Rasmussen University Announces New Corporate Alliance with ChildCare Education Institute

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Rasmussen University has announced a new corporate alliance with ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI), aiming to support early childhood educators in advancing their education and addressing the growing need for professionals in the field. The collaboration offers qualified CCEI students the opportunity to apply their existing knowledge towards Rasmussen's Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs.

Key benefits include:

  • Earning an ECE Associate's degree for as low as $10,000
  • Up to 30 credits through self-directed assessments
  • Up to 12 credits waived for CDA® credential holders
  • Tuition grant opportunities for ECE Bachelor's degree programs

This alliance addresses the projected 15% growth in early childhood education jobs from 2022 to 2032, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It aims to provide accessible and affordable pathways for aspiring educators while strengthening the field with advanced education opportunities.

L'Università Rasmussen ha annunciato una nuova alleanza con il ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI), con l'obiettivo di supportare gli educatori della prima infanzia nel migliorare la loro formazione e nel rispondere alla crescente domanda di professionisti nel settore. Questa collaborazione offre agli studenti CCEI qualificati l'opportunità di applicare le proprie conoscenze esistenti ai programmi di Educazione della Prima Infanzia (ECE) dell'Università Rasmussen.

I principali vantaggi includono:

  • Ottenere un diploma di associato in ECE per appena $10.000
  • Fino a 30 crediti attraverso valutazioni autodirette
  • Fino a 12 crediti esentati per i titolari della certificazione CDA®
  • Opportunità di sovvenzioni per programmi di laurea in ECE

Questa alleanza affronta una crescita prevista del 15% nei posti di lavoro nell'educazione della prima infanzia dal 2022 al 2032, secondo quanto riportato dal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Mira a fornire percorsi accessibili e a prezzi contenuti per gli educatori in erba, rafforzando al contempo il settore con opportunità di formazione avanzata.

La Universidad Rasmussen ha anunciado una nueva alianza corporativa con el Instituto de Educación Infantil (CCEI), con el objetivo de apoyar a los educadores de la primera infancia en el avance de su educación y abordar la creciente necesidad de profesionales en el campo. La colaboración ofrece a los estudiantes calificados de CCEI la oportunidad de aplicar su conocimiento existente a los programas de Educación de la Primera Infancia (ECE) de Rasmussen.

Los beneficios clave incluyen:

  • Obtener un título de asociado en ECE por tan solo $10,000
  • Hasta 30 créditos a través de evaluaciones autodirigidas
  • Hasta 12 créditos eximidos para los titulares de la certificación CDA®
  • Oportunidades de becas para programas de licenciatura en ECE

Esta alianza aborda el crecimiento proyectado del 15% en los empleos de educación infantil desde 2022 hasta 2032, según lo informado por la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales. Tiene como objetivo proporcionar rutas accesibles y asequibles para los educadores en ciernes, al tiempo que fortalece el campo con oportunidades de educación avanzada.

라스무센 대학교는 아동 교육 연구소(ChildCare Education Institute, CCEI)와 새로운 기업 제휴를 발표했습니다. 이 제휴는 조기 어린이 교육자를 지원하여 교육을 향상시키고 전문 인력의 증가하는 수요를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 협력은 자격 있는 CCEI 학생들에게 라스무센의 조기 어린이 교육(ECE) 프로그램에 기존의 지식을 적용할 기회를 제공합니다.

주요 혜택은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 10,000달러로 ECE 준학사 학위 취득
  • 자율 평가를 통해 최대 30학점 취득
  • CDA® 자격증 소지자는 최대 12학점 면제
  • ECE 학사 학위 프로그램을 위한 학비 보조 기회

이 제휴는 2022년부터 2032년까지 아동 교육 분야의 일자리에서 15% 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 노동 통계국(Bureau of Labor Statistics)에서 보고했습니다. 이는 교육을 받고자 하는 이들에게 접근 가능하고 저렴한 경로를 제공하고, 고급 교육 기회를 통해 이 분야를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

L'Université Rasmussen a annoncé une nouvelle alliance avec le ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI), visant à soutenir les éducateurs de la petite enfance dans l'avancement de leur éducation et à répondre au besoin croissant de professionnels dans ce domaine. La collaboration offre aux étudiants qualifiés de CCEI l'opportunité d'appliquer leurs connaissances existantes aux programmes d'Éducation de la Petite Enfance (ECE) de Rasmussen.

Les principaux avantages incluent :

  • Obtenir un diplôme d'associé en ECE pour aussi peu que 10 000 dollars
  • Jusqu'à 30 crédits grâce à des évaluations autodirigées
  • Jusqu'à 12 crédits exonérés pour les titulaires de la certification CDA®
  • Opportunités de bourses pour les programmes de licence en ECE

Cette alliance répond à une croissance projetée de 15 % des emplois dans l'éducation de la petite enfance de 2022 à 2032, selon le Bureau of Labor Statistics. Elle vise à fournir des voies accessibles et abordables aux futurs éducateurs tout en renforçant le secteur avec des opportunités d'éducation avancée.

Die Rasmussen University hat eine neue Unternehmensallianz mit dem ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) bekannt gegeben, mit dem Ziel, Erzieher für die frühe Kindheit dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Ausbildung voranzutreiben und der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Fachkräften in diesem Bereich gerecht zu werden. Die Zusammenarbeit bietet qualifizierten CCEI-Studierenden die Möglichkeit, ihr bestehendes Wissen in den Programme der frühen Kindheit (ECE) von Rasmussen einzubringen.

Wesentliche Vorteile sind:

  • Erwerb eines ECE-Associates-Abschlusses für nur 10.000 Dollar
  • Bis zu 30 Credits durch selbstgesteuerte Bewertungen
  • Bis zu 12 Credits für Inhaber der CDA®-Zertifizierung erlassen
  • Stipendienmöglichkeiten für ECE-Bachelor-Studiengänge

Diese Allianz reagiert auf ein prognostiziertes Wachstum von 15 % bei Arbeitsplätzen in der frühen Kindheit von 2022 bis 2032, wie das Bureau of Labor Statistics berichtete. Ziel ist es, angehenden Fachkräften zugängliche und erschwingliche Wege zu bieten und das Feld durch avancierte Bildungschancen zu stärken.

  • Potential for increased enrollment and revenue for Rasmussen University's ECE programs
  • Addressing the growing demand for early childhood education professionals
  • Offering cost-effective and accelerated degree completion options for students
  • Aligning with industry trends of requiring higher education for early childhood educators
  • None.

Alliance aims to support ChildCare Education Institute students with advancing their education and help address the need for early childhood education professionals

MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rasmussen University is pleased to announce a new corporate alliance with ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI), a leading provider of high-quality online education certificates and child care training serving over 100,000 early childhood professionals. This collaboration will empower early childhood educators to maximize their educational journey, save on costs and accelerate their path toward degree completion.

Through this alliance, qualified students from CCEI will have the opportunity to apply their existing knowledge and experience to Rasmussen University's Early Childhood Education (ECE) programs. With these benefits, students can earn an ECE Associate's degree from Rasmussen for as low as $10,0001 while reducing time to completion2. Highlights of the alliance, include:

  • Self-Directed Assessments: CCEI students can earn up to 30 credits by successfully completing assessments designed to prove existing expertise, allowing students to skip specific courses.

  • Course Waivers for CDA® Credential Holders: CCEI students with a Child Development Associate® (CDA®) credential3 may waive up to 12 credits, fast-tracking their degree completion.

  • Tuition Grant Opportunities: For those interested in furthering their education, CCEI students may also be eligible for a tuition grant on Rasmussen University's ECE Bachelor's degree program and other eligible online programs4.

"With the increasing demand for early childhood education professionals nationwide, our new relationship with CCEI allows us to help fill a critical need," said Paula Singer, president and chief academic officer at Rasmussen University. "The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 15% growth in early childhood education jobs from 2022 to 2032, much faster than the average for all occupations. This alliance not only supports aspiring educators by offering accessible and affordable pathways, but also strengthens the field by equipping more professionals with advanced education to take on leadership roles and positively impact the next generation."

Filling the Need for Early Childhood Education Professionals with Degrees

As states and accrediting bodies increase requirements for childcare centers and preschools, more employers are prioritizing candidates with degrees in Early Childhood Education. Many states now require or strongly encourage degree attainment for directors, lead teachers, and specialized roles within early learning settings.

Research also consistently shows that early childhood educators with higher levels of formal education deliver higher-quality instruction and contribute to better developmental outcomes for children. According to the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER), preschool programs staffed with degree-holding teachers are more likely to provide enriched learning environments and promote school readiness. Additionally, earning a degree enhances career opportunities, including higher wages and leadership roles.

"CCEI is thrilled to be partnering with Rasmussen University. Together, we're creating seamless pathways to success with endless possibilities for students," said Chrystine Mitchell, director of Early Childhood Education Operations, Straighterline/CCEI. "Our alliance empowers early childhood educators to build on their CDA credentials and advance their careers through higher education—unlocking new opportunities for growth, achievement, and impact."

About the Rasmussen University Early Childhood Education Programs

Rasmussen University's ECE programs are designed for those passionate about shaping the futures of children from birth to age six in non-public school settings or in leadership roles and provide the essential knowledge and skills to excel in early childhood education and care environments.

In as few as 18 months2, students can earn their Early Childhood Education Associate's degree with career-focused learning and flexible online courses. This program prepares students to meet the academic requirements for the CDA credential application and allows specialization in either Special Needs or Child Development. For students who already hold a CDA, they may be eligible for up to 12 credits of course waivers, enabling completion in as few as 15 months2.

For those aiming to advance in childcare leadership roles, the non-licensure Early Childhood Education Bachelor's degree focuses on leadership and administration skills. Students can complete the degree in as few as 18 months2 through a blend of online courses and self-directed assessments, which allow them to bypass certain courses based on their prior knowledge. Bachelor's students can choose between the traditional ECE Leadership track or specialize in Child Development.

For more information about Rasmussen University's ECE programs and its new alliance with CCEI, visit

Rasmussen University, a university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (, is dedicated to changing lives and the communities it serves through innovative educational programs. As a pioneer in career-focused education since 1900, the University is defining a new generation of higher education that focuses on competency-based education, technology and transferable skills. Rasmussen offers undergraduate and graduate programs online and in person at 20 campuses around the country. The University is designed to lift and support its students every step of the way, from each student's first credential to their last. Rasmussen is dedicated to global enrichment, serving the underserved and meeting the evolving needs of diverse students, communities and economies. Rasmussen encourages its students, faculty and staff to strive for academic excellence, community enrichment and service to the public good. Rasmussen is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information about Rasmussen University, please visit

American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI), through its institutions American Public University System (APUS), Rasmussen University, Hondros College of Nursing and Graduate School USA (GSUSA) provides education that transforms lives, advances careers, and improves communities.

1 Tuition for the ECE Associate's degree program is $210 per credit for qualified students. A student who withdraws and re-enrolls will be required to pay the tuition price offered at the time of their re-enrollment. Students who receive the tuition price of $210 per credit cannot use any additional Rasmussen University grants and/or scholarships. If a student needs to retake one or more courses in the degree program, the total cost of the program will exceed $19,395. Program cost and estimated time to completion assume successful completion of up to eight self-directed assessments and the 12-credit CDA waiver, totaling up to 42 credits taken off the original 90 credits, bringing the total credits to 48 and total estimated cost to $10,290. Breakdown: $10,080 in tuition (48 credits) + $210 in book fees = $10,290 in estimated program cost. Program availability varies by campus and state; please see the Rasmussen University Catalog for details.

2 Completion time is dependent on transfer credits accepted and number of courses completed each term.

3 CDA and Child Development Associate are registered trademarks of the Council for Professional Recognition.

4 See for full details of Rasmussen University grants, including eligibility details. 

Contact: Molly Andersen
Mobile: 903.920.4366

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SOURCE Rasmussen University


What are the benefits of the Rasmussen University and CCEI alliance for students?

The alliance offers CCEI students the opportunity to earn an ECE Associate's degree for as low as $10,000, earn up to 30 credits through self-directed assessments, waive up to 12 credits for CDA® credential holders, and access tuition grant opportunities for ECE Bachelor's degree programs.

How much growth is projected in early childhood education jobs according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 15% growth in early childhood education jobs from 2022 to 2032, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.

Why is there an increasing demand for early childhood educators with degrees?

States and accrediting bodies are increasing requirements for childcare centers and preschools, leading employers to prioritize candidates with degrees in Early Childhood Education. Research shows that educators with higher levels of formal education deliver higher-quality instruction and contribute to better developmental outcomes for children.

How does this alliance between Rasmussen University and CCEI address the need for early childhood education professionals?

The alliance provides accessible and affordable pathways for aspiring educators to earn degrees, helping to fill the critical need for qualified early childhood education professionals while also equipping more professionals with advanced education to take on leadership roles.

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