Array Unveils SkyLink Tracker System to Maximize Solar Efficiency in Extreme Weather & Reduce Costs

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Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) has launched SkyLink, a revolutionary PV-powered wireless tracker system for solar installations. This system enhances the capabilities of Array's DuraTrack® and OmniTrack™️ offerings with new features including:

1. Eight linked-row architecture with passive wind mitigation
2. PV string-powered brushless DC motors
3. Zigbee wireless communication
4. Suite of SmarTrack™ features

SkyLink is designed to maximize solar efficiency in extreme weather conditions and reduce costs. It operates independently from the grid, requiring zero trenching. Key benefits include extreme weather response, increased project savings, optimal backtracking, and flexible design. The system aims to support wider adoption of sustainable energy solutions by ensuring uninterrupted solar production during power grid disruptions and adverse weather.

Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) ha lanciato SkyLink, un sistema rivoluzionario di tracker wireless alimentato da energia fotovoltaica per installazioni solari. Questo sistema potenzia le capacità delle offerte DuraTrack® e OmniTrack™️ di Array con nuove funzionalità tra cui:

1. Architettura a otto file collegate con mitigazione passiva del vento
2. Motori DC senza spazzole alimentati da stringhe fotovoltaiche
3. Comunicazione wireless Zigbee
4. Suite di funzionalità SmarTrack™

SkyLink è progettato per massimizzare l'efficienza solare in condizioni meteorologiche estreme e ridurre i costi. Funziona in modo indipendente dalla rete, senza necessità di scavi. I benefici principali includono una risposta efficace alle condizioni meteorologiche estreme, un aumento del risparmio sui progetti, un retrotracking ottimale e un design flessibile. Il sistema mira a supportare una più ampia adozione di soluzioni energetiche sostenibili garantendo una produzione solare ininterrotta durante le interruzioni della rete elettrica e con condizioni meteorologiche avverse.

Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) ha lanzado SkyLink, un sistema revolucionario de seguimiento inalámbrico alimentado por energía fotovoltaica para instalaciones solares. Este sistema mejora las capacidades de las ofertas DuraTrack® y OmniTrack™️ de Array con nuevas características que incluyen:

1. Arquitectura de ocho filas conectadas con mitigación pasiva del viento
2. Motores de CC sin escobillas alimentados por cadenas fotovoltaicas
3. Comunicación inalámbrica Zigbee
4. Conjunto de funciones SmarTrack™

SkyLink está diseñado para maximizar la eficiencia solar en condiciones climáticas extremas y reducir costos. Opera de forma independiente de la red, sin requerir zanja. Los beneficios clave incluyen respuesta a condiciones climáticas extremas, aumento de ahorros en proyectos, retroceso óptimo y diseño flexible. El sistema tiene como objetivo apoyar una adopción más amplia de soluciones energéticas sostenibles al garantizar una producción solar ininterrumpida durante interrupciones de la red eléctrica y condiciones climáticas adversas.

Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY)가 SkyLink를 출시했습니다. 이는 태양광 설치를 위한 혁신적인 PV 전원 무선 트래커 시스템입니다. 이 시스템은 Array의 DuraTrack® 및 OmniTrack™️ 제품의 기능을 새로운 기능과 함께 향상시킵니다:

1. 수동 바람 완화를 제공하는 8열 연결 아키텍처
2. PV 문자열 전원 브러시리스 DC 모터
3. Zigbee 무선 통신
4. SmarTrack™ 기능 모음

SkyLink는 극한의 기상 조건에서 태양광 효율을 극대화하고 비용을 절감하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 시스템은 그리드와 독립적으로 운영되며, 굴착이 필요 없습니다. 주요 이점으로는 극한 날씨 대응, 프로젝트 저축 증가, 최적의 후방 추적 및 유연한 설계가 있습니다. 이 시스템은 전력망 중단 및 악천후 동안 중단 없는 태양광 생산을 보장하여 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션의 광범위한 채택을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) a lancé SkyLink, un système de suivi sans fil révolutionnaire alimenté par énergie photovoltaïque pour les installations solaires. Ce système renforce les capacités des offres DuraTrack® et OmniTrack™️ d'Array avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités, notamment :

1. Architecture de huit rangées liées avec atténuation passive du vent
2. Moteurs à courant continu sans balais alimentés par chaînes photovoltaïques
3. Communication sans fil Zigbee
4. Ensemble de fonctionnalités SmarTrack™

SkyLink est conçu pour maximiser l'efficacité solaire dans des conditions météorologiques extrêmes et réduire les coûts. Il fonctionne indépendamment du réseau, nécessitant zéro à creuser. Les principaux avantages incluent une réponse aux conditions météorologiques extrêmes, des économies de projet accrues, un rétrotracking optimal et un design flexible. Le système vise à soutenir une adoption plus large des solutions d'énergie durable en garantissant une production solaire ininterrompue lors des perturbations du réseau électrique et des conditions météorologiques défavorables.

Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) hat SkyLink eingeführt, ein revolutionäres drahtloses Tracker-System, das mit PV-Strom für Solarinstallationen betrieben wird. Dieses System verbessert die Fähigkeiten der DuraTrack® und OmniTrack™️ Produkte von Array mit neuen Funktionen, darunter:

1. Acht-reihige Architektur mit passiver Windminderung
2. PV-string-betriebene bürstenlose Gleichstrommotoren
3. Zigbee drahtlose Kommunikation
4. Suite von SmarTrack™ Funktionen

SkyLink wurde entwickelt, um die Solar-Effizienz unter extremen Wetterbedingungen zu maximieren und Kosten zu senken. Es arbeitet unabhängig vom Stromnetz und benötigt keine Ausgrabungen. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören die Reaktion auf extremes Wetter, erhöhte Einsparungen bei Projekten, optimiertes Backtracking und flexibles Design. Das System zielt darauf ab, eine breitere Akzeptanz nachhaltiger Energielösungen zu unterstützen, indem es eine ununterbrochene Solarproduktion während Stromnetzunterbrechungen und widriger Wetterbedingungen gewährleistet.

  • Launch of innovative SkyLink tracker system enhancing Array's product offerings
  • SkyLink operates independently from the grid, improving reliability during power disruptions
  • New system reduces project costs and improves installation timelines
  • Enhanced protection against extreme weather conditions, including snow and hail
  • Expanded viable geographic areas for Array solar PV trackers globally
  • None.

Array's new SkyLink Tracker System represents a significant leap in solar tracking technology. The system's ability to operate independently from the grid using PV string-powered brushless DC motors and Zigbee wireless communication addresses critical vulnerabilities in traditional solar farms. This innovation could substantially reduce downtime during extreme weather events, a growing concern in many regions.

The eight linked-row architecture with passive wind mitigation is particularly noteworthy, as it should enhance the system's resilience while potentially increasing energy yield. The SmarTrack features, including automated responses to snow and hail, demonstrate a proactive approach to environmental challenges. These advancements could translate to improved ROI for solar project developers and increased adoption in areas previously considered unsuitable for large-scale solar installations.

This product launch could significantly impact Array Technologies' (NASDAQ: ARRY) market position and financial performance. The SkyLink system's potential to reduce project costs through decreased trenching, wiring and power supply requirements is a strong selling point in the cost-sensitive utility-scale solar market. Moreover, the system's ability to operate during grid disruptions addresses a critical pain point for solar farm operators.

Investors should note the potential for expanded market opportunities, as SkyLink's design allows for installation in previously challenging locations. This could drive revenue growth and market share expansion for Array. However, it's important to monitor the system's real-world performance and adoption rate to gauge its long-term impact on Array's financials. The company's ability to execute on this innovation and capture market share will be key factors to watch in upcoming quarters.

The SkyLink Tracker System represents a positive step towards enhancing the resilience of solar energy infrastructure in the face of climate change. By enabling continuous operation during extreme weather events and grid disruptions, this technology could significantly improve the reliability of renewable energy sources. This is important for maintaining public confidence in solar power and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The system's potential to reduce installation costs and expand viable geographic areas for solar PV trackers could accelerate solar adoption, contributing to faster decarbonization. However, it's important to consider the full lifecycle environmental impact of these systems, including manufacturing and end-of-life disposal. Overall, if SkyLink delivers on its promises, it could play a valuable role in enhancing the resilience and effectiveness of solar energy infrastructure in a changing climate.

Wireless, string-powered tracker system operates independently from the grid with zero trenching

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M., Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) (“Array” or the “Company”), a global leader in utility-scale solar tracking solutions, announced the launch of SkyLink, a revolutionary PV-powered wireless tracker system that builds on the capabilities of DuraTrack® and OmniTrack™️ offerings.

Array DuraTrack with SkyLink™️ and Array OmniTrack with SkyLink™️ uphold the key benefits of Array trackers that our customers depend on with added flexibility and optimization. New features include: an eight linked-row architecture with passive wind mitigation, PV string-powered brushless DC motors, Zigbee wireless communication, and a suite of SmarTrack™ features. 

“Array strives to continuously enhance our products to support customers by reducing costs and installation times, and meet the growing challenges of extreme weather conditions,” said Kevin G. Hostetler, chief executive officer at Array Technologies. “As destructive storms become more frequent, our new SkyLink tracker system, with its reliable wireless communication, ensures that solar production remains uninterrupted during power grid disruptions and adverse weather. This advanced system provides the protection needed to maintain solar energy production, particularly in regions prone to snow and hail, ultimately supporting the wider adoption of sustainable energy solutions.”

Key Features 

  • Extreme Weather Response: PV-powered control system enables solar tracker movement regardless of grid status. This ensures trackers always stow with hail or snow accumulation detected by SmarTrack Automated Snow Response and Hail Alert Response without relying on batteries operating in low temperatures and extreme weather conditions. This is combined with Array’s patented safe, passive wind stow technology.
  • Increased Project Savings: DC motor and wireless communication reduces costs associated with trenching, wiring, and electrical power supply. Coupled with easy to carry parts and zero specialized tools, SkyLink can reduce project costs and improve installation timelines for our customers.
  • Optimal Backtracking: Minimal row-to-row shading yields optimal SmarTrack backtracking performance for sites with hills or valleys, boosting power production.
  • Flexible Design: SkyLink’s innovative design enhances PV capacity and reduces costs by utilizing an eight linked-row architecture, providing greater flexibility, and optimizing layout efficiency for fragmented sites.

SkyLink builds on the proven strength of Array DuraTrack and Array OmniTrack solar trackers, reducing dependence on power grids. This enhances the overall protective performance of Array’s current utility-scale tracker products through cost-saving efficiencies, ensuring continuous solar power production. Additionally, the new SkyLink tracker system expands viable geographic areas for Array solar PV trackers to be installed around the globe.

Learn more about SkyLink here.

About Array 
Array Technologies (NASDAQ: ARRY) is a leading global renewable energy company and provider of utility-scale solar tracking technology. Engineered to withstand the harshest conditions on the planet, Array’s high-quality solar trackers and sophisticated software maximize energy production, accelerating the adoption of cost-effective and sustainable energy. Founded and headquartered in the United States, Array relies on its diversified global supply chain and customer-centric approach to deliver, commission, and support solar energy developments around the world, lighting the way to a brighter, smarter future for clean energy. For more news and information on Array, please visit 

Forward Looking Statements  
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts but rather are based on the Company’s current expectations and projections regarding its business, operations and other factors relating thereto. Words such as “may,” “will,” “could,” “would,” “should,” “anticipate,” “predict,” “potential,” “continue,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “projects,” “believes,” “estimates” and similar expressions are used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and as such are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors. Forward-looking statements should be evaluated together with the risks and uncertainties that affect our business and operations, particularly those described in more detail in the Company’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other documents on file with the SEC, each of which can be found on our website Except as required by law, we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

Media Contact:
Nicole Stewart

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What is Array Technologies' new SkyLink tracker system?

SkyLink is a PV-powered wireless tracker system launched by Array Technologies (ARRY) that enhances their DuraTrack® and OmniTrack™️ offerings. It features an eight linked-row architecture, PV string-powered DC motors, Zigbee wireless communication, and SmarTrack™ features to maximize solar efficiency in extreme weather and reduce costs.

How does SkyLink improve solar production during extreme weather?

SkyLink's PV-powered control system enables tracker movement regardless of grid status, ensuring trackers can stow during hail or snow accumulation. It uses SmarTrack Automated Snow Response and Hail Alert Response without relying on batteries, combined with Array's patented passive wind stow technology.

What cost savings does Array's SkyLink system offer?

SkyLink reduces costs associated with trenching, wiring, and electrical power supply due to its DC motor and wireless communication. It also features easy-to-carry parts and requires no specialized tools, potentially reducing project costs and improving installation timelines for customers.

How does SkyLink enhance Array Technologies' (ARRY) market position?

SkyLink expands viable geographic areas for Array's solar PV trackers globally, enhances the protective performance of their utility-scale tracker products, and ensures continuous solar power production. This innovation strengthens Array's position in the utility-scale solar tracking solutions market.

Array Technologies, Inc.


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