Rasmussen University and American Public University to Host a National Virtual Career Fair, Offering Opportunities Across Industries

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Rasmussen University and American Public University (APU) are co-hosting a National Virtual Career Fair on October 16, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CST. This free event, open to the public, will connect job seekers with over 40 leading employers across various industries, including healthcare, technology, business, and government sectors.

The virtual format allows participants to attend from anywhere, offering opportunities to apply for jobs directly, chat live with recruiters, and share resumes. A preparatory webinar will be held on October 9 to guide participants on navigating the platform and engaging with recruiters effectively.

This initiative aims to address current workforce challenges and provide valuable connections in high-growth fields. Both institutions offer comprehensive career services to support students and alumni in their professional development.

Rasmussen University e American Public University (APU) stanno co-ospitando una Fiera Nazionale Virtuale del Lavoro il 16 ottobre 2024, dalle 10:00 alle 14:00 CST. Questo evento gratuito, aperto al pubblico, metterà in contatto i cercatori di lavoro con oltre 40 datori di lavoro leader in vari settori, tra cui sanità, tecnologia, business e settori governativi.

Il formato virtuale consente ai partecipanti di partecipare da qualsiasi luogo, offrendo opportunità di candidarsi direttamente per posti di lavoro, chattare in tempo reale con i recruiter e condividere i propri curriculum. Un webinar preparatorio si terrà il 9 ottobre per guidare i partecipanti su come navigare nella piattaforma e interagire efficacemente con i recruiter.

Questa iniziativa mira ad affrontare le sfide attuali del mercato del lavoro e fornire connessioni preziose nei settori in rapida crescita. Entrambe le istituzioni offrono servizi di carriera completi per supportare studenti e laureati nel loro sviluppo professionale.

Rasmussen University y American Public University (APU) están co-organizando una Feria Nacional Virtual de Empleo el 16 de octubre de 2024, de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. CST. Este evento gratuito, abierto al público, conectará a los buscadores de empleo con más de 40 empleadores líderes en diversas industrias, incluyendo salud, tecnología, negocios y sectores gubernamentales.

El formato virtual permite a los participantes asistir desde cualquier lugar, ofreciendo oportunidades para postularse directamente a empleos, chatear en vivo con reclutadores y compartir currículos. Se llevará a cabo un seminario web preparatorio el 9 de octubre para guiar a los participantes en la navegación por la plataforma y la interacción efectiva con los reclutadores.

Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos actuales de la fuerza laboral y proporcionar conexiones valiosas en campos de alto crecimiento. Ambas instituciones ofrecen servicios de carrera integrales para apoyar a estudiantes y exalumnos en su desarrollo profesional.

라스무센 대학교와 아메리칸 퍼블릭 대학교(APU)가 2024년 10월 16일 오전 10시부터 오후 2시(CST)까지 전국 가상 채용 박람회를 공동 개최합니다. 이 무료 행사, 일반에 개방되어 있으며, 구직자들과 의료, 기술, 비즈니스, 정부 부문의 40개 이상의 주요 고용주를 연결할 것입니다.

가상 형식은 참가자들이 어디서나 참석할 수 있도록 하여 직접 일자리에 지원하고, 리크루터와 실시간으로 채팅하며, 이력서를 공유할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 플랫폼 탐색 및 리크루터와 효율적으로 소통하는 방법을 안내할 준비 세미나가 10월 9일에 열릴 예정입니다.

이 이니셔티브는 현재 직업 시장의 문제를 해결하고, 고성장 분야에서 유익한 연결을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 두 기관은 학생들과 졸업생들이 전문성을 개발할 수 있도록 포괄적인 진로 서비스를 제공합니다.

L’Université Rasmussen et l’Université Publique Américaine (APU) co-organisent une Foire Nationale Virtuelle d’Emploi le 16 octobre 2024, de 10h00 à 14h00 CST. Cet événement gratuit, ouvert au public, mettra en relation les chercheurs d'emploi avec plus de 40 employeurs de premier plan issus de divers secteurs, y compris la santé, la technologie, les affaires et les secteurs gouvernementaux.

Le format virtuel permet aux participants de se joindre depuis n’importe où, offrant des opportunités de postuler directement pour des emplois, discuter en direct avec des recruteurs et partager des CV. Un webinaire préparatoire se tiendra le 9 octobre pour guider les participants dans la navigation de la plateforme et l’interaction efficace avec les recruteurs.

Cette initiative vise à aborder les défis actuels du marché du travail et à fournir des connexions précieuses dans des domaines en forte croissance. Les deux institutions offrent des services de carrière complets pour soutenir les étudiants et les anciens élèves dans leur développement professionnel.

Die Rasmussen University und die American Public University (APU) veranstalten gemeinsam eine nationale virtuelle Karrieremesse am 16. Oktober 2024 von 10 bis 14 Uhr CST. Diese kostenlose Veranstaltung, die für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ist, bringt Arbeitssuchende mit über 40 führenden Arbeitgebern aus verschiedenen Branchen, einschließlich Gesundheitswesen, Technologie, Wirtschaft und öffentliche Sektoren, zusammen.

Das virtuelle Format ermöglicht es den Teilnehmern, von überall aus teilzunehmen, und bietet die Gelegenheit, sich direkt um Jobs zu bewerben, live mit Recruitern zu chatten und Lebensläufe zu teilen. Ein vorbereitendes Webinar findet am 9. Oktober statt, um den Teilnehmern zu erklären, wie sie die Plattform navigieren und effektiv mit Recruitern interagieren können.

Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, aktuelle Herausforderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt anzugehen und wertvolle Verbindungen in wachstumsstarken Bereichen zu schaffen. Beide Institutionen bieten umfassende Karrieredienste an, um Studenten und Absolventen bei ihrer beruflichen Entwicklung zu unterstützen.

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Virtual Career Fair addresses workforce challenges by connecting job seekers with employers across healthcare, technology, education, and more, while offering tools for career success

MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Rasmussen University and American Public University (APU) will again co-host a National Virtual Career Fair on Wednesday, Oct.16, 2024. The joint event will give participants the opportunity to network with recruiters and representatives from more than 40 leading public and private employers nationwide, in industries such as healthcare, technology, business and the government sector.

Visit here to register for the free National Virtual Career Fair.

The National Virtual Career Fair will run from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. CST, and is open to the public, allowing participants to attend from almost anywhere, including the comfort of their home or office. Last year's fair connected over 800 attendees with potential employers.

"Today's workforce is grappling with numerous challenges, including burnout, work-life balance and widespread workplace dissatisfaction," said Elizabeth Lintelman, director of Career Services at Rasmussen University. "Our Virtual Career Fair allows individuals at every stage of their professional journey to learn and connect with recruiters about exciting opportunities, whether they are seasoned professionals seeking a new direction, recent graduates now embarking on their career or students exploring the options available to them after graduation."

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, some of the fastest growing occupations today include nurse practitioners, data scientists, and information security analysts. The National Virtual Career Fair provides a valuable platform that allows job seekers to learn more about the requirements needed to enter these high-growth fields.

"Our goal is to foster meaningful connections between our students, and alumni with employers from in-demand fields," said Christine Muncy, associate vice president of Career Services at American Public University System. "By partnering with Rasmussen University, we are able to draw on the strong relationships both institutions have with employers to provide our communities with greater opportunities across industries while also putting job seekers on the path to success." 

At the National Virtual Career Fair, participants can:

  • Apply to Jobs Directly: Jobs will be posted in employers' booths where participants can easily apply.
  • Chat Live with Recruiters: Recruiters will be live during the event to answer questions about their company and open positions.
  • Share Their Resumes: Resumes will be made available to employers during and after the event.

On Wednesday, Oct. 9, Rasmussen and APUS will co-host a free webinar from Noon – 1 p.m. CST designed to help participants prepare for the career fair, including guidance on how to navigate the virtual career fair platform and research employers and job listings as well as provide tips for engaging effectively with recruiters during live chats. 

Both Rasmussen University and American Public University System, which operates APU and American Military University, have hosted career fair events since 2009. Rasmussen transitioned its annual career fair to a virtual setting seven years ago while APUS has hosted several virtual career fairs that have drawn thousands of attendees.

Additionally, both institutions also provide a comprehensive suite of career services for students and alumni, including interview preparation, cutting-edge resume-building tools and year-round workshops and webinars designed to support ongoing professional development and empower students throughout their professional journey.

Registration for the webinar is available here.


Rasmussen University, a university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (, is dedicated to changing lives and the communities it serves through innovative educational programs. As a pioneer in career-focused education since 1900, the University is defining a new generation of higher education that focuses on competency-based education, technology and transferable skills. Rasmussen offers undergraduate and graduate programs online and in person at 20 campuses around the country. The University is designed to lift and support its students every step of the way, from each student's first credential to their last. Rasmussen is dedicated to global enrichment, serving the underserved and meeting the evolving needs of diverse students, communities and economies. Rasmussen encourages its students, faculty and staff to strive for academic excellence, community enrichment and service to the public good. Rasmussen is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information about Rasmussen University, please visit (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information about Rasmussen University, please visit


American Public University System (APUS) delivers affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant higher education. With a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive, 33-year history and over 147,000 alumni from more than 80 countries, APUS is recognized for its innovative approach to online learning. APUS is in the top 11% for students' return on educational investment, compared to 4,500 colleges and universities nationwide, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2022)1.

APUS, which includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU), is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. APUS is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information, visit

1Ranking based on 20-year net present value (NPV)


American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI), through its institutions American Public University System (APUS), Rasmussen University, Hondros College of Nursing and Graduate School USA (GSUSA) provides education that transforms lives, advances careers, and improves communities.

Contact: Molly Andersen
Mobile: 903.920.4366

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SOURCE Rasmussen University


When is the National Virtual Career Fair hosted by Rasmussen University and APU?

The National Virtual Career Fair is scheduled for Wednesday, October 16, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. CST.

How many employers will be participating in the 2024 National Virtual Career Fair?

The event will feature more than 40 leading public and private employers from various industries nationwide.

What industries will be represented at the Rasmussen and APU Virtual Career Fair?

The career fair will include employers from industries such as healthcare, technology, business, and the government sector.

Is there a preparatory event for the National Virtual Career Fair?

Yes, a free webinar will be held on October 9, 2024, from Noon to 1 p.m. CST to help participants prepare for the career fair.

What opportunities will be available to participants at the Virtual Career Fair?

Participants can apply to jobs directly, chat live with recruiters, share their resumes, and network with employer representatives.

American Public Education, Inc.


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