Ardelyx Announces Publication of a Review Article Exploring the Patient Burden and Therapeutic Landscape of IBS-C in the U.S. in Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology

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Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX) announced the publication of a review article titled 'Review of the Patient Burden and Therapeutic Landscape of Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Constipation in the United States' in Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. The article provides an overview of treatment options and disease management for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) from a U.S. perspective.

Key points from the article include:

  • The high disease burden of IBS-C, affecting economic, social, and mental health aspects
  • The importance of the patient-healthcare provider relationship in diagnosis and treatment
  • Recommendation for a positive diagnostic strategy based on clinical history, physical examination, and minimal laboratory tests
  • Review of the treatment journey, from lifestyle interventions to FDA-approved therapies
  • Mention of IBSRELA® (tenapanor) as one of the approved therapies, with data from T3MPO-1 and T3MPO-2 studies included

Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX) ha annunciato la pubblicazione di un articolo di revisione intitolato 'Revisione del carico del paziente e del panorama terapeutico della sindrome dell'intestino irritabile con costipazione negli Stati Uniti' su Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. L'articolo offre una panoramica delle opzioni di trattamento e della gestione della malattia per la sindrome dell'intestino irritabile con costipazione (IBS-C) dal punto di vista statunitense.

Punti chiave dell'articolo includono:

  • Il carico elevato della malattia da IBS-C, che influisce sugli aspetti economici, sociali e di salute mentale
  • L'importanza della relazione tra paziente e operatore sanitario nella diagnosi e nel trattamento
  • Raccomandazione per una strategia diagnostica positiva basata sulla storia clinica, esame fisico e test di laboratorio minimi
  • Rassegna del percorso di trattamento, dalle interventi sullo stile di vita alle terapie approvate dalla FDA
  • Menzione di IBSRELA® (tenapanor) come una delle terapie approvate, con dati inclusi dagli studi T3MPO-1 e T3MPO-2

Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX) anunció la publicación de un artículo de revisión titulado 'Revisión de la carga del paciente y del panorama terapéutico del síndrome del intestino irritable con estreñimiento en los Estados Unidos' en Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. El artículo proporciona una visión general de las opciones de tratamiento y manejo de la enfermedad para el síndrome del intestino irritable con estreñimiento (IBS-C) desde una perspectiva estadounidense.

Puntos clave del artículo incluyen:

  • La alta carga de la enfermedad de IBS-C, que afecta aspectos económicos, sociales y de salud mental
  • La importancia de la relación entre el paciente y el proveedor de atención médica en el diagnóstico y tratamiento
  • Recomendación para una estrategia de diagnóstico positiva basada en la historia clínica, examen físico y pruebas de laboratorio mínimas
  • Revisión del recorrido de tratamiento, desde intervenciones en el estilo de vida hasta terapias aprobadas por la FDA
  • Mención de IBSRELA® (tenapanor) como una de las terapias aprobadas, incluida información de los estudios T3MPO-1 y T3MPO-2

Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX)는 '미국 내 변비가 동반된 Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS-C)의 환자 부담 및 치료 생태계에 대한 리뷰'라는 제목의 리뷰 기사가 Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology에 게재되었음을 발표했습니다. 이 기사는 미국의 관점에서 변비를 동반한 과민성 장 증후군(IBS-C)의 치료 옵션 및 질병 관리에 대한 개요를 제공합니다.

기사의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • IBS-C의 높은 질병 부담, 이는 경제적, 사회적 및 정신 건강 측면에 영향을 미칩니다
  • 진단과 치료에서 환자와 의료 제공자 간의 관계의 중요성
  • 임상 병력, 신체 검사 및 최소한의 실험실 검사를 기반으로 한 긍정적인 진단 전략에 대한 권장 사항
  • 라이프스타일 개입부터 FDA 승인 치료에 이르는 치료 여정의 검토
  • IBSRELA® (tenapanor)라는 승인을 받은 치료제 중 하나로 언급, T3MPO-1 및 T3MPO-2 연구의 데이터 포함

Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX) a annoncé la publication d'un article de revue intitulé 'Revue de la charge des patients et du paysage thérapeutique du syndrome de l'intestin irritable avec constipation aux États-Unis' dans Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology. L'article fournit un aperçu des options de traitement et de la gestion de la maladie pour le syndrome de l'intestin irritable avec constipation (IBS-C) du point de vue américain.

Les points clés de l'article comprennent :

  • Le lourd fardeau de la maladie IBS-C, affectant les aspects économiques, sociaux et de santé mentale
  • L'importance de la relation patient-fournisseur de soins dans le diagnostic et le traitement
  • Recommandation d'une stratégie de diagnostic positive basée sur l'histoire clinique, l'examen physique et des tests de laboratoire minimaux
  • Revue du parcours de traitement, des interventions sur le mode de vie aux thérapies approuvées par la FDA
  • Mention d'IBSRELA® (tenapanor) comme l'une des thérapies approuvées, avec des données des études T3MPO-1 et T3MPO-2 incluses

Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX) gab die Veröffentlichung eines Übersichtsartikels mit dem Titel 'Überblick über die Patientenbelastung und das therapeutische Angebot des Reizdarmsyndroms mit Verstopfung in den Vereinigten Staaten' in Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology bekannt. Der Artikel bietet einen Überblick über Behandlungsoptionen und das Management der Erkrankung für das Reizdarmsyndrom mit Verstopfung (IBS-C) aus der Perspektive der USA.

Wichtige Punkte des Artikels sind:

  • Die hohe Krankheitslast von IBS-C, die wirtschaftliche, soziale und psychische Gesundheitsaspekte betrifft
  • Die Bedeutung der Beziehung zwischen Patient und Gesundheitsdienstleister bei Diagnostik und Behandlung
  • Empfehlung für eine positive Diagnosestrategie, die auf Anamnese, körperlicher Untersuchung und minimalen Labortests basiert
  • Überprüfung des Behandlungswegs, von Lebensstilinterventionen bis hin zu von der FDA zugelassenen Therapien
  • Erwähnung von IBSRELA® (tenapanor) als einer der zugelassenen Therapien, wobei Daten aus den Studien T3MPO-1 und T3MPO-2 einbezogen sind
  • Publication of a review article in a peer-reviewed journal, potentially increasing visibility for Ardelyx's IBS-C treatment
  • Inclusion of IBSRELA® (tenapanor) as an FDA-approved therapy in the review, potentially boosting its credibility
  • None.

WALTHAM, Mass., Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ardelyx, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARDX), a biopharmaceutical company founded with a mission to discover, develop and commercialize innovative, first-in-class medicines that meet significant unmet medical needs, today announced the recent publication of a review article, titled “Review of the Patient Burden and Therapeutic Landscape of Irritable Bowel Syndrome With Constipation in the United States” in Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology, an international, peer reviewed, open access journal focusing on all aspects of gastroenterology research, as well as clinical results in human, animal and in vitro studies that shed light on disease processes and potential new therapies.

The article provides an overview of treatment options and disease management for irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) from a U.S. perspective and discusses the importance of the relationship between patient and health care provider in diagnosis and treatment. It recommends a positive diagnostic strategy for IBS-C, based on clinical history, physical examination, and minimal laboratory tests.

“IBS-C patients often experience a high level of disease burden across a variety of factors which extend beyond the physical symptoms associated with the condition. Patients often report negative economic, social and mental health impacts due to IBS-C, which makes even daily activities challenging,” said Morgan Allyn Sendzischew Shane, MD, Division of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disease, University of Miami and lead author of the article. “It’s critical that the larger healthcare community understands the full patient experience, especially as we see how important the patient and healthcare provider relationship is in regard to diagnosis and treatment.”

The authors review the substantial societal burden in terms of health care costs, opportunity costs and decreased quality of life that comes with IBS-C. The article also reviews the treatment journey a patient with IBS-C may experience, beginning with lifestyle interventions and nonpharmacologic options, with progression to a U.S. FDA-approved therapy. IBSRELA® (tenapanor) is identified as one of the currently approved therapies, with data from the T3MPO-1 and T3MPO-2 studies included within the review. IBSRELA is a first-in-class treatment for IBS-C in adults that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The article is available online and can be accessed here.

About IBSRELA® (tenapanor)
IBSRELA (tenapanor) is a locally acting inhibitor of the sodium/hydrogen exchanger 3 (NHE3), an antiporter expressed on the apical surface of the small intestine and colon primarily responsible for the absorption of dietary sodium. By inhibiting NHE3 on the apical surface of the enterocytes, tenapanor reduces absorption of sodium from the small intestine and colon, thus retaining luminal water content, which accelerates intestinal transit time and results in a softer stool consistency. IBSRELA has also been shown to reduce abdominal pain by decreasing visceral hypersensitivity and by decreasing intestinal permeability in animal models. In a rat model of colonic hypersensitivity, tenapanor reduced visceral hyperalgesia and normalized colonic sensory neuronal excitability. Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warning, for additional risk information.

About Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation (IBS-C)
Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by both abdominal pain and altered bowel movements, estimated to affect 12 million people in the U.S. IBS-C is associated with significantly impaired quality of life, reduced productivity, and substantial economic burden.



IBSRELA is contraindicated in patients less than 6 years of age; in nonclinical studies in young juvenile rats administration of tenapanor caused deaths presumed to be due to dehydration. Avoid use of IBSRELA in patients 6 years to less than 12 years of age. The safety and effectiveness of IBSRELA have not been established in patients less than 18 years of age.

IBSRELA is contraindicated in:

  • patients less than 6 years of age due to the risk of serious dehydration
  • patients with known or suspected mechanical gastrointestinal obstruction

Risk of Serious Dehydration in Pediatric Patients

  • IBSRELA is contraindicated in patients below 6 years of age. The safety and effectiveness of IBSRELA in patients less than 18 years of age have not been established. In young juvenile rats (less than 1 week old; approximate human age equivalent of less than 2 years of age), decreased body weight and deaths occurred, presumed to be due to dehydration, following oral administration of tenapanor. There are no data available in older juvenile rats (human age equivalent 2 years to less than 12 years).
  • Avoid the use of IBSRELA in patients 6 years to less than 12 years of age. Although there are no data in older juvenile rats, given the deaths in younger rats and the lack of clinical safety and efficacy data in pediatric patients, avoid the use of IBSRELA in patients 6 years to less than 12 years of age.

Diarrhea was the most common adverse reaction in two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of IBS-C. Severe diarrhea was reported in 2.5% of IBSRELA-treated patients. If severe diarrhea occurs, suspend dosing and rehydrate patient.

The most common adverse reactions in IBSRELA-treated patients (incidence ≥2% and greater than placebo) were: diarrhea (16% vs 4% placebo), abdominal distension (3% vs <1%), flatulence (3% vs 1%) and dizziness (2% vs <1%).

IBSRELA (tenapanor) is indicated for the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation (IBS-C) in adults.

Please see full Prescribing Information, including Boxed Warning, for additional risk information.

About Ardelyx
Ardelyx was founded with a mission to discover, develop and commercialize innovative, first-in-class medicines that meet significant unmet medical needs. Ardelyx has two commercial products approved in the United States, IBSRELA® (tenapanor) and XPHOZAH® (tenapanor). Ardelyx has agreements for the development and commercialization of tenapanor outside of the U.S. Kyowa Kirin commercializes PHOZEVEL® (tenapanor) for hyperphosphatemia in Japan. A New Drug Application for tenapanor for hyperphosphatemia has been submitted in China with Fosun Pharma. Knight Therapeutics commercializes IBSRELA in Canada. For more information, please visit and connect with us on X (formerly known as Twitter), LinkedIn and Facebook.

Investor and Media Contacts:
Caitlin Lowie


What is the focus of the review article published about Ardelyx's (ARDX) IBS-C treatment?

The review article focuses on the patient burden and therapeutic landscape of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation (IBS-C) in the United States, including treatment options, disease management, and the importance of patient-healthcare provider relationships in diagnosis and treatment.

How is Ardelyx's (ARDX) IBSRELA® mentioned in the published review article?

IBSRELA® (tenapanor) is mentioned as one of the currently FDA-approved therapies for IBS-C, with data from the T3MPO-1 and T3MPO-2 studies included in the review.

What are the key points discussed in the review article about IBS-C published by Ardelyx (ARDX)?

The article discusses the high disease burden of IBS-C, its impact on economic, social, and mental health aspects, the importance of patient-healthcare provider relationships, recommendations for diagnosis, and the treatment journey from lifestyle interventions to FDA-approved therapies.

Where was the review article about Ardelyx's (ARDX) IBS-C treatment published?

The review article was published in Clinical and Experimental Gastroenterology, an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on all aspects of gastroenterology research.

Ardelyx, Inc.


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America