Atossa Therapeutics Congratulates Board Director Dr. Tessa Cigler and Weill Cornell Medicine on CDC Grant to Enhance Breast Cancer Care
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS) announces that board director Dr. Tessa Cigler and Weill Cornell Medicine have been awarded a $2.3 million CDC grant over five years. The grant aims to improve breast cancer care for young patients across New York City, focusing on equitable access, quality of life, and survival outcomes.
Dr. Cigler, who serves as Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and co-principal investigator, will collaborate with Dr. Vered Stearns to enhance care coordination and provide culturally relevant resources. The initiative specifically targets patients from diverse racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds, implementing interventions to optimize physical, emotional, and mental well-being for both patients and caregivers.
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS) annuncia che la direttrice del consiglio, Dr. Tessa Cigler, e Weill Cornell Medicine hanno ricevuto un finanziamento CDC di 2,3 milioni di dollari nell'arco di cinque anni. Il finanziamento mira a migliorare la cura del cancro al seno per i giovani pazienti in tutta la città di New York, focalizzandosi sull'accesso equo, la qualità della vita e i risultati di sopravvivenza.
La Dr.ssa Cigler, che è Professore Associato di Medicina Clinica presso Weill Cornell Medicine e co-principale investigatore, collaborerà con la Dr.ssa Vered Stearns per migliorare il coordinamento delle cure e fornire risorse culturalmente rilevanti. L'iniziativa si rivolge specificamente a pazienti provenienti da diverse origini razziali, etniche e socio-economiche, implementando interventi per ottimizzare il benessere fisico, emozionale e mentale sia per i pazienti che per i caregiver.
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS) anuncia que la directora de la junta, la Dra. Tessa Cigler, y Weill Cornell Medicine han recibido una durante cinco años. La subvención tiene como objetivo mejorar la atención del cáncer de mama para pacientes jóvenes en toda la ciudad de Nueva York, enfocándose en el acceso equitativo, la calidad de vida y los resultados de supervivencia.
La Dra. Cigler, quien se desempeña como Profesora Asociada de Medicina Clínica en Weill Cornell Medicine y co-investigadora principal, colaborará con la Dra. Vered Stearns para mejorar la coordinación de la atención y proporcionar recursos culturalmente relevantes. La iniciativa se dirige específicamente a pacientes de diversos orígenes raciales, étnicos y socioeconómicos, implementando intervenciones para optimizar el bienestar físico, emocional y mental tanto para los pacientes como para los cuidadores.
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS)는 이사회 이사인 Dr. Tessa Cigler와 Weill Cornell Medicine이 5년 동안 230만 달러 CDC 보조금을 수여받았다고 발표했습니다. 이 보조금은 뉴욕시의 젊은 환자들에게 유방암 치료를 개선하는 것을 목표로 하며, 공평한 접근, 삶의 질 및 생존 결과에 중점을 둡니다.
Cigler 박사는 Weill Cornell Medicine에서 임상 의학의 부교수로 재직 중이며 공동 수석 연구원으로서, Vered Stearns 박사와 협력하여 치료 조정을 개선하고 문화적으로 관련된 자원을 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 다양한 인종, 민족 및 사회 경제적 배경을 가진 환자들을 특별히 대상으로 하여, 환자와 간병인 모두를 위한 신체적, 정서적 및 정신적 웰빙을 최적화하는 개입을 시행합니다.
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS) annonce que la directrice du conseil, Dr. Tessa Cigler, et Weill Cornell Medicine ont reçu une subvention de 2,3 millions de dollars des CDC sur cinq ans. Cette subvention vise à améliorer les soins du cancer du sein pour les jeunes patients à travers la ville de New York, en se concentrant sur l'accès équitable, la qualité de vie et les résultats de survie.
Dr. Cigler, qui est professeur associé de médecine clinique à Weill Cornell Medicine et co-chercheuse principale, collaborera avec Dr. Vered Stearns pour améliorer la coordination des soins et fournir des ressources culturellement pertinentes. L'initiative cible spécifiquement les patients issus de diverses origines raciales, ethniques et socio-économiques, en mettant en œuvre des interventions pour optimiser le bien-être physique, émotionnel et mental des patients et des aidants.
Atossa Therapeutics (Nasdaq: ATOS) gibt bekannt, dass die Vorstandsdirektorin Dr. Tessa Cigler und Weill Cornell Medicine einen CDC-Zuschuss in Höhe von 2,3 Millionen Dollar über fünf Jahre erhalten haben. Der Zuschuss zielt darauf ab, die Versorgung von jungen Krebspatienten in New York City zu verbessern, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf gerechtem Zugang, Lebensqualität und Überlebensraten liegt.
Dr. Cigler, die als außerordentliche Professorin für Klinische Medizin an der Weill Cornell Medicine tätig ist und gemeinsame Hauptforscherin ist, wird mit Dr. Vered Stearns zusammenarbeiten, um die Koordination der Pflege zu verbessern und kulturell relevante Ressourcen bereitzustellen. Die Initiative richtet sich speziell an Patienten aus unterschiedlichen rassischen, ethnischen und sozioökonomischen Hintergründen und implementiert Maßnahmen zur Optimierung des physischen, emotionalen und mentalen Wohlbefindens von sowohl Patienten als auch Pflegepersonen.
- None.
- None.
SEATTLE, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATOS) (“Atossa” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, extends its sincere congratulations to Dr. Tessa Cigler, esteemed Board Director at Atossa and Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine, and the Weill Cornell Medicine team for being awarded a five-year,
Dr. Cigler, who serves as co-principal investigator for the initiative, will work alongside Dr. Vered Stearns and a multidisciplinary team at Weill Cornell Medicine to address the unique needs of young breast cancer patients, particularly those from racially, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse backgrounds. The program will focus on enhancing care coordination, providing culturally relevant resources, and introducing targeted interventions to optimize physical, emotional, and mental well-being for patients and their caregivers.
"We are incredibly proud of Dr. Cigler’s dedication to advancing breast cancer care and her relentless pursuit of solutions that address health disparities," said Dr. Steven Quay, M.D., Ph.D., FCAP, CEO of Atossa Therapeutics. "Her leadership and expertise in clinical oncology have been invaluable to our board, and this achievement further underscores the national recognition her commitment to improving patient outcomes. Atossa fully supports initiatives that foster innovative and inclusive approaches to breast cancer treatment and survivorship."
Atossa Therapeutics applauds the collaborative efforts of Weill Cornell Medicine, community partners, and other academic institutions in striving for more equitable and effective breast cancer care. The Company looks forward to seeing the positive impact this initiative will have on the lives of young breast cancer patients and their families.
About Atossa Therapeutics
Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing innovative medicines in areas of significant unmet medical need in oncology with a focus on using (Z)-endoxifen to prevent and treat breast cancer. For more information, please visit
Michael Parks, VP, Investor and Public Relations, 484-356-7105