Old Harbor Native Corporation and Alaska Communications Will Build Advanced Broadband Network Serving Tribal Communities on Kodiak Island
Old Harbor Native and Alaska Communications have announced Project Nunapet, a major broadband infrastructure initiative funded by the NTIA's Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Round 2 grant. The project will construct a 155-mile subsea fiber optic cable network from Homer to Kodiak Island, providing Gigabit-speed internet to 570 homes across four Tribal communities: Old Harbor, Chiniak, Akhiok, and Womens Bay.
The initiative aims to bridge the digital divide in these remote Alaskan communities by delivering reliable, affordable high-speed connectivity. Alaska Communications commits to offering urban-equivalent rates and participates in the FCC's Lifeline program for low-income consumers. The network will improve access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities while supporting network redundancy throughout the Kodiak Archipelago region.
Old Harbor Native e Alaska Communications hanno annunciato il Progetto Nunapet, una grande iniziativa per l'infrastruttura a banda larga finanziata dal programma NTIA's Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Round 2. Il progetto prevede la costruzione di una rete di cavi in fibra ottica sottomarina di 155 miglia da Homer all'Isola Kodiak, fornendo internet a velocità Gigabit a 570 abitazioni in quattro comunità tribali: Old Harbor, Chiniak, Akhiok e Womens Bay.
L'iniziativa mira a colmare il divario digitale in queste remote comunità alaskane, fornendo connettività veloce, affidabile e conveniente. Alaska Communications si impegna a offrire tariffe equivalenti a quelle urbane e partecipa al programma Lifeline della FCC per i consumatori a basso reddito. La rete migliorerà l'accesso all'istruzione, all'assistenza sanitaria e alle opportunità economiche, supportando nel contempo la ridondanza della rete nell'arcipelago di Kodiak.
Old Harbor Native y Alaska Communications han anunciado el Proyecto Nunapet, una importante iniciativa de infraestructura de banda ancha financiada por la subvención Round 2 del Programa de Conectividad Tribal de la NTIA. El proyecto construirá una red de cable de fibra óptica submarina de 155 millas de Homer a la Isla Kodiak, proporcionando internet a velocidad de Gigabit a 570 hogares en cuatro comunidades tribales: Old Harbor, Chiniak, Akhiok y Womens Bay.
La iniciativa tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha digital en estas remotas comunidades de Alaska al ofrecer conectividad fiable y asequible de alta velocidad. Alaska Communications se compromete a ofrecer tarifas equivalentes a las urbanas y participa en el programa Lifeline de la FCC para consumidores de bajos ingresos. La red mejorará el acceso a la educación, la atención médica y las oportunidades económicas, al tiempo que apoyará la redundancia de la red en toda la región del archipiélago de Kodiak.
올드 하버 네이티브와 알래스카 커뮤니케이션즈는 NTIA의 부족 광대역 연결 프로그램 2차 보조금으로 자금을 지원받아 중요한 광대역 인프라 이니셔티브인 누나펫 프로젝트를 발표했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 호머(Homer)에서 코디악 섬(Kodiak Island)까지 155마일의 해저 광섬유 케이블 네트워크를 구축하여 올드 하버, 치니악, 아키옥 및 여성 만의 4개 부족 커뮤니티에 570세대에 기가비트 속도의 인터넷을 제공합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 이러한 외딴 알래스카 커뮤니티의 디지털 격차를 해소하고 신뢰할 수 있는 저렴한 고속 연결을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 알래스카 커뮤니케이션즈는 도시와 동등한 요금을 제공하기 위해 노력하며, 저소득 소비자를 위한 FCC의 라이프라인 프로그램에 참여합니다. 네트워크는 교육, 의료 및 경제적 기회에 대한 접근성을 향상시키고 코디악 군도의 네트워크 이중성을 지원합니다.
Old Harbor Native et Alaska Communications ont annoncé le Projet Nunapet, une initiative majeure d'infrastructure à large bande financée par la subvention Round 2 du Programme de connectivité à large bande tribale de la NTIA. Le projet construira un réseau de câbles en fibre optique sous-marins de 155 miles allant d'Homer à l'île Kodiak, fournissant un accès à internet à vitesse Gigabit à 570 foyers dans quatre communautés tribales : Old Harbor, Chiniak, Akhiok et Womens Bay.
L'initiative vise à combler le fossé numérique dans ces communautés éloignées de l'Alaska en offrant une connectivité haut débit fiable et abordable. Alaska Communications s'engage à proposer des tarifs équivalents à ceux des zones urbaines et participe au programme Lifeline de la FCC pour les consommateurs à faible revenu. Le réseau améliorera l'accès à l'éducation, aux soins de santé et aux opportunités économiques tout en soutenant la redondance du réseau dans la région de l'archipel de Kodiak.
Old Harbor Native und Alaska Communications haben das Projekt Nunapet angekündigt, eine bedeutende Breitbandinfrastrukturinitiative, die durch die NTIA's Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Round 2-Förderung finanziert wird. Das Projekt wird ein 155 Meilen langes, unterseeisches Glasfasernetz von Homer zur Kodiak-Insel errichten, das 570 Haushalten in vier Stammesgemeinschaften: Old Harbor, Chiniak, Akhiok und Womens Bay, Gigabit-Internet bereitstellt.
Das Ziel der Initiative ist es, die digitale Kluft in diesen abgelegenen alaskischen Gemeinschaften zu überbrücken, indem zuverlässige und erschwingliche Hochgeschwindigkeitsverbindungen bereitgestellt werden. Alaska Communications verpflichtet sich, städtisch vergleichbare Tarifen anzubieten und nimmt am Lifeline-Programm der FCC für einkommensschwache Verbraucher teil. Das Netzwerk wird den Zugang zu Bildung, Gesundheitsversorgung und wirtschaftlichen Chancen verbessern und gleichzeitig die Netzredundanz in der Region des Kodiak-Archipels unterstützen.
- Secured major government grant for broadband infrastructure development
- Will provide service to 570 new households across four communities
- Creates foundation for future network expansion in the region
- Commits to offering urban-equivalent rates for rural communities
- None.
The Project Nunapet represents a strategic infrastructure expansion in Alaska's telecommunications landscape. The 155-mile subsea fiber network connecting Homer to Kodiak Island communities will create a significant competitive advantage for Alaska Communications (ATNI) by establishing a monopolistic position in these underserved markets.
The project's financial implications are substantial. Federal funding through the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program eliminates capital expenditure risks while securing a guaranteed revenue stream from 570 new household connections. At typical industry ARPU (Average Revenue Per User) rates of
The network's strategic positioning enables future expansion opportunities and improved redundancy, creating additional revenue potential through enterprise and wholesale services. The commitment to urban-equivalent pricing suggests a focus on market penetration rather than premium pricing, likely leading to higher adoption rates and stable long-term cash flows.
This initiative addresses a critical market gap in Alaska's rural telecommunications infrastructure. The project's significance extends beyond immediate connectivity benefits, potentially catalyzing substantial socio-economic development in these isolated communities.
The deployment of gigabit-speed internet could stimulate remote work opportunities, digital entrepreneurship and improved healthcare access through telemedicine. Historical data from similar rural broadband initiatives suggests potential GDP growth of
The partnership structure with Old Harbor Native provides ATNI with valuable local relationships and regulatory advantages in tribal territories. This model could serve as a template for future expansion into other underserved Alaskan markets, representing a scalable growth strategy in a traditionally difficult-to-penetrate market segment.
Project includes subsea fiber middle mile network and last mile delivery
The community of
The collaboration, named Project Nunapet, between Old Harbor Native Corporation and Alaska Communications will install a middle mile subsea fiber optic cable from
Nunapet is an Alutiiq word meaning “our lands” and serves as a reminder of the connection Alutiiq people have to the land and sea. Old Harbor Native Corporation chose this name because it represents how the fiber optic cable will connect people to each other via the land and sea, a sacred connection they have shared for time immemorial.
In the Kodiak Archipelago, traditional Alutiiq culture and language thrive, despite challenges like declining population and economic opportunities. The reliable, affordable, high-speed connectivity delivered through this project will serve as the foundation for education, healthcare, economic growth and quality of life.
In addition to eliminating the digital divide for residents in these communities, Project Nunapet paves the way for substantial broadband service improvements throughout the Kodiak Archipelago region.
The network will serve as the basis for local expansion and improved network redundancy. Connecting with Alaska Communications’ fiber landing station in
Affordability is a critical element of internet access and a necessary condition for economic growth. Alaska Communications commits to offering its service at the same rates available in urban areas. It also participates in the FCC’s Lifeline program, which provides a telecommunications subsidy for low-income consumers.
“This grant award is exciting for the future of Kodiak Archipelago communities,” stated Kristina Woolston, CEO of Old Harbor Native Corporation. “The Nunapet Project will fund critical communications infrastructure for remote Kodiak Island communities to improve access, reliability and affordability. The project is critical to the retention of youth, supports the needs of our Elders, and will provide social, cultural and economic development opportunities for our people, improving the lives of nearly 600 households, businesses and health and human services organizations. Our sincere gratitude to Senator Murkowski, Senator Sullivan and Congressman Begich for their unwavering support to improve the lives of residents in Alaska’s most rural and unserved communities.”
“Despite Alaska's stunning landscapes, a significant digital divide has left many residents without internet access, and this inequity has disproportionately affected Alaska Native people,” said Paul Fenaroli, president and CEO, Alaska Communications. “Affordable high-speed internet has been a long-desired goal for the rural communities of Kodiak Island and we’re honored to work with Old Harbor Native Corporation to realize this goal.”
“Alaskans continue to see new benefits borne by the bipartisan infrastructure law, and this latest announcement is great news for some of our underserved communities,” said Senator Murkowski. “It can’t be said enough – if you don’t have access to reliable high-speed internet, you’re falling behind in today’s world. Every Alaskan should have that access and today’s announcement takes us one step closer to that goal.”
“Many of our rural, Alaska Native communities are without reliable broadband infrastructure that most Americans take for granted,” said
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Incorporated in 1973, Old Harbor Native Corporation serves more than 500 shareholders residing primarily in
About Alaska Communications
Alaska Communications, an affiliate of ATN International, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATNI), is a leading provider of mission and life-critical communications infrastructure in
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250121174861/en/
Media Contacts
Old Harbor Native Corporation
Cynthia Berns, vice president of community and external affairs
Alaska Communications
Heather Marron, manager, corporate communications
Source: Alaska Communications
What is Project Nunapet and how many communities will it serve?
How long will the subsea fiber optic cable be in Project Nunapet?
What internet speeds will be available through the new network?
How will Project Nunapet ensure affordability for rural communities?