Aspire Biopharma Holdings, Inc., Provides an Update on Lead Product Candidate: High-Dose, Sublingual Aspirin
Aspire Biopharma Holdings (NASDAQ:ASBP) announced the completion of initial feasibility studies for its high-dose sublingual aspirin product, with Phase 1 clinical trials expected to begin in April 2025. The company's lead product candidate is a granular or powder formulation of soluble, Ph neutral, fast-acting aspirin designed for cardiology emergencies and pain management.
Testing conducted by Glatt Air Techniques validated analytical methods, ingredient purity, compatibility, stability, and flavor profiles. The company believes its sublingual delivery technology enables rapid absorption into the bloodstream, potentially offering quick intervention for heart attacks and strokes, along with effective pain management applications.
Aspire outlined its 2025 milestones, including FDA meetings, clinical trials for both high and low-dose aspirin products, and development of non-aspirin prescription formulations (testosterone, semaglutide, migraine relief, erectile dysfunction) and non-prescription products (pre-workout supplements, melatonin, vitamins).
Aspire Biopharma Holdings (NASDAQ:ASBP) ha annunciato il completamento degli studi di fattibilità iniziali per il suo prodotto a base di aspirina sublinguale ad alta dose, con l'inizio delle sperimentazioni cliniche di Fase 1 previsto per aprile 2025. Il candidato principale dell'azienda è una formulazione granulare o in polvere di aspirina solubile, neutra per il pH, ad azione rapida, progettata per le emergenze cardiologiche e la gestione del dolore.
I test condotti da Glatt Air Techniques hanno convalidato i metodi analitici, la purezza degli ingredienti, la compatibilità, la stabilità e i profili di sapore. L'azienda crede che la sua tecnologia di somministrazione sublinguale consenta un'assorbimento rapido nel flusso sanguigno, offrendo potenzialmente un intervento rapido per infarti e ictus, insieme a applicazioni efficaci per la gestione del dolore.
Aspire ha delineato i suoi traguardi per il 2025, inclusi incontri con la FDA, sperimentazioni cliniche per prodotti a base di aspirina ad alta e bassa dose, e lo sviluppo di formulazioni prescrivibili non a base di aspirina (testosterone, semaglutide, sollievo per l'emicrania, disfunzione erettile) e prodotti da banco (integratori pre-allenamento, melatonina, vitamine).
Aspire Biopharma Holdings (NASDAQ:ASBP) anunció la finalización de los estudios de viabilidad iniciales para su producto de aspirina sublingual de alta dosis, con el inicio de los ensayos clínicos de Fase 1 previsto para abril de 2025. El candidato principal de la empresa es una formulación granular o en polvo de aspirina soluble, neutra en pH y de acción rápida, diseñada para emergencias cardiológicas y manejo del dolor.
Las pruebas realizadas por Glatt Air Techniques validaron los métodos analíticos, la pureza de los ingredientes, la compatibilidad, la estabilidad y los perfiles de sabor. La empresa cree que su tecnología de entrega sublingual permite una rápida absorción en el torrente sanguíneo, lo que podría ofrecer una intervención rápida para ataques cardíacos y accidentes cerebrovasculares, junto con aplicaciones efectivas para el manejo del dolor.
Aspire delineó sus metas para 2025, incluidos encuentros con la FDA, ensayos clínicos para productos de aspirina de alta y baja dosis, y el desarrollo de formulaciones prescritas no a base de aspirina (testosterona, semaglutida, alivio de migrañas, disfunción eréctil) y productos de venta libre (suplementos pre-entrenamiento, melatonina, vitaminas).
아스파이어 바이오파마 홀딩스 (NASDAQ:ASBP)는 고용량 설하 아스피린 제품에 대한 초기 타당성 연구를 완료했다고 발표했으며, 1상 임상 시험은 2025년 4월에 시작될 것으로 예상됩니다. 회사의 주요 제품 후보는 심장 응급 상황 및 통증 관리를 위해 설계된 pH 중성의 빠르게 작용하는 용해성 아스피린의 과립 또는 분말 제형입니다.
글랏 에어 테크닉스에서 수행한 테스트는 분석 방법, 성분의 순도, 호환성, 안정성 및 맛 프로필을 검증했습니다. 회사는 그들의 설하 전달 기술이 혈류로의 빠른 흡수를 가능하게 하여 심장마비와 뇌졸중에 대한 신속한 개입을 제공할 수 있으며, 효과적인 통증 관리 응용 프로그램을 제공할 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다.
아스파이어는 2025년 목표를 설명했으며, 여기에는 FDA 회의, 고용량 및 저용량 아스피린 제품에 대한 임상 시험, 비아스피린 처방 제형(테스토스테론, 세마글루타이드, 편두통 완화, 발기부전) 및 비처방 제품(운동 전 보충제, 멜라토닌, 비타민) 개발이 포함됩니다.
Aspire Biopharma Holdings (NASDAQ:ASBP) a annoncé l'achèvement des études de faisabilité initiales pour son produit d'aspirine sublinguale à haute dose, avec le début des essais cliniques de Phase 1 prévu pour avril 2025. Le principal candidat de l'entreprise est une formulation granulaire ou en poudre d'aspirine soluble, neutre en pH, à action rapide, conçue pour les urgences cardiologiques et la gestion de la douleur.
Les tests effectués par Glatt Air Techniques ont validé les méthodes analytiques, la pureté des ingrédients, la compatibilité, la stabilité et les profils de saveur. L'entreprise estime que sa technologie de délivrance sublinguale permet une absorption rapide dans le sang, offrant potentiellement une intervention rapide en cas de crises cardiaques et d'accidents vasculaires cérébraux, ainsi que des applications efficaces pour la gestion de la douleur.
Aspire a présenté ses objectifs pour 2025, y compris des réunions avec la FDA, des essais cliniques pour des produits d'aspirine à haute et basse dose, et le développement de formulations prescrites non à base d'aspirine (testostérone, sémaglutide, soulagement des migraines, dysfonction érectile) et de produits en vente libre (compléments pré-entraînement, mélatonine, vitamines).
Aspire Biopharma Holdings (NASDAQ:ASBP) gab bekannt, dass die ersten Machbarkeitsstudien für ihr hochdosiertes sublinguales Aspirin-Produkt abgeschlossen sind, wobei die klinischen Studien der Phase 1 voraussichtlich im April 2025 beginnen. Das Hauptprodukt des Unternehmens ist eine granulierte oder pulverförmige Formulierung von löslichem, pH-neutralem, schnell wirkendem Aspirin, das für kardiologische Notfälle und Schmerzmanagement entwickelt wurde.
Tests, die von Glatt Air Techniques durchgeführt wurden, validierten analytische Methoden, die Reinheit der Zutaten, Kompatibilität, Stabilität und Geschmacksprofile. Das Unternehmen glaubt, dass seine sublinguale Abgabetechnologie eine schnelle Absorption in den Blutkreislauf ermöglicht, was potenziell eine schnelle Intervention bei Herzinfarkten und Schlaganfällen sowie effektive Anwendungen im Schmerzmanagement bieten könnte.
Aspire skizzierte seine Meilensteine für 2025, einschließlich Treffen mit der FDA, klinischen Studien für sowohl hoch- als auch niedrigdosierte Aspirin-Produkte sowie die Entwicklung von nicht-Aspirin-Verschreibungsformulierungen (Testosteron, Semaglutid, Migräne-Linderung, erektile Dysfunktion) und nicht verschreibungspflichtigen Produkten (Pre-Workout-Ergänzungen, Melatonin, Vitamine).
- Feasibility study for high-dose sublingual aspirin completed successfully
- Phase 1 clinical trial expected to commence in April 2025
- Rapid absorption technology may provide faster intervention for heart attacks and strokes
- Product development pipeline includes multiple prescription and non-prescription candidates
- Potential accelerated FDA approval process by referencing established aspirin safety data
- No FDA approval secured yet for any products
- Multiple clinical trials still required before commercialization
- Competitive market for aspirin and other planned products
Aspire Biopharma's announcement represents a significant development in their drug delivery platform strategy, with their high-dose sublingual aspirin advancing to clinical trials in April following successful feasibility testing. This milestone validates their technical approach while setting up multiple potential catalysts throughout 2025.
The feasibility study completed by Glatt Air Techniques established critical manufacturing parameters under cGMP standards - including analytical method validation, ingredient compatibility, and stability testing baselines. These technical achievements, while seemingly routine, are essential gating factors for advancing to human clinical trials and demonstrate the company has cleared important pre-clinical hurdles.
The sublingual delivery system represents potentially disruptive technology in cardiovascular emergency treatment, where speed of action is critical. In acute myocardial infarction, the "time is muscle" principle means faster absorption could translate to meaningful clinical benefits if the company can demonstrate superior pharmacokinetics versus standard oral aspirin. The same rapid-absorption mechanism could address unmet needs in pain management where onset of action is a key differentiator.
From a regulatory perspective, Aspire's 505(b)(2) pathway strategy is shrewd - leveraging established safety/efficacy data for aspirin while focusing their clinical program on demonstrating superior absorption kinetics. This approach significantly reduces development costs and timelines compared to novel compounds. The planned FDA meeting in Q2 2025 will be a important inflection point to validate this regulatory strategy.
The company's ambitious pipeline expansion beyond aspirin demonstrates management's confidence in their platform technology. Particularly noteworthy is their planned semaglutide formulation, which targets the booming GLP-1 market. However, this diverse pipeline also raises execution risk concerns for a company with
For investors, the key near-term catalyst will be the April clinical trial initiation and subsequent data readout. Positive pharmacokinetic results demonstrating faster absorption would validate the platform technology across their entire pipeline. Longer-term, the company's ability to advance multiple programs while managing cash burn will be critical success factors.
The successful completion of Aspire Biopharma's feasibility testing marks a critical de-risking event in their development pathway, establishing manufacturing viability while setting the stage for their April clinical trials. This technical validation, while preliminary, addresses several fundamental challenges in sublingual drug delivery that have historically this administration route.
From a clinical development perspective, the feasibility data provides essential groundwork but leaves several critical questions unanswered. The compatibility studies confirm physical and chemical stability of the formulation, but the upcoming trials must demonstrate whether this translates to the pharmacokinetic advantage Aspire is banking on - specifically, a faster Tmax and potentially higher Cmax compared to conventional oral aspirin. For acute cardiovascular indications, even minutes of acceleration in absorption could have meaningful clinical impact, particularly in the critical 30-60 minute window following symptom onset.
Their regulatory strategy leveraging the 505(b)(2) pathway is prudent but faces nuanced challenges. While aspirin's safety profile is well-established, the FDA will likely require robust comparative pharmacokinetic data and potentially pharmacodynamic evidence of faster platelet inhibition. The Q2 FDA meeting will be pivotal in determining whether additional clinical endpoints beyond basic PK parameters will be required for approval.
The ambitious timeline presented raises feasibility concerns. Moving from initial clinical trials in April to potential approval submissions by year-end represents an accelerated timeline even for a 505(b)(2) product. Similarly, the parallel development of multiple formulations (testosterone, semaglutide, migraine relief) suggests either exceptional confidence in their platform technology or potentially unrealistic resource allocation for a company of this size.
Most intriguing is their planned semaglutide formulation targeting the GLP-1 market. If their sublingual delivery system could address the injection barrier while maintaining efficacy, this represents perhaps their highest-value opportunity. However, peptide drugs like semaglutide present significantly greater formulation challenges than small molecules like aspirin, and oral bioavailability has been a persistent challenge for this drug class.
For investors tracking clinical development milestones, the April trial initiation and subsequent pharmacokinetic data will provide the first meaningful validation of their technology's clinical advantages. Success here would substantially de-risk their broader pipeline strategy and potentially justify their ambitious development timeline.
Initial feasibility study of its soluble, Ph neutral, fast acting granular or powder drug delivery system is complete
Test results support the next development step with Phase 1clinical trial expected to commence in April
Provides Summary of Expected 2025 Milestones
HUMACAO, PUERTO RICO AND NEW YORK, NY / ACCESS Newswire / February 25, 2025 / Aspire Biopharma Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ASBP) ("Aspire" or the "Company"), a developer of a multi-faceted patent-protected disruptive drug delivery mechanism technology, announced today that Glatt Air Techniques, Inc., part of Glatt Group, a vertically integrated pharmaceutical services company with FDA- and EU-approved sites operating under cGMP conditions, has undertaken FDA-required testing of the Company's high-dose sublingual aspirin product. Based on the feasibility study, Aspire has begun preparations and expects its next phase of clinical trial to commence in April.
Aspire's lead product candidate, high-dose sublingual aspirin, is a granular or powder formulation of a soluble, Ph neutral, fast-acting aspirin designed to address cardiology emergencies and pain management. Aspire believes the benefits of "rapid absorption" aspirin include the potential to quickly stop heart attack and stroke; allow high dose absorption for pain management including fast headache relief, post-surgery, cancer pain management, and general pain relief.
The Company's formulation was deemed feasible for further development based on the following testing reports provided by Glatt:
Validated Aspire's analytical methods for manufacturing the product under cGMP standards.
Demonstrated that the aspirin and other ingredients purchased for the testing batch of our high-dose aspirin product meets cGMP and FDA standards for purity.
Proved through a compatibility study that the active ingredient (aspirin) is compatible with the incipient ingredients without issues that could occur in the packaged final product.
Established baselines for our stability testing to assure appropriate shelf-life.
Verified the two flavors our high-dose aspirin will use (orange and lemon lime) are chemically compatible with the product's other ingredients.
Based on the growing volume of pre-clinical data reported by the Company, management believes clear proof-of-concept has been established for its underlying delivery technology.
"Today's announcement represents a significant milestone for Aspire, and we believe the speed and level of absorption due to our new mechanism of action into the blood stream is significant and represents a new disruptive drug delivery technology," commented Kraig Higginson, Chief Executive Officer of Aspire. "The feasibility data of our high-dose sublingual aspirin announced today builds on the strong data reported to date, as we work to finalize the path forward for next round of clinical testing in April 2025. We look forward to advancing the study to bring an innovative treatment option to patients and further demonstrate that our novel drug delivery technology will support the lifecycle of Aspire's drug and nutraceutical development pipeline."
High-dose, sublingual aspirin - Aspire's Expected Lead Product
Aspire's lead product, which addresses cardiology emergencies and pain management, is a granular or powder formulation of a soluble, Ph neutral, fast-acting aspirin. Aspire believes the benefits of "rapid absorption" aspirin include the potential to quickly stop heart attack and stroke; allow high dose absorption for pain management including fast headache relief, post-surgery, cancer pain management, and general pain relief. Aspire is in the process of seeking approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") for its aspirin product. Aspire can reference the well-known and fully established safety and efficacy data of the original innovator drug (aspirin) which can accelerate the approval process and reduce associated costs.
Summary of 2025 Expected Milestones
Looking forward, the Company expects to achieve a number of significant milestones in fiscal 2025. These include:
Aspirin Products
Initial trial and report high level results
Progress meeting with the FDA in the early second quarter of 2025 in conjunction with application
Commence final clinical trial to evaluate the pharmacodynamic effect of a single dose of our aspirin product on platelet inhibition compared to that of standard oral aspirin in Q2 2025.
Request rapid approval for the high dose aspirin product from the FDA.
Clinical trials in Fall 2025 of our low-dose sublingually administered aspirin for preventative care.
High dose sublingually administered aspirin for pain relief (rheumatological and other pain). Building on previous clinical trial as set forth above, we anticipate seeking FDA approval, in the latter part of 2025.
Non-aspirin Prescription Drug Products
Testosterone formulation for sublingually administered testosterone. Aspire will conduct a Phase 1 clinical test in the third quarter of 2025 for pharmokinetical validation of product properties to establish criteria for an NDA with the FDA. Aspire anticipates, based on these results, to request a pre-IND meeting with the FDA in the fourth quarter of 2025, followed by Phase 2 clinical testing.
Semaglutide formulation for a sublingual semaglutide product is nearly complete; FDA approval process to start in late 2025.
Early studies of migraine rapid relief product to be delivered via Aspire's rapid drug delivery technology in early Q3 2025.
Erectile dysfunction (sildenafil/tadalafil) formulation development in Q4 2025.
Non-prescription Products
Pre-workout product using our sublingual delivery method is expected to launch in Q2 2025.
Melatonin product for a sublingually administered, rapid-delivery melatonin sleep-aid product expected to launch in Q3 2025.
Vitamin development formulation for sublingually administered vitamins D, E and K 2H 2025.
About Aspire Biopharma, Inc.
Headquartered in Humacao, Puerto Rico, Aspire Biopharma has developed a disruptive technology for rapid product delivery which addresses emergencies, drug efficacy, dosage management, and response time. For more information, please visit
Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements made in this communication are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may generally be identified by the use of words such as "estimate," "projects," "expects," "anticipates," "forecasts," "plans," "intends," "believes," "seeks," "may," "will," "would," "should," "future," "propose," "potential," "target," "goal," "objective," "outlook" and variations of these words or similar expressions (or the negative versions of such words or expressions) are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the financial position, business strategy and the plans and objectives of management for future operations. These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this communication, and on the current expectations of Aspire's management and are not predictions of actual performance. These forward-looking statements are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to serve as and must not be relied on by any investor as a guarantee, an assurance, a prediction or a definitive statement of fact or probability. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of the parties, that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this release, except as required by law.
Aspire Biopharma Holdings, Inc.
TraDigital IR
Kevin McGrath
SOURCE: Aspire Biopharma, Inc.
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
When will Aspire Biopharma (ASBP) begin Phase 1 clinical trials for its sublingual aspirin?
What are the potential benefits of Aspire Biopharma's (ASBP) high-dose sublingual aspirin?
What non-aspirin products is Aspire Biopharma (ASBP) developing for 2025?
How might Aspire Biopharma's (ASBP) FDA approval process be accelerated?