Asure Chief Executive Officer Pat Goepel Named Best CEO

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Asure's Chairman and CEO, Pat Goepel, has been named the 2024 Best CEO of a Public Company by the Austin Business Journal. This recognition celebrates Goepel's outstanding leadership, strategic vision, and contributions to both Asure and the Austin business community.

Under Goepel's leadership since 2009, Asure has grown its annual revenue from $10.03M to $119M, transforming into a leading provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) software solutions. The company has sustained double-digit revenue growth over the past three years, driven by Goepel's ability to capitalize on emerging technologies and market opportunities.

Goepel's leadership style combines strategic vision, hands-on management, and a commitment to fostering a unified company culture. He focuses on driving meaningful change while ensuring organizational alignment. Goepel expressed his honor at receiving the recognition, emphasizing that it reflects the success of the entire Asure team and the potential for future growth.

Il Presidente e CEO di Asure, Pat Goepel, è stato nominato Miglior CEO di un'Azienda Pubblica per il 2024 dal Austin Business Journal. Questo riconoscimento celebra la straordinaria leadership di Goepel, la sua visione strategica e i contributi sia ad Asure che alla comunità imprenditoriale di Austin.

Sotto la guida di Goepel dal 2009, Asure ha visto crescere il suo fatturato annuale da 10,03 milioni di dollari a 119 milioni di dollari, trasformandosi in un fornitore leader di soluzioni software per la gestione del capitale umano (HCM) basate sul cloud. L'azienda ha mantenuto una crescita del fatturato a doppia cifra negli ultimi tre anni, grazie alla capacità di Goepel di sfruttare tecnologie emergenti e opportunità di mercato.

Lo stile di leadership di Goepel combina visione strategica, gestione pratica e un impegno a promuovere una cultura aziendale unificata. Si concentra sul guidare cambiamenti significativi garantendo al contempo l'allineamento organizzativo. Goepel ha espresso il suo onore per aver ricevuto questo riconoscimento, sottolineando che riflette il successo dell'intero team di Asure e il potenziale di crescita futura.

El Presidente y CEO de Asure, Pat Goepel, ha sido nombrado el Mejor CEO de una Empresa Pública para 2024 por el Austin Business Journal. Este reconocimiento celebra la excepcional liderazgo de Goepel, su visión estratégica y sus contribuciones tanto a Asure como a la comunidad empresarial de Austin.

Bajo la dirección de Goepel desde 2009, Asure ha aumentado sus ingresos anuales de 10,03 millones de dólares a 119 millones de dólares, convirtiéndose en un proveedor líder de soluciones de software de Gestión del Capital Humano (HCM) basadas en la nube. La empresa ha mantenido un crecimiento de ingresos de dos dígitos en los últimos tres años, impulsado por la capacidad de Goepel para aprovechar tecnologías emergentes y oportunidades de mercado.

El estilo de liderazgo de Goepel combina visión estratégica, gestión práctica y un compromiso con el fomento de una cultura empresarial unificada. Se centra en impulsar cambios significativos mientras asegura la alineación organizativa. Goepel expresó su honor al recibir este reconocimiento, enfatizando que refleja el éxito de todo el equipo de Asure y el potencial para un crecimiento futuro.

Asure의 회장 겸 CEO인 Pat Goepel이 Austin Business Journal이 선정한 2024년 공기업 최우수 CEO로 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 Goepel의 뛰어난 리더십, 전략적 비전 및 Asure와 Austin 비즈니스 커뮤니티에 대한 기여를 기념합니다.

2009년부터 Goepel의 리더십 아래, Asure는 연간 수익을 10.03백만 달러에서 119백만 달러로 성장시켰습니다, 클라우드 기반 인적 자원 관리(HCM) 소프트웨어 솔루션의 선도적인 제공업체로 변모했습니다. 이 회사는 지난 3년 동안 두 자릿수의 수익 성장을 유지하였으며, 이는 Goepel이 새로운 기술과 시장 기회를 활용하는 능력 덕분입니다.

Goepel의 리더십 스타일은 전략적 비전, 실질적인 관리 및 통합된 기업 문화를 촉진하려는 헌신을 결합합니다. 그는 조직 정렬을 보장하면서 의미 있는 변화를 주도하는 데 집중합니다. Goepel은 이 인정을 받게 되어 영광이라고 말하며, 이는 Asure 팀 전체의 성공과 미래 성장 가능성을 반영한다고 강조했습니다.

Le président et PDG d'Asure, Pat Goepel, a été nommé meilleur PDG d'une entreprise publique pour 2024 par l'Austin Business Journal. Cette reconnaissance célèbre le leadership exceptionnel de Goepel, sa vision stratégique et ses contributions tant à Asure qu'à la communauté entrepreneuriale d'Austin.

Depuis 2009, sous la direction de Goepel, Asure a fait croître son chiffre d'affaires annuel de 10,03 millions de dollars à 119 millions de dollars, se transformant en un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions logicielles de gestion du capital humain (HCM) basées sur le cloud. L'entreprise a maintenu une croissance à deux chiffres de son chiffre d'affaires au cours des trois dernières années, grâce à la capacité de Goepel à tirer parti des technologies émergentes et des opportunités de marché.

Le style de leadership de Goepel combine vision stratégique, gestion pratique et un engagement à favoriser une culture d'entreprise unifiée. Il se concentre sur la conduite de changements significatifs tout en assurant l'alignement organisationnel. Goepel a exprimé son honneur d'avoir reçu cette distinction, soulignant qu'elle reflète le succès de toute l'équipe d'Asure et le potentiel de croissance future.

Der Vorsitzende und CEO von Asure, Pat Goepel, wurde vom Austin Business Journal zum besten CEO eines öffentlichen Unternehmens 2024 ernannt. Diese Auszeichnung würdigt Goepels herausragende Führung, strategische Vision und die Beiträge zu Asure sowie zur Geschäftswelt in Austin.

Unter Goepels Führung seit 2009 ist Asure gewachsen und hat seinen Jahresumsatz von 10,03 Millionen USD auf 119 Millionen USD gesteigert, und sich in einen führenden Anbieter von Cloud-basierten Human Capital Management (HCM) Softwarelösungen verwandelt. Das Unternehmen hat in den letzten drei Jahren ein zweistelliges Umsatzwachstum erzielt, was Goepels Fähigkeit zu verdanken ist, neue Technologien und Marktchancen zu nutzen.

Goepels Führungsstil kombiniert strategische Vision, praktische Managementmethoden und das Bestreben, eine einheitliche Unternehmenskultur zu fördern. Er konzentriert sich darauf, sinnvolle Veränderungen voranzutreiben und gleichzeitig die organisatorische Ausrichtung zu gewährleisten. Goepel drückte seine Ehre für die Auszeichnung aus und betonte, dass sie den Erfolg des gesamten Asure-Teams und das zukünftige Wachstumspotenzial widerspiegelt.

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Austin Business Journal selects Goepel as standout leader for driving company success, fostering innovation and making a positive impact on the community

AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asure (NASDAQ: ASUR), a leading provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) software solutions, is pleased to announce that its Chairman and CEO, Pat Goepel, has been named the 2024 Best CEO of a Public Company by the Austin Business Journal (ABJ). This prestigious recognition celebrates Goepel’s outstanding leadership, strategic vision, and contributions to both the company and the greater Austin business community.

When Goepel joined Asure as CEO in 2009, the company’s annual revenue was $10.03M. During his tenure, Asure has grown its annual revenue to $119M (nearly 12x) as Goepel has transformed the organization into a leading provider of HCM solutions, focusing on delivering innovative and comprehensive tools to help businesses optimize their workforce and workplace.

Under Goepel’s direction, Asure has also sustained double-digit revenue growth over the past three years, driven by his ability to pivot and capitalize on emerging technologies and market opportunities. Goepel's leadership at Asure is characterized by a dynamic blend of strategic vision, hands-on management, and a deep commitment to fostering a unified and empowering company culture. His focus as a leader is to drive meaningful change while ensuring that the entire organization is aligned and moving forward together.

“I am honored to be recognized as the Best CEO of a Public Company in Austin,” said Goepel. “Effective leadership means ensuring that transformation permeates every level of the company, not just the top. This recognition is not only an honor for me, but also an acknowledgement of the great success made possible by our entire Asure team. It’s also a testament to the immense potential that lies ahead for Asure, the City of Austin, and the broader business community that Asure supports.”

About Asure

Asure (NASDAQ: ASUR) provides cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) software solutions that assist organizations of all sizes in streamlining their HCM processes. Asure's suite of HCM solutions includes HR, payroll, time and attendance, benefits administration, payroll tax management, and talent management. The company's approach to HR compliance services incorporates AI technology to enhance scalability and efficiency while prioritizing client interactions. For more information, please visit

Contact Information:
Patrick McKillop 
Vice President, Investor Relations  


What award did Pat Goepel of Asure (ASUR) receive in 2024?

Pat Goepel, Chairman and CEO of Asure (ASUR), was named the 2024 Best CEO of a Public Company by the Austin Business Journal.

How much has Asure's (ASUR) annual revenue grown under Pat Goepel's leadership?

Under Pat Goepel's leadership since 2009, Asure's (ASUR) annual revenue has grown from $10.03M to $119M, nearly a 12-fold increase.

What is Asure's (ASUR) main business focus?

Asure (ASUR) is a leading provider of cloud-based Human Capital Management (HCM) software solutions, helping businesses optimize their workforce and workplace.

How has Asure's (ASUR) revenue performance been in recent years?

Asure (ASUR) has sustained double-digit revenue growth over the past three years under Pat Goepel's leadership.

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