USPACE Technology Group Rolls out 6 Highly Globally Competitive Commercial Optical Satellites Marking a New Milestone in Satellite Mass Production and Commercialization

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USPACE Technology Group (Stock Code: 1725.HK) has unveiled 6 highly competitive commercial optical satellites, marking a significant milestone in satellite mass production and commercialization. The satellites, with resolutions ranging from 5 meters to 0.5 meters, are priced between USD35,000 and USD990,000. This launch coincides with the first anniversary of USPACE's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center, which has an annual production capacity of 500 satellites.

The company aims to capture the growing demand from emerging markets and SMEs with its disruptively low-priced satellites. USPACE's globalization strategy involves building a complete aerospace ecosystem and innovating core satellite products. The commercial optical satellite market shows enormous growth potential, driven by increasing demands for satellite remote sensing data, communication services, and navigation.

Il gruppo tecnologico USPACE (Codice azionario: 1725.HK) ha svelato 6 satelliti ottici commerciali altamente competitivi, segnando un traguardo significativo nella produzione di massa e nella commercializzazione dei satelliti. I satelliti, con risoluzioni comprese tra 5 metri e 0,5 metri, sono prezzati tra USD 35.000 e USD 990.000. Questo lancio coincide con il primo anniversario del Centro di produzione satelliti ASPACE di USPACE a Hong Kong, che ha una capacità produttiva annuale di 500 satelliti.

L'azienda mira a catturare la crescente domanda dei mercati emergenti e delle PMI con satelliti a prezzi estremamente competitivi. La strategia di globalizzazione di USPACE prevede la costruzione di un ecosistema aerospaziale completo e l'innovazione dei prodotti satellitari core. Il mercato dei satelliti ottici commerciali mostra un enorme potenziale di crescita, alimentato dalla crescente domanda di dati di telerilevamento satellitare, servizi di comunicazione e navigazione.

El grupo tecnológico USPACE (Código de acciones: 1725.HK) ha presentado 6 satélites ópticos comerciales altamente competitivos, marcando un hito significativo en la producción en masa y comercialización de satélites. Los satélites, con resoluciones que van desde 5 metros hasta 0.5 metros, están valorados entre USD 35,000 y USD 990,000. Este lanzamiento coincide con el primer aniversario del Centro de Fabricación de Satélites ASPACE de USPACE en Hong Kong, que tiene una capacidad de producción anual de 500 satélites.

La empresa busca capturar la creciente demanda de los mercados emergentes y las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) con sus satélites a precios disruptivamente bajos. La estrategia de globalización de USPACE implica construir un ecosistema aeroespacial completo e innovar productos satelitales clave. El mercado de satélites ópticos comerciales muestra un enorme potencial de crecimiento, impulsado por la creciente demanda de datos de teledetección satelital, servicios de comunicación y navegación.

USPACE 테크놀로지 그룹 (주식 코드: 1725.HK)은 6개의 고도로 경쟁력 있는 상업용 광학 위성을 발표하며 위성 대량 생산 및 상업화의 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 위성들은 5미터에서 0.5미터까지의 해상도를 가지고 있으며, 가격은 USD 35,000에서 USD 990,000 사이입니다. 이 출시 행사는 USPACE의 ASPACE 홍콩 위성 제조 센터의 첫 번째 기념일과 동시에 진행되며, 연간 500개의 위성을 생산할 수 있는 능력을 보유하고 있습니다.

회사는 파괴적으로 낮은 가격의 위성으로 신흥 시장과 중소기업의 증가하는 수요를 포착할 목표를 가지고 있습니다. USPACE의 세계화 전략은 완전한 항공우주 생태계를 구축하고 핵심 위성 제품을 혁신하는 것을 포함합니다. 상업용 광학 위성 시장은 위성 원격 탐지 데이터, 통신 서비스 및 내비게이션에 대한 수요 증가에 힘입어 엄청난 성장 잠재력을 보여줍니다.

Le groupe de technologie USPACE (code boursier : 1725.HK) a dévoilé 6 satellites optiques commerciaux hautement compétitifs, marquant une étape importante dans la production en masse et la commercialisation des satellites. Les satellites, avec des résolutions allant de 5 mètres à 0,5 mètre, sont proposés à des prix compris entre 35 000 USD et 990 000 USD. Ce lancement coïncide avec le premier anniversaire du Centre de Fabrication de Satellites ASPACE de USPACE à Hong Kong, qui a une capacité de production annuelle de 500 satellites.

L'entreprise vise à capter la demande croissante des marchés émergents et des PME avec ses satellites à des prix perturbateurs. La stratégie de mondialisation de USPACE consiste à construire un écosystème aérospatial complet et à innover les produits satellites de base. Le marché des satellites optiques commerciaux présente un potentiel de croissance énorme, alimenté par la demande croissante de données de télédétection par satellite, de services de communication et de navigation.

Die USPACE Technology Group (Aktiencode: 1725.HK) hat 6 hochgradig wettbewerbsfähige kommerzielle optische Satelliten vorgestellt, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Massenproduktion und Kommerzialisierung von Satelliten darstellt. Die Satelliten haben Auflösungen von 5 bis 0,5 Metern und sind zwischen USD 35.000 und USD 990.000 bepreist. Dieser Start fällt mit dem ersten Jahrestag des ASPACE Hong Kong Satellitenfertigungszentrums von USPACE zusammen, das eine jährliche Produktionskapazität von 500 Satelliten hat.

Das Unternehmen strebt an, die wachsende Nachfrage aus Schwellenländern und KMU mit seinen disruptiv günstigeren Satelliten zu erfassen. Die Globalisierungsstrategie von USPACE beinhaltet den Aufbau eines vollständigen Aerospace-Ökosystems und die Innovation von Kern-Satellitenprodukten. Der Markt für kommerzielle optische Satelliten zeigt ein enormes Wachstumspotenzial, angetrieben durch die steigende Nachfrage nach satellitengestützten Fernerkundungsdaten, Kommunikationsdiensten und Navigation.

  • Launch of 6 competitively priced commercial optical satellites, expanding market reach
  • Disruptively low pricing strategy, with satellites priced between USD35,000 and USD990,000
  • Annual production capacity of 500 satellites at the ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center
  • Expansion into the global commercial aerospace market, potentially increasing market share
  • Diverse product range including nearly 100 types of satellite components and application services
  • None.

HONG KONG, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- USPACE Technology Group Limited ("USPACE " or "the Group"; Stock Code: 1725.HK) is pleased to announce the rollout of 6 commercial optical satellites (For details, please refer to Appendix) and related aerospace products. With a highly competitive pricing strategy, the Group aims to enter the global market and expand its customer base, capturing the rapidly growing demand from emerging markets and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It marks a new milestone in USPACE's satellite mass production and commercialization efforts, representing a significant step forward in the Group's globalization strategy.

On 25 July 2024, marking the first anniversary of the establishment of the Group's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center, the Group unveiled its disruptively low-priced commercial optical satellites on its official website. These satellites offer resolutions ranging from 5 meters to 0.5 meters and are priced between USD35,000 and USD990,000. Among them, the most notable in the market is the commercial optical satellite with a high resolution of 0.5 meters, priced at only USD990,000. The Group also plans to offer nearly a hundred types of satellite components and application services, including separation seats, multi-satellite dispensers, and 0.5-meter resolution lightweight cameras.

The Group is confident that through this series of satellite products, it can directly participate in the competition of the global commercial aerospace market, rapidly enhance its brand awareness, significantly expand its customer base and further increase its market share.

The growth potential of the commercial optical satellite market is enormous. With the rapid development of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the demands for satellite remote sensing data, communication services, and navigation and positioning are increasing rapidly. The emergence of commercial optical satellites with competitive advantages and huge market demand will effectively lower the barriers to entry for various satellite applications, unleashing market potential and creating tremendous commercial value.

In July 2023, USPACE successfully completed the construction of its 20,000 square meter ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center, the first of its kind in the city. The center boasts the capability to simultaneously develop multiple types of satellites, including communication, navigation, remote sensing, and radar satellites ranging from 10 kilograms to 1,000 kilograms, with an annual production capacity of 500 satellites.

USPACE's globalization strategy continues to make substantial progress. The Company is gradually building a complete aerospace ecosystem, while innovating and creating core satellite products.

Appendix: Price List of USPACE's Commercial Optical Satellites



0.5-meter resolution commercial optical satellite


0.75-meter resolution commercial optical satellite


1-meter resolution commercial optical satellite


1.5-meter resolution commercial optical satellite


3-meter resolution commercial optical satellite


5-meter resolution commercial optical satellite



On 25 July, marking the first anniversary of the establishment of USPACE's Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center, the Group launched disruptively low-priced commercial optical satellites on its official website’s product center. With a highly competitive pricing strategy, the Group aims to enter the global market and expand its customer base. It signifies a new milestone in the Group's satellite mass production and commercialization efforts, representing a significant step forward in its globalization strategy.

About USPACE Technology Group Limited (USPACE)

USPACE Technology Group Limited (USPACE) is headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, China. The Company is committed to using outer space technology and application services to promote the sustainable development of the Earth and the progress of human society, aiming to become a leading provider of outer space technology and Earth application services.

The Group focuses on satellite manufacturing as the core of its business development, building an integrated commercial aerospace ecosystem, including satellite component manufacturing, precision electronics manufacturing, satellite data applications, satellite measurement and control, satellite launches, and the operation and management of the Abu Dhabi Space Eco City in the United Arab Emirates.

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SOURCE USPACE Technology Group Limited


What is the price range of USPACE's new commercial optical satellites?

USPACE's new commercial optical satellites are priced between USD35,000 and USD990,000, depending on their resolution capabilities.

What is the resolution range of USPACE's new commercial optical satellites?

USPACE's new commercial optical satellites offer resolutions ranging from 5 meters to 0.5 meters.

What is the annual production capacity of USPACE's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center?

The ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center has an annual production capacity of 500 satellites.

When was USPACE's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center established?

USPACE's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center was established in July 2023, one year prior to the announcement of the new commercial optical satellites.

What is USPACE's stock code on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange?

USPACE Technology Group's stock code on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is 1725.HK.

USPACE Technology Group Limited


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