-Phasen-Activ-Polymer™-Plattform von Aptar CSP Technologies und gibt kontrolliertes Chlordioxid-Gas zur Sterilisation ab. Sie bietet Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Methoden, darunter Portabilität, keine Infrastruktur-Anforderungen und Abwesenheit von Gesundheitsrisiken, die mit Ethylenoxid (EtO) verbunden sind. Die Technologie kann maßgeschneidert werden, ist stabil, kompakt und wird in den Vereinigten Staaten hergestellt.

Dieser Fortschritt könnte das Infektionsrisiko in abgelegenen oder Notfalleinsätzen erheblich senken und die Abhängigkeit von teuren und unsicheren Sterilisationsmethoden verringern. Für das Militär kann es den Zugang zu sterilisierten Instrumenten in vorderen Einsatzgebieten während kritischer Zeiträume vor einer Hospitalisierung ermöglichen.

  • Secured a $4.8 million, five-year contract from the U.S. Federal Government
  • Developed innovative ActivShield™ technology for medical device sterilization
  • Technology operates without power source, suitable for various challenging environments
  • Potential to reduce reliance on expensive and unsafe sterilization techniques like EtO
  • Custom-engineered solution with stability and compact size for easy stockpiling
  • None.


Aptar's ActivShield™ technology represents a significant advancement in medical device sterilization. This portable, power-independent solution addresses critical gaps in sterilization capabilities, particularly in remote or resource- settings. The $4.8 million government contract underscores the technology's potential impact.

Key advantages include:

  • Versatility across various environments (rural, military, healthcare facilities)
  • No reliance on conventional infrastructure or power
  • Elimination of health risks associated with Ethylene Oxide (EtO)
  • Potential to reduce infection risks from inadequately sterilized devices

The technology's ability to be custom-engineered for specific devices and its stability for stockpiling are notable features. This innovation could significantly improve medical care in challenging environments and potentially reshape sterilization practices industry-wide.

The $4.8 million, five-year contract with the U.S. Federal Government is a positive development for Aptar (NYSE: ATR). While the contract value is relatively small compared to Aptar's $11 billion market cap, it holds strategic importance:

  • Validates Aptar's innovation capabilities in a critical healthcare area
  • Opens potential for larger government contracts and commercial applications
  • Positions Aptar to capitalize on the growing demand for safer, more versatile sterilization solutions

The ActivShield™ technology could lead to a new revenue stream in the medical device sterilization market. If successful, this could diversify Aptar's product portfolio and potentially enhance its long-term growth prospects. Investors should monitor the technology's development and any subsequent commercial partnerships or regulatory approvals.

CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- AptarGroup, Inc. (NYSE: ATR), a global leader in drug and consumer product dosing, dispensing and protection technologies, announced that it was awarded a contract from the U.S. Federal Government to advance development of its ActivShield™ technology. This innovative solution sterilizes medical devices and instruments without the need for a power source, making it a versatile solution for numerous environments, including rural areas, military settings and healthcare facilities with limited or no current sterilization capability.

Figure 1: ActivShield™ film ready to be placed in chamber for sterilization (chamber not required) (Graphic: Business Wire)

Figure 1: ActivShield™ film ready to be placed in chamber for sterilization (chamber not required) (Graphic: Business Wire)

ActivShield™ technology leverages Aptar CSP Technologies’ 20+ years of material science expertise and is built upon the company’s proven 3-Phase Activ-Polymer™ platform, a highly engineered active material science solution trusted by global brands to protect sensitive drug products, medical devices, drug delivery systems and probiotics.

ActivShield™ technology is a portable, novel sterilization modality that does not require conventional infrastructure, power, or extensive training, and more importantly, does not present the health risk associated with the use of Ethelyne Oxide (EtO). ActivShield™ uses a highly engineered Activ-Film™ material that emits a controlled amount of chlorine dioxide gas to sterilize a wide range of medical devices and instruments.

“As an innovation leader in pharma dosing, dispensing and protection technologies, we are proud to work with the U.S. Government to advance our ActivShield™ solution for the sterilization of medical devices and instruments in locations where a power source may not be available, further enhancing its versatility,” said Stephan B. Tanda, Aptar President and CEO.

Aptar’s technology can be custom engineered to meet the needs of specific devices and conditions. Its stability throughout shelf life and compact size (Figure 1) makes it easy to stockpile, and all materials are manufactured in the United States.

ActivShield™ technology is well-positioned to fill unmet sterilization needs in remote or emergency response civilian settings, which could significantly reduce infection risks stemming from inadequately sterilized medical devices and instruments. Additionally, the technology could reduce reliance on expensive and unsafe sterilization techniques such as EtO, which has come under recent scrutiny by the EPA for toxic emissions.

For the military, ActivShield™ can help wounded service members, particularly those in far-forward environments, have access to sterilized instruments during critical pre-hospitalization periods, following severe injuries.

John Belfance, president of Aptar CSP Technologies, stated, “ActivShield™ technology is a breakthrough in material science technology that has the potential to dramatically expand reliable instrument sterilization for challenging environments, simplifying processes and helping to save lives. We are grateful for the government’s recognition, which supports the potential of this new technology, and look forward to bringing ActivShield™ technology to the forefront of sterilization techniques.”

The five-year contract is valued at approximately $4.8 million.

* This work is supported by the US Army Medical Research and Development Command under Contract No. HT9425-24-C-0078. The views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of the author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision unless so designated by other documentation.

About Aptar

Aptar is a global leader in drug and consumer product dosing, dispensing and protection technologies. Aptar serves a number of attractive end markets including pharmaceutical, beauty, food, beverage, personal care and home care. Aptar CSP Technologies leverages its active material science expertise to transform ideas into market opportunities, accelerate and de-risk the product development process, and provide complete solutions that improve consumers’ and patients’ lives. The company offers a complete set of services from concept ideation, to design and engineering, to product development, global production, quality control, and regulatory support that results in expedited speed-to-market. For more information, please visit and

This press release contains forward-looking statements, including the potential outcomes and the value of the contract for the development of the ActivShield™ technology. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts and by use of words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “future,” “potential,” “continues” and other similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as “will,” “should,” “would” and “could” are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are based on our beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to us. Accordingly, our actual results or other events may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements due to known or unknown risks and uncertainties that exist in our operations and business environment including, but not limited to: the successful integration of acquisitions; the regulatory environment; and competition, including technological advances. For additional information on these and other risks and uncertainties, please see our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including the discussion under “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in our Form 10-K and Forms 10-Q. We undertake no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law.

Aptar Investor Relations Contact:

Mary Skafidas

+1 347 351 6407

Aptar CSP Technologies Media Contact:

Tricia Dozier


Aptar Media Contact:

Katie Reardon

+1 815 479 5671

Source: AptarGroup, Inc.


What is the value and duration of the contract awarded to AptarGroup (ATR) for ActivShield™ technology?

AptarGroup (ATR) was awarded a five-year contract valued at approximately $4.8 million from the U.S. Federal Government to advance development of its ActivShield™ technology.

How does AptarGroup's (ATR) ActivShield™ technology sterilize medical devices?

ActivShield™ technology uses a highly engineered Activ-Film™ material that emits a controlled amount of chlorine dioxide gas to sterilize a wide range of medical devices and instruments without requiring a power source.

What are the advantages of AptarGroup's (ATR) ActivShield™ technology over conventional sterilization methods?

ActivShield™ is portable, doesn't require conventional infrastructure or power, needs minimal training, and doesn't present health risks associated with Ethylene Oxide (EtO). It's also suitable for various environments, including rural areas and military settings.

How might AptarGroup's (ATR) ActivShield™ technology benefit the military?

ActivShield™ can help wounded service members in far-forward environments have access to sterilized instruments during critical pre-hospitalization periods following severe injuries, potentially saving lives.

AptarGroup, Inc.


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