Arcturus Therapeutics Announces Second Quarter 2024 Financial Update and Pipeline Progress

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Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) announced its Q2 2024 financial results and pipeline progress. Key highlights include:

1. IND submitted for Phase 2 trial of ARCT-032 for cystic fibrosis
2. ARCT-810 (OTC deficiency) Phase 2 interim data expected in Q4
3. Kostaive® on track for Q4 commercial launch in Japan
4. Q2 revenue of $49.9 million, up from $10.5 million in Q2 2023
5. Net loss of $17.2 million ($0.64 per share) compared to $52.6 million ($1.98 per share) in Q2 2023
6. Cash position of $317.2 million as of June 30, 2024

The company's pipeline progress and financial results demonstrate continued advancement in mRNA therapeutics and a strengthened financial position.

Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) ha annunciato i risultati finanziari per il secondo trimestre del 2024 e i progressi nel suo pipeline. Tra i punti salienti ci sono:

1. Richiesta di IND per il trial di Fase 2 di ARCT-032 per la fibrosi cistica
2. Dati intermedi della Fase 2 per ARCT-810 (deficienza di OTC) attesi per il Q4
3. Kostaive® in programma per il lancio commerciale nel Q4 in Giappone
4. Ricavi del Q2 pari a 49,9 milioni di dollari, in aumento rispetto ai 10,5 milioni di dollari del Q2 2023
5. Perdita netta di 17,2 milioni di dollari (0,64 dollari per azione) rispetto ai 52,6 milioni di dollari (1,98 dollari per azione) del Q2 2023
6. Posizione di cassa di 317,2 milioni di dollari al 30 giugno 2024

I progressi nel pipeline della compagnia e i risultati finanziari dimostrano un avanzamento continuo nella terapia mRNA e una posizione finanziaria rinforzata.

Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) anunció los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y el progreso de su pipeline. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Solicitud de IND para el ensayo de Fase 2 de ARCT-032 para la fibrosis quística
2. Se esperan datos interinos de Fase 2 de ARCT-810 (deficiencia de OTC) para el Q4
3. Kostaive® en camino para el lanzamiento comercial en Japón en Q4
4. Ingresos del Q2 de 49,9 millones de dólares, en aumento desde 10,5 millones de dólares en el Q2 de 2023
5. Pérdida neta de 17,2 millones de dólares (0,64 dólares por acción) en comparación con 52,6 millones de dólares (1,98 dólares por acción) en el Q2 de 2023
6. Posición de efectivo de 317,2 millones de dólares al 30 de junio de 2024

El progreso del pipeline de la compañía y los resultados financieros demuestran un avance continuo en las terapias de mRNA y una posición financiera fortalecida.

Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과와 파이프라인 진행 상황을 발표했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는:

1. 낭포성 섬유증을 위한 ARCT-032의 2상 시험을 위한 IND 제출
2. ARCT-810 (OTC 결핍) 2상 중간 데이터가 4분기에 예상됨
3. Kostaive®는 일본에서 4분기 상용 출시를 위해 일정대로 진행 중
4. 2분기 매출이 4,990만 달러로, 2023년 2분기 1,050만 달러에서 증가
5. 2분기 순손실이 1,720만 달러(주당 0.64달러)로, 2023년 2분기 5,260만 달러(주당 1.98달러)와 비교됨
6. 2024년 6월 30일 기준 현금 보유액이 3억 1,720만 달러

회사의 파이프라인 진행 상황과 재무 결과는 mRNA 치료제의 지속적인 발전과 강화된 재무 상태를 보여줍니다.

Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre 2024 et les progrès de son pipeline. Les points clés incluent:

1. Demande d'IND soumise pour l'essai de Phase 2 d'ARCT-032 pour la fibrose kystique
2. Les données intermédiaires de Phase 2 pour ARCT-810 (déficit en OTC) sont attendues pour le Q4
3. Kostaive® est sur la bonne voie pour un lancement commercial au Q4 au Japon
4. Chiffre d'affaires du Q2 de 49,9 millions de dollars, en hausse par rapport à 10,5 millions de dollars au Q2 2023
5. Perte nette de 17,2 millions de dollars (0,64 dollars par action) par rapport à 52,6 millions de dollars (1,98 dollars par action) au Q2 2023
6. Position de trésorerie de 317,2 millions de dollars au 30 juin 2024

Les progrès du pipeline de l'entreprise et les résultats financiers démontrent une avancée continue dans les thérapies à base d'ARNm et une position financière renforcée.

Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 und den Fortschritt seiner Pipeline bekannt gegeben. Wesentliche Highlights sind:

1. IND-Antrag für die Phase-2-Studie von ARCT-032 für Mukoviszidose eingereicht
2. Interime Daten der Phase 2 für ARCT-810 (OTC-Mangel) werden im Q4 erwartet
3. Kostaive® ist auf Kurs für die kommerzielle Einführung im Q4 in Japan
4. Q2-Umsatz von 49,9 Millionen Dollar, ein Anstieg von 10,5 Millionen Dollar im Q2 2023
5. Nettoverlust von 17,2 Millionen Dollar (0,64 Dollar pro Aktie) im Vergleich zu 52,6 Millionen Dollar (1,98 Dollar pro Aktie) im Q2 2023
6. Bargeldposition von 317,2 Millionen Dollar am 30. Juni 2024

Der Fortschritt in der Pipeline des Unternehmens und die finanziellen Ergebnisse zeigen eine kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der mRNA-Therapeutika und eine gestärkte finanzielle Position.

  • Revenue increased significantly to $49.9 million in Q2 2024, up from $10.5 million in Q2 2023
  • Net loss decreased to $17.2 million in Q2 2024 from $52.6 million in Q2 2023
  • Strong cash position of $317.2 million as of June 30, 2024
  • IND submitted for Phase 2 trial of ARCT-032 for cystic fibrosis
  • Kostaive® on track for Q4 commercial launch in Japan
  • ARCT-810 Phase 2 interim data expected in Q4
  • Achieved $437.1 million in upfront payments and milestones from CSL partnership
  • Expected cash runway extends approximately three years through Q1 2027
  • Operating expenses increased to $71.0 million in Q2 2024 from $65.9 million in Q2 2023
  • Research and development expenses rose to $58.7 million in Q2 2024 from $52.7 million in Q2 2023

Arcturus Therapeutics' Q2 2024 results show significant revenue growth to $49.9 million, up $39.4 million from Q2 2023. This increase is primarily driven by the CSL agreement and Kostaive® manufacturing activities. However, the company still reported a net loss of $17.2 million, albeit improved from the $52.6 million loss in Q2 2023.

The company's cash position remains strong at $317.2 million, with an expected runway through Q1 2027. This financial stability, combined with potential future milestone payments from CSL, provides a solid foundation for ongoing R&D efforts. The 38.6% increase in R&D expenses to $58.7 million reflects continued investment in pipeline development, which could drive future growth.

Arcturus' pipeline progress is encouraging, particularly the IND submission for ARCT-032's Phase 2 trial in cystic fibrosis. This advancement, along with the ongoing ARCT-810 Phase 2 study for OTC deficiency, demonstrates the company's commitment to addressing rare diseases with high unmet needs.

The positive safety data from ARCT-032's Phase 1 trial is promising, especially considering the inclusion of patients with different CF genotypes. The expansion of the ARCT-810 study to include younger, more severely affected patients in the U.S. could potentially broaden the drug's applicability and market potential.

The upcoming commercial launch of Kostaive® in Japan and ongoing EMA review represent significant near-term catalysts that could impact the company's revenue stream and market position in the COVID-19 vaccine space.

Arcturus is positioning itself well in the mRNA therapeutics market, with a diverse pipeline addressing both infectious diseases and rare genetic disorders. The potential commercialization of Kostaive® in Japan later this year could provide a significant revenue boost and validate the company's mRNA platform.

The company's focus on underserved patient populations in cystic fibrosis and OTC deficiency could carve out valuable niches in these markets. The expansion of clinical trials to include more diverse patient groups is a strategic move that could enhance the drugs' market potential.

Arcturus' collaboration with CSL and funding from BARDA for its pandemic flu program demonstrate strong partnerships and government support, which could provide additional resources and credibility in the competitive vaccine market. However, investors should monitor the progress of these programs closely, as success in these areas will be important for long-term growth and profitability.

IND submitted for Phase 2 trial of ARCT-032 targeting cystic fibrosis (CF)

ARCT-810 (OTC deficiency) Phase 2 interim data on track for Q4

Kostaive® on track for Q4 commercial launch in Japan

Investor conference call at 4:30 p.m. ET today

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (the “Company”, “Arcturus”, Nasdaq: ARCT), a global messenger RNA medicines company focused on the development of infectious disease vaccines and addressing unmet medical needs within liver and respiratory rare diseases, today announced its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024, and provided corporate updates.

“We are pleased to remain on track for our first commercial product launch of Kostaive® in Japan later this year,” said Joseph Payne, President & CEO of Arcturus Therapeutics. “We are also encouraged by the clinical progress of our mRNA therapeutics pipeline, especially the collection of meaningful safety data for CF and OTC deficiency candidates, ARCT-032 and ARCT-810.”

“The aggregate safety data of ARCT-032 and ARCT-810 support continuing clinical development of these rare disease programs,” said Dr. Juergen Froehlich, Chief Medical Officer of Arcturus Therapeutics. “The planned ARCT-032 Phase 2 study advances our efforts to provide a potential treatment for CF patients who have genotypes making them ineligible for modulator treatment and the additional CF population who are eligible but are not prescribed modulators.”

Dr. Froehlich added: “We are also pleased to report that the dosing phase in our European Phase 2 ARCT-810 study is near completion with interim data to be available in Q4. The additional Phase 2 study in the United States has initiated and is designed to expand our OTC deficiency program into more severe and younger patients.”

Recent Corporate Highlights

  • In July, the Company submitted an IND application for a Phase 2 multiple ascending dose study to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of ARCT-032 in subjects with cystic fibrosis (CF). The planned Phase 2 study intends to recruit CF patients who are ineligible for CFTR modulator treatment and additional CF subjects who are eligible but are not prescribed modulators.
  • In June, Arcturus presented Phase 1 interim data of ARCT-032 at the 47th Annual European Cystic Fibrosis Conference.
    • ARCT-032 administration was generally safe and well tolerated with no serious or severe adverse events in healthy volunteers (N = 32) and the first four dosed participants with CF in Phase 1b, of which one had two Class I mutations and the other three had F508del mutations and were being treated with Trikafta®.
  • In July, the Company announced that the double blind ARCT-810 Phase 2 study in the EU and UK completed enrollment of eight (8) participants with ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, including adolescents and adults, at the 0.3 mg/kg dose level.
  • To access younger patients with more serious disease, the Company expanded the Phase 2 clinical program of ARCT-810 into the United States. Patient screening has been initiated and the Company expects the Phase 2 clinical program enrollment to be completed in the United States.
  • In May, the Company announced the publication in Nature Communications of pivotal data from a Phase 3 efficacy, immunogenicity and safety study of Kostaive®.
    • The results demonstrate that 2-dose primary vaccination (5 µg dose) of Kostaive® (sa-mRNA vaccine) were well-tolerated and immunogenic, and provided significant protection against COVID-19 disease. The efficacy of Kostaive® against severe COVID-19 was 100 percent in healthy persons aged 18-59 and more than 90 percent in persons at risk of severe consequences of the disease due to co-morbidities or older age.
  • In May, Meiji initiated a partial change application to Japan’s PMDA to support the use of the updated Kostaive® JN.1 COVID-19 vaccine for the upcoming 2024/2025 season.
  • Kostaive® European Medicine Agency (EMA) review is ongoing as planned.
  • Enrollment for the ARCT-2303 (Omicron XBB.1.5 variant version of Kostaive®) Phase 3 study is complete. The purpose of this Phase 3 study is to generate additional immunogenicity and safety data in multiple ethnicities to support regulatory filings globally.
  • Arcturus is on track to initiate a Phase 1 H5N1 pandemic flu study in Q4. The clinical study is funded by BARDA and designed to enroll approximately 200 healthy adults in the United States. This vaccine, named ARCT-2304, utilizes the Company’s proprietary STARR® self-amplifying mRNA and LUNAR® delivery technologies.
  • In June, the Company announced the appointment of a new independent director, Moncef Slaoui, Ph.D., to its Board of Directors.

Financial Results for the three months ended June 30, 2024

Revenues in conjunction with strategic alliances and collaborations:

Arcturus’ primary revenue streams include license fees, consulting and related technology transfer fees, reservation fees and collaborative payments received from research and development arrangements with pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners. For the three months ended June 30, 2024, we reported revenue of $49.9 million, a significant increase of $39.4 million from the $10.5 million reported in the same period in 2023. The increase was primarily due to the CSL agreement during the second quarter of 2024. This increase in CSL revenue recognized was driven by the recognition of Kostaive® manufacturing activities and clinical trial expenses. Additionally, revenue related to the BARDA agreement increased due to advancements in the pandemic flu program.

Revenue decreased by $2.9 million during the six months ended June 30, 2024, as compared to the same period in 2023. The decrease was primarily due to lower CSL revenue resulting from the timing and value of milestone achievements. The overall decrease was offset by higher BARDA revenue due to increased progress of the pandemic flu program.

Operating expenses:

Total operating expenses for the three months ended June 30, 2024, were $71.0 million compared with $65.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. Total operating expenses for the six months ended June 30, 2024, were $139.4 million compared with $131.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023.

Research and development expenses:

Research and development expenses consist primarily of external manufacturing costs, in vivo research studies and clinical trials performed by contract research organizations, clinical and regulatory consultants, personnel-related expenses, facility-related expenses and laboratory supplies related to conducting research and development activities. Research and development expenses were $58.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared with $52.7 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. Research and development expenses were $112.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, compared with $104.4 million for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The increases in research and development expenses were primarily driven by higher clinical and manufacturing expenses. Additionally, investments increased in early stage and discovery technologies, including the initiation of preclinical research related to its Gonorrhea and Lyme disease vaccine discovery programs.

General and Administrative Expenses:

General and administrative expenses primarily consist of salaries and related benefits for executive, administrative, legal and accounting functions and professional service fees for legal and accounting services as well as other general and administrative expenses. General and administrative expenses were $12.3 million and $27.2 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, respectively, compared with $13.2 million and $27.0 million in the comparable periods last year. These expenses remained relatively consistent between the two periods. The Company does not expect that general and administrative expenses will increase on a yearly basis.

Net Loss:

For the three months ended June 30, 2024, Arcturus reported a net loss of approximately $17.2 million, or ($0.64) per diluted share, compared with a net loss of $52.6 million, or ($1.98) per diluted share in the three months ended June 30, 2023. For the six months ended June 30, 2024, Arcturus reported a net loss of approximately $44.0 million, or ($1.64) per diluted share, compared with a net loss of $1.8 million, or ($0.07) per diluted share in the six months ended June 30, 2023.

Cash Position and Balance Sheet:

Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash were $317.2 million as of June 30, 2024, and $348.9 million on December 31, 2023. Arcturus achieved a total of approximately $437.1 million in upfront payments and milestones from CSL as of June 30, 2024, and expects to continue to receive future milestone payments from CSL supporting the ongoing development of the COVID and flu programs and three additional vaccine programs by CSL. The expected cash runway extends approximately three years based on the current pipeline and programs through the first quarter of fiscal year 2027.

Arcturus Therapeutics Second Quarter 2024 Earnings Conference Call

  • Monday, August 5, 2024 @ 4:30 p.m. ET
  • Domestic: 1-877-407-0784
  • International: 1-201-689-8560
  • Conference ID: 13747924
  • Webcast: Link

About Arcturus Therapeutics

Founded in 2013 and based in San Diego, California, Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ARCT) is a global mRNA medicines and vaccines company with enabling technologies: (i) LUNAR® lipid-mediated delivery, (ii) STARR® mRNA Technology (sa-mRNA) and (iii) mRNA drug substance along with drug product manufacturing expertise. Arcturus developed Kostaive®, the first self-amplifying messenger RNA (sa-mRNA) COVID vaccine in the world to be approved. Arcturus has an ongoing global collaboration for innovative mRNA vaccines with CSL Seqirus, and a joint venture in Japan, ARCALIS, focused on the manufacture of mRNA vaccines and therapeutics. Arcturus’ pipeline includes RNA therapeutic candidates to potentially treat ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency and cystic fibrosis (CF), along with its partnered mRNA vaccine programs for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and influenza. Arcturus’ versatile RNA therapeutics platforms can be applied toward multiple types of nucleic acid medicines including messenger RNA, small interfering RNA, circular RNA, antisense RNA, self-amplifying RNA, DNA, and gene editing therapeutics. Arcturus’ technologies are covered by its extensive patent portfolio (over 400 patents and patent applications in the U.S., Europe, Japan, China, and other countries). For more information, visit In addition, please connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve substantial risks and uncertainties for purposes of the safe harbor provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Any statements, other than statements of historical fact included in this press release, are forward-looking statements, including those regarding strategy, future operations, the likelihood of success and continued advancement of the Company’s pipeline (including ARCT-032 and ARCT-810) and partnered programs (including the COVID-19 and flu programs partnered with CSL Seqirus), the likelihood of commercialization of Kostaive® and the timing thereof, the continued clinical development of the rare disease programs, the planned completion of the European Phase 2 ARCT-810 Phase 2 study and availability of interim data from the study, the likelihood and timing of a European Marketing Authorization application approval decision for Kostaive®, the anticipated enrollment in the Phase 2 clinical program for ARCT-810, that preclinical or clinical data will be predictive of future clinical results, the likelihood and timing of clinical study updates, the likelihood or timing of collection of accounts receivables including expected future milestone and other payments from CSL, its current cash position and expected cash burn and runway, and the impact of general business and economic conditions. Arcturus may not actually achieve the plans, carry out the intentions or meet the expectations or projections disclosed in any forward-looking statements such as the foregoing and you should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. These statements are only current predictions or expectations, and are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause our or our industry’s actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different from those anticipated by the forward-looking statements, including those discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in Arcturus’ most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, and in subsequent filings with, or submissions to, the SEC, which are available on the SEC’s website at Except as otherwise required by law, Arcturus disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances or otherwise.

Trademark Acknowledgements

The Arcturus logo and other trademarks of Arcturus appearing in this announcement, including LUNAR® and STARR®, are the property of Arcturus. All other trademarks, services marks, and trade names in this announcement are the property of their respective owners.





June 30,


December 31,

(in thousands, except par value information)










Current assets:





Cash and cash equivalents









Restricted cash









Accounts receivable









Prepaid expenses and other current assets









Total current assets









Property and equipment, net









Operating lease right-of-use assets, net









Non-current restricted cash









Total assets









Liabilities and stockholders’ equity





Current liabilities:





Accounts payable









Accrued liabilities









Deferred revenue









Total current liabilities









Deferred revenue, net of current portion









Operating lease liability, net of current portion









Other non-current liabilities








Total liabilities









Stockholders’ equity





Common stock, $0.001 par value; 60,000 shares authorized; issued and
outstanding shares were 27,042 at June 30, 2024 and 26,828 at December 31, 2023









Additional paid-in capital









Accumulated deficit









Total stockholders’ equity









Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity














Three Months Ended


Six Months Ended



June 30,


June 30,

(in thousands, except per share data)


















Collaboration revenue

















Grant revenue

















Total revenue

















Operating expenses:









Research and development, net

















General and administrative

















Total operating expenses

















Loss from operations

















(Loss) gain from foreign currency

















Gain on debt extinguishment














Finance income, net

















Net loss before income taxes

















Provision for income taxes

















Net loss

















Net loss per share, basic and diluted

















Weighted-average shares outstanding, basic and diluted

















Comprehensive loss:









Net loss

















Comprehensive loss


















IR and Media Contacts

Arcturus Therapeutics

Neda Safarzadeh

VP, Head of IR/PR/Marketing

(858) 900-2682

Source: Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.


What was Arcturus Therapeutics' (ARCT) revenue for Q2 2024?

Arcturus Therapeutics reported revenue of $49.9 million for Q2 2024, a significant increase from $10.5 million in Q2 2023.

When is Kostaive® expected to launch commercially in Japan?

Kostaive® is on track for commercial launch in Japan in Q4 2024.

What is the cash position of Arcturus Therapeutics (ARCT) as of June 30, 2024?

Arcturus Therapeutics had a cash position of $317.2 million as of June 30, 2024.

When are the ARCT-810 Phase 2 interim data expected for Arcturus Therapeutics?

The ARCT-810 (OTC deficiency) Phase 2 interim data are expected in Q4 2024.

What was Arcturus Therapeutics' (ARCT) net loss for Q2 2024?

Arcturus Therapeutics reported a net loss of $17.2 million, or $0.64 per diluted share, for Q2 2024.

Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc.


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