Results of Operations for the Year Ended December 31, 2023 - American Overseas Group Limited Announces Net Income Of $5.3 Million For the Year Ended December 31, 2023

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American Overseas Group reported a consolidated net income of $5.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, with an earnings per diluted share of $113.56, compared to a net loss in the previous year. The book value per weighted share also increased. Net earned property and casualty premiums saw significant increases for both the quarter and the year, along with fee income and gross written premiums. Operating expenses slightly rose, and the Company aims to reduce debt through capital management.

American Overseas Group ha riportato un reddito netto consolidato di 5,3 milioni di dollari per l'anno concluso il 31 dicembre 2023, con un utile per azione diluita di 113,56 dollari, rispetto a una perdita netta nell’anno precedente. Il valore contabile per azione ponderata è aumentato. I premi netti guadagnati per polizze danni e infortuni hanno registrato significativi incrementi sia nel trimestre che nell'anno, insieme ai ricavi da commissioni e ai premi lordi emessi. Le spese operative sono leggermente aumentate e la Compagnia mira a ridurre il debito attraverso la gestione del capitale.
American Overseas Group reportó un ingreso neto consolidado de $5,3 millones para el año finalizado el 31 de diciembre de 2023, con una ganancia por acción diluida de $113,56, en comparación con una pérdida neta el año anterior. El valor libro por acción ponderada también aumentó. Las primas netas ganadas de seguros de propiedad y accidentes experimentaron incrementos significativos tanto en el trimestre como en el año, junto con ingresos por comisiones y primas brutas escritas. Los gastos operativos aumentaron ligeramente, y la compañía tiene como objetivo reducir la deuda a través de la gestión del capital.
American Overseas Group은 2023년 12월 31일로 끝나는 연도에 530만 달러의 순이익을 보고했으며, 이는 주당 113.56달러의 희석 주당 수익과 전년대비 순손실과 비교되었습니다. 가중주당 장부가치 또한 증가했습니다. 순수득 재산 및 사고 보험료는 분기 및 연간 모두 크게 증가했으며, 수수료 수입과 총기록 보험료 또한 증가했습니다. 운영 비용은 다소 증가하였으며, 회사는 자본 관리를 통해 부채를 줄이려고 합니다.
American Overseas Group a rapporté un revenu net consolidé de 5,3 millions de dollars pour l'année se terminant le 31 décembre 2023, avec un bénéfice par action diluée de 113,56 dollars, comparé à une perte nette l'année précédente. La valeur comptable par action pondérée a également augmenté. Les primes nettes gagnées en assurance de biens et accidents ont connu d'importantes augmentations tant pour le trimestre que pour l'année, tout comme les revenus de commissions et les primes brutes souscrites. Les dépenses opérationnelles ont légèrement augmenté et l'entreprise vise à réduire sa dette par la gestion du capital.
Die American Overseas Group meldete einen konsolidierten Nettogewinn von 5,3 Millionen Dollar für das am 31. Dezember 2023 endende Jahr, mit einem Gewinn pro verwässerter Aktie von 113,56 Dollar im Vergleich zu einem Nettoverlust im vorherigen Jahr. Der Buchwert pro gewichteter Aktie ist ebenfalls gestiegen. Die Netto verdienten Prämien für Sach- und Unfallversicherungen verzeichneten sowohl im Quartal als auch im Jahr erhebliche Zuwächse, ebenso wie die Gebühreneinnahmen und die Bruttoprämienschreibungen. Die Betriebskosten stiegen leicht an, und das Unternehmen plant, Schulden durch Kapitalmanagement zu reduzieren.
  • Strong increase in net income for the year ended December 31, 2023
  • Significant growth in net earned property and casualty premiums for the quarter and the year
  • Positive impact on direct written premiums from new programs, rate increases, and organic growth
  • Efforts towards debt reduction through capital management
  • Increased Loss and loss adjustment expenses as a percentage of earned premium for the quarter
  • Slight increase in operating expenses for the quarter and the year

HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Overseas Group Limited (BSX: AORE.BH) (Pink Sheets: AOREF.PK) (“AOG” or the “Company”) today reported consolidated net income available to common shareholders of $5.3 million, or $113.56 per diluted share, for the year ended December 31, 2023. This compares to consolidated net loss available to common shareholders of $1.5 million, or $31.42 per diluted share, for the year ended December 31, 2022. Book value per weighted share at December 31, 2023 was $772.67, an increase from the book value per weighted share of $758.44 at December 31, 2022.

For the three months ended December 31, 2023, net earned property and casualty premiums increased $4.1 million from $5.1 million a year ago to $9.2 million. For the year ended December 31, 2023, net earned property and casualty premiums increased $9.3 million from $20.1 million to $29.4 million.

Quarter to Date fee income increased $1.7 million from $3.0 million to $4.7 million and gross written premiums increased $77.5 million, moving from $118.1 million to $195.6 million. Quarter to Date Loss and loss adjustment expenses as a percentage of earned premium increased from 82.2% to 85.4%.  

For the year ended December 31, 2023, fee income increased $4.8 million from $11.7 million a year ago to $16.5 million and gross written premiums increased $213.5 million, moving from $453.1 million to $666.6 million. For both the quarter and the year, direct written premiums were positively impacted by continued expansion of new programs, rate increases, and organic growth in existing programs. Year to Date Loss and loss adjustment expenses as a percentage of earned premium decreased from 72.1% to 69.2%.  

For the three months ended December 31, 2023, operating expenses increased $0.8 million from $3.0 million to $3.8 million. For the year ended December 31, 2023, operating expenses increased $0.6 million from $11.5 million to $12.1 million.  

As part of its ongoing capital management efforts, the Company will continue to redirect excess capital within the group to debt reduction unless other compelling opportunities present themselves.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains statements that may be considered "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include, without limitation, the Company's expectations respecting the volatility of its insured portfolio, losses, loss reserves and loss development, the adequacy and availability of its liquidity and capital resources, its current run off strategy, its strategy for writing other reinsurance businesses and its expense reduction measures. These statements are based on current expectations and the current views of the economic and operating environment and are not guarantees of future performance. A number of risks and uncertainties, including economic competitive conditions, could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in forward-looking statements. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements.

Information About the Company

American Overseas Group Limited is an insurance holding company incorporated in Bermuda and a tax resident of the United Kingdom. Its operating subsidiaries provide specialty property/casualty insurance, reinsurance and insurance management services. More information can be found at

American Overseas Group Limited

American Overseas Group Limited
Consolidated Balance Sheets
As at December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022
(dollars in thousands)
    December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
   Fixed-maturity securities held as available for sale, at fair value$132,600  $97,646 
   Equity investments held as available for sale, at fair value -   2,708 
  Cash and cash equivalents 56,854   32,212 
  Restricted cash 964   3,968 
  Accrued investment income 972   455 
  Premiums receivable 174,350   94,704 
  Deferred insurance premiums 219,828   132,602 
  Reinsurance balances receivable, net 348,930   248,234 
  Deferred policy acquisition costs 9,152   4,029 
  Intangible assets 4,800   4,800 
  Goodwill 33,050   33,050 
  Other assets 3,720   3,978 
   Total Assets$985,220  $658,386 
Liabilities and Equity   
  Loss and loss expense reserve$332,573  $253,886 
  Deferred commission income 6,878   2,661 
  Unearned premiums 230,123   137,929 
  Ceded premium payable 183,969   88,117 
  Payable to general agents 10,885   5,469 
  Funds withheld 136,471   99,409 
  Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 25,725   16,499 
  Notes payable 20,771   18,021 
  Non-owned interest in VIE 300   300 
  Interest payable 578   464 
  Deferred tax liability 648   - 
   Total Liabilities 948,921   622,755 
 Shareholders' Equity:   
  Common shares 4,698   4,698 
  Additional paid-in capital 189,179   189,179 
  Accumulated other comprehensive (loss) (3,454)  (4,240)
  Retained deficit (154,124)  (159,459)
   Total Shareholders' Equity 36,299   30,178 
  Non-controlling interest of preferred shares of subsidiaries -   5,453 
  Total Equity 36,299   35,631 
   Total Liabilities and Equity$985,220  $658,386 
  See Notes to December 31, 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements available on American Overseas Group Ltd. Website at

American Overseas Group Limited
Consolidated Statements of Operations
(dollars in thousands, except share and per share amounts)
    Three months ended December 31, Twelve Months ended December 31,
  Net premiums earned$9,248  $5,101  $29,351  $20,126 
  Fee income 4,693   3,007   16,540   11,693 
  Net investment income 273   122   829   263 
  Net realized (losses) gains on investments (53)  -   2,809   237 
  Other income 23   20   87   936 
   Total revenues 14,184   8,250   49,616   33,255 
  Losses and loss adjustment expenses 7,899   4,191   20,315   14,506 
  Acquisition expenses 2,560   1,573   8,939   6,342 
  Operating expenses 3,790   2,940   12,142   11,540 
  Interest expense 585   464   2,237   1,816 
   Total expenses 14,834   9,168   43,633   34,204 
Pre-tax net profit / (loss) $ (650) $ (918) $ 5,983  $ (949)
  Income tax (expense) (648)  -   (648)  - 
Net profit / (loss) before dividends (1,298)  (918)  5,335   (949)
  Dividends on preference shares of subsidiary -   (527)  -   (527)
Net profit / (loss) available to common shareholders$ (1,298) $ (1,445) $ 5,335  $ (1,476)
 Net profit / (loss) per common share:       
 Basic$(27.63) $(30.76) $113.56  $(31.42)
 Diluted (27.63)  (30.76)  113.56   (31.42)
 Weighted-average number of common shares outstanding:       
 Basic 46,979   46,979   46,979   46,979 
 Diluted 46,979   46,979   46,979   46,979 
See Notes to December 31, 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements available on American Overseas Group Ltd. Website at

American Oversea


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