American Rebel Holdings, Inc. Ships Initial Order of 12oz and 16oz “Tall Boy” cans of American Rebel Light Beer to leading Tennessee Distributor, Best Brands Incorporated

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Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) has announced the shipment and delivery of its initial order of American Rebel Light Lager in 12oz and 16oz "Tall Boy" cans to Best Brands Incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee. Best Brands will focus on expanding American Rebel Light Beer distribution throughout Tennessee, with an initial emphasis on Nashville's leading on-premise bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

The partnership aims to capitalize on Nashville's booming economy, growing population, and the millions of visitors to "Music City." American Rebel Beer and Best Brands have secured commitments from several iconic bars in Nashville's Entertainment and Broadway districts. The company expects this partnership to create viral demand for American Rebel Light Beer as visitors return home with fond memories of their Nashville experience.

American Rebel Light Beer, produced in partnership with AlcSource, recently completed its first full production run of 12oz and 16oz "Tall Boy" cans. The company reports that demand for their premium light lager continues to exceed expectations.

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) ha annunciato la spedizione e la consegna del suo ordine iniziale di American Rebel Light Lager in lattine da 12oz e 16oz "Tall Boy" a Best Brands Incorporated a Nashville, Tennessee. Best Brands si concentrerà sull'espansione della distribuzione della birra American Rebel Light in tutto il Tennessee, con un'iniziale enfasi sui principali bar, ristoranti e luoghi di intrattenimento di Nashville.

La partnership mira a capitalizzare sull'economia in crescita di Nashville, sulla popolazione in aumento e sui milioni di visitatori di "Music City." American Rebel Beer e Best Brands hanno ottenuto impegni da diversi bar iconici nei distretti di intrattenimento e Broadway di Nashville. L'azienda si aspetta che questa partnership crei una domanda virale per la birra American Rebel Light mentre i visitatori tornano a casa con bei ricordi della loro esperienza a Nashville.

La birra American Rebel Light, prodotta in collaborazione con AlcSource, ha recentemente completato il suo primo ciclo di produzione completo di lattine da 12oz e 16oz "Tall Boy". L'azienda riferisce che la domanda per la loro premium light lager continua a superare le aspettative.

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) ha anunciado el envío y entrega de su pedido inicial de American Rebel Light Lager en latas de 12oz y 16oz "Tall Boy" a Best Brands Incorporated en Nashville, Tennessee. Best Brands se enfocará en expandir la distribución de la cerveza American Rebel Light en todo Tennessee, con un énfasis inicial en los principales bares, restaurantes y lugares de entretenimiento de Nashville.

La asociación tiene como objetivo capitalizar la economía en auge de Nashville, el crecimiento de la población y los millones de visitantes a "Music City." American Rebel Beer y Best Brands han asegurado compromisos de varios bares icónicos en los distritos de entretenimiento y Broadway de Nashville. La empresa espera que esta asociación genere una demanda viral por la cerveza American Rebel Light a medida que los visitantes regresen a casa con gratos recuerdos de su experiencia en Nashville.

La cerveza American Rebel Light, producida en colaboración con AlcSource, recientemente completó su primera producción completa de latas de 12oz y 16oz "Tall Boy". La empresa informa que la demanda de su premium light lager sigue superando las expectativas.

미국 레벨 홀딩스, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB)는 테네시 주 내쉬빌에 있는 Best Brands Incorporated에 12oz 및 16oz "Tall Boy" 캔의 초기 주문인 American Rebel Light Lager의 배송 및 인도를 발표했습니다. Best Brands는 내쉬빌의 주요 현장 바, 레스토랑 및 엔터테인먼트 장소에서 시작하여 테네시 전역에 American Rebel Light Beer 유통을 확대하는 데 집중할 것입니다.

이번 파트너십은 내쉬빌의 호황을 이루고 있는 경제와 증가하는 인구, "뮤직 시티"에 수백만 명의 방문객이 몰리는 것을 활용하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. American Rebel Beer와 Best Brands는 내쉬빌의 엔터테인먼트 및 브로드웨이 지역의 여러 유명한 바에서 약속을 확보했습니다. 이 회사는 방문객들이 내쉬빌의 경험을 갖고 집으로 돌아가며 American Rebel Light Beer에 대한 입소문을 생성할 것으로 기대하고 있습니다.

AlcSource와 협력하여 생산된 American Rebel Light Beer는 최근 12oz 및 16oz "Tall Boy" 캔의 첫 번째 전체 생산을 완료했습니다. 이 회사는 프리미엄 라이트 라거에 대한 수요가 계속해서 기대치를 초과하고 있다고 보고했습니다.

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) a annoncé l'expédition et la livraison de sa commande initiale de American Rebel Light Lager en canettes de 12oz et 16oz "Tall Boy" à Best Brands Incorporated à Nashville, Tennessee. Best Brands se concentrera sur l'expansion de la distribution de la bière American Rebel Light à travers le Tennessee, en mettant l'accent au départ sur les principaux bars, restaurants et lieux de divertissement de Nashville.

Le partenariat vise à tirer parti de l'économie florissante de Nashville, de la croissance de la population et des millions de visiteurs de "Music City." American Rebel Beer et Best Brands ont obtenu des engagements de plusieurs bars emblématiques dans les districts de divertissement et Broadway de Nashville. L'entreprise s'attend à ce que ce partenariat génère une demande virale pour la bière American Rebel Light à mesure que les visiteurs retournent chez eux avec de précieux souvenirs de leur expérience à Nashville.

La bière American Rebel Light, produite en collaboration avec AlcSource, a récemment terminé sa première production complète de canettes de 12oz et 16oz "Tall Boy". L'entreprise rapporte que la demande pour leur lager léger premium continue de dépasser les attentes.

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) hat den Versand und die Lieferung seiner ersten Bestellung von American Rebel Light Lager in 12oz und 16oz "Tall Boy" Dosen an Best Brands Incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee, angekündigt. Best Brands wird sich darauf konzentrieren, die Verteilung von American Rebel Light Beer in Tennessee zu erweitern, wobei der Schwerpunkt zunächst auf den führenden Bars, Restaurants und Unterhaltungsstätten von Nashville liegt.

Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, von der boomenden Wirtschaft, der wachsenden Bevölkerung und den Millionen von Besuchern in "Music City" zu profitieren. American Rebel Beer und Best Brands haben Zusagen von mehreren ikonischen Bars in den Unterhaltungs- und Broadway-Distrikten von Nashville gesichert. Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass diese Partnerschaft eine virale Nachfrage nach American Rebel Light Beer schaffen wird, während die Besucher mit schönen Erinnerungen an ihr Nashville-Erlebnis nach Hause zurückkehren.

Die American Rebel Light Beer, die in Zusammenarbeit mit AlcSource hergestellt wird, hat kürzlich ihren ersten vollständigen Produktionslauf von 12oz und 16oz "Tall Boy" Dosen abgeschlossen. Das Unternehmen berichtet, dass die Nachfrage nach ihrem Premium Light Lager weiterhin die Erwartungen übertrifft.

  • Initial order of American Rebel Light Lager shipped and delivered to Best Brands Incorporated
  • Partnership with Best Brands to expand distribution throughout Tennessee
  • Secured commitments from iconic bars in Nashville's Entertainment and Broadway districts
  • Completed first full production run of 12oz and 16oz "Tall Boy" cans
  • Demand for American Rebel Premium Light Lager exceeding expectations
  • None.


The launch of American Rebel Light Beer in Nashville marks a strategic move for American Rebel Holdings (AREB). Partnering with Best Brands Incorporated for distribution in Tennessee, particularly focusing on Nashville's vibrant entertainment district, positions the brand to capitalize on the city's 14.4 million annual visitors and thriving nightlife scene.

This initial shipment, while a positive step, is not likely to have an immediate significant impact on AREB's financials. However, the potential for growth is substantial given Nashville's reputation for high alcohol sales density. The strategy of targeting high-traffic entertainment venues could lead to rapid brand exposure and potential viral marketing as tourists return home.

Investors should monitor the following key performance indicators:

  • Rate of expansion to additional venues in Nashville
  • Sales volume in initial locations
  • Speed of expansion to other Tennessee markets
  • Consumer reception and repeat purchase rates

While promising, it's important to note that the beer market is highly competitive and establishing a new brand can be challenging. The success of this launch will be important in determining AREB's potential in the beverage sector, which is a new venture for a company previously known for safes and security products.

Nashville, TN, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) ("American Rebel" or the "Company"), America’s Patriotic Brand and the creator of American Rebel Beer (, and branded safes, personal security and self-defense products and apparel, announced they received, shipped and delivered the initial order of American Rebel Light Lager in 12oz and 16oz “Tall Boy” cans to Best Brands Incorporated, based in Nashville, Tennessee.

Best Brands ( has a product portfolio that services all the major Tennessee markets including Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville and Chattanooga and will be primarily focused on expansion of American Rebel Light Beer in on and off premise accounts throughout the state of Tennessee with an initial focus on servicing the leading on-premise bars, restaurants and entertainment venues in Nashville (“Music City”), the home of American Rebel and Best Brands.

“We’re excited to be partnered with Best Brands in Tennessee and look forward to working with them so that the millions of visitors to Music City will be able to enjoy American Rebel Light Beer,” said Andy Ross, Chief Executive Officer of American Rebel. “Nashville, Tennessee is our home market, and it is the ideal place for people to enjoy an ice-cold American Rebel Light Beer while experiencing the sights and sounds of Nashville’s world-famous nightlife. Nashville boasts a booming economy, surging population, fantastic food and now residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the best of Music City with an American Rebel Light – America’s Patriotic, God-Fearing, Constitution-Loving, National Anthem-Singing, Stand Your Ground Beer.”

American Rebel Beer and Best Brands have lined up multiple commitments in advance from several of the iconic bars in the Nashville Entertainment and Broadway districts. Local industry experts say these bars, restaurants and entertainment venues sell more alcohol per square mile than anywhere else in the world.  

“We are thrilled to announce that we have completed our first shipment of American Rebel Light Beer to Best Brands and look forward to working with Best Brands to bring an unparalleled experience to the beer drinking patrons who come from across this great nation to visit Broadway and celebrate this great country,” said Todd Porter, President of American Rebel Beverages, LLC, a wholly-owned operating subsidiary of American Rebel Holdings. “With 14.4 million visitors annually, Nashville will be our main hub and focal point for our customers and consumers. The combination of Broadway and American Rebel Light Beer will be a powerful, unforgettable experience. We look forward to creating additional viral demand for American Rebel Light Beer when the millions of beer drinkers who visit Nashville return home with fond memories and want our beer in their local markets to help remind them of their time in Nashville, Music City USA.”

American Rebel Beer, a premium light lager, recently completed its first full production run of American Rebel Light Beer 12oz and 16oz “Tall Boy” cans. Demand for American Rebel Premium Light Lager continues to exceed expectations, and we will continue to announce additional territories as we continue to expand across America.

American Rebel Light is produced in partnership with AlcSource, the largest integrated provider of beverage development, sourcing, and production solutions in the U.S.

For an updated list of locations featuring American Rebel Light, visit

About American Rebel Holdings, Inc.

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: AREB) has operated primarily as a designer, manufacturer and marketer of branded safes and personal security and self-defense products and has recently transitioned into the beverage industry through the introduction of American Rebel Beer by its wholly-owned subsidiary American Rebel Beverages, LLC. The Company also designs and produces branded apparel and accessories. To learn more, visit and For investor information, visit

About Best Brands, Inc.

Best Brands, Inc. is a leading distributor of wines, spirits and beer, with four primary coverage areas of western Tennessee, middle Tennessee, southeastern Tennessee and northeastern Tennessee. Best Brands is a major force in the Tennessee market with an experienced management team and a sales staff second to none. Best Brands’ people’s devotion to promoting and growing their brands, both on-premise and off-premise, separates them from their competition. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. American Rebel Holdings, Inc., (NASDAQ: AREB; AREBW) (the “Company,” "American Rebel,” “we,” “our” or “us”) desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. The words "forecasts" "believe," "may," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "should," "plan," "could," "target," "potential," "is likely," "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to us, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We have based these forward-looking statements primarily on our current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that we believe may affect our financial condition, results of operations, business strategy, and financial needs. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ from those in the forward-looking statements include continued increase in revenues, actual size of Best Brands, actual sales to be derived from Best Brands, implied or perceived benefits resulting from the Best Brands agreement, actual launch timing and availability of American Rebel Beer in additional markets, our ability to effectively execute our business plan, and the Risk Factors contained within our filings with the SEC, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. Any forward-looking statement made by us herein speaks only as of the date on which it is made. Factors or events that could cause our actual results to differ may emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all of them. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by law.

Company Contact:

James “Todd” Porter
American Rebel Beverages, LLC

Investor Relations:
Brian Prenoveau
MZ North America
+1 (561) 489-5315



What is the initial order of American Rebel Light Beer that was shipped to Best Brands Incorporated?

American Rebel Holdings, Inc. shipped and delivered an initial order of American Rebel Light Lager in 12oz and 16oz "Tall Boy" cans to Best Brands Incorporated in Nashville, Tennessee.

Which markets will Best Brands focus on for American Rebel Light Beer distribution?

Best Brands will focus on expanding American Rebel Light Beer distribution throughout Tennessee, with an initial emphasis on Nashville's leading on-premise bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues.

How many visitors does Nashville receive annually, according to the press release?

According to the press release, Nashville receives 14.4 million visitors annually.

Who is the production partner for American Rebel Light Beer?

American Rebel Light Beer is produced in partnership with AlcSource, the largest integrated provider of beverage development, sourcing, and production solutions in the U.S.

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