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Adagio Medical Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: ADGM), a leader in catheter ablation technologies for cardiac arrhythmias, has provided a business update highlighting significant milestones. The company has obtained CE Mark approval and initiated the commercial launch of its vCLAS™ catheter and ultra-low temperature cryoablation (ULTC) system for ventricular tachycardia (VT) treatment in Europe. Additionally, Adagio has received FDA approval for the FULCRUM-VT Pivotal IDE study in the US, with patient enrollment expected to begin in September.
The company recently closed a business combination with ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp IV, resulting in its listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol 'ADGM'. This transaction, along with concurrent financings, raised approximately $84.2 million, leaving the company with a proforma cash-on-hand of about $35 million after closing.
Adagio Medical has completed its business combination with ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp IV, creating a publicly traded company focused on innovative technologies for treating cardiac arrhythmias. The combined company, Adagio Medical Holdings, Inc., will trade on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the ticker symbol 'ADGM' starting August 1, 2024.
The transaction, approved by shareholders, raised approximately $84.2 million in financing. This includes funds from ARYA IV's trust account, a private placement led by investors like Perceptive Advisors and RA Capital Management, and convertible security financing.
Adagio Medical's focus will be on commercializing the vCLAS™ ultra-low temperature cryoablation (ULTC) catheter for treating ventricular tachycardia in Europe and executing the FULCRUM-VT Pivotal IDE trial recently approved by the FDA.
ARYA Sciences Acquisition Corp III (ARYA) announced a change in its extraordinary general meeting scheduled for June 8, 2021, encouraging shareholders to attend remotely due to COVID-19 concerns. The meeting will address proposals related to the Business Combination Agreement with Nautilus Biotechnology, Inc. Shareholders can join the call using specific dial-in numbers and will have the opportunity to ask management questions. A definitive proxy statement/final prospectus has been filed with the SEC, providing essential information regarding the Business Combination.