Accredited Solutions Reaches Agreement With All Convertible Debt Holders for Total Debt Reduction and Exchange Into Preferred Stock

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Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), parent company of Diamond Creek Water, has reached a significant agreement with its lenders to exchange all outstanding convertible debt for a new series of preferred stock. This deal results in:

1. Reduction of debt conversion discount from up to 45% to 15%
2. Forgiveness of 100% accrued interest and default interest
3. Overall debt and overhang reduction by approximately 40%

CEO Eduardo Brito expressed gratitude towards investors for their long-term belief in the company. The agreement is expected to significantly improve the company's balance sheet by eliminating all convertible debt, interests, and derivative liabilities. An 8-K filing with further details and a pro-forma balance sheet is anticipated in the coming days.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), la società madre di Diamond Creek Water, ha raggiunto un accordo significativo con i suoi finanziatori per scambiare tutto il debito convertibile in essere con una nuova serie di azioni privilegiate. Questo accordo comporta:

1. Riduzione dello sconto sulla conversione del debito dal 45% fino al 15%
2. Perdono del 100% degli interessi accumulati e degli interessi di mora
3. Riduzione complessiva del debito e del sovrappeso di circa il 40%

Il CEO Eduardo Brito ha espresso gratitudine verso gli investitori per la loro fiducia a lungo termine nella società. Si prevede che l'accordo migliorerà significativamente il bilancio dell'azienda eliminando tutti i debiti convertibili, gli interessi e le passività derivate. Un deposito 8-K con ulteriori dettagli e un bilancio pro forma è previsto nei prossimi giorni.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), la empresa matriz de Diamond Creek Water, ha alcanzado un acuerdo significativo con sus acreedores para cambiar toda la deuda convertible pendiente por una nueva serie de acciones preferentes. Este acuerdo resulta en:

1. Reducción del descuento por conversión de deuda del 45% al 15%
2. Condonación del 100% de los intereses acumulados y de los intereses moratorios
3. Reducción general de la deuda y sobrecarga en aproximadamente un 40%

El CEO Eduardo Brito expresó su agradecimiento a los inversores por su creencia a largo plazo en la empresa. Se espera que el acuerdo mejore significativamente el balance de la empresa al eliminar toda la deuda convertible, los intereses y las obligaciones derivadas. Se anticipa un archivo 8-K con más detalles y un balance pro forma en los próximos días.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), Diamond Creek Water의 모회사,는 모든 미결 전환 사채를 새로운 종류의 우선주로 교환하기 위한 주요 계약을 대출자와 체결했습니다. 이 거래는 다음과 같은 결과를 가져옵니다:

1. 부채 전환 할인률의 감소 (최대 45%에서 15%로)
2. 100%에 해당하는 누적 이자 및 연체 이자 면제
3. 약 40%의 전체 부채 및 부담 감소

CEO 에두아르도 브리토는 투자자들이 회사에 대한 장기적인 신뢰를 가져 준 것에 대해 감사를 표했습니다. 이 계약은 모든 전환 사채, 이자 및 파생 부채를 제거함으로써 회사의 재무제표를 상당히 개선할 것으로 예상됩니다. 추가 세부사항과 함께 프로 포르마 재무제표가 포함된 8-K 제출이 곧 있을 예정입니다.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), la société mère de Diamond Creek Water, a conclu un accord significatif avec ses créanciers pour échanger toutes les dettes convertibles en circulation contre une nouvelle série d'actions privilégiées. Cet accord entraîne :

1. Diminution de l'escompte de conversion de la dette de 45 % à 15 %
2. Annulation de 100 % des intérêts accumulés et des intérêts de retard
3. Réduction globale de la dette et des surcharges d'environ 40 %

Le PDG Eduardo Brito a exprimé sa gratitude envers les investisseurs pour leur confiance à long terme dans l'entreprise. L'accord devrait améliorer significativement le bilan de l'entreprise en supprimant toutes les dettes convertibles, les intérêts et les passifs dérivés. Un dépôt 8-K avec plus de détails et un bilan pro forma est prévu dans les prochains jours.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII), die Muttergesellschaft von Diamond Creek Water, hat mit seinen Kreditgebern ein bedeutendes Abkommen zur Umwandlung aller ausstehenden Wandelschuldverschreibungen in eine neue Serie von Vorzugsaktien getroffen. Dieses Geschäft führt zu:

1. Reduzierung des Schuldenumwandlungsrabattes von bis zu 45% auf 15%
2. Streichung von 100% der aufgelaufenen Zinsen und der Verzugszinsen
3. Gesamtverschuldung und Lastenreduzierung um etwa 40%

CEO Eduardo Brito äußerte Dankbarkeit gegenüber den Investoren für ihr langfristiges Vertrauen in das Unternehmen. Es wird erwartet, dass das Abkommen die Bilanz des Unternehmens erheblich verbessern wird, indem alle umwandelbaren Schulden, Zinsen und derivative Verbindlichkeiten beseitigt werden. In den kommenden Tagen wird ein 8-K-Dokument mit weiteren Details und einer pro forma Bilanz erwartet.

  • Conversion of all outstanding convertible debt to preferred stock
  • Reduction of debt conversion discount from up to 45% to 15%
  • 100% forgiveness of accrued interest and default interest
  • Overall debt and overhang reduction by approximately 40%
  • Elimination of all convertible debt, interests, and derivative liabilities
  • None.

NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ("Accredited Solutions" or the "Company"), the parent company of Diamond Creek Water, an ionized alkaline bottled water distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains, has secured a binding agreement with its lenders to exchange 100% of its currently outstanding convertible debt for a new series of preferred stock. This new series of preferred stock will reduce the debt conversion discount from as high as 45% with some lenders to 15%, resulting in a 65% reduction in the discount rate in certain cases. Additionally, lenders have agreed to forgive 100% of the total interest and default interest accrued to date, thereby lowering the Company's overall debt and overhang by approximately 40%.

"We are immensely grateful to our remaining investors for working diligently with us to achieve this excellent result," said the Company's CEO, Mr. Eduardo Brito. "This new agreement and the overall debt reduction significantly improves our balance sheet by eliminating all convertible debt, interests and derivative liabilities and converting it into preferred stock, achieving a 40% reduction in overhang. This agreement is a testament to the long-term belief our investors have in our ability to build Accredited Solutions into a great company together.  We’ll be filing an 8-K in the coming few days to give further details of the transaction and to provide a pro-forma balance sheet to show more clearly what our overall balance improvement is as a result of this agreement."

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Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other statements relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release and the company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.

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Accredited Solutions, Inc.


What is the main outcome of Accredited Solutions' (ASII) recent agreement with lenders?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) has reached an agreement to exchange all outstanding convertible debt for a new series of preferred stock, resulting in a significant debt reduction and improved balance sheet.

How much has Accredited Solutions (ASII) reduced its debt conversion discount?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) has reduced its debt conversion discount from as high as 45% to 15%, resulting in a 65% reduction in the discount rate in certain cases.

What is the total debt and overhang reduction for Accredited Solutions (ASII) following the new agreement?

Following the new agreement, Accredited Solutions (ASII) has reduced its overall debt and overhang by approximately 40%.

When will Accredited Solutions (ASII) provide more details about the debt reduction agreement?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) plans to file an 8-K in the coming days to provide further details of the transaction and a pro-forma balance sheet showing the overall balance improvement.



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