Kinetik Publishes 2023 Sustainability Report

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Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) has published its 2023 Sustainability Report, highlighting significant progress in environmental, safety, and sustainability initiatives. Key achievements include:

83% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate and zero lost time incidents
32% reduction in methane emissions intensity since 2021
14% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity since 2021
• Formation of New Energy Ventures group to explore clean energy opportunities
• Partnership with Infinium for ultra low-carbon e-Fuels production

These accomplishments were achieved despite a 25% increase in natural gas volumes since 2021. The company implemented various technologies and programs to reduce emissions, including upgrading pneumatics, electrifying compression, and enhancing leak detection. Kinetik remains committed to fostering a culture of safety, environmental responsibility, and community engagement.

Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sulla Sostenibilità 2023, evidenziando progressi significativi nelle iniziative relative all'ambiente, alla sicurezza e alla sostenibilità. Le principali realizzazioni includono:

riduzione dell'83% nel Tasso di Incidenti Registrabili Totali e zero incidenti con giorni di assenza
riduzione del 32% nell'intensità delle emissioni di metano dal 2021
riduzione del 14% nell'intensità delle emissioni di gas serra dal 2021
• Formazione del gruppo New Energy Ventures per esplorare opportunità di energia pulita
• Collaborazione con Infinium per la produzione di e-Fuels ultra low-carbon

Questi traguardi sono stati raggiunti nonostante un aumento del 25% dei volumi di gas naturale dal 2021. L'azienda ha implementato varie tecnologie e programmi per ridurre le emissioni, tra cui l'aggiornamento degli impianti pneumatici, l'elettrificazione della compressione e il miglioramento della rilevazione delle perdite. Kinetik rimane impegnata a promuovere una cultura di sicurezza, responsabilità ambientale e coinvolgimento della comunità.

Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) ha publicado su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, destacando avances significativos en iniciativas medioambientales, de seguridad y sostenibilidad. Los logros clave incluyen:

reducción del 83% en la Tasa de Incidentes Registrables Totales y cero incidentes con tiempo perdido
reducción del 32% en la intensidad de las emisiones de metano desde 2021
reducción del 14% en la intensidad de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero desde 2021
• Formación del grupo New Energy Ventures para explorar oportunidades de energía limpia
• Asociación con Infinium para la producción de e-Fuels ultra bajos en carbono

Estos logros se han alcanzado a pesar de un aumento del 25% en los volúmenes de gas natural desde 2021. La empresa ha implementado diversas tecnologías y programas para reducir las emisiones, incluyendo la modernización de la neumática, la electrificación de la compresión y la mejora en la detección de fugas. Kinetik sigue comprometida a fomentar una cultura de seguridad, responsabilidad ambiental y participación comunitaria.

Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK)는 2023 지속 가능성 보고서를 발표하며 환경, 안전 및 지속 가능성 이니셔티브에서 중요한 진행 상황을 강조했습니다. 주요 성과는 다음과 같습니다:

83% 감소한 총 기록 사고율과 제로 잃어버린 시간 사고
• 2021년 이후 메탄 배출 밀도의 32% 감소
• 2021년 이후 온실가스 배출 밀도의 14% 감소
• 클린 에너지 기회를 탐색하기 위한 New Energy Ventures 그룹의 구성
• 초저탄소 e-Fuels 생산을 위한 Infinium과의 파트너십

이러한 성과는 2021년 이후 25% 증가한 천연가스 물량에도 불구하고 달성되었습니다. 이 회사는 배출량을 줄이기 위해 다양한 기술과 프로그램을 구현했으며, 여기에는 유압 시스템 개선, 압축기 전기화, 누출 감지 향상이 포함됩니다. Kinetik은 안전, 환경 책임 및 지역 사회 참여 문화를 촉진하는 데 전념하고 있습니다.

Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) a publié son Rapport de Durabilité 2023, mettant en avant des progrès significatifs dans les initiatives environnementales, de sécurité et de durabilité. Les principales réalisations incluent :

réduction de 83% du Taux d'Incidents Enregistrables et zéro incident avec perte de temps
réduction de 32% de l'intensité des émissions de méthane depuis 2021
réduction de 14% de l'intensité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre depuis 2021
• Formation du groupe New Energy Ventures pour explorer des opportunités d'énergie propre
• Partenariat avec Infinium pour la production de e-Fuels ultra-bas carbone

Ces réussites ont été atteintes malgré une augmentation de 25% des volumes de gaz naturel depuis 2021. L'entreprise a mis en œuvre diverses technologies et programmes pour réduire les émissions, y compris la modernisation des systèmes pneumatiques, l'électrification de la compression et l'amélioration de la détection des fuites. Kinetik reste engagée à promouvoir une culture de sécurité, de responsabilité environnementale et d'engagement communautaire.

Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) hat seinen Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 veröffentlicht und bedeutende Fortschritte bei umwelt-, sicherheits- und nachhaltigkeitsbezogenen Initiativen hervorgehoben. Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften gehören:

83% Reduzierung der Gesamtzahl der registrierten Vorfälle und null Ausfallzeiten
32% Reduzierung der Methanemissionsintensität seit 2021
14% Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionsintensität seit 2021
• Gründung der New Energy Ventures Gruppe zur Erkundung von Chancen im Bereich der sauberen Energie
• Partnerschaft mit Infinium zur Produktion von ultra-niedrigem Kohlenstoff e-Fuels

Diese Erfolge wurden trotz eines 25% Anstiegs der Erdgasmengen seit 2021 erzielt. Das Unternehmen hat verschiedene Technologien und Programme implementiert, um die Emissionen zu reduzieren, darunter die Aufrüstung der Pneumatik, die Elektrifizierung der Verdichtung und die Verbesserung der Leckageerkennung. Kinetik bleibt verpflichtet, eine Kultur der Sicherheit, der Umweltverantwortung und der Gemeinschaftsengagement zu fördern.

  • None.
  • None.

HOUSTON & MIDLAND, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Kinetik Holdings Inc. (NYSE: KNTK) (“Kinetik” or the “Company”) published its 2023 Sustainability Report (the “Report”), highlighting its sustainability initiatives, advancements and achievements throughout 2023. The Report provides a transparent and comprehensive review of Kinetik’s progress towards a safer, cleaner, and more reliable energy future and its continued commitment to sustainability and responsible corporate practices.

"2023 marks another year of milestones towards our environmental, safety and sustainability priorities,” said Jamie Welch, President and CEO. “Our commitment has enabled us to advance our initiatives including greenhouse gas emissions reductions, employee safety and well-being, community outreach, and additional clean energy business opportunities. Last year, we formed our New Energy Ventures group with a focus on evaluating projects to facilitate Kinetik’s role in the energy transition and have since announced our partnership with Infinium, an industry leader in the production of ultra low-carbon e-Fuels. We are excited about the road ahead to further decarbonize our footprint and mitigate environmental impacts. The ongoing support and guidance from our Board of Directors has also been integral to the success of our sustainability program. I want to thank our employees for upholding the highest standards of safety and asset integrity and fostering a culture of responsibility and reliability. Together, we can and will drive energy for change.”

Matt Wall, COO, added, “At Kinetik, we are results driven and strive to improve our performance year-over-year. We embrace new technologies and evaluate past performance to strengthen our safety and environmental programs. In 2023, we achieved an 83% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate over the prior year and had zero lost time incidents. Additionally, we made meaningful advances towards our long-term emissions goals. Amid a nearly 25% increase in natural gas volumes on our system since 2021, we have reduced our methane and greenhouse gas emissions intensities by 32% and 14%, respectively, over that same period. This was largely accomplished by upgrading natural gas pneumatics and pumps to instrument air, electrification of compression, a robust leak detection and repair program, aerial emissions monitoring, and advanced emissions detection technology. Our efforts and actions reinforce our commitment to our people, safety, the environment, and our communities.”

The 2023 Sustainability Report is now available and can be accessed directly at the link below and on Kinetik’s website.

2023 Sustainability Report

Kinetik’s 2023 Sustainability Report was prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the Energy Infrastructure Council (EIC) / GPA Midstream Association Reporting Framework.

About Kinetik Holdings Inc.

Kinetik is a fully integrated, pure-play, Permian-to-Gulf Coast midstream C-corporation operating in the Delaware Basin. Kinetik is headquartered in Houston and Midland, Texas. Kinetik provides comprehensive gathering, transportation, compression, processing and treating services for companies that produce natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil and water. Kinetik posts announcements, operational updates, investor information and press releases on its website,

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may include certain statements that may constitute “forward-looking statements” for purposes of the federal securities laws. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond management’s control. These risks and assumptions are described in Kinetik’s reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K and other reports. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which reflect management’s view only as of the date made, and Kinetik assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Kinetik Investors:

(713) 487-4832 Maddie Wagner

(713) 574-4743 Alex Durkee


Source: Kinetik Holdings Inc.


What were Kinetik's (KNTK) key sustainability achievements in 2023?

Kinetik (KNTK) achieved an 83% reduction in Total Recordable Incident Rate, zero lost time incidents, 32% reduction in methane emissions intensity, and 14% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity since 2021.

How did Kinetik (KNTK) reduce its emissions in 2023?

Kinetik (KNTK) reduced emissions by upgrading natural gas pneumatics to instrument air, electrifying compression, implementing a robust leak detection and repair program, using aerial emissions monitoring, and adopting advanced emissions detection technology.

What new initiatives did Kinetik (KNTK) launch in 2023 for clean energy?

In 2023, Kinetik (KNTK) formed the New Energy Ventures group to evaluate projects facilitating energy transition and announced a partnership with Infinium for the production of ultra low-carbon e-Fuels.

How much did Kinetik's (KNTK) natural gas volumes increase since 2021?

Kinetik (KNTK) reported a nearly 25% increase in natural gas volumes on its system since 2021, while still managing to reduce emissions intensities.

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