Ethisphere Names A. O. Smith Corporation One of the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies® for the Second Time
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), a leader in water heating and water treatment, has been named one of the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for the second consecutive year. The company is among just 12 honorees in the industrial manufacturing category, out of 136 total honorees across 19 countries and 44 industries.
The recognition is based on Ethisphere's Ethics Quotient® assessment, which evaluates companies through 240+ proof points covering ethics, compliance, governance, environmental and social impact, and value chain initiatives. Chairman and CEO Kevin Wheeler emphasized that ethics forms the foundation of A. O. Smith's business operations and daily values.
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), leader nel riscaldamento e trattamento dell'acqua, è stata nominata una delle Compagnie più Etiche del Mondo nel 2025 da Ethisphere per il secondo anno consecutivo. L'azienda è tra i soli 12 premiati nella categoria della produzione industriale, su un totale di 136 premiati in 19 paesi e 44 settori.
Il riconoscimento si basa sulla valutazione dell'Ethics Quotient® di Ethisphere, che analizza le aziende attraverso oltre 240 punti di prova riguardanti etica, conformità, governance, impatto ambientale e sociale, e iniziative lungo la catena del valore. Il presidente e CEO Kevin Wheeler ha sottolineato che l'etica costituisce la base delle operazioni aziendali e dei valori quotidiani di A. O. Smith.
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), líder en calefacción y tratamiento de agua, ha sido nombrada una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo en 2025 por Ethisphere por segundo año consecutivo. La compañía se encuentra entre los 12 galardonados en la categoría de fabricación industrial, de un total de 136 galardonados en 19 países y 44 industrias.
El reconocimiento se basa en la evaluación del Ethics Quotient® de Ethisphere, que evalúa a las empresas a través de más de 240 puntos de prueba que cubren ética, cumplimiento, gobernanza, impacto ambiental y social, e iniciativas en la cadena de valor. El presidente y CEO Kevin Wheeler enfatizó que la ética forma la base de las operaciones comerciales y los valores diarios de A. O. Smith.
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), 물 난방 및 처리 분야의 선두주자는 Ethisphere에 의해 2025년 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이는 두 번째 연속 수상입니다. 이 회사는 19개국과 44개 산업에서 총 136개의 수상 기업 중 12개 수상자에 포함됩니다.
이 인정은 Ethisphere의 윤리 지수( Ethics Quotient®) 평가에 기반하며, 이는 윤리, 준수, 거버넌스, 환경 및 사회적 영향, 가치 사슬 이니셔티브를 포함한 240개 이상의 증거를 통해 기업을 평가합니다. 회장 겸 CEO인 Kevin Wheeler는 윤리가 A. O. Smith의 사업 운영 및 일상 가치의 기초를 형성한다고 강조했습니다.
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), leader dans le chauffage et le traitement de l'eau, a été désignée comme l'une des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques du Monde en 2025 par Ethisphere pour la deuxième année consécutive. L'entreprise figure parmi les seuls 12 lauréats dans la catégorie de la fabrication industrielle, sur un total de 136 lauréats dans 19 pays et 44 industries.
Cette reconnaissance est basée sur l'évaluation de l'Ethics Quotient® d'Ethisphere, qui évalue les entreprises à travers plus de 240 points de preuve couvrant l'éthique, la conformité, la gouvernance, l'impact environnemental et social, et les initiatives de la chaîne de valeur. Le président et PDG Kevin Wheeler a souligné que l'éthique constitue la base des opérations commerciales et des valeurs quotidiennes d'A. O. Smith.
A. O. Smith (NYSE: AOS), ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Wasserheizung und Wasseraufbereitung, wurde von Ethisphere zum zweiten Mal in Folge als eines der 2025 weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen gehört zu den lediglich 12 Ausgezeichneten in der Kategorie industrielle Fertigung, von insgesamt 136 Ausgezeichneten in 19 Ländern und 44 Branchen.
Die Anerkennung basiert auf der Ethics Quotient®-Bewertung von Ethisphere, die Unternehmen anhand von über 240 Nachweis-Punkten bewertet, die Ethik, Compliance, Governance, Umwelt- und soziale Auswirkungen sowie Initiativen in der Wertschöpfungskette abdecken. Vorsitzender und CEO Kevin Wheeler betonte, dass Ethik die Grundlage für die Geschäftstätigkeit und die täglichen Werte von A. O. Smith bildet.
- Second consecutive recognition as one of World's Most Ethical Companies strengthens corporate reputation
- Among select group of 12 companies recognized in industrial manufacturing category
- None.
Company recognized for its commitment to robust ethics, compliance and governance programs
A. O. Smith has been recognized two years in a row and is one of only 12 honorees in the industrial manufacturing category. In 2025, 136 honorees were recognized spanning 19 countries and 44 industries.
"At A. O. Smith, ethics is the foundation of everything we do," said Kevin Wheeler, chairman and chief executive officer. "Being named one of the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies is a testament to our team's dedication to doing business the right way and living our values every day."
The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's proprietary Ethics Quotient®, which requires companies to provide 240+ different proof points on practices that support robust ethics and compliance; governance; a culture of ethics; environmental and social impact; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further qualitative analysis by a panel of experts who spend thousands of hours vetting and evaluating each year's group of applicants. This process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.
"Congratulations to A. O. Smith for achieving recognition as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies," said Erica Salmon Byrne, chief strategy officer and executive chair, Ethisphere. "Behind this honor is a true dedication and a commitment to advancing business integrity. This approach is good for business — employees and other stakeholders value companies that prioritize the kinds of practices we measure with our process."
To view the full list of this year's honorees, please visit the World's Most Ethical Companies website, at
About A. O. Smith Corporation
With over 150 years' experience, A. O. Smith Corporation, headquartered in
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