Aptiv Named One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies for the 13th Consecutive Year
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) has been recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for the 13th consecutive year. This prestigious recognition acknowledges the company's steadfast dedication to maintaining high ethical standards in business practices through comprehensive ethics, compliance, and governance programs.
As a global technology leader focused on making the world safer, greener, and more connected, Aptiv's commitment to 'doing the right thing, the right way' has been highlighted by Chair and CEO Kevin Clark. The company's ethical approach extends to its development of next-generation solutions and AI-powered technologies aimed at moving, connecting, and transforming the world.
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) è stata riconosciuta come una delle Aziende più Etiche del Mondo da Ethisphere per il 13° anno consecutivo. Questo prestigioso riconoscimento sottolinea la dedizione costante dell'azienda nel mantenere elevati standard etici nelle pratiche commerciali attraverso programmi completi di etica, conformità e governance.
Come leader globale nella tecnologia, focalizzato nel rendere il mondo più sicuro, più verde e più connesso, l'impegno di Aptiv nel 'fare la cosa giusta, nel modo giusto' è stato evidenziato dal Presidente e CEO Kevin Clark. L'approccio etico dell'azienda si estende allo sviluppo di soluzioni di nuova generazione e tecnologie alimentate dall'IA, destinate a muovere, connettere e trasformare il mondo.
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) ha sido reconocida como una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo por Ethisphere por 13° año consecutivo. Este prestigioso reconocimiento destaca la dedicación constante de la empresa a mantener altos estándares éticos en las prácticas comerciales a través de programas integrales de ética, cumplimiento y gobernanza.
Como líder global en tecnología enfocado en hacer del mundo un lugar más seguro, más verde y más conectado, el compromiso de Aptiv de 'hacer lo correcto, de la manera correcta' ha sido destacado por el Presidente y CEO Kevin Clark. El enfoque ético de la empresa se extiende a su desarrollo de soluciones de próxima generación y tecnologías impulsadas por IA, destinadas a mover, conectar y transformar el mundo.
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV)는 Ethisphere에 의해 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업 중 하나로 13년 연속 인정받았습니다. 이 권위 있는 인정은 비즈니스 관행에서 높은 윤리 기준을 유지하기 위한 회사의 지속적인 헌신을 포괄적인 윤리, 준수 및 거버넌스 프로그램을 통해 강조합니다.
세계적으로 안전하고 친환경적이며 연결된 세상을 만드는 데 중점을 둔 기술 리더로서, Aptiv의 '올바른 방식으로 올바른 일을 하는 것'에 대한 헌신은 회장 겸 CEO인 Kevin Clark에 의해 강조되었습니다. 회사의 윤리적 접근은 다음 세대 솔루션과 AI 기반 기술 개발로 확장되어 세상을 이동, 연결 및 변화시키는 데 목표를 두고 있습니다.
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) a été reconnue comme l'une des entreprises les plus éthiques au monde par Ethisphere pour la 13ème année consécutive. Cette reconnaissance prestigieuse souligne l'engagement indéfectible de l'entreprise à maintenir des normes éthiques élevées dans ses pratiques commerciales grâce à des programmes complets d'éthique, de conformité et de gouvernance.
En tant que leader technologique mondial axé sur la création d'un monde plus sûr, plus vert et plus connecté, l'engagement d'Aptiv à 'faire ce qui est juste, de la bonne manière' a été mis en avant par le Président et CEO Kevin Clark. L'approche éthique de l'entreprise s'étend au développement de solutions de nouvelle génération et de technologies alimentées par l'IA, visant à déplacer, connecter et transformer le monde.
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) wurde von Ethisphere als eines der ethischsten Unternehmen der Welt für das 13. Jahr in Folge anerkannt. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung würdigt das unerschütterliche Engagement des Unternehmens, hohe ethische Standards in den Geschäftspraktiken durch umfassende Programme für Ethik, Compliance und Governance aufrechtzuerhalten.
Als globaler Technologieführer, der sich darauf konzentriert, die Welt sicherer, umweltfreundlicher und vernetzter zu machen, wurde das Engagement von Aptiv, 'das Richtige auf die richtige Weise zu tun', von Vorsitzendem und CEO Kevin Clark hervorgehoben. Der ethische Ansatz des Unternehmens erstreckt sich auf die Entwicklung von Lösungen der nächsten Generation und KI-gestützten Technologien, die darauf abzielen, die Welt zu bewegen, zu verbinden und zu transformieren.
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For the 13th consecutive year, Aptiv has been recognized for its unwavering commitment to business integrity through its robust ethics, compliance, and governance programs.
“Aptiv has been recognized for 13 years in a row as one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies, a testament to our commitment to doing the right thing, the right way,” said Kevin Clark, Chair and Chief Executive Officer. "This recognition reflects the dedication of our global team to upholding the highest ethical standards as we develop next-generation solutions and AI-powered technologies that move, connect, and transform the world.”
Aptiv is honored to once again be one of Ethisphere's World's Most Ethical Companies.
About Aptiv
Aptiv PLC (NYSE: APTV) is a leading global technology company serving transportation, aerospace and defense, telecommunications, and industrial markets. We deliver world-class products, platforms, and full-system solutions that solve our customers’ toughest challenges through the Aptiv, Wind River, HellermannTyton, Intercable Automotive Solutions, and Winchester Interconnect brands. Our industry-leading sensor-to-cloud portfolio supports mission-critical systems globally, enabling a software-defined future that is safe, green, and connected. Visit www.aptiv.com for more information.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250312736309/en/
Lisa Scalzo
Corporate Communications
Source: Aptiv PLC