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Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) has released its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting significant progress in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives. Key achievements include:

  • The Contract Mining Partners (CMP) program, contributing over 40% of gold production
  • Formalizing over 3,000 miners, with plans to formalize 500-1,000 more in 2024
  • Establishing a Management Sustainability Committee
  • Joining the UN Global Compact and endorsing Women's Empowerment Principles
  • Creating an $11 million trust fund for environmental rehabilitation in Marmato
  • Investing $10.2 million in social and environmental projects
  • Achieving a 75% reduction in Lost Time Injuries
  • Awarding 875 Colibri scholarships at a bilingual school in Segovia

The report, prepared according to SASB standards, demonstrates Aris Mining's commitment to responsible mining practices and sustainable development in Colombia.

Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando progressi significativi nelle iniziative di Ambiente, Sociale e Governance (ESG). I principali traguardi includono:

  • Il programma dei Partner Minerari (CMP), che contribuisce per oltre il 40% della produzione d'oro
  • Formalizzazione di oltre 3.000 minatori, con piani per formalizzarne 500-1.000 in più nel 2024
  • Istituzione di un Comitato di Sostenibilità per la gestione
  • Adesione al Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite e sostegno ai Principi di Empowerment Femminile
  • Creazione di un fondo fiduciario di 11 milioni di dollari per la riabilitazione ambientale a Marmato
  • Investimento di 10,2 milioni di dollari in progetti sociali e ambientali
  • Raggiungimento di una riduzione del 75% negli infortuni con perdita di tempo
  • Assegnazione di 875 borse di studio Colibri in una scuola bilingue a Segovia

Il rapporto, redatto secondo gli standard SASB, dimostra l'impegno di Aris Mining per pratiche minerarie responsabili e lo sviluppo sostenibile in Colombia.

Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, destacando avances significativos en iniciativas de Medio Ambiente, Social y Gobernanza (ESG). Los logros clave incluyen:

  • El programa de Socios de Minería (CMP), que contribuye con más del 40% de la producción de oro
  • Formalización de más de 3,000 mineros, con planes para formalizar de 500 a 1,000 más en 2024
  • Establecimiento de un Comité de Sostenibilidad en la Dirección
  • Adhesión al Pacto Global de la ONU y respaldo a los Principios de Empoderamiento de la Mujer
  • Creación de un fondo fiduciario de 11 millones de dólares para la rehabilitación ambiental en Marmato
  • Inversión de 10.2 millones de dólares en proyectos sociales y ambientales
  • Logro de una reducción del 75% en los Lesiones con Tiempo Perdido
  • Otorgamiento de 875 becas Colibri en una escuela bilingüe en Segovia

El informe, preparado de acuerdo con los estándares SASB, demuestra el compromiso de Aris Mining con prácticas mineras responsables y el desarrollo sostenible en Colombia.

아리스 마이닝 (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN)은 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 환경, 사회 및 지배구조(ESG) 이니셔티브에서 상당한 발전을 강조하였습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 40% 이상의 금 생산에 기여하는 계약 채굴 파트너(CMP) 프로그램
  • 3,000명이 넘는 광부를 정식으로 등록시키고, 2024년에는 500-1,000명을 추가로 등록할 계획
  • 지속 가능 관리 위원회 설립
  • UN 글로벌 컴팩트 가입 및 여성 권한 증진 원칙 지지
  • Marmato에서 환경 복원을 위한 1,100만 달러의 신탁 기금 조성
  • 사회 및 환경 프로젝트에 1,020만 달러 투자
  • 휴업 손실 부상 75% 감소 달성
  • 세고비아의 이중 언어 학교에서 875개의 콜리브리 장학금 수여

SASB 기준에 따라 준비된 보고서는 아리스 마이닝이 콜롬비아에서 책임 있는 채굴 관행 및 지속 가능한 개발에 헌신하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) a publié son rapport de durabilité 2023, mettant en avant des progrès significatifs dans les initiatives Environnement, Social et Gouvernance (ESG). Les principales réalisations incluent :

  • Le programme des Partenaires de Minage (CMP), contribuant à plus de 40% de la production d'or
  • Formalisation de plus de 3 000 mineurs, avec des projets de formaliser de 500 à 1 000 de plus en 2024
  • Établissement d'un Comité de Gestion de la Durabilité
  • Adhésion au Pacte Mondial des Nations Unies et soutien aux Principes d'Autonomisation des Femmes
  • Création d'un fonds fiduciaire de 11 millions de dollars pour la réhabilitation environnementale à Marmato
  • Investissement de 10,2 millions de dollars dans des projets sociaux et environnementaux
  • Réduction de 75% des Accidents de Travail avec Temps Perdu
  • Attribution de 875 bourses Colibri dans une école bilingue à Segovia

Le rapport, préparé selon les normes SASB, démontre l'engagement d'Aris Mining envers des pratiques minières responsables et un développement durable en Colombie.

Aris Mining (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) hat ihren Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der signifikante Fortschritte in den Bereichen Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung (ESG) hervorhebt. Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften gehören:

  • Das Programm der Vertragsbergbau-Partner (CMP), das über 40% der Goldproduktion beiträgt
  • Die Formalisierung von über 3.000 Minenarbeitern, mit Plänen, 500-1.000 weitere im Jahr 2024 zu formalisieren
  • Einrichtung eines Ausschusses für Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
  • Beitritt zum UN Global Compact und Unterstützung der Prinzipien zur Stärkung der Frauen
  • Schaffung eines Treuhandfonds in Höhe von 11 Millionen Dollar für die ökologische Rekultivierung in Marmato
  • Investition von 10,2 Millionen Dollar in soziale und Umweltprojekte
  • Reduzierung der Arbeitsunfälle mit Ausfallzeiten um 75%
  • Vergabe von 875 Colibri-Stipendien an einer zweisprachigen Schule in Segovia

Der Bericht, der nach SASB-Standards erstellt wurde, zeigt das Engagement von Aris Mining für verantwortungsvolle Bergbaupraktiken und nachhaltige Entwicklung in Kolumbien.

  • None.
  • None.

VANCOUVER, BC, Aug. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Aris Mining Corporation (Aris Mining or the Company) (TSX: ARIS) (NYSE-A: ARMN) announces that it has published its 2023 Sustainability Report, which has been prepared in accordance with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for the metals and mining industry.

Neil Woodyer, CEO of Aris Mining, commented, "We are pleased to present Aris Mining's 2023 Sustainability Report. In 2023, we made significant progress in our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, adhering to industry best practices for the benefit of our stakeholders. Of particular importance in this regard is our Contract Mining Partners (CMP) program, which contributes over 40% of our current gold production and is vital to our success in Colombia.

By partnering with CMPs, we develop a shared value initiative that not only generates profitability for both parties, but also presents a solution to the environmental and social complexities arising from informal and illegal mining that has historically been an issue in Colombia. By helping to formalize more than 3,000 miners to date and planning to formalize an additional 500 to 1,000 miners in 2024, we are driving responsible and safety focused mining practices that align with government policies, promote economic development, and strengthen the social fabric in the regions in which we operate while exercising due care for the environment. These partnerships represent the future of mining in Colombia and offer sustainable solutions to the challenges associated with informal and illegal mining."

2023 Sustainability Report Highlights

  • We established a Management Sustainability Committee, reporting directly to the CEO and the Sustainability Committee of the Board, which has facilitated transparent decision-making and oversight of our sustainability initiatives.
  • Our participation in the SASB Standards and the Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) protocols reflect our commitment to rigorous ESG performance standards.
  • In 2023, we became a member of the United Nations Global Compact, endorsed the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles and increased the inclusion rate of women in our workforce.
  • We updated our materiality analysis in 2023 to cover both the Marmato Mine and the Segovia Operations.
  • We have created an $11 million trust fund dedicated to the environmental rehabilitation of Marmato, which includes the construction of a water treatment plant to treat industrial wastewater from our operation.
  • We have invested $10.2 million in social and environmental projects, highlighting our commitment to creating shared value in the communities in which we operate and aligning with the United Nations' Sustainability Development Goals. These investments prioritize education, socioeconomic development, infrastructure, environmental conservation, and gender equity and inclusion.
  • Following the adoption of the Vision Zer000 safety program in 2022, we achieved a 75% reduction in Lost Time Injuries.
  • Continuing with our commitment to academic excellence, we awarded 875 Colibri scholarships at the Spanish / English bilingual school in Segovia, La Salada. The school recently celebrated its first graduation class of over 50 students.

Aris Mining's 2023 Sustainability Report can be found in the Sustainability section of our website at Sustainability Reports - Aris Mining Corporation ( We welcome feedback from all stakeholders. Please direct communications or requests for further information to

About Aris Mining

Aris Mining is a gold producer in the Americas, currently operating two mines with expansions underway in Colombia. The Segovia Operations and the Marmato Upper Mine produced 226,000 ounces of gold in 2023. Aris Mining is targeting a production rate of approximately 500,000 ounces of gold per year in the second half of 2026, following a ramp-up period after the Segovia mill expansion, scheduled for completion in Q1 2025, and the Marmato Lower Mine's first gold pour in late 2025. Aris Mining also operates the 51% owned Soto Norte joint venture, where Feasibility level studies are underway on a new, smaller scale development plan, with results expected in early 2025. In Guyana, Aris Mining is advancing Toroparu, a gold/copper project.

Aris Mining intends to pursue acquisitions and other growth opportunities to unlock value through scale and diversification. Aris Mining promotes the formalization of traditional miners into contract mining partners as this process enables all miners to operate in a legal, safe and responsible manner that protects them and the environment.

Additional information on Aris Mining can be found at,, and on

Forward-Looking Information

This news release contains "forward-looking information" or forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Canadian and U.S. securities legislation. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, including, without limitation, statements relating to formalizing miners and our partnerships with CMPs representing the future of mining in Colombia are forward-looking. When used herein, forward looking terminology such as "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "estimate", "may", "will", "should", "intend", "believe", and similar expressions, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by the Company in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that the Company believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors could cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including those described in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's most recent AIF and in the Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023, which are available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at and in its filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission at These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the Company's forward-looking statements. The Company has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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SOURCE Aris Mining Corporation


What were the key highlights of Aris Mining's 2023 Sustainability Report?

Aris Mining's 2023 Sustainability Report highlighted the success of their Contract Mining Partners program, formalization of over 3,000 miners, establishment of a Management Sustainability Committee, joining the UN Global Compact, creating an $11 million environmental trust fund, investing $10.2 million in social and environmental projects, reducing Lost Time Injuries by 75%, and awarding 875 scholarships.

How has Aris Mining (ARMN) addressed informal and illegal mining in Colombia?

Aris Mining has addressed informal and illegal mining in Colombia through their Contract Mining Partners (CMP) program. This initiative has formalized over 3,000 miners to date, with plans to formalize an additional 500-1,000 miners in 2024, promoting responsible and safety-focused mining practices aligned with government policies.

What environmental initiatives has Aris Mining (ARMN) implemented in 2023?

In 2023, Aris Mining created an $11 million trust fund for environmental rehabilitation in Marmato, which includes the construction of a water treatment plant for industrial wastewater. The company also invested in environmental conservation projects as part of their $10.2 million social and environmental investment.

How has Aris Mining (ARMN) improved safety in their operations?

Aris Mining improved safety by implementing the Vision Zer000 safety program in 2022, which resulted in a 75% reduction in Lost Time Injuries in 2023. This demonstrates the company's commitment to enhancing workplace safety across their operations.

What social initiatives has Aris Mining (ARMN) undertaken in 2023?

In 2023, Aris Mining invested $10.2 million in social and environmental projects, focusing on education, socioeconomic development, infrastructure, and gender equity. They also awarded 875 Colibri scholarships at a bilingual school in Segovia, supporting academic excellence in the community.

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