Artisan Partners International Value Group Update

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Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) has announced the addition of Brian Louko as portfolio manager and Scott Bartley as director to their International Value Group. Mr. Louko will lead a new strategy focused on global special situations and flexible capital opportunities, expanding the group's investment scope. The team, based in Boston, will adhere to value investing principles with the goal of generating long-term wealth-building returns.

David Samra, Founding Portfolio Manager of the International Value Group, will serve as an advisor to Mr. Louko for this new strategy. Both Louko and Bartley bring extensive experience in distressed and special situations investing, private loans, and equity analysis from their previous roles at firms such as Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management, and Paceline Equity Partners.

This expansion represents Artisan Partners' effort to capitalize on alternative capital opportunities with potential for equity-like returns, complementing their existing International Value Group strategy.

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) ha annunciato l'aggiunta di Brian Louko come gestore di portafoglio e Scott Bartley come direttore del loro International Value Group. Il Sig. Louko guiderà una nuova strategia focalizzata su situazioni speciali globali e opportunità di capitale flessibile, ampliando il campo d'investimento del gruppo. Il team, con sede a Boston, seguirà i principi dell'investimento value con l'obiettivo di generare rendimenti a lungo termine per la creazione di ricchezza.

David Samra, Fondatore e Portfolio Manager del International Value Group, fungerà da consulente per il Sig. Louko per questa nuova strategia. Sia Louko che Bartley portano un'ampia esperienza in investimenti in situazioni distressed e speciali, prestiti privati e analisi azionaria dalle loro precedenti esperienze in aziende come Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management e Paceline Equity Partners.

Questa espansione rappresenta lo sforzo di Artisan Partners di sfruttare le opportunità di capitale alternative con potenziale per rendimenti simili a quelli azionari, complementando la loro esistente strategia del International Value Group.

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) ha anunciado la incorporación de Brian Louko como gerente de cartera y Scott Bartley como director de su International Value Group. El Sr. Louko liderará una nueva estrategia centrada en situaciones especiales globales y oportunidades de capital flexible, ampliando el ámbito de inversión del grupo. El equipo, con sede en Boston, se apegará a los principios de inversión en valor con el objetivo de generar rendimientos de construcción de riqueza a largo plazo.

David Samra, gerente de cartera fundador del International Value Group, servirá como asesor del Sr. Louko para esta nueva estrategia. Tanto Louko como Bartley aportan una amplia experiencia en inversiones en situaciones problemáticas y especiales, préstamos privados y análisis de acciones de sus roles anteriores en empresas como Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management y Paceline Equity Partners.

Esta expansión representa el esfuerzo de Artisan Partners para capitalizar oportunidades de capital alternativo con potencial para rendimientos similares a los de acciones, complementando su estrategia existente del International Value Group.

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM)는 Brian Louko를 포트폴리오 매니저로, Scott Bartley를 이사로 국제 가치 그룹에 추가한다고 발표했습니다. Louko 씨는 글로벌 특별 상황 및 유연한 자본 기회에 초점을 맞춘 새로운 전략을 주도하여 그룹의 투자 범위를 확장할 것입니다. 보스턴에 본사를 둔 팀은 장기적인 부의 구축을 위한 수익을 창출하는 것을 목표로 하여 가치 투자 원칙을 고수할 것입니다.

국제 가치 그룹의 설립 포트폴리오 매니저인 David Samra는 이 새로운 전략에 대해 Louko 씨의 자문 역할을 할 것입니다. Louko와 Bartley는 Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management 및 Paceline Equity Partners와 같은 회사에서의 이전 역할을 통해 재정 문제와 특별 상황 투자, 민간 대출 및 주식 분석에 대한 광범위한 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

이번 확장은 Artisan Partners가 주식 유사 수익을 기대할 수 있는 대체 자본 기회를 활용하기 위한 노력의 일환으로, 기존의 국제 가치 그룹 전략을 보완하는 것입니다.

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) a annoncé l'ajout de Brian Louko en tant que gestionnaire de portefeuille et de Scott Bartley en tant que directeur de leur International Value Group. M. Louko dirigera une nouvelle stratégie axée sur les situations spéciales mondiales et les opportunités de capital flexible, élargissant ainsi le champ d'investissement du groupe. L'équipe, basée à Boston, respectera les principes de l'investissement valeur dans le but de générer des rendements à long terme pour la création de richesse.

David Samra, gestionnaire de portefeuille fondateur de l'International Value Group, agira comme conseiller auprès de M. Louko pour cette nouvelle stratégie. Louko et Bartley apportent tous deux une vaste expérience en investissements dans des situations difficiles et spéciales, en prêts privés et en analyse d'actions, acquise au cours de leurs précédents postes dans des entreprises telles que Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management et Paceline Equity Partners.

Cette expansion représente l'effort d'Artisan Partners pour capitaliser sur des opportunités de capital alternatif avec un potentiel de rendements similaires à ceux des actions, complétant leur stratégie existante de l'International Value Group.

Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) hat die Hinzufügung von Brian Louko als Portfoliomanager und Scott Bartley als Direktor für ihre International Value Group bekannt gegeben. Herr Louko wird eine neue Strategie leiten, die sich auf globale Sonderfälle und flexible Kapitalmöglichkeiten konzentriert und damit den Investitionsbereich der Gruppe erweitert. Das in Boston ansässige Team wird sich an die Prinzipien des Value Investings halten, um langfristige Vermögensbildung und Renditen zu erzielen.

David Samra, Gründungs-Portfoliomanager der International Value Group, wird Herrn Louko als Berater für diese neue Strategie zur Seite stehen. Sowohl Louko als auch Bartley bringen umfassende Erfahrungen im Bereich distressed und special situations Investing, private Loans und Aktienanalyse aus ihren früheren Tätigkeiten bei Unternehmen wie Benefit Street Partners, MAST Capital Management und Paceline Equity Partners mit.

Diese Expansion stellt Artisan Partners' Bestreben dar, von alternativen Kapitalmöglichkeiten mit Potenzial für aktienähnliche Renditen zu profitieren, und ergänzt die bestehende Strategie der International Value Group.

  • Expansion of investment strategies with new global special situations and flexible capital opportunities focus
  • Addition of experienced professionals Brian Louko and Scott Bartley to the team
  • Potential for new revenue streams and enhanced investment offerings for clients
  • None.

MILWAUKEE, Oct. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Artisan Partners Asset Management Inc. (NYSE: APAM) announced today the addition of Brian Louko as portfolio manager and Scott Bartley as director on the Artisan Partners International Value Group. In the coming months, Mr. Louko will build out the team and launch a strategy focused on global special situations and flexible capital opportunities.

The new strategy represents a natural expansion of degrees of investment freedom for the International Value Group. Mr. Louko will lead an investment team located in Boston focused on the principles of value investing with the objective of generating long-term wealth-building returns. David Samra, Founding Portfolio Manager of the International Value Group, will serve in an advisory capacity to Mr. Louko for the new strategy.

Prior to joining Artisan, Mr. Louko was a director at Benefit Street Partners, where he focused on distressed and special situations investing. Prior to that, he served as a research analyst at MAST Capital Management, advisor and CFO at, as well as director of capital markets credit risk at Fidelity Investments. Mr. Louko holds a bachelor’s degree in business with a focus on finance/accounting from Northeastern University and a master’s degree in business administration from Columbia Business School.

Mr. Bartley was previously a director at Paceline Equity Partners, where he led the corporate credit origination team, which is responsible for sourcing, negotiating and underwriting private loans to middle market borrowers across a broad range of industries and sectors. Prior to that, he held various positions, including at MAST Capital Management and Advent International, sourcing and evaluating potential long and short equity, high yield, leveraged loan and distressed opportunities for investment. Mr. Bartley holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from Brown University.

Regarding Mr. Louko’s and Mr. Bartley’s joining the Artisan Partners International Value Group, Mr. Samra said, “For many years we have tried to find the correct structure and the right talent that would allow us to take advantage of select situations that present alternative capital opportunities and offer the potential for equity-like returns. We believe that Brian and Scott are well positioned to lead that effort.”

Artisan Partners President Jason Gottlieb added, “We are excited for this opportunity to further build upon our first-generation International Value Group with this unique alternative investing strategy, led by Brian Louko. Brian brings a thoughtful and complementary value lens and utilizes additional degrees of freedom through an expansive investment opportunity set beyond equities, which we believe will be additive to the International Value Group.”

About Artisan Partners
Artisan Partners is a global investment management firm that provides a broad range of high value-added investment strategies in growing asset classes to sophisticated clients around the world. Since 1994, the firm has been committed to attracting experienced, disciplined investment professionals to manage client assets. Artisan Partners’ autonomous investment teams oversee a diverse range of investment strategies across multiple asset classes. Strategies are offered through various investment vehicles to accommodate a broad range of client mandates.

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Eileen Kwei

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Artisan Partners Limited Partnership (APLP) is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Artisan Partners UK LLP (APUK) is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is a registered investment adviser with the SEC. APEL Financial Distribution Services Limited (AP Europe) is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. APLP, APUK and AP Europe are collectively, with their parent company and affiliates, referred to as Artisan Partners herein.

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What new strategy is Artisan Partners (APAM) launching with Brian Louko?

Artisan Partners is launching a new strategy focused on global special situations and flexible capital opportunities, led by Brian Louko as portfolio manager.

Who will advise Brian Louko on the new strategy at Artisan Partners (APAM)?

David Samra, Founding Portfolio Manager of the International Value Group, will serve in an advisory capacity to Brian Louko for the new strategy.

What is the objective of the new investment team led by Brian Louko at Artisan Partners (APAM)?

The objective of the new investment team is to generate long-term wealth-building returns through value investing principles, focusing on global special situations and flexible capital opportunities.

Where will the new investment team led by Brian Louko be located for Artisan Partners (APAM)?

The new investment team led by Brian Louko will be located in Boston.



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