Accredited Solutions Executes Indication of Interest ( IOI ) to Acquire a Leading Fintech Company Focused on B2B Distribution of e-Gift Cards

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Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) has executed an Indication of Interest (IOI) to acquire a leading US-based B2B distributor of third-party e-gift cards. The target company generated $33.7 million in sales in 2023 and is on track for a 2024 revenue run-rate of $42.5 million, with profitability on a net income basis. This potential acquisition aligns with Accredited Solutions' growth strategy, offering synergistic opportunities to accelerate growth through capital injection and resource sharing.

The company plans to integrate marketing and administrative functions, leverage cross-selling opportunities, and develop new products and APIs for fintech integration and international market entry. CEO Eduardo Brito expressed enthusiasm for the acquisition's potential to drive significant growth and value. The transaction is expected to progress to a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) once an audit is completed, with Accredited Solutions optimistic about the deal's viability.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ha eseguito un Indication of Interest (IOI) per acquisire un importante distributore B2B statunitense di carte regalo elettroniche di terze parti. L'azienda target ha generato 33,7 milioni di dollari in vendite nel 2023 ed è sulla buona strada per un fatturato annuo previsto di 42,5 milioni di dollari nel 2024, con profittabilità in base al reddito netto. Questa potenziale acquisizione si allinea con la strategia di crescita di Accredited Solutions, offrendo opportunità sinergiche per accelerare la crescita attraverso l'iniezione di capitali e la condivisione di risorse.

L'azienda prevede di integrare le funzioni di marketing e amministrative, sfruttare opportunità di vendite incrociate e sviluppare nuovi prodotti e API per l'integrazione fintech e l'ingresso nei mercati internazionali. Il CEO Eduardo Brito ha espresso entusiasmo per il potenziale dell'acquisizione di generare una crescita significativa e valore. Si prevede che la transazione progredisca verso una Lettera di Intenti (LOI) vincolante una volta completata la verifica, con Accredited Solutions ottimista riguardo alla fattibilità dell'accordo.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ha ejecutado una Indicación de Interés (IOI) para adquirir un importante distribuidor B2B con sede en EE. UU. de tarjetas de regalo electrónicas de terceros. La empresa objetivo generó 33,7 millones de dólares en ventas en 2023 y está en camino de alcanzar un tasa de ingresos de 42,5 millones de dólares para 2024, con rentabilidad en base al ingreso neto. Esta posible adquisición está alineada con la estrategia de crecimiento de Accredited Solutions, ofreciendo oportunidades sinérgicas para acelerar el crecimiento a través de inyecciones de capital y compartir recursos.

La compañía planea integrar funciones de marketing y administrativas, aprovechar oportunidades de ventas cruzadas y desarrollar nuevos productos y API para la integración fintech y la entrada en mercados internacionales. El CEO Eduardo Brito expresó su entusiasmo por el potencial de la adquisición para impulsar un crecimiento y valor significativos. Se espera que la transacción progrese hacia una Carta de Intención (LOI) vinculante una vez completada la auditoría, con Accredited Solutions optimista sobre la viabilidad del acuerdo.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII)는 제3자 전자 선물 카드의 선도적인 미국 B2B 유통업체를 인수하기 위한 관심 표명서(IOI)를 실행했습니다. 목표 회사는 2023년 매출 3천370만 달러를 기록했으며, 2024년 연간 매출 4천250만 달러를 목표로 하고 있으며, 순이익 기준으로 수익성을 갖추고 있습니다. 이 잠재적인 인수는 Accredited Solutions의 성장 전략과 일치하며, 자본 주입 및 자원 공유를 통해 성장을 가속화할 수 있는 시너지 기회를 제공합니다.

회사는 마케팅 및 관리 기능을 통합하고, 교차 판매 기회를 활용하며, 핀테크 통합 및 국제 시장 진출을 위한 새로운 제품과 API를 개발할 계획입니다. CEO 에두아르도 브리토는 인수가 중요한 성장과 가치를 창출할 수 있는 잠재력에 대한 기대감을 표명했습니다. 거래는 감사가 완료되면 구속력 있는 의향서(LOI)로 진행될 것으로 예상되며, Accredited Solutions는 거래의 실행 가능성에 대해 낙관적입니다.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) a exécuté une Indication d'Intérêt (IOI) pour acquérir un distributeur B2B de premier plan basé aux États-Unis de cartes-cadeaux électroniques tierces. L'entreprise cible a généré 33,7 millions de dollars de ventes en 2023 et est en bonne voie pour un chiffre d'affaires prévisionnel de 42,5 millions de dollars en 2024, avec une rentabilité sur la base du revenu net. Cette acquisition potentielle s'aligne sur la stratégie de croissance d'Accredited Solutions, offrant des opportunités synergiques pour accélérer la croissance grâce à une injection de capital et un partage des ressources.

La société prévoit d'intégrer les fonctions marketing et administratives, d'exploiter les opportunités de vente croisée, et de développer de nouveaux produits et API pour l'intégration fintech et l'entrée sur les marchés internationaux. Le PDG Eduardo Brito a exprimé son enthousiasme pour le potentiel de cette acquisition à générer une croissance et une valeur significatives. La transaction devrait progresser vers une Lettre d'Intention (LOI) contraignante une fois l'audit terminé, avec Accredited Solutions optimiste quant à la viabilité de l'accord.

Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) hat eine Indication of Interest (IOI) zum Erwerb eines führenden in den USA ansässigen B2B-Distributors für drittanbietende elektronische Geschenkkarten ausgeführt. Das Zielunternehmen erzielte 33,7 Millionen Dollar Umsatz im Jahr 2023 und ist auf Kurs für einen Umsatz von 42,5 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2024, mit Rentabilität auf Basis des Nettoergebnisses. Diese potenzielle Akquisition steht im Einklang mit der Wachstumsstrategie von Accredited Solutions und bietet synergetische Möglichkeiten zur Beschleunigung des Wachstums durch Kapitalinvestitionen und Ressourcenteilung.

Das Unternehmen plant, die Marketing- und Verwaltungsfunktionen zu integrieren, Cross-Selling-Möglichkeiten zu nutzen und neue Produkte sowie APIs für die Integration von Finanztechnologien und den internationalen Marktzugang zu entwickeln. CEO Eduardo Brito äußerte seine Begeisterung über das Potenzial der Akquisition, signifikantes Wachstum und Wert zu schaffen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Transaktion nach Abschluss einer Prüfung zu einem verbindlichen Letter of Intent (LOI) übergeht, wobei Accredited Solutions optimistisch hinsichtlich der Durchführbarkeit des Deals ist.

  • Target company generated $33.7 million in sales in 2023
  • Target company on track for $42.5 million revenue run-rate in 2024
  • Target company is profitable on a net income basis
  • Potential for synergistic growth through capital injection and resource sharing
  • Opportunity for cross-selling with future Accredited Solutions acquisitions
  • Plans to develop new products and APIs for fintech integration
  • Potential for entry into new international markets
  • Transaction is still in early stages with only an Indication of Interest executed
  • Closing of the deal is contingent on completion of a timely audit
  • Potential integration challenges between the two companies

NEW YORK, NY, Sept. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accredited Solutions, Inc. (OTC: ASII) ("Accredited Solutions" or the "Company"), the parent company of Diamond Creek Water, is excited to announce the execution of an Indication of Interest ("IOI") letter for the acquisition of a leading US-based B2B distributor of third party e-gift cards.  This target company (“Target”) generated $33.7 million in sales in 2023 and is on track for a 2024 revenue run-rate of $42.5 million and is profitable on a net income basis.

The potential acquisition aligns with Accredited Solutions' growth strategy, which includes synergistic opportunities to accelerate target’s growth through the injection of additional capital and resources. By integrating the marketing and administrative functions of both companies and leveraging cross-selling opportunities with future Accredited Solutions acquisitions, the combined company is poised to scale rapidly. Furthermore, Accredited Solutions plans to develop new products and APIs to enable the target’s integration with other fintech companies and entry into new international markets.

“We are thrilled by the prospects of this acquisition and the synergistic growth potential that brings to the table,” said Eduardo Brito, CEO of Accredited Solutions, Inc. “The combination of Accredited Solutions' resources and the target’s established presence in the fintech space provides an exciting opportunity to drive significant growth and value. While we remain prudent in our projections, we are confident that this acquisition will unlock new avenues of expansion and accelerate our 5-year growth plan.”

Path to Closing

While Accredited Solutions is very pleased with the information received about the target to date, the transaction will advance to a more binding Letter of Intent ("LOI") once the Company confirms its ability to complete a timely audit. After the audit is finalized, Accredited Solutions expects to move towards closing under the terms established in the LOI.

The Company anticipates a smooth process and is optimistic in the viability of the deal and is well-positioned to finalize it. Until the audit is nearing completion, the viability of closing the transaction remains under careful evaluation, but the Company’s outlook remains very positive.

Please, refer to 8K being filed this morning on the details of the IOI.

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Statements in this news release may be "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements that express our intentions, beliefs, expectations, strategies, predictions, or any other statements relating to our future activities or other future events or conditions. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, and projections about our business, based, in part, on assumptions made by management. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual outcomes and results may, and are likely to, differ materially from what is expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Any forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this news release, and the company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this news release.

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Accredited Solutions, Inc.


What company is Accredited Solutions (ASII) planning to acquire?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) is planning to acquire a leading US-based B2B distributor of third-party e-gift cards. The specific name of the target company has not been disclosed in the press release.

What are the financial details of the target company Accredited Solutions (ASII) intends to acquire?

The target company generated $33.7 million in sales in 2023 and is on track for a 2024 revenue run-rate of $42.5 million. It is also reported to be profitable on a net income basis.

What is the current status of the acquisition process for Accredited Solutions (ASII)?

Accredited Solutions (ASII) has executed an Indication of Interest (IOI) letter. The next step is to progress to a binding Letter of Intent (LOI) once the company confirms its ability to complete a timely audit of the target company.

How does this potential acquisition align with Accredited Solutions' (ASII) growth strategy?

The acquisition aligns with Accredited Solutions' growth strategy by offering synergistic opportunities, potential for cross-selling with future acquisitions, plans to develop new products and APIs for fintech integration, and opportunities for international market entry.



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