Chris Pine: Actor, Author on Cover of Parade

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Parade magazine has released its latest cover story featuring Chris Pine, the A-list actor and newly minted children's book author. The interview, conducted in Pine's classic 1965 Airstream trailer, covers a wide range of topics including:

- His new children's book, 'When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel'
- His early acting career and first role on 'ER'
- His experience on the set of Star Trek
- His unique car collection focusing on mid-20th century European cars

Pine discusses his determination to succeed as an actor, his initial discomfort on camera, and the romantic appeal of working on Hollywood soundstages. He also shares insights into his book's message about understanding bullying behavior and repairing relationships through empathy.

La rivista Parade ha pubblicato il suo ultimo articolo di copertura con protagonista Chris Pine, l'attore di fama mondiale e recentemente diventato autore di libri per bambini. L'intervista, condotta nel classico rimorchio Airstream del 1965 di Pine, affronta una vasta gamma di argomenti, tra cui:

- Il suo nuovo libro per bambini, 'Quando Digz il Cane Incontra Zurl lo Scoiattolo'
- La sua carriera di attore agli inizi e il primo ruolo in 'ER'
- La sua esperienza sul set di Star Trek
- La sua collezione di auto uniche focalizzate sulle auto europee degli anni '50 e '60

Pine parla della sua determinazione a avere successo come attore, del suo iniziale disagio davanti alla telecamera e del fascino romantico di lavorare nei soundstage di Hollywood. Condivide anche spunti sul messaggio del suo libro riguardo alla comprensione del comportamento da bullismo e alla riparazione delle relazioni tramite l'empatia.

La revista Parade ha lanzado su última historia de portada con Chris Pine, el actor de renombre y recién convertido en autor de libros infantiles. La entrevista, realizada en el clásico remolque Airstream de 1965 de Pine, abarca una amplia gama de temas, que incluyen:

- Su nuevo libro infantil, 'Cuando Digz el Perro Conoció a Zurl la Ardilla'
- Su carrera actoral temprana y su primer papel en 'ER'
- Su experiencia en el set de Star Trek
- Su colección única de coches centrada en los automóviles europeos de mediados del siglo XX

Pine habla de su determinación para tener éxito como actor, su inicial incomodidad frente a la cámara y el atractivo romántico de trabajar en los estudios de Hollywood. También comparte ideas sobre el mensaje de su libro acerca de comprender el comportamiento de acoso y reparar relaciones a través de la empatía.

잡지 파레이드가 최신 커버 스토리를 발표했습니다. 주인공은 크리스 파인으로, A급 배우이자 최근 아동 도서 저자로 변신한 인물입니다. 파인의 클래식 1965년식 에어스트림 트레일러에서 진행된 인터뷰는 다음과 같은 다양한 주제를 다룹니다:

- 그의 새 아동 도서 '디그스, 개가 줄과 다람쥐를 만나다'
- 초기 연기 경력 및 'ER'에서의 첫 역할
- 스타트렉 촬영 현장에서의 경험
- 20세기 중반 유럽 자동차에 집중한 그의 독특한 자동차 컬렉션

파인은 배우로서 성공하려는 결정, 카메라 앞에서의 초기 불편함 그리고 헐리우드 사운드스테이지에서 작업하는 것의 로맨틱한 매력을 이야기합니다. 또한 자신의 책이 전달하고자 하는 메시지인 괴롭힘 행동 이해와 공감을 통해 관계 회복에 대한 통찰을 나눕니다.

Le magazine Parade a publié son dernier article de couverture mettant en vedette Chris Pine, l'acteur de premier plan et nouvel auteur de livres pour enfants. L'interview, réalisée dans la classique remorque Airstream de 1965 de Pine, aborde un large éventail de sujets, notamment :

- Son nouveau livre pour enfants, 'Quand Digz le Chien a Rencontré Zurl l'Écureuil'
- Ses débuts d'acteur et son premier rôle dans 'ER'
- Son expérience sur le tournage de Star Trek
- Sa collection de voitures unique axée sur les voitures européennes du milieu du XXe siècle

Pine discute de sa détermination à réussir en tant qu'acteur, de son inconfort initial devant la caméra et de l'attrait romantique de travailler sur les plateaux de Hollywood. Il partage également des réflexions sur le message de son livre concernant la compréhension du comportement de harcèlement et la réparation des relations par l'empathie.

Das Parade-Magazin hat seine neueste Titelgeschichte veröffentlicht, die Chris Pine präsentiert, den A-List-Schauspieler und neu ernannten Kinderbuchautor. Das Interview, das in Pines klassischem Airstream-Wohnwagen von 1965 geführt wurde, behandelt eine Vielzahl von Themen, darunter:

- Sein neues Kinderbuch, 'Als Digz der Hund Zurl das Eichhörnchen traf'
- Seinen frühen Schauspielkarriere und die erste Rolle in 'ER'
- Seine Erfahrung am Set von Star Trek
- Seine einzigartige Autosammlung mit Fokus auf europäische Autos aus der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts

Pine spricht über seinen Willen, als Schauspieler erfolgreich zu sein, seine anfängliche Unbehaglichkeit vor der Kamera und die romantische Anziehungskraft des Arbeitens in Hollywood-Soundstages. Er teilt auch Einblicke in die Botschaft seines Buches über das Verständnis von Mobbingverhalten und die Reparatur von Beziehungen durch Empathie.

  • None.
  • None.

The newly minted children’s book author reflects on his first role on ‘ER,’ the inspiration behind his car collection, and his love of literature.

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NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Parade, the premium legacy entertainment and lifestyle brand, released its latest cover story featuring A-list actor, and now author, Chris Pine.

Chris Pine: Actor, Author on Cover of Parade (Photo: Business Wire)

Chris Pine: Actor, Author on Cover of Parade (Photo: Business Wire)

The interview–conducted inside his classic 1965 Airstream trailer–covers a wide range of topics, including his new children’s book, When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel, how uncomfortable he initially was on camera, his first day on the Star Trek movie set and his unique car collection.

Read the full interview here. Notable quotes are below.

On starting his acting career:

I had blinders on once I realized after college that acting was what I was going to do. I had no room for doubt; I was just going to do it. It's odd that I never thought about a world where it wasn't going to work out. And I really didn't f--k around in my 20s. There wasn't a lot of going to parties and having a good time. I was like, I'll do it.

On his first onscreen credit as a patient on the TV show, ER:

I think I was “drunk fraternity boy.” I might have had a name. There was something very romantic about the Warner Bros. studio in Los Angeles. On the ER soundstage they built this huge emergency room where the cameras are following characters going in and out. It's exciting when you're a young actor and you're going to work with Maura Tierney and Sally Field.

On being on camera:

It took me a long time not to be self-conscious and terrified. I don't know if there's any acting school that can really prepare you for the permutations of set life. It’s a really bizarre thing to do.

A career highlight:

The first day on set for the first Star Trek movie. It was my first humongous movie, and we were on a soundstage on the Paramount lot. I come from a Hollywood family, so to be on a soundstage on a Hollywood lot was like everything that I dreamed about. Being on the ridge and looking out was definitely an out-of-body moment.

On why he wrote this book (during the pandemic):

“I don't have kids, but I have a dog and I'm in love with my dog. And I do have a deep love for stories, for literature and for books I grew up with. My mother and father would tell me stories before going to bed. And obviously I'm an actor, and I've written and directed and produced, so storytelling is kind of in my blood.”

On the message of his book:

What if the frustration and the anger that these two animals seem to have toward one another comes from a place of their own vulnerability and their own sense of being deficient? Why is a bully a bully? Probably because something happened to the bully, and maybe if you understood what happened to the bully, you can repair relationships and move on with love.

On his car collection:

I have an obsession with European cars of the mid-20th century. A Tesla is like the world’s largest iPad. It’s more romantic to get in a car that you're not sure is going to start or it takes 10 minutes to warm up before you drive it.

To view this story, or any of our previous cover stories, click here.

About Parade

Parade, the premium legacy entertainment and lifestyle brand, has been enlightening, delighting and inspiring audiences for more than 80 years. Parade is owned and operated by The Arena Group (NYSE American: AREN), an innovative technology platform and media company with a proven cutting-edge playbook that transforms media brands. Arena’s unified technology platform empowers creators and publishers with tools to publish and monetize their content, while also leveraging quality journalism of anchor brands like TheStreet, Parade, Men’s Journal and Athlon Sports to build their businesses. The company aggregates content across a diverse portfolio of over 265 brands, reaching over 100 million users monthly. Visit us at and discover how we are revolutionizing the world of digital media.

Steve Janisse


Source: Parade


What is Chris Pine's new children's book called?

Chris Pine's new children's book is titled 'When Digz the Dog Met Zurl the Squirrel'.

What was Chris Pine's first onscreen credit?

Chris Pine's first onscreen credit was as a patient, possibly named 'drunk fraternity boy', on the TV show ER.

Why did Chris Pine write a children's book?

Chris Pine wrote the book during the pandemic, inspired by his love for his dog, his passion for storytelling, and the bedtime stories his parents told him as a child.

What type of cars does Chris Pine collect?

Chris Pine collects European cars from the mid-20th century, preferring their romantic appeal over modern vehicles like Teslas.

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