Arrow Named to Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024

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Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW) has been named to the Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024, a prestigious list of 30 top-performing small-cap banks and thrifts in the country. To qualify, institutions needed a market cap below $2.5 billion and had to outperform industry medians in earnings per share growth, loan growth, deposit growth, and return on average equity, while meeting specific benchmarks for nonperforming assets, net charge-offs, and tangible common equity ratio.

Arrow is one of only three New York financial institutions on the list and the sole bank from Upstate New York. Piper Sandler, an independent investment bank and research firm, evaluated over 300 institutions trading on major exchanges to select the top 30. President and CEO Dave DeMarco expressed pride in the recognition, attributing it to the team's hard work and dedication.

Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW) è stata inserita nella lista Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Classe del 2024, un prestigioso elenco di 30 banche e istituti di credito a piccola capitalizzazione con le migliori performance nel paese. Per qualificarsi, le istituzioni dovevano avere una capitalizzazione di mercato inferiore a 2,5 miliardi di dollari e superare i mediani di settore in crescita degli utili per azione, crescita dei prestiti, crescita dei depositi e ritorno sul capitale medio, rispettando nel contempo specifici parametri per gli attivi non performanti, le perdite nette e il rapporto di capitale comune tangibile.

Arrow è una delle sole tre istituzioni finanziarie di New York presenti nella lista ed è l'unica banca proveniente dallo Stato di New York. Piper Sandler, una banca d'investimento e società di ricerca indipendente, ha valutato oltre 300 istituzioni quotate su importanti scambi per selezionare le prime 30. Il presidente e CEO Dave DeMarco ha espresso orgoglio per questo riconoscimento, attribuendolo al duro lavoro e alla dedizione del team.

Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW) ha sido incluida en la lista Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Clase de 2024, una prestigiosa lista de 30 bancos y entidades de ahorro de pequeña capitalización con mejor rendimiento en el país. Para calificar, las instituciones debían tener una capitalización de mercado inferior a 2,5 mil millones de dólares y superar los medianos de la industria en crecimiento de ganancias por acción, crecimiento de préstamos, crecimiento de depósitos y retorno sobre el capital promedio, cumpliendo al mismo tiempo con criterios específicos para activos no productivos, cancelaciones netas y el ratio de capital común tangible.

Arrow es una de sólo tres instituciones financieras de Nueva York en la lista y el único banco del estado de Nueva York. Piper Sandler, un banco de inversión y firma de investigación independiente, evaluó más de 300 instituciones que operan en los principales mercados para seleccionar las 30 mejores. El presidente y CEO Dave DeMarco expresó su orgullo por este reconocimiento, atribuyéndolo al arduo trabajo y la dedicación del equipo.

Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW)가 Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: 2024년 클래스에 선정되었습니다. 이는 미국의 30개 소형주 은행 및 저축기관 중 상위 실적을 기록한 기관들의 명단입니다. 자격 조건으로는 시장 가치를 25억 달러 이하로 유지하고 주당 순이익 성장, 대출 성장, 예금 성장 및 평균 자본 수익률에서 산업 중위수를 초과해야 하며, 비수익 자산, 순대손실 및 유체 자본 비율에 대한 특정 기준을 충족해야 했습니다.

Arrow는 목록에 있는 뉴욕의 세 개 금융기관 중 하나이며, 업스테이트 뉴욕의 유일한 은행입니다. 독립 투자은행이자 연구회사인 Piper Sandler는 300개 이상의 주요 거래소에 상장된 기관을 평가하여 상위 30개를 선정하였습니다. 대통령이자 CEO인 데이브 데마르코는 이 인정을 받은 것에 자부심을 느끼며, 이를 팀의 노력과 헌신 덕분으로 여겼습니다.

Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW) a été nommé dans la liste Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars : Promotion 2024, un classement prestigieux des 30 banques et caisses d'épargne à petite capitalisation les plus performantes du pays. Pour se qualifier, les institutions devaient avoir une capitalisation boursière inférieure à 2,5 milliards de dollars et surpasser les médianes du secteur en croissance des bénéfices par action, croissance des prêts, croissance des dépôts et retour sur fonds propres moyens, tout en respectant des repères spécifiques pour les actifs non performants, les amortissements nets et le ratio de capitaux propres tangibles.

Arrow est l'une des seules trois institutions financières de New York dans la liste et la seule banque de l'État de New York. Piper Sandler, une banque d'investissement et société de recherche indépendante, a évalué plus de 300 institutions cotées sur des bourses majeures pour sélectionner les 30 meilleures. Le président et PDG Dave DeMarco a exprimé sa fierté pour cette reconnaissance, l'attribuant au travail acharné et à la détermination de l'équipe.

Arrow Financial (NasdaqGS® – AROW) wurde in die Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Klasse von 2024 aufgenommen, eine prestigeträchtige Liste von 30 leistungsstarken Kleinbanken und Sparkassen des Landes. Um sich zu qualifizieren, mussten die Institute eine Marktkapitalisierung von unter 2,5 Milliarden Dollar aufweisen und in Eigenkapitalrendite, Kreditwachstum, Einlagenwachstum und Gewinn pro Aktie-Wachstum über den Branchen-Medianen liegen, während sie spezifische Benchmarks für notleidende Kredite, Nettoabschreibungen und das Verhältnis von tangiblem Eigenkapital einhalten mussten.

Arrow ist eines von nur drei Finanzinstituten aus New York auf der Liste und die einzige Bank aus Upstate New York. Piper Sandler, eine unabhängige Investmentbank und Forschungsfirma, hat über 300 Institutionen, die an bedeutenden Börsen gehandelt werden, bewertet, um die besten 30 auszuwählen. Präsident und CEO Dave DeMarco äußerte Stolz über die Auszeichnung und führte diesen auf die harte Arbeit und das Engagement des Teams zurück.

  • Named to prestigious Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024
  • Outperformed industry medians in key growth and profitability metrics
  • One of only three New York financial institutions on the list
  • The only bank from Upstate New York to receive the recognition
  • None.


Arrow Financial 's inclusion in the Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024 is a notable achievement, highlighting the bank's strong performance relative to its peers. This recognition suggests that AROW has demonstrated superior growth, profitability, credit quality and capital strength compared to industry medians.

Key performance indicators that led to this recognition include:

  • Above-average earnings per share growth
  • Strong loan and deposit growth
  • Superior return on average equity
  • Solid nonperforming asset and net charge-off ratios
  • Robust tangible common equity ratio

Being one of only three New York financial institutions on the list and the sole representative from Upstate New York, underscores AROW's competitive edge in its market. This distinction may enhance the bank's reputation, potentially attracting more customers and investors.

However, investors should note that past performance doesn't guarantee future results. The banking sector faces challenges such as interest rate fluctuations and economic uncertainties. AROW's ability to maintain its strong performance in a changing financial landscape will be important for long-term success.

GLENS FALLS, N.Y., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Arrow Financial Corporation (NasdaqGS® – AROW) is pleased to announce it was recently named to the prestigious Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024, a list of 30 top-performing small-cap banks and thrifts in the country.

To earn Sm-All Star status, banks and thrifts needed to have a market cap below $2.5 billion and meet certain criteria related to growth, profitability, credit quality and capital strength. Against industry medians, banks needed to outperform in earnings per share growth, loan growth, deposit growth and return on average equity, in addition to meeting nonperforming asset, net charge-off and tangible common equity ratio benchmarks.

Arrow is one of just three New York financial institutions on the list and the only bank in Upstate New York. Piper Sandler, an independent investment bank and research firm, evaluated more than 300 institutions that trade on a major exchange, narrowing the field to the top 30. 

"We're incredibly honored to be named to the Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024," said President and CEO Dave DeMarco. "This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication and talent of our entire team. We look forward to building on this success and continuing to deliver value to our shareholders, customers and communities."

About Arrow Financial Corporation:
Arrow Financial Corporation is a multi-bank holding company headquartered in Glens Falls, New York, serving the financial needs of northeastern New York. The Company is the parent of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company and Saratoga National Bank and Trust Company. Other subsidiaries include North Country Investment Advisers, Inc. and Upstate Agency, LLC. 

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What is Arrow Financial 's stock symbol?

Arrow Financial 's stock symbol is AROW, traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market.

What recognition did Arrow Financial receive in 2024?

Arrow Financial was named to the Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars: Class of 2024, a list of 30 top-performing small-cap banks and thrifts in the country.

What criteria did AROW meet to be included in the Piper Sandler Sm-All Stars?

AROW outperformed industry medians in earnings per share growth, loan growth, deposit growth, and return on average equity, while meeting benchmarks for nonperforming assets, net charge-offs, and tangible common equity ratio.

How many institutions did Piper Sandler evaluate for the Sm-All Stars list?

Piper Sandler evaluated more than 300 institutions trading on major exchanges before selecting the top 30 for the Sm-All Stars list.

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