Accredited Solutions to Meet With Outside Advisors Over the Weekend to Finalize Decision on Potential Reverse Stock Split

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Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), parent company of Diamond Creek Water, is considering a 500-to-1 reverse stock split of its issued common stock. The company will hold zoom meetings with outside financial and legal advisors over the weekend to make a final decision on executing this resolution. Diamond Creek Water produces ionized alkaline bottled water distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains. This potential corporate action could significantly impact the company's stock structure and investor holdings.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), società madre di Diamond Creek Water, sta valutando un frazionamento azionario inverso di 500 a 1 delle sue azioni ordinarie emesse. La società terrà riunioni in zoom con consulenti finanziari e legali esterni durante il fine settimana per prendere una decisione finale sull'esecuzione di questa risoluzione. Diamond Creek Water produce acqua in bottiglia ionizzata alcalina distribuita nelle principali catene di supermercati e negozi di alimentari. Questa potenziale azione aziendale potrebbe avere un impatto significativo sulla struttura azionaria della società e sulle partecipazioni degli investitori.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), la empresa matriz de Diamond Creek Water, está considerando una escisión de acciones al revés de 500 a 1 de sus acciones ordinarias emitidas. La empresa llevará a cabo reuniones por zoom con asesores financieros y legales externos durante el fin de semana para tomar una decisión final sobre la ejecución de esta resolución. Diamond Creek Water produce agua embotellada alcalina ionizada distribuida en las principales cadenas de supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia. Esta posible acción corporativa podría impactar significativamente la estructura de acciones de la empresa y las participaciones de los inversores.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), 다이아몬드 크릭 워터의 모회사, 는 발행된 보통주에 대해 500대 1의 역분할을 고려하고 있습니다. 회사는 주말 동안 외부 재무 및 법률 자문과의 줌 회의를 개최하여 이 결의안을 실행하는 것에 대한 최종 결정을 내릴 예정입니다. 다이아몬드 크릭 워터는 주요 식료품 및 편의점 체인에 유통되는 이온화된 알칼리수를 생산합니다. 이 잠재적인 기업 조치는 회사의 주식 구조와 투자자의 보유에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), société mère de Diamond Creek Water, envisage de réaliser une fusion des actions au ratio de 500 pour 1 de ses actions ordinaires émises. L'entreprise organisera des réunions Zoom avec des conseillers financiers et juridiques externes au cours du week-end pour prendre une décision finale sur l'exécution de cette résolution. Diamond Creek Water produit de l'eau en bouteille alcaline ionisée distribuée dans les principales chaînes de supermarchés et de dépanneurs. Cette éventuelle action d'entreprise pourrait avoir un impact significatif sur la structure des actions de la société et sur les participations des investisseurs.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), Muttergesellschaft von Diamond Creek Water, überlegt einen Reverse-Split im Verhältnis 500 zu 1 ihrer ausgegebenen Stammaktien. Das Unternehmen wird am Wochenende Zoom-Meetings mit externen Finanz- und Rechtsberatern abhalten, um eine endgültige Entscheidung über die Durchführung dieser Maßnahme zu treffen. Diamond Creek Water produziert ionisiertes alkalisches Flaschenwasser, das in großen Lebensmittel- und Convenience-Store-Ketten vertrieben wird. Diese potenzielle Unternehmensmaßnahme könnte sich erheblich auf die Aktienstruktur des Unternehmens und die Investitionen der Aktionäre auswirken.

  • Potential reverse stock split could improve stock price and attract institutional investors
  • Company is consulting with outside financial and legal advisors for decision-making
  • Reverse stock split may indicate financial difficulties or attempt to avoid delisting
  • Potential significant reduction in number of outstanding shares could impact liquidity
  • Shareholders may experience a decrease in the number of shares they own

NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ("Accredited Solutions" or the "Company"), the parent company of Diamond Creek Water, an ionized alkaline bottled water distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains, is considering a reverse stock split of its issued common stock.

The company will be having a series of zoom meetings with outside financial and legal advisors over the course of the weekend to make a final decision over the option to execute a resolution to authorize and put into effect, a 500-to-1 reverse stock split.

Eduardo Brito, CEO

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Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other statements relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release and the company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.

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Accredited Solutions, Inc.


What is Accredited Solutions (ASII) considering for its stock?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) is considering a 500-to-1 reverse stock split of its issued common stock.

When will Accredited Solutions (ASII) make a decision on the reverse stock split?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) will make a final decision over the weekend of August 1-2, 2024, after meetings with outside advisors.

What is Diamond Creek Water, owned by Accredited Solutions (ASII)?

Diamond Creek Water is an ionized alkaline bottled water brand distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains.

How might the potential reverse stock split affect Accredited Solutions (ASII) shareholders?

If implemented, the 500-to-1 reverse stock split would significantly reduce the number of shares each shareholder owns, potentially impacting stock price and liquidity.



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