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ARMOUR Residential REIT, Inc. (NYSE: ARR) has announced its cash dividend for October 2020, maintaining the monthly rate at $0.10 per common share. The holder of record date is set for October 15, 2020, with the payment date on October 29, 2020. As a real estate investment trust (REIT), ARMOUR must distribute substantially all of its taxable income to maintain its tax status. This dividend announcement reflects the company's ongoing commitment to delivering income to its shareholders amidst market conditions.
ARMOUR Residential REIT has announced a cash dividend of $0.10 per share for September 2020. The record date for this dividend is September 15, 2020, with payment scheduled for September 29, 2020. As a REIT, ARMOUR must distribute most of its taxable income to maintain its tax status. The company primarily invests in mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by U.S. Government-sponsored enterprises, ensuring a focus on residential assets.
ARMOUR Residential REIT (NYSE: ARR) announced the completion of its strategic transition to a portfolio solely comprising mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by U.S. government-sponsored enterprises. The sale of the last unguaranteed mortgage-backed security occurred on August 11, 2020. The company reported liquidity of $582 million, including $104 million in short-term receivables, with an estimated book value per common share of $11.45. A dividend of $0.10 per share is scheduled for payment on August 28, 2020, to shareholders as of August 17, 2020.