American Resources Corporation's ReElement Technologies Commences Daily Production of Purified Rare Earths Elements To Solve Domestic Supply Chain

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American Resources 's subsidiary, ReElement Technologies, has expanded production to include daily rare earth oxide refining at its Noblesville Customer Qualification Plant. The company is now producing both light (Nd, Pr) and heavy rare earths (Dy, Tb) at 99.5%+ purity, alongside its existing lithium carbonate production. This expansion comes as ReElement begins building its large-scale Marion Advanced Technology Center.

ReElement has integrated process automation and autonomous chromatographic column operations, increasing capacity by approximately 3 times without additional labor costs. The company utilizes proprietary Ligand Assisted Displacement (LAD) chromatography technology for efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally safe separation and purification of rare earth elements.

CEO Mark Jensen emphasized ReElement's unique position in producing both battery-grade lithium carbonate and magnet-grade rare earth oxides in the same facility, with a competitive cost structure. The company is working with various ore and recycled material providers to supply its Marion facility and aims to catalyze a domestic critical mineral supply chain.

La sussidiaria di American Resources, ReElement Technologies, ha espanso la produzione per includere la raffinazione giornaliera degli ossidi di terre rare presso il suo impianto di Qualificazione Clienti a Noblesville. L'azienda ora produce sia terre rare leggere (Nd, Pr) che terre rare pesanti (Dy, Tb) con una purezza superiore al 99,5%, oltre alla produzione esistente di carbonato di litio. Questa espansione avviene mentre ReElement inizia a costruire il suo Centro Tecnologico Avanzato di Marion in grande scala.

ReElement ha integrato l'automazione dei processi e le operazioni di colonne cromatografiche autonome, aumentando la capacità di circa 3 volte senza costi aggiuntivi per il lavoro. L'azienda utilizza una tecnologia proprietaria di cromatografia a sostituzione assistita da ligandi (LAD) per separazioni e purificazioni efficienti, a costi contenuti e rispettose dell'ambiente degli elementi delle terre rare.

Il CEO Mark Jensen ha sottolineato la posizione unica di ReElement nel produrre sia carbonato di litio di grado batterie che ossidi di terre rare di grado magnete nello stesso impianto, con una struttura dei costi competitiva. L'azienda sta collaborando con vari fornitori di minerali e materiali riciclati per rifornire il suo impianto di Marion e mira a catalizzare una catena di approvvigionamento di minerali critici domestici.

La subsidiaria de American Resources, ReElement Technologies, ha ampliado la producción para incluir el refinado diario de óxidos de tierras raras en su Planta de Calificación de Clientes en Noblesville. La compañía ahora produce tanto tierras raras ligeras (Nd, Pr) como tierras raras pesadas (Dy, Tb) con una pureza superior al 99,5%, junto con su producción existente de carbonato de litio. Esta expansión se lleva a cabo mientras ReElement comienza a construir su Centro de Tecnología Avanzada de Marion a gran escala.

ReElement ha integrado la automatización de procesos y operaciones de columnas cromatográficas autónomas, aumentando la capacidad aproximadamente 3 veces sin costos adicionales de mano de obra. La compañía utiliza una tecnología de cromatografía por desplazamiento asistido por ligandos (LAD) para la separación y purificación eficiente, rentable y ambientalmente segura de elementos de tierras raras.

El CEO Mark Jensen enfatizó la posición única de ReElement al producir tanto carbonato de litio de grado batería como óxidos de tierras raras de grado imán en la misma instalación, con una estructura de costos competitiva. La empresa está trabajando con varios proveedores de mineral y material reciclado para abastecer su instalación de Marion y busca catalizar una cadena de suministro doméstica de minerales críticos.

American Resources의 자회사인 ReElement Technologies는 노블즈빌 고객 자격 공장에서 매일 희토류 산화물 정제를 포함하도록 생산을 확장했습니다. 이 회사는 이제 기존의 리튬 탄산염 생산과 함께 99.5% 이상의 순도를 가진 경량(Nd, Pr) 및 중량 희토류(Dy, Tb)를 모두 생산하고 있습니다. 이 확장은 ReElement가 대규모 Marion 첨단 기술 센터를 건설하기 시작함에 따라 이루어집니다.

ReElement는 프로세스 자동화와 자율 크로마토그래픽 컬럼 작업을 통합하여 인력 비용 없이 용량을 약 3배 증가시켰습니다. 이 회사는 희토류 요소의 효율적이고 비용 효과적이며 환경적으로 안전한 분리 및 정화를 위해 독점적인 리간드 보조 치환(LAD) 크로마토그래피 기술을 사용합니다.

CEO Mark Jensen은 ReElement가 동일한 시설에서 배터리 등급 리튬 탄산염과 자석 등급 희토류 산화물을 모두 생산할 수 있는 독특한 위치에 있다고 강조했으며, 경쟁력 있는 비용 구조를 가지고 있습니다. 이 회사는 Marion 시설에 공급하기 위해 다양한 광물 및 재활용 재료 제공업체와 협력하고 있으며, 국내 핵심 광물 공급망을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La filiale d'American Resources, ReElement Technologies, a étendu sa production pour inclure le raffinage quotidien des oxydes de terres rares dans son usine de Qualification Client à Noblesville. L'entreprise produit désormais à la fois des terres rares légères (Nd, Pr) et lourdes (Dy, Tb) avec une pureté de plus de 99,5%, en plus de sa production existante de carbonate de lithium. Cette expansion se fait alors que ReElement commence à construire son Centre de Technologie Avancée Marion à grande échelle.

ReElement a intégré l'automatisation des processus et les opérations de colonnes chromatographiques autonomes, augmentant ainsi la capacité d'environ 3 fois sans coûts de travail supplémentaires. L'entreprise utilise une technologie de chromatographie par déplacement assisté par ligand (LAD) pour une séparation et une purification des éléments des terres rares efficaces, rentables et respectueuses de l'environnement.

Le CEO Mark Jensen a souligné la position unique de ReElement de produire à la fois du carbonate de lithium de qualité batterie et des oxydes de terres rares de qualité aimant dans la même installation, avec une structure de coûts compétitive. L'entreprise collabore avec divers fournisseurs de minerais et de matériaux recyclés pour approvisionner son usine de Marion et vise à catalyser une chaîne d'approvisionnement domestique pour les minéraux critiques.

Die Tochtergesellschaft von American Resources, ReElement Technologies, hat die Produktion erweitert, um die tägliche Raffinierung von Seltenen Erden Oxiden einzuschließen in ihrer Kundenqualifizierungsanlage in Noblesville. Das Unternehmen produziert jetzt sowohl leichte (Nd, Pr) als auch schwere Seltene Erden (Dy, Tb) mit über 99,5% Reinheit, zusätzlich zu seiner bestehenden Produktion von Lithiumcarbonat. Diese Erweiterung erfolgt, während ReElement mit dem Bau seines großangelegten Marion Advanced Technology Centers beginnt.

ReElement hat Prozessautomatisierung und autonome chromatographische Säulenbetriebe integriert, wodurch die Kapazität um etwa das Dreifache erhöht wird, ohne zusätzliche Arbeitskosten. Das Unternehmen nutzt proprietäre ligandengestützte Displacement (LAD) Chromatographietechnologie zur effizienten, kosteneffektiven und umweltfreundlichen Trennung und Reinigung von Seltenen Erden.

CEO Mark Jensen betonte die einzigartige Position von ReElement, sowohl lithiumgradiges Lithiumcarbonat als auch magnetgradige Seltene Erden Oxide in derselben Anlage zu produzieren, mit einer wettbewerbsfähigen Kostenstruktur. Das Unternehmen arbeitet mit verschiedenen Erz- und Recyclingmaterialanbietern zusammen, um sein Marion-Werk zu versorgen und strebt an, eine inländische Versorgungskette für kritische Mineralien zu katalysieren.

  • Expanded production to include daily rare earth oxide refining at 99.5%+ purity
  • Integrated process automation, increasing capacity by 3 times without additional labor costs
  • Unique position in producing both battery-grade lithium carbonate and magnet-grade rare earth oxides in the same facility
  • Competitive cost structure compared to Chinese market
  • Working with multiple ore and recycled material providers for feedstock supply
  • None.


ReElement Technologies' expansion into daily production of rare earth oxides marks a significant milestone for American Resources The ability to produce both light and heavy rare earth elements at 99.5%+ purity demonstrates technological prowess and positions the company as a key player in the domestic critical minerals supply chain. The integration of process automation, increasing capacity by 3x without additional labor costs, suggests improved operational efficiency and potential for higher margins.

The company's unique capability to produce both battery-grade lithium carbonate and magnet-grade rare earth oxides in the same facility is a strong competitive advantage. This versatility, combined with a claimed cost structure that can compete with or undercut Chinese prices, could lead to significant market share gains and revenue growth. The expansion of production capabilities at Noblesville, while simultaneously developing the larger Marion facility, indicates a well-planned growth strategy.

However, investors should note that the company's market cap of $75 million suggests it's still in a growth phase and profitability may take time to materialize. The success of this expansion will largely depend on ReElement's ability to secure long-term contracts and maintain its cost advantages as it scales up operations.

ReElement's ligand assisted displacement (LAD) chromatography technology represents a significant advancement in rare earth element (REE) processing. This method offers several advantages over traditional solvent extraction:

  • Higher yield and efficiency
  • Reduced environmental impact
  • Flexibility to process various feedstocks
  • Scalability and modularity

The ability to process both recycled materials and virgin ores positions ReElement to capitalize on the circular economy trend and secure diverse supply sources. The company's claim of achieving ultra-pure REE oxides at competitive prices is particularly noteworthy, as purity and cost are critical factors in the REE market.

The expansion to include rare earth ores in their patent portfolio strengthens their intellectual property position. This could create barriers to entry for competitors and potentially lead to licensing opportunities. However, the true test will be in scaling this technology to commercial volumes while maintaining the claimed cost and purity advantages. Investors should monitor the progress of the Marion Advanced Technology Center, as its successful implementation will be important for realizing the full potential of this technology.

Company is producing both light (Nd, Pr) and heavy rare earths (Dy, Tb) at 99.5%+ purity

Utilizing its proprietary technology at its Noblesville, IN Customer Qualification Plant to produce purified products for customers' orders while equipment is being ordered for Marion Advanced Technology Center for additional growth of magnet recycling and rare earth ore processing

Company increases scale and efficiencies at its Noblesville Customer Qualification Plant through process automation

FISHERS, IN / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:AREC) ("American Resources" or the "Company") announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary, ReElement Technologies Corporation ("ReElement"), a leading provider of high-performance refining capacity for rare earth and critical battery elements, is expanding to produce rare earth oxides on a daily basis for existing customer orders in addition to its daily production of lithium carbonate at its Noblesville Customer Qualification Plant. This expansion at its Noblesville Plant is occurring as the Company starts the build out phase of its large-scale Marion, IN Advanced Technology Center. ReElement will produce both light and heavy rare earth oxides for customer deliveries, in its Noblesville Plant, while it expands its footprint and capabilities in Marion, IN. Furthermore, ReElement recently integrated process automation and autonomous chromatographic column operations allowing the Company to increase capacity by approximately 3-times without additional labor cost.

Mark Jensen, CEO of ReElement Technologies said, "We are thankful for our teams ability to quickly mobilize to meet the needs of our customers. We were presented with an opportunity with a customer that needs product this year which required us to combine forces in our Noblesville plant to continually expand lithium carbonate production while sharing space with our rare earth oxide refining line. There is nobody else in the world producing battery-grade lithium carbonate and magnet-grade rare earth oxides (heavy and light) out of the same facility and most importantly, we are confident that nobody can compete with our commercial scale cost structure. Our ability to quickly respond to the needs of the critical mineral markets showcases the efficiency of our platform technology and the necessary attributes needed to be sustainable and competitive in this market."

Mark Jensen added, "Producing separated and refined light and heavy rare earth oxides from both recycled feedstocks as well as virgin ores is a core competency of our technology. More importantly is the fact that we can achieve ultra-pure, separate rare earth oxides at a price point that is highly competitive to the Chinese market, if not lower. We are working with numerous ore and recycled material providers to feed our Marion Advanced Technology Center as we build out the facility. We are excited to continue to collaborate up and down the supply chain to catalyze a healthy, domestic critical mineral supply chain."

ReElement is working with customers and partners to either process both light and heavy rare earths from all feedstocks at its Marion Advanced Technology Center. ReElement is also working with producers and miners to collocate at their site to cost effectively and efficiently separate and purify concentrated materials without having to incur logistics costs, carbon footprint exposure or high environmental impact, while reducing CapEx and OpEx for projects.

In April of 2024 ReElement announced it has expanded its exclusive use of the patents for ligand assisted displacement ("LAD") chromatography and knowhow for all feedstocks to include rare earth ores. These exclusive patents and technologies, developed at Purdue University, have been utilized by ReElement at its Noblesville, Indiana Commercial Qualification Facility to produce ultra-pure rare earth oxides and critical battery elements to the growing magnet and energy storage industries. ReElement has successfully developed its critical mineral platform technology providing a high performance and scalable solution for separating, purifying and refining rare earth and critical elements in an efficient, low cost and environmentally safe process outside of China.

Ligand Assisted Displacement ("LAD") Chromatographic Separation and Purification

The use of LAD chromatography to separate, purify and refine rare earth and critical elements is the most cost effective and environmentally safe methods utilized to date. LAD chromatography, as designed for rare earth element extraction and purification, is a much cleaner and greener purification process compared to conventional solvent-based extraction methods. It has a higher yield, productivity, flexibility and efficiency allowing for smaller and scalable processing volume without the harsh or toxic chemicals.

The technology enables:

  • Modular and scalable production capacity (growing processing volumes efficiently as feedstock production expands);

  • Localization of processing (Removing the need to transport raw ore across the world);

  • Significantly less chemical and energy use; and

  • Versatility of technology for multiple feedstocks (ores, recycled material, etc.).

Learn more about ReElement Technologies' process and technology here - Video.

About ReElement Technologies Corporation

ReElement Technologies Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:AREC), is a leading provider of high-performance refining capacity for rare earth and critical battery elements. Its multi-mineral, multi-feedstock platform technology focuses on the refining of recycled material from rare earth permanent magnets and lithium-ion batteries, concentrated ores and brines, as well as coal-based waste streams and byproducts to create a cost effective and environmentally-safe, circular supply chain. ReElement has developed its innovative and scalable "Powered by ReElement" process which collaboratively utilizes its exclusively licensed intellectual property within its partners' material processing flow sheets to more efficiently support the global supply chain's growing demand for magnet and battery-grade products. For more information visit or connect with the Company on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

About American Resources Corporation

American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:AREC) is a next-generation, environmentally and socially responsible supplier of high-quality raw materials to the new infrastructure market. The Company is focused on the extraction and processing of metallurgical carbon, an essential ingredient used in steelmaking, critical and rare earth minerals for the electrification market, and reprocessed metal to be recycled. American Resources has a growing portfolio of operations located in the Central Appalachian basin of eastern Kentucky and southern West Virginia where premium quality metallurgical carbon and rare earth mineral deposits are concentrated.

American Resources has established a nimble, low-cost business model centered on growth, which provides a significant opportunity to scale its portfolio of assets to meet the growing global infrastructure and electrification markets while also continuing to acquire operations and significantly reduce their legacy industry risks. Its streamlined and efficient operations are able to maximize margins while reducing costs. For more information visit or connect with the Company on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other important factors that could cause the Company's actual results, performance, or achievements or industry results to differ materially from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond American Resources Corporation's control. The words "believes", "may", "will", "should", "would", "could", "continue", "seeks", "anticipates", "plans", "expects", "intends", "estimates", or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. Any forward-looking statements included in this press release are made only as of the date of this release. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or supplement any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. The Company cannot assure you that the projected results or events will be achieved.

Investor Contact:

Jenene Thomas

RedChip Companies Inc.
Robert Foley
1-800-RED-CHIP (733-2447)

Company Contact:

Mark LaVerghetta
317-855-9926 ext. 0

SOURCE: American Resources Corporation

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What rare earth elements is ReElement Technologies producing daily?

ReElement Technologies is producing both light rare earths (Neodymium and Praseodymium) and heavy rare earths (Dysprosium and Terbium) at 99.5%+ purity on a daily basis.

How has ReElement Technologies increased its production capacity at the Noblesville plant?

ReElement Technologies has integrated process automation and autonomous chromatographic column operations, which has increased capacity by approximately 3 times without additional labor costs.

What technology does ReElement Technologies use for rare earth element separation and purification?

ReElement Technologies uses Ligand Assisted Displacement (LAD) chromatography technology for efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally safe separation and purification of rare earth elements.

Where is ReElement Technologies building its large-scale Advanced Technology Center?

ReElement Technologies is building its large-scale Advanced Technology Center in Marion, Indiana.

What is the stock symbol for American Resources (AREC)?

The stock symbol for American Resources is NASDAQ:AREC.



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