Adjust Unveils Multi-Platform Deep Linking Solution for Mobile App Marketers To Drive In-App Engagement

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Adjust, a leading measurement and analytics company, has introduced TrueLink, a multi-platform deep linking solution for mobile app marketers. This innovative tool aims to enhance in-app engagement across various platforms, including social media, messenger, SMS, and the web. TrueLink allows marketers to create branded and personalized linking experiences, streamlining user journeys and facilitating easy navigation to specific in-app locations.

Key features of TrueLink include:

  • A single multi-platform deep link for various campaign types
  • Multiple link creation options via Adjust UI or deep link API
  • Integration with Adjust's measurement and analytics platform

TrueLink is designed to boost conversion rates, increase engagement, and improve ROI, especially in the face of privacy restrictions that have complicated re-engagement strategies.

Adjust, un'azienda leader nella misurazione e nell'analisi, ha presentato TrueLink, una soluzione di deep linking multi-piattaforma per i marketer di app mobili. Questo strumento innovativo mira a potenziare l'engagement all'interno delle app su vari canali, inclusi social media, messenger, SMS e web. TrueLink consente ai marketer di creare esperienze di linking brandizzate e personalizzate, semplificando i percorsi degli utenti e facilitando la navigazione verso specifiche aree delle app.

Le caratteristiche chiave di TrueLink includono:

  • Un singolo deep link multi-piattaforma per vari tipi di campagne
  • Opzioni multiple per la creazione di link tramite l'interfaccia Adjust o l'API deep link
  • Integrazione con la piattaforma di misurazione e analisi di Adjust

TrueLink è progettato per incrementare i tassi di conversione, aumentare l'engagement e migliorare il ROI, soprattutto di fronte a restrizioni sulla privacy che hanno complicato le strategie di ri-ingaggio.

Adjust, una empresa líder en medición y análisis, ha presentado TrueLink, una solución de deep linking multiplataforma para los mercadólogos de aplicaciones móviles. Esta herramienta innovadora tiene como objetivo mejorar el compromiso dentro de las aplicaciones en diversas plataformas, incluyendo redes sociales, mensajería, SMS y la web. TrueLink permite a los mercadólogos crear experiencias de enlace personalizadas y de marca, optimizando los recorridos de los usuarios y facilitando la navegación a ubicaciones específicas dentro de la aplicación.

Las características clave de TrueLink incluyen:

  • Un único deep link multiplataforma para varios tipos de campañas
  • Múltiples opciones de creación de enlaces a través de la interfaz de Adjust o la API de deep link
  • Integración con la plataforma de medición y análisis de Adjust

TrueLink está diseñado para incrementar las tasas de conversión, aumentar el compromiso y mejorar el ROI, especialmente ante las restricciones de privacidad que han complicado las estrategias de reenganche.

Adjust는 모바일 앱 마케팅 담당자를 위한 멀티 플랫폼 딥 링크 솔루션인 TrueLink를 소개했습니다. 이 혁신적인 도구는 앱 내 참여 증진을 목표로 하며, 소셜 미디어, 메신저, SMS 및 웹을 포함한 다양한 플랫폼에서 사용됩니다. TrueLink를 사용하면 마케터는 브랜딩 및 개인화된 링크 경험을 생성할 수 있어 사용자 여정을 간소화하고 특정 앱 내 위치로의 쉬운 탐색을 가능하게 합니다.

TrueLink의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 다양한 캠페인 유형을 위한 단일 멀티 플랫폼 딥 링크
  • Adjust UI 또는 딥 링크 API를 통한 다양한 링크 생성 옵션
  • Adjust의 측정 및 분석 플랫폼과의 통합

TrueLink는 전환율을 높이고, 참여를 증가시키며, ROI를 개선하기 위해 설계되었으며, 특히 리-engagement 전략을 복잡하게 만든 개인 정보 보호 제한에 직면하여 그러합니다.

Adjust, une entreprise leader dans la mesure et l'analyse, a introduit TrueLink, une solution de deep linking multi-plateforme pour les marketeurs d'applications mobiles. Cet outil innovant vise à améliorer l'engagement au sein de l'application sur diverses plateformes, y compris les réseaux sociaux, les messageries, les SMS et le web. TrueLink permet aux marketeurs de créer des expériences de lien personnalisées et de marque, simplifiant ainsi les parcours utilisateurs et facilitant la navigation vers des emplacements spécifiques au sein de l'application.

Les principales caractéristiques de TrueLink comprennent :

  • Un seul deep link multi-plateforme pour différents types de campagnes
  • Des options de création de liens multiples via l'interface Adjust ou l'API de deep link
  • Intégration avec la plateforme de mesure et d'analyse d'Adjust

TrueLink est conçu pour augmenter les taux de conversion, accroître l'engagement et améliorer le ROI, en particulier face aux restrictions de confidentialité qui ont compliqué les stratégies de réengagement.

Adjust, ein führendes Unternehmen für Messung und Analyse, hat TrueLink vorgestellt, eine Multi-Plattform-Deep-Linking-Lösung für Mobile-App-Marketer. Dieses innovative Tool zielt darauf ab, das Engagement in der App zu steigern und ist auf verschiedenen Plattformen wie sozialen Medien, Messenger, SMS und dem Web verfügbar. TrueLink ermöglicht es Marketern, marken- und personalisierte Linkerlebnisse zu schaffen, die Nutzerreisen optimieren und eine einfache Navigation zu bestimmten In-App-Standorten ermöglichen.

Die Hauptmerkmale von TrueLink sind:

  • Ein einzelner Multi-Plattform-Deep-Link für verschiedene Kampagnentypen
  • Mehrere Linkerstellungsoptionen über die Adjust-Benutzeroberfläche oder die Deep-Link-API
  • Integration mit der Mess- und Analyseplattform von Adjust

TrueLink wurde entwickelt, um die Konversionsraten zu steigern, das Engagement zu erhöhen und die Rendite zu verbessern, insbesondere angesichts von Datenschutzbestimmungen, die Re-Engagement-Strategien kompliziert haben.

  • Introduction of TrueLink, a multi-platform deep linking solution for mobile app marketers
  • Potential to increase conversion rates, boost engagement, and improve ROI
  • Streamlined user journey and easier navigation to specific in-app locations
  • Integration with Adjust's existing measurement and analytics platform
  • None.

TrueLink’s strong deep linking technology directs users to designated in-app content from any platform or environment

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, leading measurement and analytics company Adjust unveiled TrueLink, a solution for mobile app marketers to create branded and personalized linking experiences that promote in-app engagement across multiple platforms and environments, including social media, messenger, SMS and the web. With TrueLink, marketers can streamline the user journey and make navigation to specific in-app locations effortless – driving higher conversion rates, boosting engagement, and ultimately increasing ROI at a time when privacy restrictions have complicated (re)engagement strategies.

Maximize engagement, boost conversions, and build strong brand reputation-- all with one powerful solution. (Graphic: Adjust)

Maximize engagement, boost conversions, and build strong brand reputation-- all with one powerful solution. (Graphic: Adjust)

“Modern marketers know they need a deep linking solution to maximize user engagement, but what we heard from our customers is how tedious and time-consuming it is having to create different links for different platforms,” said Katie Madding, Chief Product Officer at Adjust. “TrueLink enables privacy-minded marketers to quickly and easily create one multi-platform, customizable link to deliver seamless, trustworthy user experiences.”

TrueLink is at the heart of Adjust's Engage pillar designed for marketers to guide users in-app, enhance brand reputation and expand marketing reach, solidifying Adjust as an end-to-end platform for growth. App marketers can quickly create branded deep links that are short, easily editable and optimized for multiple campaign types, such as influencers, QR and referral.

TrueLink’s features and benefits include:

  • A single multi-platform deep link that can be used across various campaign types, saving marketers time on manual link creation and eliminating the need to create individual links for different platforms and environments.
  • Multiple link creation options via the Adjust UI or deep link API that generates deep links, in bulk or individually, for apps that require link variations, including user referrals, influencer campaigns and product promotions.
  • An overall reduced tech stack by keeping engagement solutions with measurement and analytics in one marketing platform.

Learn more about TrueLink here.

About Adjust

Adjust, an AppLovin (NASDAQ: APP) company, is trusted by marketers around the world to measure and grow their apps across platforms, from mobile to CTV and beyond. Adjust works with companies at every stage of the app marketing journey, from fast-growing digital brands to brick-and-mortar companies launching their first apps. Adjust's powerful measurement and analytics provide visibility, insights and essential tools that drive better results.


Joshua Grandy

Source: Adjust


What is TrueLink and how does it benefit mobile app marketers?

TrueLink is a multi-platform deep linking solution introduced by Adjust (APP) that allows mobile app marketers to create branded and personalized linking experiences. It benefits marketers by streamlining user journeys, facilitating easy navigation to specific in-app locations, and potentially increasing conversion rates, engagement, and ROI.

What platforms does Adjust's TrueLink support for deep linking?

Adjust's TrueLink supports deep linking across multiple platforms and environments, including social media, messenger, SMS, and the web.

What are the key features of Adjust's TrueLink solution?

Key features of Adjust's TrueLink include a single multi-platform deep link for various campaign types, multiple link creation options via Adjust UI or deep link API, and integration with Adjust's measurement and analytics platform.

How does TrueLink address privacy concerns in mobile app marketing?

TrueLink is designed as a privacy-minded solution that helps marketers create seamless, trustworthy user experiences while navigating the challenges posed by privacy restrictions in (re)engagement strategies.

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