Atkore Releases 2024 Sustainability Report, Demonstrating Substantial Progress to Achieving 2025 Sustainability Targets
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR) has released its 2024 Sustainability Report, highlighting significant progress in ESG practices. The company, which generated $3.2B in sales in fiscal year 2024 and employs 5,600 people, achieved several notable recognitions:
- Earned ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year recognition for the second time from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Published Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for core product offerings
- Certified as a Great Place to Work® for the fourth consecutive year
- Received Top Workplaces USA award for the third time
- Recognized with 'Equality 100 Award Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion' by HRC Foundation
As a leading manufacturer of electrical products for commercial, industrial, data center, telecommunications, and solar applications, Atkore demonstrates its commitment to sustainability through value chain improvements and environmental initiatives.
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2024, evidenziando progressi significativi nelle pratiche ESG. L'azienda, che ha generato 3,2 miliardi di dollari in vendite nell'anno fiscale 2024 e impiega 5.600 persone, ha ottenuto diversi riconoscimenti notevoli:
- Riconoscimento come Partner dell'Anno ENERGY STAR® per la seconda volta dall'Agenzia per la Protezione Ambientale degli Stati Uniti
- Pubblicazione delle Dichiarazioni Ambientali di Prodotto (EPD) per le principali offerte di prodotto
- Certificazione come Great Place to Work® per il quarto anno consecutivo
- Ricevuto il premio Top Workplaces USA per la terza volta
- Riconosciuto con il premio 'Equality 100 Award Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion' dalla Fondazione HRC
In qualità di produttore leader di prodotti elettrici per applicazioni commerciali, industriali, centri dati, telecomunicazioni e solari, Atkore dimostra il suo impegno per la sostenibilità attraverso miglioramenti nella catena del valore e iniziative ambientali.
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR) ha lanzado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2024, destacando progresos significativos en las prácticas ESG. La compañía, que generó 3,2 mil millones de dólares en ventas en el año fiscal 2024 y emplea a 5,600 personas, logró varios reconocimientos notables:
- Reconocido como Socio del Año ENERGY STAR® por segunda vez por la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de EE. UU.
- Publicación de Declaraciones Ambientales de Producto (EPDs) para las ofertas de productos principales
- Certificado como Great Place to Work® por cuarto año consecutivo
- Recibió el premio Top Workplaces USA por tercera vez
- Reconocido con el premio 'Equality 100 Award Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion' por la Fundación HRC
Como fabricante líder de productos eléctricos para aplicaciones comerciales, industriales, centros de datos, telecomunicaciones y solares, Atkore demuestra su compromiso con la sostenibilidad mediante mejoras en la cadena de valor y iniciativas ambientales.
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR)는 ESG 관행에서 중요한 발전을 강조하는 2024 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2024 회계 연도에 32억 달러의 매출을 올렸고 5,600명을 고용하고 있으며 여러 가지 주목할 만한 인정을 받았습니다:
- 미국 환경 보호국으로부터 두 번째 ENERGY STAR® 올해의 파트너 상 수상
- 주요 제품 제공에 대한 환경 제품 선언서 (EPD) 발표
- 4년 연속 Great Place to Work® 인증
- 3번째 Top Workplaces USA 상 수상
- HRC 재단에서 LGBTQ+ 포용의 'Equality 100 Award Leaders'로 인정받음
상업, 산업, 데이터 센터, 통신 및 태양광 애플리케이션을 위한 전기 제품의 선도 제조업체로서 Atkore는 가치 사슬 개선과 환경 이니셔티브를 통해 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2024, mettant en lumière des progrès significatifs dans les pratiques ESG. L'entreprise, qui a généré 3,2 milliards de dollars de ventes lors de l'exercice 2024 et emploie 5 600 personnes, a obtenu plusieurs reconnaissances notables :
- Récompensé pour la deuxième fois en tant que Partenaire de l'Année ENERGY STAR® par l'Agence de Protection Environnementale des États-Unis
- Publication de Déclarations Environnementales de Produits (DEP) pour les principales offres de produits
- Certifié comme Great Place to Work® pour la quatrième année consécutive
- Reçu le prix Top Workplaces USA pour la troisième fois
- Reconnu avec le prix 'Equality 100 Award Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion' par la Fondation HRC
En tant que fabricant leader de produits électriques pour des applications commerciales, industrielles, de centres de données, de télécommunications et solaires, Atkore démontre son engagement en faveur de la durabilité à travers des améliorations de la chaîne de valeur et des initiatives environnementales.
Atkore (NYSE: ATKR) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2024 veröffentlicht, der bedeutende Fortschritte in den ESG-Praktiken hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen, das im Geschäftsjahr 2024 3,2 Milliarden Dollar Umsatz erzielt hat und 5.600 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, erhielt mehrere bemerkenswerte Auszeichnungen:
- Zum zweiten Mal als ENERGY STAR® Partner des Jahres von der US-amerikanischen Umweltschutzbehörde ausgezeichnet
- Veröffentlichung von Umweltproduktdeklarationen (EPD) für zentrale Produktangebote
- Zertifiziert als Great Place to Work® im vierten Jahr in Folge
- Dritte Auszeichnung als Top Workplaces USA erhalten
- Mit dem 'Equality 100 Award Leaders in LGBTQ+ Inclusion' von der HRC Foundation ausgezeichnet
Als führender Hersteller von elektrischen Produkten für gewerbliche, industrielle, Rechenzentrums-, Telekommunikations- und Solar-Anwendungen zeigt Atkore sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit durch Verbesserungen in der Wertschöpfungskette und Umweltinitiativen.
- None.
- None.
“Atkore’s achievements around sustainability can be attributed to focusing ESG improvements across the entire value chain,” commented Bill Waltz, Atkore President and CEO. “From building an engaged and aligned workplace culture to modifying our operations, supporting our customers, holding our own suppliers accountable and assisting the communities in which we live and work, Atkore remains committed to continue building a more sustainable future.”
Highlights of Atkore’s 2024 Sustainability Report:
ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year: For a second time, Atkore was recognized by the
Product Life Cycle Environmental Impact Assessment: Atkore published Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for a substantial portion of the Company’s core product offerings, demonstrating transparency regarding the environmental impact of its products and helping customers achieve their own sustainability goals.
Employer of Choice: Atkore certified as a Great Place to Work® for the fourth consecutive year, received a Top Workplaces
The full Atkore 2024 Sustainability Report is now available on the Company’s website at:
About Atkore Inc.
Atkore is a leading manufacturer of electrical products for commercial, industrial, data center, telecommunications, and solar applications. With 5,600 employees and
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Source: Atkore Inc.