ASM launches PE2O8 silicon carbide epitaxy system

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ASM International has launched the PE2O8 silicon carbide epitaxy system, expanding its portfolio of single wafer SiC epitaxy systems. This new dual chamber system is compatible with both 6” and 8” wafers and offers higher throughput, lower cost of ownership, and high process uniformity. The PE2O8 addresses the needs of the advanced SiC power device segment, which is seeing increased demand due to trends in electrification and high-power applications like electric vehicles and green power. The system features a compact design, easy preventive maintenance, and has been delivered to multiple customers globally. Steven Reiter, Corporate VP, emphasized the importance of delivering high-quality epitaxy processes on larger wafers with defectivity control, noting that the PE2O8 improves process control and value for customers.

ASM International ha lanciato il sistema di epitassiasi in carburo di silicio PE2O8, ampliando il proprio portafoglio di sistemi di epitassiasi SiC a wafer singolo. Questo nuovo sistema a doppia camera è compatibile con wafer da 6" e 8" e offre una maggiore produttività, un costo di possesso inferiore e un'elevata uniformità di processo. Il PE2O8 risponde alle esigenze del segmento avanzato dei dispositivi di potenza in SiC, che sta vedendo un aumento della domanda a causa delle tendenze verso l'elettrificazione e applicazioni ad alta potenza come i veicoli elettrici e l'energia verde. Il sistema presenta un design compatto, una manutenzione preventiva facile ed è stato consegnato a diversi clienti a livello globale. Steven Reiter, VP aziendale, ha sottolineato l'importanza di fornire processi di epitassiasi di alta qualità su wafer più grandi con controllo della difettosità, evidenziando che il PE2O8 migliora il controllo del processo e il valore per i clienti.

ASM International ha lanzado el sistema de epitaxia de carburo de silicio PE2O8, ampliando su cartera de sistemas de epitaxia de SiC de wafer único. Este nuevo sistema de doble cámara es compatible con wafers de 6" y 8" y ofrece un mayor rendimiento, un menor costo de propiedad y una alta uniformidad de proceso. El PE2O8 aborda las necesidades del segmento avanzado de dispositivos de potencia de SiC, que está viendo un aumento en la demanda debido a las tendencias en electrificación y aplicaciones de alta potencia como vehículos eléctricos y energía verde. El sistema cuenta con un diseño compacto, fácil mantenimiento preventivo y ha sido entregado a múltiples clientes en todo el mundo. Steven Reiter, VP Corporativo, enfatizó la importancia de ofrecer procesos de epitaxia de alta calidad en wafers más grandes con control de defectos, destacando que el PE2O8 mejora el control del proceso y el valor para los clientes.

ASM International은 단일 웨이퍼 SiC 에피택시 시스템 포트폴리오를 확장하며 PE2O8 실리콘 카바이드 에피택시 시스템을 출시했습니다. 이 새로운 듀얼 챔버 시스템은 6인치와 8인치 웨이퍼와 호환되며, 더 높은 처리량, 낮은 소유 비용 및 높은 공정 균일성을 제공합니다. PE2O8은 전기차 및 친환경 전력과 같은 전력 높은 응용 프로그램으로 인한 수요 증가로 인해 SiC 전력 장치의 고급 세그먼트의 요구를 해결합니다. 이 시스템은 컴팩트한 디자인, 용이한 예방 유지보수 기능을 갖추고 있으며, 전 세계 여러 고객에게 제공되었습니다. 스티븐 라이터 기업 부사장은 결함 제어와 함께 더 큰 웨이퍼에서 고품질 에피택시 공정을 제공하는 것의 중요성을 강조하며, PE2O8이 고객의 공정 제어 및 가치를 개선한다고 언급했습니다.

ASM International a lancé le système d'épitaxie en carbure de silicium PE2O8, élargissant son portefeuille de systèmes d'épitaxie SiC à wafer unique. Ce nouveau système à double chambre est compatible avec des wafers de 6" et 8" et offre un rendement plus élevé, un coût de possession plus bas et une grande uniformité de processus. Le PE2O8 répond aux besoins du segment avancé des dispositifs de puissance en SiC, qui connaît une demande croissante en raison des tendances vers l'électrification et des applications à haute puissance comme les véhicules électriques et l'énergie verte. Le système présente un design compact, une maintenance préventive facile et a été livré à de nombreux clients dans le monde entier. Steven Reiter, VP Corporatif, a souligné l'importance de fournir des processus d'épitaxie de haute qualité sur des wafers plus grands avec un contrôle des défauts, notant que le PE2O8 améliore le contrôle des processus et la valeur pour les clients.

ASM International hat das PE2O8 Siliziumkarbid-Epitaxiesystem eingeführt und sein Portfolio an Einzelwafer-SiC-Epitaxiesystemen erweitert. Dieses neue Doppelkammer-System ist sowohl mit 6"- als auch mit 8"-Wafern kompatibel und bietet eine höhere Durchsatzrate, geringere Betriebskosten und eine hohe Prozessuniformität. Das PE2O8 spricht die Bedürfnisse des fortschrittlichen SiC-Leistungsgeräte-Segments an, das aufgrund von Trends in der Elektrifizierung und Hochleistungsanwendungen wie Elektrofahrzeugen und grüner Energie eine steigende Nachfrage verzeichnet. Das System verfügt über ein kompaktes Design, eine einfache präventive Wartung und wurde weltweit an mehrere Kunden geliefert. Steven Reiter, Corporate VP, betonte die Bedeutung der Bereitstellung hochwertiger Epitaxie-Prozesse auf größeren Wafern mit Defektkontrolle und stellte fest, dass das PE2O8 die Prozesskontrolle und den Wert für die Kunden verbessert.

  • Launch of PE2O8 system with higher throughput and lower cost of ownership.
  • Compatibility with both 6” and 8” wafers, addressing the industry's transition.
  • High process uniformity and low defectivity, improving device yield.
  • Global deliveries to multiple customers, indicating market acceptance.
  • None.

Raleigh, NC, USA
September 30, 2024

New system extends ASM’s portfolio of industry benchmark single wafer silicon carbide epitaxy systems, the 6” PE1O6 and 8” PE1O8 systems, with a higher throughput, lower cost of ownership, dual chamber, single wafer, 6” and 8” compatible, silicon carbide epitaxy system.

Today at the 2024 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, ASM International N.V. (Euronext Amsterdam: ASM) introduced the PE2O8 silicon carbide epitaxy system, a new, dual chamber, platform for silicon carbide (SiC) epitaxy (Epi). Designed to address the needs of the advanced SiC power device segment, the PE2O8 is the benchmark epitaxy system for low defectivity, high process uniformity, all with higher throughput and low cost of ownership needed to enable broader adoption of SiC devices.

As the general electrification trend drives more power device manufacturers to utilize SiC for a growing number of high-power applications (such as for electric vehicles, green power, and advanced data centers) the expanded demand and requirements for lower cost for SiC is causing a transition from 6” to 8” SiC substrates. At the same time, SiC device manufacturers are designing higher power devices that will benefit from better SiC epitaxy.

Utilizing a unique design, the dual chamber PE2O8 system deposits SiC with ultra precise control, enabling benchmark higher yield and higher throughput. The highly compact, dual chamber design enables high productivity and low total costs of operation. Additionally, the system features an easy preventive maintenance approach helping to increase uptime and reduce the occurrence of unscheduled downtime. System deliveries have been ongoing to multiple customers globally, among them leaders in SiC power device manufacturing.

“We are at a critical inflection for silicon carbide power products, as our customers transition from 6” to 8” wafers”, said Steven Reiter, Corporate Vice President, and business unit head of Plasma and Epi at ASM. “Delivering a high-quality epitaxy process on larger wafers with defectivity control is critical, and we have been the industry benchmark for process uniformity with our novel chamber design. We have now extended our system capability to improve our process control and our value for customers with lower cost of ownership.”

Since 2022, ASM, through its new SiC Epi product unit has been developing and refining its single wafer SiC epitaxy system. With the structurally higher demand for electric vehicles and improvement of the overall SiC wafer and device yield, the equipment market for SiC epitaxy has grown substantially in recent years.  

About ASM International

ASM International N.V., headquartered in Almere, the Netherlands, and its subsidiaries design and manufacture equipment and process solutions to produce semiconductor devices for wafer processing, and have facilities in the United States, Europe, and Asia. ASM International's common stock trades on the Euronext Amsterdam Stock Exchange (symbol: ASM). For more information, visit ASM's website at


Investor and media relations

Victor Bareño
T: +31 88 100 8500

Investor relations

Valentina Fantigrossi
T: +31 88 100 8502



What is the new silicon carbide epitaxy system launched by ASM International?

ASM International has launched the PE2O8 silicon carbide epitaxy system.

What are the key features of the PE2O8 silicon carbide epitaxy system?

The PE2O8 system features dual chambers, higher throughput, lower cost of ownership, high process uniformity, and compatibility with both 6” and 8” wafers.

How does the PE2O8 system benefit SiC power device manufacturers?

The PE2O8 provides low defectivity, high process uniformity, and improved yield, important for high-power applications and the transition to 8” wafers.

Why is the transition from 6” to 8” SiC wafers important?

The transition to 8” SiC wafers is driven by the need for higher power devices and cost efficiency in high-power applications like electric vehicles.

What market trends are driving the demand for the PE2O8 system?

Increased electrification, demand for high-power applications, and the transition from 6” to 8” SiC substrates are driving the demand for the PE2O8 system.



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