AppTech Payments Provides Shareholder Update Highlighting Recent Strategic Partnership and Growth Milestones

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AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) has announced significant growth milestones, including a new strategic partnership that will expand its white-label ACH platform to 40,000 clients. The company's automated underwriting system will facilitate rapid onboarding. AppTech's recent achievements include:

  • Success of the BaaS pilot program, introducing virtual accounts and advanced features
  • Development of InstaCash platform for real-time transactions and financial literacy
  • Continued roll-out of FinZeo platform to credit unions nationwide
  • Adoption of FinZeo by airports, with plans to expand to 40 locations in 2024

These initiatives aim to drive growth, enhance financial capabilities, and position AppTech for long-term shareholder value.

AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) ha annunciato traguardi significativi, tra cui una nuova partnership strategica che espanderà la sua piattaforma ACH in white-label a 40.000 clienti. Il sistema di underwriting automatizzato dell'azienda faciliterà l'onboarding rapido. Le recenti conquiste di AppTech includono:

  • Successo del programma pilota BaaS, introducendo conti virtuali e funzionalità avanzate
  • Sviluppo della piattaforma InstaCash per transazioni in tempo reale e alfabetizzazione finanziaria
  • Continua distribuzione della piattaforma FinZeo a cooperative di credito in tutto il paese
  • Adozione di FinZeo da parte degli aeroporti, con piani di espansione a 40 sedi nel 2024

Queste iniziative mirano a stimolare la crescita, migliorare le capacità finanziarie e posizionare AppTech per un valore a lungo termine per gli azionisti.

AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) ha anunciado hitos de crecimiento significativos, incluyendo una nueva asociación estratégica que ampliará su plataforma ACH de marca blanca a 40,000 clientes. El sistema de suscripción automatizado de la compañía facilitará una rápida incorporación. Los logros recientes de AppTech incluyen:

  • Éxito del programa piloto BaaS, introduciendo cuentas virtuales y funciones avanzadas
  • Desarrollo de la plataforma InstaCash para transacciones en tiempo real y educación financiera
  • Continua implementación de la plataforma FinZeo en cooperativas de crédito a nivel nacional
  • Adopción de FinZeo por parte de los aeropuertos, con planes para expandirse a 40 ubicaciones en 2024

Estas iniciativas buscan impulsar el crecimiento, mejorar las capacidades financieras y posicionar a AppTech para un valor a largo plazo para los accionistas.

AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX)는 40,000명의 고객에게 화이트 라벨 ACH 플랫폼을 확장할 새로운 전략적 파트너십을 포함하여 중요한 성장 이정표를 발표했습니다. 회사의 자동화된 언더라이팅 시스템은 빠른 온보딩을 용이하게 합니다. AppTech의 최근 성과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

  • 가상 계좌와 고급 기능을 도입한 BaaS 파일럿 프로그램의 성공
  • 실시간 트랜잭션 및 금융 교육을 위한 InstaCash 플랫폼 개발
  • 전국의 신용 조합에 대한 FinZeo 플랫폼의 지속적인 배포
  • 공항에서 FinZeo 채택, 2024년까지 40개 위치로 확대할 계획

이러한 이니셔티브는 성장을 촉진하고 금융 능력을 향상시키며 AppTech을 장기적인 주주 가치를 위해 포지셔닝하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) a annoncé des étapes de croissance significatives, y compris un nouveau partenariat stratégique qui étendra sa plateforme ACH en marque blanche à 40 000 clients. Le système d'évaluation automatisé de l'entreprise facilitera une intégration rapide. Les récentes réalisations d'AppTech incluent :

  • Succès du programme pilote BaaS, introduction de comptes virtuels et de fonctionnalités avancées
  • Développement de la plateforme InstaCash pour des transactions en temps réel et l'éducation financière
  • Déploiement continu de la plateforme FinZeo auprès des coopératives de crédit à l'échelle nationale
  • Adoption de FinZeo par les aéroports, avec des plans d'expansion vers 40 emplacements en 2024

Ces initiatives visent à stimuler la croissance, à améliorer les capacités financières et à positionner AppTech pour une valeur à long terme pour les actionnaires.

Die AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) hat bedeutende Wachstumsmeilensteine angekündigt, darunter eine neue strategische Partnerschaft, die ihre White-Label-ACH-Plattform auf 40.000 Kunden ausweiten wird. Das automatisierte Underwriting-System des Unternehmens wird eine schnelle Einarbeitung erleichtern. Die jüngsten Erfolge von AppTech umfassen:

  • Erfolg des BaaS-Pilotprogramms, das virtuelle Konten und fortschrittliche Funktionen einführt
  • Entwicklung der InstaCash-Plattform für Echtzeitransaktionen und Finanzbildung
  • Fortlaufende Einführung der FinZeo-Plattform in Kreditgenossenschaften im ganzen Land
  • Einführung von FinZeo durch Flughäfen mit Plänen zur Expansion auf 40 Standorte im Jahr 2024

Diese Initiativen zielen darauf ab, das Wachstum voranzutreiben, die finanziellen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und AppTech für langfristigen Shareholder-Wert zu positionieren.

  • Strategic partnership expanding ACH platform to 40,000 new clients
  • Successful BaaS pilot program with virtual accounts and advanced features
  • Development of InstaCash platform for real-time transactions
  • FinZeo platform gaining traction with credit unions
  • Adoption of FinZeo by airports with plans to expand to 40 locations in 2024
  • None.


AppTech's strategic partnership with a 40,000-client portfolio holder marks a significant expansion opportunity. The automated underwriting system for seamless onboarding is a key differentiator, potentially accelerating revenue growth. However, the lack of specific financial projections or current revenue figures makes it challenging to quantify the impact.

The success of the BaaS pilot program and the anticipated adoption by over 200 new Independent Sales Organizations suggest a strong growth trajectory. The InstaCash platform and FinZeo rollout, particularly in airports, indicate diversification of revenue streams. While these developments are promising, investors should remain cautious without concrete financial metrics to support the growth narrative.

AppTech's white-label ACH platform and automated underwriting system address critical pain points in financial operations, potentially disrupting traditional banking processes. The BaaS pilot's success, featuring virtual accounts and SMS invoicing, aligns with the industry trend towards frictionless banking.

The InstaCash platform's real-time transaction system could be a game-changer for smaller financial institutions, leveling the playing field against larger banks. However, the competitive landscape in Fintech is fierce and AppTech will need to maintain a rapid pace of innovation to stay ahead. The integration of financial literacy courses is a smart move, potentially increasing user engagement and loyalty.

The partnership targeting 40,000 clients signifies a substantial market penetration opportunity for AppTech. The company's focus on empowering smaller banks and credit unions taps into a growing demand for advanced Fintech solutions in this underserved segment.

The planned rollout to approximately forty airports in 2024 represents a strategic entry into a high-traffic, high-transaction volume sector. This move could provide steady revenue streams and increase brand visibility. However, the success of these initiatives will depend on execution and adoption rates. Investors should monitor key performance indicators in the coming quarters to assess the actual impact on AppTech's market position and financial performance.

Partnership to drive expansion of AppTech's fully customizable white-label ACH platform to a portfolio of 40,000 clients

CARLSBAD, Calif., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AppTech Payments Corp. (Nasdaq: APCX) (“AppTech” or the “Company”), a pioneering Fintech company powering frictionless commerce, provides a shareholder update on recent growth milestones, highlighted by the onboarding of a significant new strategic partner with an extensive portfolio of 40,000 clients.

AppTech CEO Luke D’Angelo commented, “We are gratified to continue executing on our robust growth strategy as our newest partner begins to integrate AppTech's fully customizable and white-labeled ACH platform into their financial operations. We look forward to continuing to expand the footprint of our entire suite of patented technology capabilities, leveraging our expansive partner network and differentiated solutions as we position the Company for long-term shareholder value.”

The onboarding process will be expedited by the Company’s groundbreaking automated underwriting system, which enables the seamless onboarding of a multitude of accounts without the cumbersome, outdated manual processes typically required by other platforms. Upon completion, AppTech will significantly broaden the reach for its services and enhance the financial capabilities available to the partner’s extensive client base.

Additional Recent Growth Milestones:

  1. BaaS Pilot Program Success: AppTech CEO Luke D’Angelo recently highlighted the success of the BaaS pilot program, which has achieved a key milestone in democratizing banking. The program introduced virtual accounts, commercial purchase debit cards, and advanced features such as SMS invoicing for B2B transactions. This initiative aims to reduce friction in payments and foster a Real Time Payment network, setting the stage for the anticipated adoption by over 200 new Independent Sales Organizations. This advancement is positioned to drive growth for legacy banks and credit unions throughout the United States, ultimately allowing them to compete with the large banks and drive value back to the consumer.
  2. InstaCash and Financial Inclusion: AppTech's InstaCash platform is positioned to transform specialty payments by offering a real-time, seamless transaction system. It empowers banks and credit unions of all sizes to provide instant transactions, leveling the playing field in the Fintech space. The platform is also set to enhance financial literacy through integrated online courses, expanding its impact beyond mere transactions to social empowerment.
  3. FinZeo Platform Roll-Out: The FinZeo platform continues to gain traction, with expectations to be available to credit unions nationwide. This innovative solution provides a competitive edge to legacy banks by delivering advanced tech services for mobile payments, ACH, and credit card processing. AppTech anticipates significant uptake as credit unions transition from legacy systems to Fintech solutions.
  4. Airport Adoption of FinZeo: This milestone represents the beginning of a broader rollout expected to include approximately forty domestic and international airports in 2024, setting the foundation for a profitable year ahead.

About AppTech Payments

AppTech Payments Corp. (NASDAQ: APCX) provides digital financial services for financial institutions, corporations, small and midsized enterprises (“SMEs”), and consumers through the Company’s scalable cloud-based platform architecture and infrastructure, coupled with our Specialty Payments development and delivery model. AppTech maintains exclusive licensing and partnership agreements in addition to a full suite of patented technology capabilities. For more information, please visit


This press release contains forward-looking statements that are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties. Any statements contained in this document that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipate, believe, estimate, expect, forecast, intend, may, plan, project, predict, should, will” and similar expressions as they relate to AppTech are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to, general economic and business conditions, effects of continued geopolitical unrest and regional conflicts, competition, changes in methods of marketing, delays in manufacturing or distribution, changes in customer order patterns, changes in customer offering mix, and various other factors beyond the Company’s control. Actual events or results may differ materially from those described in this press release due to any of these factors. AppTech is under no obligation to update or alter its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

Investor Relations Contact
Scott Arnold

AppTech Payments Corp.


What is AppTech Payments Corp.'s new strategic partnership about?

AppTech Payments Corp. (APCX) has partnered with a company that has a portfolio of 40,000 clients, expanding the reach of AppTech's white-label ACH platform to these new potential customers.

How is AppTech (APCX) streamlining the onboarding process for new accounts?

AppTech is using its automated underwriting system to expedite the onboarding process, allowing for seamless integration of multiple accounts without manual processes typically required by other platforms.

What features does AppTech's (APCX) BaaS pilot program offer?

AppTech's BaaS pilot program offers virtual accounts, commercial purchase debit cards, and advanced features like SMS invoicing for B2B transactions, aiming to reduce friction in payments and foster a Real Time Payment network.

How many airports are expected to adopt AppTech's (APCX) FinZeo platform in 2024?

AppTech anticipates that approximately forty domestic and international airports will adopt the FinZeo platform in 2024.

AppTech Payments Corp.


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Software - Infrastructure
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United States of America