All University Students Can Now Access Professional Coaching at No Cost

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American Public University System (APUS) has expanded its partnership with LifeRamp to offer free professional coaching to all students at American Public University and American Military University. Previously to students nearing program completion, this service is now available from the first day of class. The ICF-certified coaching is provided in four languages (English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese) through LifeRamp's Launch 360° service.

This initiative enhances APUS's student services, which include AI-powered resume building, an online job board, virtual career fairs, and more. The coaching aims to support students in their personal and professional development, offering personalized guidance on strength assessment, goal planning, and skill improvement.

Il American Public University System (APUS) ha ampliato la sua collaborazione con LifeRamp per offrire coaching professionale gratuito a tutti gli studenti dell'American Public University e dell'American Military University. In precedenza, questo servizio era riservato agli studenti prossimi alla conclusione del programma, ma ora è disponibile fin dal primo giorno di lezione. Il coaching certificato ICF è fornito in quattro lingue (inglese, spagnolo, francese e portoghese) tramite il servizio Launch 360° di LifeRamp.

Questa iniziativa arricchisce i servizi agli studenti di APUS, che includono creazione di curriculum basata su IA, una bacheca di lavoro online, fiere virtuali del lavoro e altro ancora. Il coaching ha l'obiettivo di supportare gli studenti nel loro sviluppo personale e professionale, offrendo orientamenti personalizzati sulla valutazione delle forze, pianificazione degli obiettivi e miglioramento delle competenze.

El Sistema Universitario Público Americano (APUS) ha ampliado su asociación con LifeRamp para ofrecer coaching profesional gratuito a todos los estudiantes de la Universidad Pública Americana y la Universidad Militar Americana. Anteriormente, este servicio estaba disponible solo para los estudiantes que se acercaban a la finalización del programa, pero ahora está disponible desde el primer día de clase. El coaching certificado por la ICF se ofrece en cuatro idiomas (inglés, español, francés y portugués) a través del servicio Launch 360° de LifeRamp.

Esta iniciativa mejora los servicios para estudiantes de APUS, que incluyen creación de currículum impulsada por IA, una bolsa de trabajo en línea, ferias de empleo virtuales y más. El coaching tiene como objetivo apoyar a los estudiantes en su desarrollo personal y profesional, brindando orientación personalizada sobre evaluación de fortalezas, planificación de objetivos y mejora de habilidades.

미국 공립 대학 시스템(APUS)은 LifeRamp와의 파트너십을 확장하여 미국 공립 대학 및 미국 군사 대학의 모든 학생에게 무료 전문 coaching을 제공합니다. 이전에는 프로그램 완료에 가까운 학생들만 이용 가능했지만, 이제는 수업 첫날부터 이용할 수 있습니다. ICF 인증 coaching은 LifeRamp의 Launch 360° 서비스를 통해 네 가지 언어 (영어, 스페인어, 프랑스어, 포르투갈어)로 제공됩니다.

이 이니셔티브는 APUS의 학생 서비스를 향상시키며, 여기에는 AI 기반 이력서 작성, 온라인 구인 게시판, 가상 취업 박람회 등이 포함됩니다. coaching은 학생들이 개인적 및 직업적 개발을 지원하며, 강점 평가, 목표 계획 및 기술 향상에 대한 개인 맞춤형 지침을 제공합니다.

Le Système Universitaire Public Américain (APUS) a élargi son partenariat avec LifeRamp pour offrir un coaching professionnel gratuit à tous les étudiants de l'Université Publique Américaine et de l'Université Militaire Américaine. Auparavant, ce service était réservé aux étudiants sur le point de terminer leur programme, mais il est désormais disponible dès le premier jour de cours. Le coaching certifié ICF est proposé en quatre langues (anglais, espagnol, français et portugais) à travers le service Launch 360° de LifeRamp.

Cette initiative améliore les services aux étudiants d'APUS, qui incluent la création de CV alimentée par l'IA, un tableau d'offres d'emploi en ligne, des foires de l'emploi virtuelles et bien plus encore. Le coaching vise à soutenir les étudiants dans leur développement personnel et professionnel, en offrant des conseils personnalisés sur l'évaluation des forces, la planification des objectifs et l'amélioration des compétences.

Das American Public University System (APUS) hat seine Partnerschaft mit LifeRamp erweitert, um kostenloses professionelles Coaching für alle Studierenden der American Public University und der American Military University anzubieten. Dieses Angebot war zuvor nur für Studierende kurz vor dem Programmabschluss verfügbar, ist jedoch jetzt ab dem ersten Tag des Unterrichts zugänglich. Das ICF-zertifizierte Coaching wird in vier Sprachen (Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch und Portugiesisch) über den Launch 360°-Service von LifeRamp angeboten.

Diese Initiative verbessert die Dienstleistungen für Studierende von APUS, zu denen auch KI-gestützte Lebenslaufgestaltung, ein online Stellenmarkt, virtuelle Karrieremessen und mehr gehören. Das Coaching zielt darauf ab, Studenten in ihrer persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung zu unterstützen, indem es individuelle Beratung zur Stärkenbewertung, Zielplanung und Kompetenzverbesserung bietet.

  • Expanded free professional coaching services to all APUS students
  • Partnership with ICF-certified coaching provider LifeRamp
  • Coaching available in four languages, increasing accessibility
  • Enhanced student services including AI-powered resume building and online job board
  • None.

APUS and LifeRamp Partnership Enables ICF-Certified Coaching in Four Languages

CHARLES TOWN, W.Va., Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Effective immediately, all students at American Public University and American Military University have access to professional coaching at no cost.

Students interested in this service can learn more at CareerLink (under the Resources tab), or in the Student Success Center from within the ecampus site.

This expansion in services to include all students comes as part of an agreement between American Public University System (APUS) and LifeRamp, which provides integrated coaching and mentoring services that are certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). On their first day of taking a class, all APUS students can gain access to LifeRamp's Launch 360° coaching service in four languages (English, Spanish, French and Portuguese). Previously, these services were only available to APUS students once they neared program completion.

"We support our students at every step of the way, and we're proud to offer professional and executive coaching combined with a range of other useful services that can be instrumental in their personal and professional development," said Erika Orris, Senior Vice President, Operations, APUS. "Our services and programs are committed to helping both students and alumni accomplish their academic and personal goals."

"We are excited to expand our partnership to include all AMU and APU students," said LifeRamp Founder and CEO Michael Huckaby. "At LifeRamp, we believe everyone deserves a personal life and career coach to help them design a life of choice, not chance."

LifeRamp provides personalized, 1-1 coach-guided experiences that include strength assessment, goal planning, guidance on developing and improving skills, plus tools and methods for tracking progress. The coaching is designed to guide participants with a roadmap to overcome obstacles, plus help them achieve more meaningful lives and successful careers.

This is the latest enhancement to the University's student services, which include supplemental, professional, and executive coaching services through certified vendors and dedicated APUS staff members. APUS also offers a range of other career services, many of which are currently offered at no cost to students and alumni. This includes access to:

  • An AI-powered resume building platform,
  • An online job board built for our students and alums,
  • Virtual career fairs and events,
  • Resume reviews, career guides, and career exploration.

For more info on the University's career services, visit:

Students can connect with APUS career coaches by emailing or calling 877-755-2787 (Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Eastern).

About American Public University System
American Public University System (APUS) delivers affordable, high-quality, workforce-relevant higher education. With a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive 32-year history, and over 141,000 alumni from more than 80 countries, APUS is recognized for its innovative approach to online learning¹. APUS is in the top 11% for students' return on educational investment, compared to 4,500 colleges and universities nationwide, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (2022)².

APUS, which includes American Military University (AMU) and American Public University (APU), is accredited by the  Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an institutional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. APUS is a wholly owned subsidiary of  American Public Education, Inc. (Nasdaq: APEI). For more information, visit

¹APUS has been honored with the online Learning Consortium's Gomory Award for Quality Online Education and is a five-time recipient of the consortium's Effective Practice Award

²Ranking based on 20-year net present value (NPV)

Frank Tutalo
Associate Vice President, Public Relations, APUS

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SOURCE American Public University System


What new service is APEI offering to all its students?

APEI is now offering free professional coaching to all students at American Public University and American Military University through its partnership with LifeRamp.

When can APEI students access the new coaching services?

APEI students can access the LifeRamp coaching services from their first day of taking a class, effective immediately.

In what languages is the LifeRamp coaching available for APEI students?

The LifeRamp coaching is available in four languages: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.

What other career services does APEI offer to its students and alumni?

APEI offers additional services including an AI-powered resume building platform, an online job board, virtual career fairs, resume reviews, and career guides.

American Public Education, Inc.


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