ASUR Announces Total Passenger Traffic for February 2025
ASUR (NYSE: ASR) reported mixed passenger traffic results for February 2025, with a total of 5.6 million passengers, marking a 2.6% decrease compared to February 2023. The performance varied significantly across regions:
- Puerto Rico showed strong growth with an 8.6% increase, driven by 19.2% growth in international traffic and 7.5% in domestic traffic.
- Colombia posted a 3.3% increase, with international traffic up 11.3% and domestic traffic rising 1.1%.
- Mexico experienced a decline of 7.5%, with international traffic down 10.6% and domestic traffic falling 2.9%.
The comparison period spans February 1-28, 2025, versus February 1-29, 2024, with February 2025 having one less calendar day. Figures exclude transit and general aviation passengers for Mexico and Colombia.
ASUR (NYSE: ASR) ha riportato risultati misti sul traffico passeggeri per febbraio 2025, con un totale di 5,6 milioni di passeggeri, segnando una diminuzione del 2,6% rispetto a febbraio 2023. Le performance sono variate significativamente tra le diverse regioni:
- Porto Rico ha mostrato una forte crescita con un aumento dell'8,6%, trainato da una crescita del 19,2% nel traffico internazionale e del 7,5% in quello domestico.
- Colombia ha registrato un incremento del 3,3%, con il traffico internazionale in aumento dell'11,3% e quello domestico in crescita dell'1,1%.
- Messico ha subito un calo del 7,5%, con il traffico internazionale in diminuzione del 10,6% e quello domestico in calo del 2,9%.
Il periodo di confronto va dal 1 al 28 febbraio 2025, rispetto al 1-29 febbraio 2024, con febbraio 2025 che ha un giorno di calendario in meno. I dati escludono i passeggeri in transito e l'aviazione generale per Messico e Colombia.
ASUR (NYSE: ASR) reportó resultados de tráfico de pasajeros mixtos para febrero de 2025, con un total de 5.6 millones de pasajeros, lo que representa una disminución del 2.6% en comparación con febrero de 2023. El rendimiento varió significativamente entre las regiones:
- Puerto Rico mostró un fuerte crecimiento con un aumento del 8.6%, impulsado por un crecimiento del 19.2% en el tráfico internacional y del 7.5% en el tráfico doméstico.
- Colombia registró un aumento del 3.3%, con el tráfico internacional en aumento del 11.3% y el tráfico doméstico subiendo un 1.1%.
- México experimentó una disminución del 7.5%, con el tráfico internacional cayendo un 10.6% y el tráfico doméstico bajando un 2.9%.
El período de comparación abarca del 1 al 28 de febrero de 2025, en comparación con el 1 al 29 de febrero de 2024, siendo febrero de 2025 un día menos en el calendario. Las cifras excluyen a los pasajeros en tránsito y la aviación general para México y Colombia.
ASUR (NYSE: ASR)는 2025년 2월의 혼합된 승객 교통 결과를 보고했으며, 총 560만 명의 승객이 있었고, 이는 2023년 2월 대비 2.6% 감소한 수치입니다. 성과는 지역별로 크게 달라졌습니다:
- 푸에르토리코는 국제 교통이 19.2% 증가하고 국내 교통이 7.5% 증가하여 8.6%의 강력한 성장을 보였습니다.
- 콜롬비아는 3.3% 증가를 기록했으며, 국제 교통은 11.3% 증가하고 국내 교통은 1.1% 증가했습니다.
- 멕시코는 7.5% 감소하였으며, 국제 교통은 10.6% 감소하고 국내 교통은 2.9% 감소했습니다.
비교 기간은 2025년 2월 1일부터 28일까지이며, 2024년 2월 1일부터 29일까지와 비교됩니다. 2025년 2월은 하루가 적습니다. 수치는 멕시코와 콜롬비아의 환승 및 일반 항공 승객을 제외합니다.
ASUR (NYSE: ASR) a rapporté des résultats de trafic passager mitigés pour février 2025, avec un total de 5,6 millions de passagers, marquant une diminution de 2,6 % par rapport à février 2023. Les performances ont varié considérablement selon les régions :
- Porto Rico a affiché une forte croissance avec une augmentation de 8,6 %, soutenue par une croissance de 19,2 % du trafic international et de 7,5 % du trafic domestique.
- Colombie a enregistré une augmentation de 3,3 %, avec un trafic international en hausse de 11,3 % et un trafic domestique en hausse de 1,1 %.
- Mexique a connu une baisse de 7,5 %, avec un trafic international en baisse de 10,6 % et un trafic domestique en baisse de 2,9 %.
La période de comparaison s'étend du 1er au 28 février 2025, par rapport au 1er au 29 février 2024, février 2025 ayant un jour de calendrier de moins. Les chiffres excluent les passagers en transit et l'aviation générale pour le Mexique et la Colombie.
ASUR (NYSE: ASR) berichtete über gemischte Passagierzahlen für Februar 2025, mit insgesamt 5,6 Millionen Passagieren, was einen Rückgang von 2,6% im Vergleich zu Februar 2023 darstellt. Die Leistung variierte erheblich zwischen den Regionen:
- Puerto Rico zeigte ein starkes Wachstum mit einem Anstieg von 8,6%, angetrieben durch ein Wachstum von 19,2% im internationalen Verkehr und 7,5% im Inlandsverkehr.
- Kolumbien verzeichnete einen Anstieg von 3,3%, wobei der internationale Verkehr um 11,3% und der Inlandsverkehr um 1,1% zunahm.
- Mexiko erlebte einen Rückgang von 7,5%, wobei der internationale Verkehr um 10,6% und der Inlandsverkehr um 2,9% zurückging.
Der Vergleichszeitraum erstreckt sich vom 1. bis 28. Februar 2025, verglichen mit dem 1. bis 29. Februar 2024, wobei der Februar 2025 einen Kalendertag weniger hat. Die Zahlen schließen Transit- und allgemeine Luftfahrtpassagiere für Mexiko und Kolumbien aus.
- Puerto Rico traffic grew 8.6% with strong international (+19.2%) and domestic (+7.5%) performance
- Colombia traffic increased 3.3% with solid international growth (+11.3%)
- Overall passenger traffic decreased 2.6% to 5.6M passengers
- Mexico traffic declined 7.5% with significant international traffic drop (-10.6%)
Passenger traffic increased year-on-year by
Passenger traffic presented year-over-year increases of
All figures in this statement reflect comparisons between the period from February 1 to 28, 2025 and from February 1 to 29, 2024. Noteworthy, February 2025 had one less calendar day. Passenger figures exclude transit and general aviation passengers for
Passenger Traffic Summary | |||||||
February | % Chg | Year to date | % Chg | ||||
2024 | 2025 | 2024 | 2025 | ||||
3,599,822 | 3,328,265 | (7.5) | 7,471,557 | 7,042,417 | (5.7) | ||
Domestic Traffic | 1,416,632 | 1,375,440 | (2.9) | 3,039,786 | 2,987,321 | (1.7) | |
International Traffic | 2,183,190 | 1,952,825 | (10.6) | 4,431,771 | 4,055,096 | (8.5) | |
984,244 | 1,068,916 | 8.6 | 2,097,374 | 2,285,084 | 8.9 | ||
Domestic Traffic | 889,959 | 956,531 | 7.5 | 1,891,417 | 2,038,167 | 7.8 | |
International Traffic | 94,285 | 112,385 | 19.2 | 205,957 | 246,917 | 19.9 | |
1,191,695 | 1,230,431 | 3.3 | 2,523,476 | 2,726,357 | 8.0 | ||
Domestic Traffic | 936,703 | 946,659 | 1.1 | 1,959,194 | 2,058,454 | 5.1 | |
International Traffic | 254,992 | 283,772 | 11.3 | 564,282 | 667,903 | 18.4 | |
Total Traffic | 5,775,761 | 5,627,612 | (2.6) | 12,092,407 | 12,053,858 | (0.3) | |
Domestic Traffic | 3,243,294 | 3,278,630 | 1.1 | 6,890,397 | 7,083,942 | 2.8 | |
International Traffic | 2,532,467 | 2,348,982 | (7.2) | 5,202,010 | 4,969,916 | (4.5) |
Mexico Passenger Traffic | ||||||||
February | % Chg | Year to date | % Chg | |||||
2024 | 2025 | 2024 | 2025 | |||||
Domestic Traffic | 1,416,632 | 1,375,440 | (2.9) | 3,039,786 | 2,987,321 | (1.7) | ||
CUN | 705,560 | 680,189 | (3.6) | 1,529,718 | 1,493,653 | (2.4) | ||
CZM | 17,380 | 16,059 | (7.6) | 38,860 | 36,138 | (7.0) | ||
HUX | 52,866 | 49,056 | (7.2) | 115,318 | 106,249 | (7.9) | ||
MID | 249,509 | 248,115 | (0.6) | 527,201 | 526,843 | (0.1) | ||
MTT | 8,869 | 10,861 | 22.5 | 18,749 | 23,558 | 25.6 | ||
OAX | 115,819 | 117,554 | 1.5 | 244,912 | 254,609 | 4.0 | ||
TAP | 44,735 | 37,838 | (15.4) | 98,842 | 85,028 | (14.0) | ||
VER | 110,977 | 116,775 | 5.2 | 233,423 | 243,615 | 4.4 | ||
VSA | Villahermosa | 110,917 | 98,993 | (10.8) | 232,763 | 217,628 | (6.5) | |
International Traffic | 2,183,190 | 1,952,825 | (10.6) | 4,431,771 | 4,055,096 | (8.5) | ||
CUN | 2,032,642 | 1,809,498 | (11.0) | 4,128,885 | 3,755,093 | (9.1) | ||
CZM | 60,593 | 47,145 | (22.2) | 116,791 | 93,684 | (19.8) | ||
HUX | 27,211 | 26,099 | (4.1) | 53,441 | 52,996 | (0.8) | ||
MID | 31,235 | 34,932 | 11.8 | 62,807 | 72,685 | 15.7 | ||
MTT | 401 | 391 | (2.5) | 1,075 | 1,216 | 13.1 | ||
OAX | 18,515 | 21,657 | 17.0 | 39,994 | 48,208 | 20.5 | ||
TAP | 1,064 | 1,779 | 67.2 | 2,782 | 3,112 | 11.9 | ||
VER | 8,986 | 8,629 | (4.0) | 20,373 | 22,314 | 9.5 | ||
VSA | Villahermosa | 2,543 | 2,695 | 6.0 | 5,623 | 5,788 | 2.9 | |
Traffic Total Mexico | 3,599,822 | 3,328,265 | (7.5) | 7,471,557 | 7,042,417 | (5.7) | ||
CUN | 2,738,202 | 2,489,687 | (9.1) | 5,658,603 | 5,248,746 | (7.2) | ||
CZM | 77,973 | 63,204 | (18.9) | 155,651 | 129,822 | (16.6) | ||
HUX | 80,077 | 75,155 | (6.1) | 168,759 | 159,245 | (5.6) | ||
MID | 280,744 | 283,047 | 0.8 | 590,008 | 599,528 | 1.6 | ||
MTT | 9,270 | 11,252 | 21.4 | 19,824 | 24,774 | 25.0 | ||
OAX | 134,334 | 139,211 | 3.6 | 284,906 | 302,817 | 6.3 | ||
TAP | 45,799 | 39,617 | (13.5) | 101,624 | 88,140 | (13.3) | ||
VER | 119,963 | 125,404 | 4.5 | 253,796 | 265,929 | 4.8 | ||
VSA | Villahermosa | 113,460 | 101,688 | (10.4) | 238,386 | 223,416 | (6.3) |
February | % Chg | Year to date | % Chg | ||||
2024 | 2025 | 2024 | 2025 | ||||
SJU Total | 984,244 | 1,068,916 | 8.6 | 2,097,374 | 2,285,084 | 8.9 | |
Domestic Traffic | 889,959 | 956,531 | 7.5 | 1,891,417 | 2,038,167 | 7.8 | |
International Traffic | 94,285 | 112,385 | 19.2 | 205,957 | 246,917 | 19.9 |
Colombia Passenger Traffic Airplan | ||||||||
February | % Chg | Year to date | % Chg | |||||
2024 | 2025 | 2024 | 2025 | |||||
Domestic Traffic | 936,703 | 946,659 | 1.1 | 1,959,194 | 2,058,454 | 5.1 | ||
MDE | Rionegro | 689,754 | 717,098 | 4.0 | 1,418,967 | 1,547,431 | 9.1 | |
EOH | 92,782 | 80,998 | (12.7) | 205,629 | 182,290 | (11.4) | ||
MTR | Monteria | 113,143 | 106,683 | (5.7) | 246,224 | 241,600 | (1.9) | |
Carepa | 14,131 | 12,693 | (10.2) | 27,572 | 24,996 | (9.3) | ||
UIB | Quibdo | 24,791 | 23,598 | (4.8) | 55,286 | 51,379 | (7.1) | |
CZU | Corozal | 2,102 | 5,589 | 165.9 | 5,516 | 10,758 | 95.0 | |
International Traffic | 254,992 | 283,772 | 11.3 | 564,282 | 667,903 | 18.4 | ||
MDE | Rionegro | 254,992 | 283,772 | 11.3 | 564,282 | 667,903 | 18.4 | |
EOH | ||||||||
MTR | Monteria | - | - | - | - | |||
Carepa | - | - | - | - | ||||
UIB | Quibdo | - | - | - | - | |||
CZU | Corozal | - | - | - | - | |||
Traffic Total Colombia | 1,191,695 | 1,230,431 | 3.3 | 2,523,476 | 2,726,357 | 8.0 | ||
MDE | Rionegro | 944,746 | 1,000,870 | 5.9 | 1,983,249 | 2,215,334 | 11.7 | |
EOH | 92,782 | 80,998 | (12.7) | 205,629 | 182,290 | (11.4) | ||
MTR | Monteria | 113,143 | 106,683 | (5.7) | 246,224 | 241,600 | (1.9) | |
Carepa | 14,131 | 12,693 | (10.2) | 27,572 | 24,996 | (9.3) | ||
UIB | Quibdo | 24,791 | 23,598 | (4.8) | 55,286 | 51,379 | (7.1) | |
CZU | Corozal | 2,102 | 5,589 | 165.9 | 5,516 | 10,758 | 95.0 |
About ASUR
Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S.A.B. de C.V. (ASUR) is a leading international airport operator with a portfolio of concessions to operate, maintain and develop 16 airports in the
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SOURCE Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste, S.A.B. de C.V.