Astrotech Reports Fiscal Year 2024 Financial Results

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Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) reported financial results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024. Key highlights include:

- Revenue increased to $1.7 million, driven by 1st Detect's explosives trace detectors in the international passenger market
- Gross margin improved to 45% from 41% in the prior period
- The TRACER 1000 was approved by TSA for the Air Cargo Security Technology List and advanced to Stage II testing
- 1st Detect began accepting orders for the TRACER 1000 Narcotics Trace Detector
- TRACER 1000 NTD and ETD were registered with the U.S. GSA IT Schedule 70
- Astrotech formed Pro-Control, a new subsidiary for industrial process control applications
- AgLAB and SC Labs entered a master lease agreement for joint marketing of AgLAB 1000-D2™ and MVP™ testing method
- Astrotech's consolidated balance sheet showed $31.9 million in cash and liquid investments

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) ha riportato i risultati finanziari per l'anno fiscale chiuso il 30 giugno 2024. I principali punti salienti includono:

- I ricavi sono aumentati a $1.7 milioni, sostenuti dai rivelatori di esplosivi 1st Detect nel mercato internazionale dei passeggeri
- Il margine lordo è migliorato al 45% rispetto al 41% del periodo precedente
- Il TRACER 1000 è stato approvato dalla TSA per la lista delle tecnologie di sicurezza per le merci aeree e ha avanzato alla fase II di testing
- 1st Detect ha iniziato ad accettare ordini per il rivelatore di narcotici TRACER 1000
- TRACER 1000 NTD ed ETD sono stati registrati con il programma IT Schedule 70 della GSA degli Stati Uniti
- Astrotech ha creato Pro-Control, una nuova sussidiaria per le applicazioni di controllo dei processi industriali
- AgLAB e SC Labs hanno stipulato un accordo di leasing master per il marketing congiunto dei metodi di test AgLAB 1000-D2™ e MVP™
- Il bilancio consolidato di Astrotech mostrava $31.9 milioni in contante e investimenti liquidi

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) informó sobre los resultados financieros para el año fiscal que terminó el 30 de junio de 2024. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:

- Los ingresos aumentaron a $1.7 millones, impulsados por los detectores de trazas de explosivos de 1st Detect en el mercado internacional de pasajeros
- El margen bruto mejoró al 45% desde el 41% del período anterior
- El TRACER 1000 fue aprobado por la TSA para la Lista de Tecnología de Seguridad de Carga Aérea y avanzó a la Fase II de pruebas
- 1st Detect comenzó a aceptar pedidos para el Detector de Trazas de Narcóticos TRACER 1000
- TRACER 1000 NTD y ETD fueron registrados en el Programa IT Schedule 70 de la GSA de EE. UU.
- Astrotech formó Pro-Control, una nueva subsidiaria para aplicaciones de control de procesos industriales
- AgLAB y SC Labs firmaron un acuerdo de arrendamiento maestro para el marketing conjunto de los métodos de prueba AgLAB 1000-D2™ y MVP™
- El balance consolidado de Astrotech mostró $31.9 millones en efectivo e inversiones líquidas

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC)는 2024년 6월 30일 종료된 회계연도에 대한 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

- 1st Detect의 폭발물 추적 탐지기로 인해 국제 여객 시장에서 $1.7백만 달러의 수익이 증가했습니다.
- 총 매출이 이전 기간의 41%에서 45%로 개선되었습니다.
- TRACER 1000은 TSA에서 항공 화물 보안 기술 목록에 승인되었으며 II 단계 테스트로 진행되었습니다.
- 1st Detect는 TRACER 1000 마약 추적 탐지기에 대한 주문을 접수하기 시작했습니다.
- TRACER 1000 NTD와 ETD는 미국 GSA IT 스케줄 70에 등록되었습니다.
- Astrotech는 산업 프로세스 제어 응용 프로그램을 위한 새로운 자회사 Pro-Control을 설립했습니다.
- AgLAB과 SC Labs는 AgLAB 1000-D2™ 및 MVP™ 시험 방법의 공동 마케팅을 위한 마스터 임대 계약을 체결했습니다.
- Astrotech의 통합 대차대조표는 $31.9백만 달러의 현금 및 유동 투자를 보여주었습니다.

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) a annoncé les résultats financiers pour l'exercice clos le 30 juin 2024. Les principaux points forts incluent :

- Le chiffre d'affaires a augmenté à 1,7 million USD, porté par les détecteurs de traces d'explosifs de 1st Detect sur le marché international des passagers
- La marge brute a amélioré pour atteindre 45% contre 41% lors de la période précédente
- Le TRACER 1000 a été approuvé par la TSA pour la liste des technologies de sécurité du fret aérien et est passé à l'étape II des tests
- 1st Detect a commencé à accepter des commandes pour le détecteur de traces de drogues TRACER 1000
- TRACER 1000 NTD et ETD ont été enregistrés auprès du programme IT Schedule 70 de l'U.S. GSA
- Astrotech a créé Pro-Control, une nouvelle filiale pour les applications de contrôle de processus industriels
- AgLAB et SC Labs ont conclu un accord de location principal pour le marketing conjoint des méthodes de test AgLAB 1000-D2™ et MVP™
- Le bilan consolidé d'Astrotech a montré 31,9 millions USD en liquidités et investissements liquides

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das am 30. Juni 2024 endende Geschäftsjahr veröffentlicht. Die wichtigsten Highlights umfassen:

- Der Umsatz stieg auf 1,7 Millionen USD, angetrieben durch die Explosivstoff-Trace-Dedektoren von 1st Detect im internationalen Passagiermarkt
- Die Bruttomarge verbesserte sich auf 45% von 41% im vorherigen Zeitraum
- Der TRACER 1000 wurde von der TSA für die Liste der Luftfracht-Sicherheitstechnologien genehmigt und erreichte die Phase II der Tests
- 1st Detect begann mit der Annahme von Bestellungen für den TRACER 1000 Drogen-Trace-Dedektor
- TRACER 1000 NTD und ETD wurden im US-GSA IT Schedule 70 registriert
- Astrotech gründete Pro-Control, eine neue Tochtergesellschaft für die industrielle Prozesskontrolle
- AgLAB und SC Labs schlossen einen Rahmenvertragsvereinbarung für das gemeinsame Marketing der Testmethoden AgLAB 1000-D2™ und MVP™
- Die konsolidierte Bilanz von Astrotech zeigte 31,9 Millionen USD in Bargeld und liquiden Anlagen

  • Revenue increased to $1.7 million
  • Gross margin improved to 45% from 41% in the prior period
  • TRACER 1000 approved by TSA for Air Cargo Security Technology List
  • Began accepting orders for TRACER 1000 Narcotics Trace Detector
  • TRACER 1000 NTD and ETD registered with U.S. GSA IT Schedule 70
  • Strong balance sheet with $31.9 million in cash and liquid investments
  • None.


Astrotech's fiscal year 2024 results show modest progress but still indicate a company in early growth stages. Revenue increased to $1.7 million, primarily driven by 1st Detect's ETD sales in the international passenger market. The improved gross margin of 45% (up from 41%) is a positive sign, reflecting a higher proportion of recurring revenue. However, the company's cash position of $31.9 million remains its strongest asset, providing runway for R&D and potential acquisitions.

Key developments include TSA approval for air cargo use and progress in checkpoint testing, potentially opening significant market opportunities. The launch of the TRACER 1000 NTD and inclusion in the GSA IT Schedule 70 are positive steps for market expansion. However, investors should note that despite these developments, revenue remains relatively low and profitability is not yet achieved.

Astrotech's AMS Technology is showing promise across multiple applications. The TRACER 1000's dual functionality as both an ETD and NTD demonstrates versatility, potentially increasing its market appeal. The formation of Pro-Control for industrial process control applications expands the technology's reach beyond security and agriculture.

The partnership with SC Labs for cannabis testing and the introduction of the AgLAB MVP™ system indicate efforts to tap into the growing cannabis industry. These developments showcase the adaptability of Astrotech's core technology. However, it's important to monitor how quickly these initiatives translate into substantial revenue growth. The company's strategy of simplification, customization and automation for mass spectrometry applications is sound, but execution and market adoption will be key factors to watch in the coming years.

Astrotech's market positioning is improving, but challenges remain. The TSA approval for air cargo and potential for checkpoint use could be significant, given the large installed base of over 6,000 ETD units. However, competition in this space is fierce and Astrotech must prove its technology's superiority to gain market share.

The entry into narcotics detection and cannabis testing diversifies the company's portfolio and reduces reliance on a single market. The GSA listing and participation in trade shows should help visibility, but converting interest into sales will be crucial. The industrial process control market (via Pro-Control) represents another growth avenue, but it's too early to assess its potential impact.

Investors should closely monitor the rate of market adoption, particularly in the air cargo and checkpoint segments, as these could be key drivers for future growth. While the company's technology seems promising, the relatively low revenue suggests that significant market penetration is yet to be achieved.

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Astrotech Corporation (Nasdaq: ASTC) (the “Company” or “Astrotech”) reported its financial results for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024.

Financial Highlights & Fiscal Year Developments 

  • Revenue increased to $1.7 million as Astrotech’s subsidiary, 1st Detect, gained traction in the international passenger market with its explosives trace detectors (“ETD”). Gross margin increased to 45% for the year compared to 41% in the prior period, due to a higher proportion of recurring revenue.
  • The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (“TSA”) approved the TRACER 1000 for the Air Cargo Security Technology List, which permits air cargo companies in the United States to use our equipment in their operations. This action advances the TRACER 1000 to Stage II testing and allows us to sell the TRACER 1000 to air cargo companies in the United States. In Stage II testing, the Company will begin field trials with the TSA. If field trials are successful, the TRACER 1000 will be added to the "qualified" list. 
  • The Company has entered into Developmental Test and Evaluation in which the Transportation Security Laboratory ("TSL") will test the TRACER 1000 and work with 1st Detect to ensure its readiness to enter certification testing for TSA checkpoint testing. The certification test is then completed by the Independent Test & Evaluation department of TSL. As of the fiscal year 2023 budget the TSA had over 6,000 ETD units at checkpoint and baggage screening points which we believe would benefit from utilizing our AMS Technology. 
  • 1st Detect began accepting orders for the TRACER 1000 Narcotics Trace Detector (“NTD”) from worldwide customers. The TRACER 1000 NTD is a high-performance laboratory instrument capable of rapid detection of trace levels of narcotic compounds in seconds. The TRACER 1000 NTD and the TRACER 1000 ETD together provide a comprehensive protection platform that can be applied across various markets including airports, border security, checkpoint, cargo, and infrastructure security, correctional facilities, military, and law enforcement.
  • The TRACER 1000 NTD and the TRACER 1000 ETD are now registered with the U.S. General Services Administration ("GSA") IT Schedule 70 under Contract No. GS-35F-250GA with SRI Group LLC, Special Item Number 334290.   The IT Schedule 70 is a long-term contract issued by the GSA to commercial technology vendors that allows sales to the U.S. federal government, one of the largest buyers of goods and services in the world.  1st Detect continues to showcase the TRACER 1000 NTD and TRACER 1000 ETD at trade events in the U.S. 
  • We announced the formation of a new wholly-owned subsidiary, Pro-Control, and Astrotech’s entry into an exclusive license with Pro-Control to utilize our Astrotech Mass Spectrometer Technology™ (the “AMS Technology”) for industrial process control applications involving chemical distillation outside of the agriculture industry. Pro-Control uses advanced mass spectrometer instrumentation to monitor and control the production and operations of manufacturing processes using real-time, in-process samples.
  • AgLAB Inc. (“AgLAB”) and SC Laboratories (“SC Labs”) entered into a master lease agreement providing for the joint marketing of the AgLAB 1000-D2™ mass spectrometer and the AgLAB Maximum Value Process™ (“MVP™”) testing method to SC Labs’ clients. SC Labs is an industry leader that provides the regulatory requirement of a Certificate of Analysis for all movement and sale of all processed cannabis CBD or THC oils.
  • Astrotech presented the AgLAB MVP™ at MJBizcon. The MVP™ is an innovative process control system to increase the potency of ending-weight yields and revenue by 20% or more using AgLAB’s proprietary integration of the AMS Technology.
  • Astrotech’s consolidated balance sheet remains strong with $31.9 million in cash and cash equivalents and liquid investments which is anticipated to support the Company’s research and development, organic growth, and potential acquisition targets.

“Our mission is to expand access to the precision of mass spectrometry for companies in our target markets. We intend to achieve our mission through simplification, customization, automation, and configuration to provide relevant real-time solutions.  Our TRACER 1000 has been TSA approved for air cargo and is also on the GSA, and we are currently accepting orders.  Both our NTDs and ETDs are being showcased at tradeshows around the U.S. Our gross profit is growing, and we look to increasing revenue in subsequent fiscal years,” stated Thomas B. Pickens, III, Astrotech’s Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer.

About Astrotech Corporation

Astrotech (Nasdaq: ASTC) is a mass spectrometry company that launches, manages, and commercializes scalable companies based on its innovative core technology through its wholly-owned subsidiaries. 1st Detect develops, manufactures, and sells trace detectors for use in the security and detection market. AgLAB develops and sells chemical analyzers for use in the agriculture market. Pro-Control is developing the mass spectrometry technology for use in chemical manufacturing processes. BreathTech is developing a breath analysis tool to screen for volatile organic compounds that could indicate bodily infections and critical conditions. Astrotech is headquartered in Austin, Texas. For information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, trends, and uncertainties that could cause actual results to be materially different from the forward-looking statement. These factors include, but are not limited to, the adverse impact of inflationary pressures, including significant increases in fuel costs, global economic conditions and events related to these conditions, including the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company’s use of proceeds from the common stock offerings, whether we can successfully complete the development of our new products and proprietary technologies, whether we can obtain the FDA and other regulatory approvals required to market our products under development in the United States or abroad, whether the market will accept our products and services and whether we are successful in identifying, completing and integrating acquisitions, as well as other risk factors and business considerations described in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings including the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K. Any forward-looking statements in this document should be evaluated in light of these important risk factors. While we do not intend to directly harvest, manufacture, distribute or sell cannabis or cannabis products, we may be detrimentally affected by a change in enforcement by federal or state governments and we may be subject to additional risks in connection with the evolving regulatory area and associated uncertainties. Any such effects may give rise to risks and uncertainties that are currently unknown or amplify others mentioned herein. Although the Company believes the expectations reflected in its forward-looking statements are reasonable and are based on reasonable assumptions, no assurance can be given that these assumptions are accurate or that any of these expectations will be achieved (in full or at all) or will prove to have been correct. Moreover, such statements are subject to a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those implied or expressed by the forward-looking statements. In addition, any forward-looking statements included in this press release represent the Company’s views only as of the date of its publication and should not be relied upon as representing its views as of any subsequent date. The Company assumes no obligation to correct or update these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Company Contact: Jaime Hinojosa, Chief Financial Officer, Astrotech Corporation, (512) 485-9530.

Tables follow 
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Loss
(In thousands, except per share data)
  June 30, 
  2024  2023 
Revenue $1,664  $750 
Cost of revenue  913   444 
Gross profit  751   306 
Operating expenses:        
Selling, general and administrative  7,241   5,775 
Research and development  6,790   5,591 
Total operating expenses  14,031   11,366 
Loss from operations  (13,280)  (11,060)
Other income and expense, net  1,616   1,418 
Loss from operations before income taxes  (11,664)  (9,642)
Income tax expense  (2
Net loss $(11,666) $(9,642)
Weighted average common shares outstanding:        
Basic and diluted  1,638   1,620 
Basic and diluted net loss per common share:        
Net loss per common share $(7.12) $(5.95)
Other comprehensive loss, net of tax:        
Net loss $(11,666) $(9,642)
Available-for-sale securities:        
Net unrealized gain (loss)  276   (254)
Total comprehensive loss $(11,390) $(9,896)

Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In thousands, except share and per share data)
  June 30, 
  2024  2023 
Current assets        
Cash and cash equivalents $10,442  $14,208 
Short-term investments  21,474   27,919 
Accounts receivable  77   225 
Inventory, net:        
Raw materials  2,038   1,379 
Work-in-process  66   243 
Finished goods  370   373 
Income tax receivable     1 
Prepaid expenses and other current assets  261   365 
Total current assets  34,728   44,713 
Property and equipment, net  2,763   2,670 
Operating lease right-of-use assets, net  119   262 
Other assets, net  30   30 
Total assets $37,640  $47,675 
Liabilities and stockholders’ equity        
Current liabilities        
Accounts payable $373  $546 
Payroll related accruals  1,174   633 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities  754   1,170 
Lease liabilities, current  227   316 
Total current liabilities  2,528   2,665 
Accrued expenses and other liabilities, net of current portion  232    
Lease liabilities, net of current portion  73   291 
Total liabilities  2,833   2,956 
Commitments and contingencies (Note 14)        
Stockholders’ equity        
Convertible preferred stock, $0.001 par value, 2,500,000 shares authorized; 280,898 shares of Series D issued and outstanding at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively      
Common stock, $0.001 par value, 250,000,000 shares authorized at June 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively; 1,712,045 and 1,692,045 shares issued at June 30, 2024 and 2023 respectively; 1,701,729 and 1,681,729 outstanding at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively  190,643   190,643 
Treasury shares, 10,316 shares at June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively  (119)  (119
Additional paid-in capital  82,480   81,002 
Accumulated deficit  (237,020)  (225,354)
Accumulated other comprehensive loss  (1,177)  (1,453)
Total stockholders’ equity  34,807   44,719 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $37,640  $47,675 


What was Astrotech's (ASTC) revenue for fiscal year 2024?

Astrotech (ASTC) reported revenue of $1.7 million for fiscal year 2024.

What was the gross margin for Astrotech (ASTC) in fiscal year 2024?

Astrotech (ASTC) reported a gross margin of 45% for fiscal year 2024, an increase from 41% in the prior period.

What new product did 1st Detect, a subsidiary of Astrotech (ASTC), begin accepting orders for?

1st Detect began accepting orders for the TRACER 1000 Narcotics Trace Detector (NTD) from worldwide customers.

What is the cash position of Astrotech (ASTC) as of fiscal year 2024?

Astrotech (ASTC) reported $31.9 million in cash and cash equivalents and liquid investments on its consolidated balance sheet.

Astrotech Corporation (DE)


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Aerospace & Defense
Laboratory Analytical Instruments
United States of America