Accredited Solutions Makes Final Decision to Not Go Forward With Reverse Stock Split

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Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), parent company of Diamond Creek Water, has decided against a reverse stock split and will not increase its authorized shares. The company believes its Diamond Creek Water asset is undervalued based on market comparables, particularly considering its recent partnership with Apokar.

CEO Eduardo Brito acknowledged that the company has not effectively communicated its growth strategy and plans to diversify asset holdings through strategic acquisitions in e-commerce. The company plans to execute these plans and inform shareholders in the coming weeks and months.

Accredited Solutions is also expediting negotiations with convertible debt holders as it concludes the first stage of its turnaround plan. The company distributes ionized alkaline bottled water in major grocery and convenience store chains.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), la società madre di Diamond Creek Water, ha deciso di non effettuare un frazionamento azionario inverso e non aumenterà le proprie azioni autorizzate. L'azienda ritiene che il suo asset Diamond Creek Water sia sottovalutato in base ai comparabili di mercato, soprattutto considerando la recente partnership con Apokar.

Il CEO Eduardo Brito ha riconosciuto che l'azienda non ha comunicato in modo efficace la propria strategia di crescita e prevede di differenziare i propri asset tramite acquisizioni strategiche nel settore dell'e-commerce. L'azienda prevede di attuare questi piani e informare gli azionisti nelle prossime settimane e mesi.

Accredited Solutions sta anche accelerando i negoziati con i detentori di debito convertibile mentre conclude la prima fase del suo piano di rilancio. L'azienda distribuisce acqua ionizzata alcalina in bottiglia presso le principali catene di supermercati e negozi di convenienza.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), empresa matriz de Diamond Creek Water, ha decidido no realizar una división inversa de acciones y no aumentará sus acciones autorizadas. La compañía cree que su activo Diamond Creek Water está subvaluado según comparables de mercado, especialmente considerando su reciente asociación con Apokar.

El CEO Eduardo Brito reconoció que la empresa no ha comunicado de manera efectiva su estrategia de crecimiento y planea diversificar su cartera de activos a través de adquisiciones estratégicas en el comercio electrónico. La compañía planea ejecutar estos planes e informar a los accionistas en las próximas semanas y meses.

Accredited Solutions también está acelerando las negociaciones con los tenedores de deuda convertible mientras concluye la primera etapa de su plan de reestructuración. La empresa distribuye agua embotellada alcalina ionizada en las principales cadenas de supermercados y tiendas de conveniencia.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), Diamond Creek Water의 모회사, 는 주식 분할을 하지 않기로 결정하였으며, 승인된 주식 수를 늘릴 계획이 없습니다. 회사는 최근 Apokar와의 파트너십을 고려할 때, 시장 비교를 기반으로 Diamond Creek Water 자산이 저평가되어 있다고 믿고 있습니다.

CEO인 Eduardo Brito는 회사가 효과적으로 성장 전략을 전달하지 못했다고 인정했으며, 전자상거래 분야에서 전략적 인수를 통해 자산 보유를 다양화할 계획이 있다고 밝혔습니다. 회사는 이러한 계획을 실행하고 향후 몇 주와 몇 달 안에 주주들에게 알려줄 예정입니다.

Accredited Solutions는 또한 전환 사채 보유자와의 협상을 신속하게 진행하며 재건 플랜의 첫 단계를 마무리하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 주요 식료품점과 편의점 체인에 이온화된 알칼리수 병을 유통하고 있습니다.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), la société mère de Diamond Creek Water, a décidé de ne pas procéder à une division inversée des actions et n'augmentera pas son nombre d'actions autorisées. L'entreprise pense que son actif Diamond Creek Water est sous-évalué sur la base de comparaisons avec le marché, notamment en raison de son récent partenariat avec Apokar.

Le PDG Eduardo Brito a reconnu que la société n'a pas efficacement communiqué sa stratégie de croissance et prévoit de diversifier ses actifs par des acquisitions stratégiques dans le domaine du commerce électronique. L'entreprise prévoit de mettre ces projets en œuvre et d'informer les actionnaires dans les semaines et les mois à venir.

Accredited Solutions accélére également les négociations avec les détenteurs de dettes convertibles alors qu'elle conclut la première phase de son plan de redressement. L'entreprise distribue de l'eau alcaline ionisée en bouteille dans les grandes chaînes de supermarchés et de magasins de proximité.

Accredited Solutions (OTC: ASII), Muttergesellschaft von Diamond Creek Water, hat entschieden, keinen Reverse Stock Split durchzuführen und die Anzahl der genehmigten Aktien nicht zu erhöhen. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass sein Asset Diamond Creek Water basierend auf Marktvergleichen unterbewertet ist, insbesondere angesichts der jüngsten Partnerschaft mit Apokar.

CEO Eduardo Brito räumte ein, dass das Unternehmen seine Wachstumsstrategie nicht effektiv kommuniziert hat und plant, durch strategische Übernahmen im E-Commerce die Vermögenswerte zu diversifizieren. Das Unternehmen plant, diese Vorhaben umzusetzen und die Aktionäre in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten zu informieren.

Accredited Solutions beschleunigt auch die Verhandlungen mit den Inhabern von wandelbaren Schulden, während es die erste Phase seines Sanierungsplans abschließt. Das Unternehmen vertreibt ionisiertes alkalisches Flaschenwasser in großen Supermarkt- und Convenience-Store-Ketten.

  • Decision against reverse stock split, potentially preserving shareholder value
  • Recent partnership with Apokar, potentially enhancing market position
  • Plans for strategic acquisitions in e-commerce to diversify asset holdings
  • Ongoing turnaround plan with first stage nearing conclusion
  • Expediting negotiations with convertible debt holders
  • Acknowledgment of ineffective communication of growth strategy to shareholders
  • Presence of convertible debt, which could potentially dilute shareholder value

NEW YORK, NY, Aug. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ("Accredited Solutions" or the "Company"), the parent company of Diamond Creek Water, an ionized alkaline bottled water distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains, has decided against a reverse stock split of its common stock. Additionally, it will not increase its number of its authorized shares.

"Based on market comparables, particularly the revenue multiples of similar premium water brands, we believe our Diamond Creek Water asset is significantly undervalued, especially in light of our recent partnership with Apokar. Moreover, we acknowledge that we have not effectively communicated the next stage of our growth strategy and our plans to diversify our asset holdings through strategic and profitable acquisitions in e-commerce to our shareholders. This strategy will become clearer in the coming weeks and months as we begin executing on these plans and properly inform our shareholders.

“In addition, as we conclude the first stage of our company's turnaround plan, we will expedite and finalize our ongoing negotiations with our convertible debt holders in the coming days," said the company's CEO, Mr. Eduardo Brito.

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Safe Harbor Statement: Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other statements relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates and projections about our business based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release and the company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.

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Accredited Solutions, Inc.


Why did Accredited Solutions (ASII) decide against a reverse stock split?

Accredited Solutions believes its Diamond Creek Water asset is undervalued based on market comparables, particularly considering its recent partnership with Apokar. The company wants to preserve shareholder value and focus on executing its growth strategy and diversification plans.

What are Accredited Solutions' (ASII) plans for future growth?

Accredited Solutions plans to diversify its asset holdings through strategic and profitable acquisitions in e-commerce. The company intends to execute these plans and provide more details to shareholders in the coming weeks and months.

How is Accredited Solutions (ASII) addressing its convertible debt?

Accredited Solutions is expediting and finalizing ongoing negotiations with its convertible debt holders in the coming days as it concludes the first stage of its company turnaround plan.

What is the main product of Accredited Solutions (ASII)?

Accredited Solutions' main product is Diamond Creek Water, an ionized alkaline bottled water distributed in major grocery and convenience store chains.



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