American Oncology Network Appoints Charlie Goddard as General Counsel
American Oncology Network (AON) has appointed Charlie Goddard as General Counsel. Goddard brings over 15 years of legal experience in healthcare law, corporate governance, and compliance, with expertise in fraud and abuse prevention, data privacy, cyber security, dispute resolution, and high-stakes commercial transactions.
Prior to joining AON, Goddard worked at an AmLaw 100 firm and served as general counsel for a leading orthopedic surgery group. He is a graduate of Florida State University College of Law and is licensed to practice in Florida state courts and the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida.
AON's CEO Todd Schonherz and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Stephen Divers expressed confidence that Goddard's healthcare expertise will help navigate complexities while advancing strategic initiatives as the company continues its growth as one of the nation's fastest-growing community oncology networks.
American Oncology Network (AON) ha nominato Charlie Goddard come consulente legale generale. Goddard porta oltre 15 anni di esperienza legale nel diritto sanitario, nella governance aziendale e nella conformità, con competenze nella prevenzione delle frodi e degli abusi, nella privacy dei dati, nella sicurezza informatica, nella risoluzione delle controversie e nelle transazioni commerciali ad alto rischio.
Prima di unirsi ad AON, Goddard ha lavorato in uno studio legale AmLaw 100 e ha ricoperto il ruolo di consulente legale per un importante gruppo di chirurgia ortopedica. È laureato presso la Florida State University College of Law ed è autorizzato a esercitare nei tribunali statali della Florida e nel Tribunale Distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il Distretto Centrale della Florida.
Il CEO di AON Todd Schonherz e il Chief Medical Officer Dr. Stephen Divers hanno espresso fiducia nel fatto che l'esperienza di Goddard nel settore sanitario aiuterà a navigare nelle complessità mentre si promuovono iniziative strategiche, mentre l'azienda continua la sua crescita come una delle reti oncologiche comunitarie in più rapida crescita nel paese.
American Oncology Network (AON) ha nombrado a Charlie Goddard como abogado general. Goddard aporta más de 15 años de experiencia legal en derecho sanitario, gobernanza corporativa y cumplimiento, con experiencia en prevención de fraudes y abusos, privacidad de datos, ciberseguridad, resolución de disputas y transacciones comerciales de alto riesgo.
Antes de unirse a AON, Goddard trabajó en un bufete de abogados AmLaw 100 y se desempeñó como abogado general para un grupo líder en cirugía ortopédica. Se graduó de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Estatal de Florida y está autorizado para ejercer en los tribunales estatales de Florida y en el Tribunal de Distrito de EE. UU. para el Distrito Medio de Florida.
El CEO de AON Todd Schonherz y el Director Médico Dr. Stephen Divers expresaron confianza en que la experiencia de Goddard en el sector salud ayudará a navegar las complejidades mientras se avanzan iniciativas estratégicas, mientras la compañía sigue creciendo como una de las redes de oncología comunitaria de más rápido crecimiento en el país.
미국 종양학 네트워크 (AON)가 찰리 고다드를 법률 고문으로 임명했습니다. 고다드는 의료법, 기업 거버넌스 및 규정 준수 분야에서 15년 이상의 법률 경험을 가지고 있으며, 사기 및 남용 예방, 데이터 프라이버시, 사이버 보안, 분쟁 해결 및 고위험 상업 거래에 대한 전문성을 보유하고 있습니다.
AON에 합류하기 전, 고다드는 AmLaw 100 법률 사무소에서 일했으며, 선도적인 정형 외과 수술 그룹의 법률 고문으로 재직했습니다. 그는 플로리다 주립대학교 로스쿨을 졸업했으며, 플로리다 주 법원 및 플로리다 중부 지역 연방 지방법원에서 법 practice를 할 수 있는 자격이 있습니다.
AON의 CEO인 토드 쇼너즈와 최고 의료 책임자 스티븐 다이버스 박사는 고다드의 의료 전문성이 회사가 전국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 지역 종양학 네트워크 중 하나로서의 성장을 지속하는 동안 복잡성을 탐색하는 데 도움이 될 것이라고 확신했습니다.
American Oncology Network (AON) a nommé Charlie Goddard au poste de conseiller juridique général. Goddard apporte plus de 15 ans d'expérience juridique en droit de la santé, en gouvernance d'entreprise et en conformité, avec une expertise en prévention de la fraude et des abus, en confidentialité des données, en cybersécurité, en résolution de litiges et en transactions commerciales à enjeux élevés.
Avant de rejoindre AON, Goddard a travaillé dans un cabinet d'avocats AmLaw 100 et a été conseiller juridique général pour un groupe de chirurgie orthopédique de premier plan. Il est diplômé de la Florida State University College of Law et est autorisé à exercer dans les tribunaux de l'État de Floride et le tribunal de district des États-Unis pour le district du centre de la Floride.
Le PDG d'AON, Todd Schonherz, et le médecin-chef, Dr. Stephen Divers, ont exprimé leur confiance dans le fait que l'expertise de Goddard en matière de santé l'aidera à naviguer dans les complexités tout en faisant avancer les initiatives stratégiques, alors que l'entreprise continue de croître en tant qu'un des réseaux oncologiques communautaires à la croissance la plus rapide du pays.
American Oncology Network (AON) hat Charlie Goddard zum General Counsel ernannt. Goddard bringt über 15 Jahre rechtliche Erfahrung im Gesundheitsrecht, in der Unternehmensführung und Compliance mit, mit Fachkenntnissen in der Betrugs- und Missbrauchsprävention, Datensicherheit, Cybersicherheit, Konfliktlösung und komplexen Handelsgeschäften.
Vor seinem Eintritt bei AON arbeitete Goddard in einer AmLaw 100-Kanzlei und war als General Counsel für eine führende orthopädische Chirurgiegruppe tätig. Er hat an der Florida State University College of Law graduierte und ist lizenziert, in den Staatsgerichten von Florida und dem US-Bezirksgericht für den Mittleren Distrikt von Florida zu praktizieren.
Der CEO von AON, Todd Schonherz, und der Chief Medical Officer Dr. Stephen Divers äußerten Vertrauen, dass Goddards Fachwissen im Gesundheitswesen dabei helfen wird, die Komplexitäten zu navigieren und strategische Initiativen voranzutreiben, während das Unternehmen weiterhin als eines der am schnellsten wachsenden kommunalen Onkologienetzwerke des Landes gedeiht.
- Strengthened legal expertise with addition of 15-year healthcare law veteran
- Enhanced capability in fraud prevention, data privacy, and commercial transactions
- Strategic addition to support company's growth initiatives
- None.
FORT MYERS, Fla., Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Oncology Network (AON), one of the nation’s fastest-growing community oncology networks, today announced the appointment of Charlie Goddard as General Counsel.
“We are pleased to welcome Charlie to the AON leadership team,” said Todd Schonherz, AON’s chief executive officer. “Charlie has built an impressive legal career, and his healthcare expertise makes him a perfect fit for this essential role. His deep knowledge of health law will be invaluable as we continue to grow AON.”
Goddard brings more than 15 years of legal experience in healthcare law, corporate governance, and compliance. His expertise includes fraud and abuse prevention, data privacy and cyber security, dispute resolution, and the negotiation and execution of high-stakes commercial transactions.
“I am honored to join AON’s executive team,” said Goddard. “AON’s mission to make cancer care affordable and accessible in communities across the country is inspiring. I am excited to bring my expertise to the team, work collaboratively, and build meaningful relationships to drive positive outcomes for our patients and providers.”
“The healthcare landscape is constantly evolving, creating new opportunities and challenges that require the expertise Charlie brings,” said Stephen “Fred” Divers, MD, AON’s chief medical officer. “I am confident Charlie will serve as a valuable strategic partner, helping us navigate complexities while advancing our strategic initiatives.”
Prior to joining AON, Goddard held positions at an AmLaw 100 firm and served as general counsel for a leading orthopedic surgery group. He is a graduate of the Florida State University College of Law and is licensed to practice in all Florida state courts and the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida.
For more information about AON, visit
About American Oncology Network
American Oncology Network (AON) is an alliance of physicians and seasoned healthcare leaders partnering to ensure the long-term success and viability of community oncology and other specialties. Founded in 2018, AON’s rapidly expanding network represents more than 290 providers practicing across 21 states. AON pioneers innovative healthcare solutions through its physician-led model, fostering value-based care that improves patient outcomes while reducing costs and expanding access to quality care. AON equips its network physicians with the tools they need to thrive independently while providing comprehensive support, integrated revenue-diversifying ancillary services, and practice management expertise, enabling physicians to focus on what matters most – providing the highest standard of care for every patient. AON is committed to promoting health equity by addressing disparities in cancer care and ensuring that all patients have access to the care they need to achieve optimal health outcomes. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, AON is shaping the future of community oncology. For more information, please visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and YouTube.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Who is the new General Counsel at American Oncology Network (AONC)?
What experience does AONC's new General Counsel bring to the company?
How will the new General Counsel appointment impact AONC's strategic growth?