Apogee Therapeutics Announces Positive Interim Phase 1 Results from the APG990 Healthy Volunteer Trial, Unlocking Potential Maintenance Dosing Every Three and Six Months for APG279 (APG777 + APG990)
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE) announced positive interim Phase 1 results for APG990, their novel half-life extended OX40L antibody. The trial demonstrated an approximately 60-day half-life, supporting potential maintenance dosing every three and six months.
Key findings include:
- APG990 showed favorable tolerability across all five cohorts up to 1,200mg doses
- 53% of participants experienced at least one TEAE, with headache being most common
- No Grade 3 TEAEs or severe adverse events related to study drug
- No study discontinuations due to adverse events
The company plans to initiate a Phase 1b head-to-head study of APG279 (APG777 + APG990 combination) versus DUPIXENT in 2025, with data expected in second half of 2026. The combination therapy could potentially offer improved clinical outcomes by addressing multiple inflammation pathways with a single 2 mL coformulated injection administered 2-4 times per year.
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE) ha annunciato risultati intermedi positivi della Fase 1 per APG990, il loro nuovo anticorpo OX40L con un'emivita prolungata. Lo studio ha dimostrato un'emivita di circa 60 giorni, supportando la possibilità di dosaggi di mantenimento ogni tre e sei mesi.
I principali risultati includono:
- APG990 ha mostrato una tollerabilità favorevole in tutti e cinque i gruppi fino a dosi di 1.200 mg
- Il 53% dei partecipanti ha sperimentato almeno un evento avverso emergente (TEAE), con il mal di testa come il più comune
- Nessun TEAE di Grado 3 o eventi avversi gravi correlati al farmaco dello studio
- Nessuna interruzione dello studio a causa di eventi avversi
La società prevede di avviare uno studio di Fase 1b in confronto diretto di APG279 (combinazione di APG777 + APG990) contro DUPIXENT nel 2025, con dati attesi nella seconda metà del 2026. La terapia combinata potrebbe offrire risultati clinici migliorati affrontando più vie infiammatorie con una singola iniezione coformulata da 2 mL somministrata 2-4 volte all'anno.
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE) anunció resultados interinos positivos de la Fase 1 para APG990, su novedoso anticuerpo OX40L con vida media extendida. El ensayo demostró una vida media de aproximadamente 60 días, apoyando la posibilidad de dosis de mantenimiento cada tres y seis meses.
Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- APG990 mostró una tolerabilidad favorable en los cinco grupos hasta dosis de 1,200 mg
- El 53% de los participantes experimentaron al menos un evento adverso emergente (TEAE), siendo el dolor de cabeza el más común
- No se reportaron TEAEs de Grado 3 ni eventos adversos severos relacionados con el fármaco del estudio
- No hubo interrupciones del estudio debido a eventos adversos
La compañía planea iniciar un estudio de Fase 1b comparativo de APG279 (combinación de APG777 + APG990) contra DUPIXENT en 2025, con datos esperados en la segunda mitad de 2026. La terapia combinada podría ofrecer resultados clínicos mejorados al abordar múltiples vías de inflamación con una sola inyección coformulada de 2 mL administrada 2-4 veces al año.
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE)는 그들의 새로운 반감기 연장 OX40L 항체인 APG990의 긍정적인 1상 중간 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 시험은 약 60일의 반감기를 보여주었으며, 이는 3개월 및 6개월마다 유지 용량을 가능하게 하는 것을 지지합니다.
주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- APG990은 1,200mg의 용량까지 모든 다섯 개 집단에서 우호적인 내약성을 보였습니다
- 참가자의 53%가 최소한 하나의 치료 관련 이상 반응(TEAE)을 경험했으며, 가장 흔한 것은 두통이었습니다
- 연구 약물과 관련된 3등급 TEAE 또는 심각한 이상 반응은 없었습니다
- 이상 반응으로 인한 연구 중단이 없었습니다
회사는 2025년에 APG279 (APG777 + APG990 조합)와 DUPIXENT 간의 1b상 직접 비교 연구를 시작할 계획이며, 데이터는 2026년 하반기에 기대됩니다. 이 조합 요법은 연간 2-4회 투여되는 2mL의 단일 공동 제형 주사를 통해 여러 염증 경로를 다룸으로써 개선된 임상 결과를 제공할 수 있습니다.
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE) a annoncé des résultats intermédiaires positifs de la Phase 1 pour APG990, leur nouvel anticorps OX40L à demi-vie prolongée. L'essai a démontré une demi-vie d'environ 60 jours, soutenant la possibilité d'une posologie de maintien tous les trois et six mois.
Les principales conclusions incluent:
- APG990 a montré une tolérance favorable dans les cinq cohortes jusqu'à des doses de 1 200 mg
- 53 % des participants ont expérimenté au moins un événement indésirable lié au traitement (TEAE), le mal de tête étant le plus courant
- Aucun TEAE de Grade 3 ou événements indésirables graves liés au médicament de l'étude
- Aucune interruption de l'étude en raison d'événements indésirables
La société prévoit de lancer une étude de Phase 1b en tête-à-tête de APG279 (combinaison d'APG777 + APG990) contre DUPIXENT en 2025, avec des données attendues dans la seconde moitié de 2026. La thérapie combinée pourrait potentiellement offrir de meilleurs résultats cliniques en s'attaquant à plusieurs voies d'inflammation avec une seule injection coformulée de 2 mL administrée 2 à 4 fois par an.
Apogee Therapeutics (NASDAQ: APGE) gab positive Zwischenresultate der Phase 1 für APG990, ihren neuartigen OX40L-Antikörper mit verlängerter Halbwertszeit, bekannt. Die Studie zeigte eine Halbwertszeit von etwa 60 Tagen, was potenzielle Erhaltungsdosen alle drei und sechs Monate unterstützt.
Wichtige Ergebnisse umfassen:
- APG990 zeigte eine günstige Verträglichkeit in allen fünf Kohorten bis zu Dosen von 1.200 mg
- 53% der Teilnehmer erlebten mindestens ein behandlungsbedingtes unerwünschtes Ereignis (TEAE), wobei Kopfschmerzen am häufigsten waren
- Keine TEAEs der Grad 3 oder schwere unerwünschte Ereignisse im Zusammenhang mit dem Studienmedikament
- Keine Studienabbrüche aufgrund unerwünschter Ereignisse
Das Unternehmen plant, 2025 eine Phase 1b-Studie im direkten Vergleich von APG279 (Kombination von APG777 + APG990) gegen DUPIXENT zu starten, mit Daten, die in der zweiten Hälfte von 2026 erwartet werden. Die Kombinationstherapie könnte potenziell verbesserte klinische Ergebnisse bieten, indem sie mehrere Entzündungspfade mit einer einzigen 2-mL-coformulierten Injektion anspricht, die 2-4 Mal pro Jahr verabreicht wird.
- APG990 achieved 60-day half-life supporting 3-6 month dosing intervals
- Strong safety profile with no Grade 3 TEAEs or severe adverse events
- Successful preclinical combination toxicology studies
- Potential for improved efficacy through multiple inflammation pathway targeting
- 53% of trial participants experienced TEAEs
- Phase 1b results not expected until H2 2026
- Still early-stage development with no efficacy data yet
Apogee Therapeutics has reported promising interim Phase 1 results for APG990, revealing a 60-day half-life that significantly exceeds the standard 21-28 days for conventional antibodies. This pharmacokinetic profile enables potential dosing intervals of 3-6 months with minimal volume (2mL), addressing the well-established patient preference for reduced injection frequency in chronic conditions.
The data scientifically validates Apogee's platform technology for developing extended half-life biologics, potentially establishing a competitive advantage in the crowded immunology space. The favorable tolerability profile without pyrexia or chills is particularly noteworthy, as similar mechanisms have historically been associated with these side effects in competitive programs.
Most consequentially, these results unlock the company's strategic combination approach (APG279) that pairs APG990 with APG777. This combination offers both deep Type 2 inhibition plus broad Type 1-3 inhibition, theoretically providing more comprehensive pathway coverage than current market leaders like DUPIXENT (which primarily targets Type 2 inflammation).
The planned head-to-head trial against DUPIXENT represents a high-risk, high-reward strategy. A positive outcome would position APG279 as potentially superior to the established standard of care currently generating >$10 billion annually, while offering significantly reduced dosing burden (2-4 times annually versus 26 times with DUPIXENT).
The scientific approach behind APG279 represents a potentially important advancement in inflammatory disease management. By targeting OX40L, APG990 intervenes upstream in the inflammatory cascade, offering theoretical advantages over cytokine-specific inhibitors like IL-13 blockers. This upstream positioning enables broader pathway modulation, potentially addressing the heterogeneity of atopic dermatitis more comprehensively.
The preclinical combination data showing enhanced pharmacologic responses without additive toxicity is mechanistically plausible given the complementary pathway coverage. APG777 provides targeted suppression of Type 2 inflammation (the predominant pathway in atopic dermatitis), while APG990 offers broader suppression across Type 1-3 pathways that may address disease subtypes less responsive to pure Type 2 inhibition.
The absence of pyrexia and chills in the safety data is particularly relevant for OX40L inhibition, as immune pathway modulation often triggers these adverse events. Their absence suggests potential for a differentiated safety profile, though larger studies will be needed for confirmation.
The pharmacokinetic profile enabling quarterly or semi-annual dosing addresses a significant unmet need, as current biologics for atopic dermatitis require dosing every 1-4 weeks. If efficacy is maintained with this extended interval, it could substantially reduce the treatment burden in a chronic condition requiring lifelong management, potentially improving long-term adherence and outcomes.
Interim Phase 1 results for APG990, a novel half-life extended OX40L antibody, exceeded trial objectives and demonstrated an approximately 60-day half-life
APG279 (APG777 + APG990) Phase 1b head-to-head study vs. DUPIXENT supported by successful completion of preclinical combination toxicology studies and positive APG990 interim Phase 1 results; trial planned to initiate this year with readout expected in second half of 2026
Webcast to be held today at 8:30 a.m. ET
SAN FRANCISCO and BOSTON, March 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Apogee Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: APGE), a clinical-stage biotechnology company advancing novel biologics with potential for differentiated efficacy and dosing in the largest inflammatory and immunology (I&I) markets, including for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD), asthma, eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other I&I indications, today announced positive interim Phase 1 results from its first-in-human trial of APG990.
APG990 interim Phase 1 pharmacokinetic (PK) data showed a half-life of approximately 60 days across doses tested. These PK data support the possibility of every three- and six-month maintenance dosing of APG990 with as little as 50 mg, which when considered with APG279 (APG777 + APG990) coformulation data, provides the potential for dosing the combination two to four times per year with a single 2 mL coformulated injection. The combination also offers the potential for improved clinical outcomes by addressing the heterogeneity of AD given preclinical data demonstrating deep Type 2 inhibition from APG777 and broad Type 1-3 inhibition from APG990.
“We’re pleased to report findings from our third clinical program today, APG990, which demonstrated extended PK and a favorable tolerability profile, supporting its potential as a first-in-class combination with APG777 for the treatment of AD and other inflammatory diseases that could address multiple inflammation pathways,” said Michael Henderson, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Apogee. “The interim results as well as the supportive preclinical combination toxicology studies are an important step forward in our combination plans for the program, suggesting strong potential for compatibility with APG777 and supporting our planned APG777 and APG990 coformulated combination approach, which we have named APG279. With the potential to broadly inhibit Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 inflammation, APG279 could offer patients a more effective treatment option, while minimizing side effects seen with other available therapies. Based on these findings, we plan to initiate a head-to-head Phase 1b trial of the combination against DUPIXENT this year.”
APG990 is a novel, subcutaneous (SQ), half-life-extended monoclonal antibody (mAb) that targets OX40L, which is positioned further upstream in the inflammatory pathway than IL-13, allowing for a broader impact on the inflammatory cascade by inhibiting Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 pathways. Apogee’s approach of coformulating two extended half-life mAbs, APG279, holds the potential for best-in-class dosing and efficacy across AD and broader I&I diseases.
The APG990 Phase 1 clinical trial is a double-blind, placebo-controlled, first-in-human, single-ascending dose trial evaluating the safety, tolerability and PK of APG990 in 40 healthy adult participants. Key results include:
- APG990 demonstrated a potential best-in-class PK profile, including a half-life of approximately 60 days, supporting the potential for every three- and six-month maintenance dosing.
- PK profile supports the potential for a single 2 mL coformulated injection of APG279 (APG777 + APG990) administered every three- and six- months.
- APG990 was well tolerated across all five cohorts, with doses up to 1,200mg.
- The most common (≥
10% ) treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were headache.53% of participants observed at least one TEAE.
- There were no Grade 3 TEAEs related to study drug or severe adverse events. No adverse events led to study discontinuation.
- There have been no cases of pyrexia or chills.
- There have been no cases of pyrexia or chills.
- The most common (≥
In addition, preclinical studies of the combination of APG777 and APG990 showed potential for enhanced pharmacologic responses relative to individual agents, and exhibited no safety findings at any dose level, including the highest dose tested of 150 mg/kg per agent in a 3-month combination toxicology study.
“Today’s results are highly encouraging, further validating our approach to create fully optimized antibodies with the potential to improve patients’ lives. With good tolerability at doses up to 1,200mg and a half-life of approximately 60 days, APG990 demonstrated the potential for quarterly or less frequent dosing and was supportive of it as a combination partner with APG777. Looking ahead to our planned combination approach, we continue to believe that APG990’s broad inhibition across Type 1, 2, and 3 inflammation, coupled with APG777’s deep and sustained inhibition of Type 2 inflammation, could potentially result in a safe and effective treatment option for people living with atopic dermatitis and other inflammatory diseases,” said Carl Dambkowski, M.D., Chief Medical Officer of Apogee. “We would like to extend our gratitude to the participants, investigators, and site staff whose partnership made this study a success, driving progress toward innovative I&I treatments for patients in need.”
Based on these results, the company plans on submitting an Investigational New Drug application or foreign equivalent for APG279. Following clearance, the company plans to initiate a Phase 1b clinical trial in moderate-to-severe AD of APG279 against DUPIXENT in 2025, with data expected in the second half of 2026.
Webcast Details
Apogee Therapeutics’ live webcast of the APG990 interim Phase 1 results will begin today at 8:30 a.m. ET. The live webcast can be accessed via this link or the Investors section on the Company’s website at https://investors.apogeetherapeutics.com/news-events/events. A replay of the webcast will be available following the call.
About APG990
APG990 is a novel, SQ, half-life extended mAb targeting OX40L, initially being developed for AD. OX40L is located further upstream in the inflammatory pathway than IL-13 or IL-4Rα and targeting it could potentially have broader impact on the inflammatory cascade by inhibiting Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 pathways. AD is a heterogeneous disease and varies by age, severity and ethnicity. With current approved biologics in AD only targeting the type 2 inflammatory pathway, OX40L could represent another therapeutic option for patients, especially the portion of patients who do not benefit from currently available treatments. In our head-to-head preclinical assays, APG990 has demonstrated similar or improved potency to amlitelimab. In addition, based on our interim Phase 1 APG990 studies, we believe APG990 can be dosed every three- and six- months in maintenance, which, if our clinical trials are successful, would represent a significant improvement compared to first generation OX40L antibodies that are expected to be dosed every four to twelve weeks. The company plans to develop APG279 (APG777 and APG990), together as a potential first-in-class combination for the treatment of AD and other I&I diseases by combining deep and sustained inhibition of Type 2 inflammation via APG777’s inhibition of IL-13 with broader inhibition of Type 1-3 inflammation through APG990’s inhibition of OX40L.
About Apogee
Apogee Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company advancing novel biologics with potential for differentiated efficacy and dosing in the largest I&I markets, including for the treatment of AD, asthma, EoE, COPD and other I&I indications. Apogee’s antibody programs are designed to overcome limitations of existing therapies by targeting well-established mechanisms of action and incorporating advanced antibody engineering to optimize half-life and other properties. APG777, the company’s most advanced program, is being initially developed for the treatment of AD, which is the largest and one of the least penetrated I&I markets. With four validated targets in its portfolio, Apogee is seeking to achieve best-in-class efficacy and dosing through monotherapies and combinations of its novel antibodies. Based on a broad pipeline and depth of expertise, the company believes it can deliver value and meaningful benefit to patients underserved by today’s standard of care. For more information, please visit https://apogeetherapeutics.com.
Forward Looking Statements
Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including, but not limited to, statements regarding: Apogee’s plans for its current and future product candidates and programs; plans for and expected timing of regulatory filings, including the Investigational New Drug application for APG279 (the APG777 and APG990 combination); the anticipated timing of initiation of its Phase 1b clinical trial of the APG279; planned clinical trial designs; its plans for current and future clinical trials; the anticipated timing of results from its clinical trials, including data from its Phase 1b clinical trial of APG279 ; the potential clinical benefit, safety and half-life of APG777, APG990, and APG279, Apogee’s other product candidates, including combination therapies, and any other potential programs; programs; the potential dosing schedules for APG990 and APG279; and its expected timing for future pipeline updates. Words such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “objective,” “intend,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “expect,” “believe,” “design,” “estimate,” “predict,” “potential,” “develop,” “plan” or the negative of these terms, and similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. While Apogee believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking statements, which are based on information available to the company on the date of this release. These forward-looking statements are based upon current estimates and assumptions and are subject to various risks and uncertainties (including, without limitation, those set forth in Apogee’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC)), many of which are beyond the company’s control and subject to change. Actual results could be materially different. Risks and uncertainties include: global macroeconomic conditions and related volatility, expectations regarding the initiation, progress, and expected results of Apogee’s preclinical studies, clinical trials and research and development programs; expectations regarding the timing, completion and outcome of Apogee’s clinical trials; the unpredictable relationship between preclinical study results and clinical study results; the timing or likelihood of regulatory filings and approvals; liquidity and capital resources; and other risks and uncertainties identified in Apogee’s Quarterly Report on 10-Q for the quarterly period ended September 30, 2024, filed with the SEC on November 12, 2024, and subsequent disclosure documents Apogee may file with the SEC. Apogee claims the protection of the Safe Harbor contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for forward-looking statements. Apogee expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter any statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
Investor Contact:
Noel Kurdi
VP, Investor Relations
Apogee Therapeutics, Inc.
Media Contact:
Dan Budwick

What were the key results from APGE's APG990 Phase 1 trial?
When will Apogee Therapeutics (APGE) begin the head-to-head trial against DUPIXENT?
What is the dosing advantage of APGE's APG279 combination therapy?