ASA Gold and Precious Metals Fund Adopts Limited-Duration Shareholder Rights Plan

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ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) has adopted a -duration shareholder rights plan to protect long-term value for all shareholders. The plan, effective until December 20, 2024, aims to prevent Saba Capital Management from gaining creeping control of the company. Saba currently holds approximately 17.02% of ASA's outstanding common shares. The Rights Plan Committee believes Saba's control would be detrimental to ASA and its shareholders.

The plan allows shareholders to purchase additional shares at a discount if any entity acquires 15% or more of ASA's outstanding common shares. Existing shareholders with over 15% ownership are grandfathered but cannot acquire an additional 0.25% or more without triggering the plan. The Committee seeks to engage with shareholders, including Saba, to develop alternatives for enhancing shareholder value.

ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) ha adottato un piano di diritti dei soci a lungo termine per proteggere il valore a lungo termine di tutti gli azionisti. Il piano, valido fino al 20 dicembre 2024, mira a prevenire che Saba Capital Management ottenga un controllo crescente dell'azienda. Attualmente, Saba detiene circa 17,02% delle azioni ordinarie in circolazione di ASA. Il Comitato del Piano di Diritti ritiene che il controllo di Saba sarebbe dannoso per ASA e i suoi azionisti.

Il piano consente agli azionisti di acquistare azioni aggiuntive a prezzo scontato se qualche entità acquisisce il 15% o più delle azioni ordinarie in circolazione di ASA. Gli azionisti esistenti con una proprietà superiore al 15% sono esentati, ma non possono acquisire ulteriori 0,25% o più senza attivare il piano. Il Comitato cerca di interagire con gli azionisti, incluso Saba, per sviluppare alternative per migliorare il valore per gli azionisti.

ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) ha adoptado un plan de derechos de los accionistas a largo plazo para proteger el valor a largo plazo de todos los accionistas. El plan, que estará vigente hasta el 20 de diciembre de 2024, tiene como objetivo prevenir que Saba Capital Management obtenga un control creciente sobre la empresa. Actualmente, Saba posee aproximadamente 17.02% de las acciones ordinarias en circulación de ASA. El Comité del Plan de Derechos cree que el control de Saba sería perjudicial para ASA y sus accionistas.

El plan permite a los accionistas comprar acciones adicionales con descuento si alguna entidad adquiere el 15% o más de las acciones ordinarias en circulación de ASA. Los accionistas existentes con más del 15% de propiedad están exentos, pero no pueden adquirir un 0.25% adicional o más sin activar el plan. El Comité busca interactuar con los accionistas, incluido Saba, para desarrollar alternativas que mejoren el valor para los accionistas.

ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA)는 모든 주주의 장기 가치를 보호하기 위해 장기 주주 권리 계획을 채택했습니다. 이 계획은 2024년 12월 20일까지 유효하며, Saba Capital Management가 회사에 대한 점진적 통제를 얻는 것을 방지하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Saba는 현재 ASA의 발행된 보통주 약 17.02%를 보유하고 있습니다. 권리 계획 위원회는 Saba의 통제가 ASA와 주주들에게 해로울 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.

이 계획은 주주가 ASA의 발행된 보통주 15% 이상를 취득하는 경우 추가 주식을 할인된 가격으로 구매할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 기존의 주주 중 15% 이상의 소유권을 가진 주주는 면제되지만, 계획을 발동하지 않고는 추가로 0.25% 이상을 취득할 수 없습니다. 위원회는 Saba를 포함한 주주들과 소통하여 주주 가치를 강화하기 위한 대안을 개발하고자 합니다.

ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) a adopté un plan de droits des actionnaires à long terme pour protéger la valeur à long terme de tous les actionnaires. Le plan, en vigueur jusqu'au 20 décembre 2024, vise à empêcher Saba Capital Management d'obtenir un contrôle croissant de l'entreprise. Saba détient actuellement environ 17,02% des actions ordinaires en circulation d'ASA. Le Comité du Plan de Droits estime que le contrôle de Saba serait nuisible à ASA et à ses actionnaires.

Le plan permet aux actionnaires d'acheter des actions supplémentaires à prix réduit si une entité acquiert 15% ou plus des actions ordinaires en circulation d'ASA. Les actionnaires existants détenant plus de 15% de propriété sont grandfathered mais ne peuvent pas acquérir de 0,25% ou plus sans activer le plan. Le Comité cherche à interagir avec les actionnaires, y compris Saba, pour développer des alternatives visant à renforcer la valeur pour les actionnaires.

ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) hat einen langfristigen Aktionärsrechtsplan angenommen, um den langfristigen Wert für alle Aktionäre zu schützen. Der Plan, gültig bis zum 20. Dezember 2024, zielt darauf ab, zu verhindern, dass Saba Capital Management schrittweise Kontrolle über das Unternehmen erlangt. Saba hält derzeit etwa 17,02% der ausstehenden Stammaktien von ASA. Der Ausschuss für den Rechtsplan ist der Ansicht, dass die Kontrolle durch Saba für ASA und ihre Aktionäre nachteilig wäre.

Der Plan ermöglicht es den Aktionären, zusätzliche Aktien zu einem ermäßigten Preis zu erwerben, wenn eine Entität 15% oder mehr der ausstehenden Stammaktien von ASA erwirbt. Bestehende Aktionäre mit mehr als 15% Besitz sind davon ausgenommen, können jedoch keine zusätzlichen 0,25% oder mehr erwerben, ohne den Plan auszulösen. Der Ausschuss bemüht sich, mit den Aktionären, einschließlich Saba, in Kontakt zu treten, um Alternativen zur Steigerung des Aktionärswerts zu entwickeln.

  • The Rights Plan aims to protect long-term value for all shareholders
  • The plan is designed to prevent creeping control without paying an appropriate premium
  • Existing large shareholders are grandfathered at their current ownership levels
  • Saba Capital Management holds a significant 17.02% stake in ASA
  • Saba has filed a lawsuit against the company regarding the shareholder rights plans
  • Potential for shareholder dilution if the Rights Plan is triggered


The adoption of a -duration shareholder rights plan, or 'poison pill', by ASA Gold and Precious Metals is a defensive measure against potential takeover attempts. This move is primarily aimed at Saba Capital Management, which currently holds a 17.02% stake in ASA. The Rights Plan's key features include:

  • Expiration on December 20, 2024
  • Triggered if an entity acquires 15% or more of ASA's shares
  • Rights become exercisable at $1.00 per share

While this protects existing shareholders from potential undervalued takeovers, it may also limit short-term upside potential from acquisition premiums. The ongoing legal dispute and potential proxy fight could lead to increased volatility in ASA's stock price. Investors should closely monitor the situation, as the outcome may significantly impact the company's future direction and shareholder value.

The adoption of this Rights Plan raises several legal considerations. Firstly, Saba's lawsuit challenging the legality of the shareholder rights plans under the Investment Company Act of 1940 is a significant development. The outcome of this case in the Southern District of New York could set a precedent for closed-end funds' use of such defensive measures. Secondly, the Rights Plan's structure, particularly the grandfathering clause for existing large shareholders, appears designed to withstand legal scrutiny. However, the plan's effectiveness in deterring Saba's control efforts while maintaining board fiduciary duties will likely be tested. The ongoing proxy contest and potential for future board nominations add layers of corporate governance complexity that investors should monitor closely.

This Rights Plan implementation reflects broader market trends in activist investing and closed-end fund governance. The precious metals sector, represented by ASA, has seen increased activist interest due to potential undervaluation and opportunities for strategic changes. The conflict between Saba's activist approach and ASA's long-term investment strategy highlights the tension between short-term gains and long-term value creation in the sector. Investors should consider how this situation might impact other closed-end funds, particularly those in niche sectors. The outcome could influence activist strategies and defensive measures across the industry, potentially affecting fund discounts to NAV and overall market dynamics in the closed-end fund space.

Designed to Prevent Creeping Control and Protect Long-Term Value for All Shareholders

PORTLAND, Maine--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Rights Plan Committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of ASA Gold and Precious Metals Limited (“ASA” or the “Company”) (NYSE:ASA) has unanimously adopted a limited-duration shareholder rights plan (“Rights Plan”) to protect the interests of the Company and all of its shareholders. The Rights Plan is currently effective and will expire at the close of business on December 20, 2024. The terms of the Rights Plan are substantively identical to the terms of the shareholder rights plan that was adopted by the Board on April 26, 2024.

The limited-duration Rights Plan was adopted in response to the rapid and significant accumulation of ASA shares by Saba Capital Management, LP (“Saba”) that occurred in late 2023, which was followed by Saba’s proxy contest during the first quarter of 2024 to gain control of the Company’s Board. Based on public filings, Saba’s current position in ASA represents approximately 17.02% of ASA’s outstanding common shares. The Board is currently composed of two directors who were proposed by Saba and elected at the Company’s April 26, 2024 shareholder meeting, and two directors who were proposed by the prior Board and re-elected at the April 26, 2024 shareholder meeting. The Rights Plan Committee was established by the prior Board on April 26, 2024 to review, consider, make determinations and approve or otherwise cause the Company to take actions with respect to any matters relating to a shareholder rights plan.

The Rights Plan is intended to prevent Saba’s unilateral attempt to obtain creeping control of the Company, which the Committee believes would be detrimental to ASA and its shareholders as a whole. The Rights Plan is designed to enable ASA’s shareholders to realize the long-term value of their investment, provide an opportunity for shareholders to receive fair and equal treatment in the event of any proposed takeover of ASA and guard against tactics to gain control of ASA without paying shareholders what the Board or the Committee considers to be an appropriate premium for that control or recompense for the costs incurred by the Company in its efforts to protect shareholder interests. The Rights Plan is not intended to deter offers or preclude the Board or the Committee from taking action that it believes is in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders.

The Committee recognizes that Saba has a large share position and affiliated status with the Company, and welcomes engagement with Saba that is consistent with the Company’s status as a non-diversified, equity closed-end fund that seeks long-term capital appreciation through investing in the precious metals sector of the global capital markets. The Committee believes that the previous shareholder rights plans have been successful in deterring Saba from accumulating additional shares of the Company and thus achieving creeping control of the Company without paying an appropriate control premium to the Company’s shareholders. If Saba were to gain control, the Committee believes it is highly likely that Saba would seek to dramatically modify the Company’s core identity and strategy, including but not limited to using its affiliate status to either become the Company’s investment adviser (notwithstanding Saba’s lack of experience in precious metals equities) or select another adviser in lieu of the Company’s current adviser. Accordingly, it appears to the Committee that the interests of the Company and its shareholders would be adversely affected if Saba were to gain control of the Company. The Committee seeks to work with the Board and shareholders, including Saba, to develop possible courses of action and alternatives for the Company. However, Saba has thus far chosen to not enter into discussions regarding possible means of enhancing shareholder value. Saba has instead indicated its intention is to nominate a director slate at the next annual shareholder meeting to gain full control of the Company. Saba has filed suit against the Company and individuals who had previously served on the Board and two current Board members for adopting the shareholder rights plans, seeking a determination that such rights plans are illegal under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The lawsuit is pending in the Southern District of New York. With the new Rights Plan, the Committee seeks to deter Saba from its efforts to take control of the Company by purchasing more shares. However, the Committee members will continue to engage with the full Board, Saba and other shareholders to develop constructive ideas for the future of the Company.

ASA will issue one right for each ASA common share outstanding as of the close of business on September 9, 2024. All shareholders, including Saba, will receive one right for each share owned. The rights will initially trade with ASA’s common shares and will become exercisable only if a person acquires 15% or more of ASA’s outstanding common shares. Any shareholders with beneficial ownership of 15% or more of ASA’s outstanding common shares (including Saba) prior to this announcement are grandfathered at their beneficial ownership levels at the date the Rights Plan was adopted, but are not permitted to acquire additional common shares representing 0.25% or more of the outstanding common shares without triggering the Rights Plan.

Pursuant to the Rights Plan, should it be triggered, the Committee may decide that:

  • Each holder of a right (other than the acquiring person, whose rights will have become void and will not be exercisable) will be entitled to purchase, for a purchase price of $1.00 per share, one ASA common share.
  • Alternatively, (on a cashless basis) each outstanding right (other than the rights held by the acquiring person, whose rights will have become void) will be exchanged for one common share.

Further details about the Rights Plan will be contained in a Form 8-K and Form 8-A to be filed by ASA with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

About ASA

ASA is a non-diversified, closed-end fund that seeks long-term capital appreciation primarily through investing in companies engaged in the exploration for, development of projects in, or mining precious metals and minerals.

It is a fundamental policy of ASA that at least 80% of its total assets must be (i) invested in common shares or securities convertible into common shares of companies engaged, directly or indirectly, in the exploration, mining or processing of gold, silver, platinum, diamonds or other precious minerals, (ii) held as bullion or other direct forms of gold, silver, platinum or other precious minerals, (iii) invested in instruments representing interests in gold, silver, platinum or other precious minerals such as certificates of deposit therefor, and/or (iv) invested in securities of investment companies, including exchange-traded funds, or other securities that seek to replicate the price movement of gold, silver or platinum bullion.

ASA employs bottom-up fundamental analysis and relies on detailed primary research, including meetings with company executives, site visits to key operating assets, and proprietary financial analysis in investment decisions. Investors are encouraged to visit the ASA’s website for additional information, including historical and current share prices, news releases, financial statements, tax, and supplemental information.

ASA is organized under the laws of Bermuda and is permitted to register with the Securities and Exchange Commission as a closed end investment company under the terms of an exemptive order issued by the Commission in 1958. ASA is a “passive foreign investment company” for United States federal income tax purposes. As a result, United States shareholders holding shares in taxable accounts are encouraged to consult their tax advisors regarding the tax consequences of their investment in the Company’s common shares.

About Merk

Merk Investments LLC, an SEC-registered investment adviser, provides investment advice on liquid global markets, including domestic and international equities, fixed income, commodities, and currencies. For more information on Merk, please visit Merk Investments was approved as ASA’s investment adviser on April 12, 2019 by a vote of ASA shareholders.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of U.S. federal securities laws that are intended to be covered by the safe harbors created thereunder. The Company’s actual performance or results may differ from its beliefs, expectations, estimates, goals and projections, and consequently, investors should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Forward-looking statements are not historical in nature and generally can be identified by words such as “believe,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “should,” “may,” “will,” “seek,” or similar expressions or their negative forms, or by references to strategy, plans, goals or intentions. The absence of these words or references does not mean that the statements are not forward-looking. The Company’s performance or results can fluctuate from month to month depending on a variety of factors, a number of which are beyond the Company’s control and/or are difficult to predict, including without limitation: the Company’s investment decisions, the performance of the securities in its investment portfolio, economic, political, market and financial factors, and the prices of gold, platinum and other precious minerals that may fluctuate substantially over short periods of time. The Company may or may not revise, correct or update the forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

The Company concentrates its investments in the gold and precious minerals sector. This sector may be more volatile than other industries and may be affected by movements in commodity prices triggered by international monetary and political developments. The Company is a non-diversified fund and, as such, may invest in fewer investments than that of a diversified portfolio. The Company may invest in smaller-sized companies that may be more volatile and less liquid than larger more established companies. Investments in foreign securities, especially those in the emerging markets, may involve increased risk as well as exposure to currency fluctuations. Shares of closed-end funds frequently trade at a discount to net asset value. All performance information reflects past performance and is presented on a total return basis. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current performance may differ from the performance shown.

This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.

Axel Merk

Chief Operating Officer

(650) 376-3135 or (800) 432-3378

Source: ASA Gold and Precious Metals Limited


What is the purpose of ASA Gold and Precious Metals 's (NYSE:ASA) new shareholder rights plan?

The purpose is to protect long-term shareholder value by preventing Saba Capital Management from gaining creeping control of the company without paying an appropriate control premium.

When does ASA Gold and Precious Metals 's (NYSE:ASA) new shareholder rights plan expire?

The -duration shareholder rights plan expires at the close of business on December 20, 2024.

What percentage of ASA Gold and Precious Metals (NYSE:ASA) does Saba Capital Management currently own?

Based on public filings, Saba Capital Management currently owns approximately 17.02% of ASA's outstanding common shares.

At what ownership threshold does ASA Gold and Precious Metals 's (NYSE:ASA) shareholder rights plan become exercisable?

The rights become exercisable if a person acquires 15% or more of ASA's outstanding common shares, with existing large shareholders grandfathered at their current levels.



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